Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 39 The first week ended successfully

Suddenly feeling someone tap on his shoulder, Wright came back from thinking about the moonglass. Before he could see who it was, the person who tapped him on the shoulder was already sitting next to Wright.

"Little brother! Have you and Chang Chu had any conflicts these past two days?" She picked up a piece of strawberry pie from the table and put it on the plate in front of her, and brought over a glass of pumpkin drink.

"Senior Penello?"

That's right, the person sitting next to Wright was none other than the beautiful senior sister she met during the sorting: Penelope Clivat.

It is said that Wright and Penello have a good relationship. Since they are both Muggles, Penello still takes good care of Wright, his younger brother. Not only did she tell Wright about the relevant situation of the first-year course teachers, but she also gave Wright a map of Hogwarts Castle compiled by Ravenclaw students, with important places marked out in thin fonts. .

By the way, it was Penelo who told Chang Chu that girls could enter the boys' dormitory.

"What's wrong?" Penello looked at Wright with some confusion, "You don't recognize me after just a few days?"

"Of course not!" Wright quickly shook his head. He did not dare to ignore the power of a senior college girl, not to mention a powerful existence like Penello who even knew that girls could enter the men's dormitory and was suspected of being a female driver.

"Then why don't you answer my question? Are you having a conflict with Chang Chu?" Penello shook her long blond hair nonchalantly, then inserted a piece of pie with a dining knife and stuffed it into her mouth. As if he was choking, Penello poured another large mouthful of pumpkin juice into his mouth, and then exhaled happily.

Wright twitched the corner of his mouth. He didn't expect Penello to have such a bold and unrestrained way of eating. She was obviously a graceful lady when they met her at the sorting ceremony, so why did she become like this after not seeing each other for a few days.

As if noticing Wright's gaze, Penello blushed, and before she could explain, Wright spoke first.

"Chang Chu and I did have a little conflict," Wright said.

Penello immediately put the little embarrassment behind him and stared at Wright with bright eyes: "If you don't mind, can you share with me a little story about you and Chang Chu?"

Wright moved back a little without leaving a trace, ready to retreat at any time: "Senior sister, I think this little thing doesn't require your attention."

"It's okay, I love hearing about this!" Penello said, staring at Wright.

"What, senior, I seem to see someone looking for me!" Wright suddenly glanced behind Penello, "Yes, he waved to me! See you next time, senior!"

Before Penello could react, Wright quickly ran out of the auditorium.

There were no classes on Friday morning, but there were two potions classes in the afternoon. The teacher was Severus Snape, the famous dean of Slytherin House and the half-blood prince (self-proclaimed).

Potions class is held in a classroom on the basement floor of the castle. It is much colder than the auditorium above. There are full of bottles and jars placed along the wall, and they are placed in categories that make people tremble. Shivering taxidermy.

Wright walked into this underground classroom, mentally prepared to be made difficult by Snape later. After all, he had covered the Sorting Hat's mouth during the sorting, and the Sorting Hat had already shouted out half of Slytherin. As long as the brain develops normally, some people will think that this is a sign that Wright does not want to go to Slytherin, but some people think that this is a sign that Wright does not like Slytherin House.

A second before the bell rang, the headmaster of Slytherin slammed open the door to the Potions classroom. After walking quickly onto the podium, he turned around and faced the freshmen below with an expressionless expression. Like Professor McGonagall, Snape had the intimidating power to bring order to a classroom with little effort.

Without any introduction, Snape directly picked up the list and began to call names. But compared to Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick, Snape's voice was not loud, but like a pool of stagnant water, cold and hollow.

"Katie Bell."

"Arrived." The little girl replied tremblingly, her ponytail also trembling slightly with her body.

"Edica Mitchell."

"Arrived." This time it was Wright's classmate who answered nervously.

"Chang Chu."


Snape frowned, as if Chang Chu's angry voice made him feel a little uncomfortable, but he quickly continued to call names.



Soon the last student's name was called.

"Terry Travers."


After the names were called, Snape put away the student roster and threw it on the podium. After looking around the classroom for a week, he slowly spoke, but his words were a little warmer than before.

"You are here to learn the precise science and rigorous craftsmanship of potion preparation." Snape said in a soft tone, which made Wright's hair stand on end.

"Since there is no foolish waving of wands here, many of you will not believe that this is magic." Snape continued, "I don't expect you to truly appreciate the white smoke of the simmering cauldron. You don’t really understand the beauty of the fragrance wafting out, the liquid flowing into people’s blood vessels, the magical magic that makes people’s hearts wander and their wills blurred...”

Having said this, Snape paused and glanced at the students again.

"I will teach you how," Snape said with a hint of satisfaction in his tone, "to increase your reputation, brew glory, and even prevent death."

At this point, he suddenly changed the topic: "If you are not the kind of idiots I often encounter."

As if seeing the indifferent expression on Wright's face, Snape suddenly asked Wright: "Mr. Paz, what do you think of what I just said? I want to know that you rejected Slytherin College. What do you think of the new students?”

"No, no, I think what you said makes sense." Wright responded.

But to be honest, Wright still maintains his original idea. The three most valuable basic courses in Hogwarts are Transfiguration, Transfiguration, and Charms. Although Potions is a course that values ​​students' talents and can indeed play a huge role in life, Wright really doesn't see the value of Potions to him.

But Snape didn't seem satisfied with Wright's answer.

After asking a few innocuous questions, Snape discovered that Wright had probably memorized the entire book "Magic Potions and Potions" and even memorized most of "A Thousand Magic Herbs and Mushrooms" . He could only give up the idea of ​​making things difficult for Wright, and instead divided the students in the classroom into pairs and began to instruct them on how to mix a simple potion to treat boils.

This time the teammate Wright was assigned was not Chang Chu, but Eddie. For this reason, the somewhat absent-minded Wright received some criticism from Snape.

A few hours later, the two consecutive potions classes finally came to an end.

Wright also officially ushered in his first weekend at Hogwarts.

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