Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 40 The upcoming flying lesson

After everyone else in the classroom left, Wright slowly left the Potions classroom. This is one of the habits he has developed before. Unless there is a particularly important situation, he doesn't like to walk in a crowd with others. However, after meeting Chang Chu, this habit was forced to change for a long time.

But obviously, today is the same as the previous two days. The classroom is empty. No one is waiting for Wright to leave, and no one is pulling Wright to leave with others.

After dinner in the auditorium, Wright returned to the common room of Ravenclaw House alone. Just after answering Bronze Eagle's question, before Wright could return to the dormitory to summarize the week's situation, his attention was immediately attracted by the large group of students surrounding the notice board.

There was some noise around the notice board, and those around it were mostly freshmen who had just entered the college. Every child from the wizarding world was talking loudly about broomsticks, Quidditch, and everything else about flying, with some boasting about their flying experiences; while the students from the Muggle world were full of enthusiasm. Face listened to their conversation curiously, inserting some questions into it from time to time.

Wright had already anticipated what was written on the notice board. He walked to the edge of the crowd and stood on tiptoe to look over there. As expected:

flying lessons

Attention first graders.

Starting next week, first-year Ravenclaw students will have flying lessons with their Hufflepuff counterparts, during second period on Wednesday afternoons, in the open space in front of the Hogwarts foyer.

"Sure enough, it's a flying lesson!" Wright withdrew his gaze, "But will the flying lesson start in the second week? I thought it would be later. But that's okay, I guess it will start next Wednesday. I can make a flying broom, but I don’t know if it can fly smoothly.”

Wright didn't bother Chang Chu who was sitting in the corner of the common room. He saw her as soon as he entered the common room. Chang Chu was currently mumbling words with his eyes closed, holding a thick book in his arms. With his eyesight, Wright saw that it was "Thousands of Miraculous Herbs and Mushrooms".

Whether it was because of Wright's look or because she encountered some difficulties, Chang Chu frowned and opened her eyes, and she immediately noticed Wright looking in her direction. As if he didn't care, Chang Chu lowered his head and opened the textbook in his hand. After a while, he started to memorize the book again with his eyes closed.

Wright touched his nose. This was Chang Chu's attitude towards him in the past two days. It's neither cold nor hot, which is strange.

After saying hello to a few students he knew along the way and exchanging pleasantries, Wright finally returned to his dormitory. Then he walked straight to the big box placed in the corner of the room. It was originally Radice's Moon Dream Manufacturing Workshop, but now it has been renamed "Wright's Broomstick Workshop" by Wright.

Wright climbed down the stairs step by step from the entrance of the broomstick workshop. Yes, this was the way to enter the broomstick workshop and the suitcase he bought before. It’s just that the space of the broom workshop is much larger than that of the suitcase, and it is filled with tools for making broomsticks. What is particularly eye-catching is that there is a row of transparent storage boxes inside, and the boxes contain different versions of Moon Dreams from 1901 to the present.

After glancing at the row of transparent boxes, Wright walked towards the workbench placed aside. The table was now filled with scattered broomstick parts, which were the results of Wright's week. I started imagining it on Monday and made a first draft on Tuesday. By this morning, Wright had completed all the design-related issues. Now all that remains is to manufacture the broomstick and solve the problems encountered during the test flight.

But flying broomsticks are not Wright's current goal.

Wright took out the wand from the mok bag and pointed at the broomstick parts on the table. The parts were levitated into the air by the power of the levitating spell, and slowly floated to the nearby shelf.

Wright put away his wand and sat on the chair, and took out the notebook with the first grade plan from the mok bag. During his time at Hogwarts, Wright put all the items related to his personal projects in a mok bag and carried them with him. Whenever he needed to replenish them, he would go to the broomstick workshop to complete them.

In just one week, Wright already had a rough idea of ​​the ranking of the importance of on-campus courses.

The Transfiguration class needs to be focused on. Its dangers and practicality rank at the top of all Hogwarts classes. Wright still remembers Professor McGonagall’s warning in the first class; the Charms class must also be listened carefully. , Professor Flitwick's level was beyond Wright's expectation. I heard that it was Dumbledore who personally came to invite Professor Flitwick to teach at Hogwarts;

Then there is the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Wright is not sure how Professor Devont will train the first-year students in the next period, but after all, he has said before that the first-year and second-year students will be trained in the third period. Classes of different grades are held together, which means there will most likely be large-scale competitions between students;

Wright wrote down the words large-scale, student-level, and purple bald head in his notebook.

As for the Herbology class, Wright felt that he might need to dive for a long time. After all, there was a girl named Chang Chu who was having trouble with him. In the Potions class, just be yourself and don't provoke Snape, who didn't like him in the first place. .

As for the history of magic and astronomy classes, Wright rationally decided to just endorse them. Sometimes they could also be used to rest or study the content of other courses.

However, Wright frowned and continued to write in his notebook:

Generally speaking, Hogwarts does not feel like "the best magic school in the world" as Professor McGonagall said at the time, but rather has a somewhat vague positioning. Although most people in the British wizarding community automatically give a thumbs up when talking about Hogwarts, they still think the school is a bit weird.

First, the curriculum at Hogwarts is a bit like a middle school and a bit like a university. Generally speaking, the things taught to the students tend to be practical, such as potions class, potions class and potions class. It feels like giving a complete set of teaching materials to a Muggle high school student or student who has learned how to operate chemical experiments. A college student, with the corresponding supply of materials, can prepare any potion listed in the textbook.

Second, there are only three ways for teachers to check students' academic progress. The first is to see the level of students' magic in class, the second is to see the long paper homework after class, and the third is to take the final exam. , the others are completely gone.

This more or less made Wright feel a little bit pained. This is completely a university education. It’s no wonder that teachers prefer those talented students. After all, students without unique shining points are not even qualified to be noticed by teachers.

Thirdly, although this year’s Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher seems to be more reliable now, but next time, well.

After writing this, Wright stopped and then started to clasp his fingers.

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