Chapter 141: In the Quinjet
"Why are we in the artic?" He asked in a curious voice.
"Because my magic is about as unhappy as me at the moment," Harry answered. "so if…"
"So if it acts out then there is nobody here it will harm." He said as he looked around, they were surrounded by ice and snow and there was no sign of any life nearby.
"Why the fuck can't you leave me alone?" Harry demanded in an annoyed voice. "Why is this happening to me?! This isn't just the because of the Maximoff girl, why do I have to still see you?!"
"You are still so very angry." He sighed in a disappointed voice.
"Dumbledore, take your disappointed grandfather act and shove it up your backside." Harry growled as he looked at Dumbledore who looked just like how Harry remembered him. He was tall and thin, long silver hair and a beard so long that they could be tucked into his belt. He had a very long and crooked nose, half-moon spectacles and bright purple robes covered in a star design. "Why won't you get the fuck out of my head? I've already got Lestrange in here, I don't need your old ass free loading as well."
"Language, Harry." Dumbledore chided.
"Suck a cock, Dumbledore." Harry glared at him. "It's my mind and if I want to swear then I fucking will! What do you want?!"
"I think it's about time we have a talk, this unruly behavior has gone on far too long." Dumbledore said, shaking his head.
"I'm starting to notice a pattern here," Harry commented. "any wizard and witch who isn't in your pocket wants you dead. I mean between Grindelwald, Voldemort and myself, you have a habit of making powerful enemies."
"You are one to talk," Dumbledore said as he rolled his eyes. "tell me Harry, what are your plans?"
"You mean besides bringing you out of the afterlife just so I can send you back there in pieces?"
"Let's say that you help the Avengers stop Ultron, then what?" Dumbledore asked in a calm voice. "Do you think they will trust you again?"
"They're my friends, they trust me." Harry replied, unable to fully keep all doubt out of his voice.
"Do they?" Dumbledore raised an eyebrow. "You hurt them Harry, even Sif and the lovely Miss Romanoff."
"Keep their names out of your mouth!" Harry snapped, the wind around him speed up as bits of ice cracked while small pieces of snow rose up into the air.
"It's a simple question Harry, will they trust you now? Even Miss Stacy, who had been nothing but nice to you."
"And I have to live with that, I don't need you to remind me of it." Harry growled.
"Is this truly all you plan to do with your life, Harry?" Dumbledore asked in a disappointed voice. "Fighting? Battles? Wars? Do you think that's what your parents would want?"
"Shut up!" Harry shouted, his teeth bared and his green eyes shining brightly.
"Poor Lily," Dumbledore tutted. "your mother sacrificed her life so you could grow old, gain a wife and have children."
"Shut up!" Harry roared, his magic building.
"She'd be very disappointed in you," Dumbledore continued. "she died with the hopes that you would live to become a great wizard, not a warmonger. You were born at the end of a war, you spent most of your life fighting one and now what do you plan to do? Fight another war in this world? You are war, Harry."
"SHUT UP!" Harry shouted, his magic exploding upwards, destroying a large amount of ice including the ice that Harry was standing on. Harry fell through into the horribly cold and icy water, Harry shook his head and quickly flew out and into the air. He cast a wandless drying charm on himself, he looked around and saw that he had created a lake thanks to the amount of ice he had destroyed. Harry let out a tired sigh before his wand appeared in his hand, he waved it and repaired the damage. He focused on his occlumency shields and once he was sure he was fine he descended down and landed on the ice.
"Well… that was fun." A voice drawled.
"Oh fuck no." Harry said before he teleported away.
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