Chapter 142: A Bond Reaffirmed
Harry landed in the middle of a dessert, he cast some spells to see if there was anyone around, slim chance but it was possible. Once he was sure that nobody was around he span around and yelled towards the air.
"Alright! Show yourself! You snake faced bastard!" Harry bellowed. "Come on! You unwanted little cunt!"
"Honestly Harry," A voice replied from behind Harry. "such language, your parents would be disappointed."
"You're not the first person to say that to me today." Harry said as he turned around to see Voldemort standing in front of him. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised to see you again." Harry said as he looked at him with pure hatred.
"My dear Harry, it seems like you don't want me here." Voldemort smirked.
"Oh that's where you are wrong, I want you here for the sole purpose of actually beating the shit out of you. If you were here I would bring you to near death then I'd heal you and do the same until your mind breaks. And then when you're a broken husk of your former self, only then will I consider ending your suffering."
"My, my, such harsh words Harry." Voldemort chuckled. "You always were an angry young man."
"And whose fault do you think that is?!" Harry spat angrily. "My life was ruined along with countless others because you and your stupid fucking daddy issues! If it wasn't for you then…"
"If it wasn't for me then you'd be a nobody." Voldemort interrupted. "What would you be without me? A brat spoiled by his mother and father? A quidditch player? A teacher? A waste! It's thanks to me that you've reached your full potential!"
"I would have been happy!" Harry shouted. "I wouldn't have been tortured by your bitch Lestrange! I would've still had my parents!"
"Perhaps," Voldemort said in a calm voice. "or perhaps your father could have died in a natural accident after your second birthday, perhaps your mother could have died from dragon pox. Perhaps a magical accident would kill all three of you. The future is not a certain thing, Potter. Look at me for example, I had everything planned. Immortality, ruling the world but you stopped all that."
"And I would do it again!"
"I have no doubt you would," Voldemort replied. "Bellatrix called you 'chaos', Dumbledore called you 'war', I think you are both of those things, but you are also fury. Because that is what is inside of you, Potter. That is what you so desperately try to control, ever since coming to this world you have held back, because you know that if you ever stopped caring for these pathetic muggles then you could kill all of them. It would take you less than a day to bring down all of America, the Avenger's can't stop you, no matter how hard they try.
If you didn't insist on holding back your anger then you could be the ruler of all of these pathetic muggles, but you bottle it. Use it Harry! Like you did against me and my forces. My men feared your name even more than they did mine, why must you…"
"Alright, that's enough." A voice interrupted. Harry and Voldemort turned to face the owner of the voice.
"You!" Voldemort growled. "What are you doing here?!"
"Interrupting whatever the hell this shit is, now shut it nosey." The owner of the voice said as he walked over to Harry. "Hey kiddo." He smiled before pulling him into a hug.
"Sirius." Harry breathed as he felt his godfather hug him.
"I've missed you," Sirius smiled once he let go of Harry, he placed his hands on Harry's shoulders and looked him up and down. "you're looking good, kiddo."
"Debatable." Harry snorted, his eyes brimming with tears.
"I don't think I could ever allow myself to have white hair," Sirius commented, his vision locked on Harry's hair. "though I reckon I'd pull it off better than you."
"You're already pulling off grey hairs better than me." Harry smirked.
"What?!" Sirius yelped as his hands quickly went to his beloved hair.
"Well, isn't this sickeningly sweet?" Voldemort interrupted, reminding them both that he was here.
"Look, I am trying to talk to my godson, so why don't you just get lost?" Sirius asked in an annoyed voice as Harry wiped his eyes.
"Manners cost nothing, Black." Voldemort replied, glaring at Sirius and Harry.
"I'm sure they don't, now fuck off." Sirius responded.
"Why so serious?" Voldemort asked, anger evident in his voice.
"Why so nosey?" Sirius countered, a laugh escaped Harry's mouth before he could stop it and Voldemort's glare increased.
"Enjoy yourself while you can, Potter." Voldemort spat, "enjoy your moment with your godfather, I'll come back later, and make no mistake, I will be coming back." Voldemort said before he vanished out of sight.
"Prick." Sirius said as he shook his head, he turned back to Harry and smiled again. "Like I was saying, it's good to see you, Harry."
"You too, even though I'm pretty sure that you're not actually here." Harry replied, looking at Sirius who looked exactly like how Harry remembered him. Brown, short and clean hair along with a small brown beard, looking better than when he had escaped from Azkaban but not quite as good as he was when he was younger.
"By the way, before we say anything else I just want to say that I love the fact that you named your dog after me." Sirius grinned.
"I'm not good with names." Harry shrugged.
"No, you named him after me because you loved me," Sirius insisted. "don't deny it."
"I do admittedly love you, Merlin knows why, but I named Padfoot 'Padfoot' because I am bad at names and you just happened to have had a good name." Harry insisted.
"Oh, you're so cute," Sirius said as he pinched Harry's cheek. "my little tsundere."
"Shut it," Harry said as he slapped Sirius's hand away. "Sirius, please… what the fuck is happening to me?" Harry sighed. "My mind is more fucked up than it normally is and it is normally like twelve different levels of fucked up. I've got Bellatrix dancing around in one corner, Dumbledore preaching in another, Voldemort sitting in a chair and smoking from a cigar in the third and just some very loud screaming in the fourth."
"Well Harry… I don't really know for sure." Sirius admitted in a disappointed voice, he shook his head before brightening up. "But I am here for you now so we can both work it out."
"Sirius, I nearly killed my teammates." Harry reminded him. "I broke Cap's arm and Gwen's leg and I hurt Sif and Nat."
"Yes, I look forward to discussing the lovely women in your life in excruciating, painstaking detail but now is not the time." Sirius replied. "I know you're worried Harry, but let's just calm down and take a deep breath, yeah."
"Fuck breathing," Harry said in an irritated voice. "I want to know what's going on with me."
"Harry." Sirius sighed.
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