Chapter 177: Chapter 177
Because of the early night in the Granger household, even Hermione was down for breakfast with her folks that Thursday morning.
"Good morning, Princess," said her father, surprised to see her there. "Have a good sleep?"
"Yes, thank you," she was quick to reply. "I slept like a log."
Harry, as had now become his norm this past week and a half and everyone was used to it, had loaded himself up a large plate full of carbohydrates and protein and was quickly 'getting it into him'. As such, he was often quiet during almost the entirety of meal times now, as he wouldn't ever consider speaking with his mouth full.
Therefore, it was a good fifteen to twenty seconds before he swallowed what was in his mouth and gave her his own greetings. "Good morning, Hermione," he said.
As she'd chosen to sit next to him, she smiled, leaned over, kissed him on the cheek and replied, "Good morning, Harry. What's the plan for today?"
Her father only gave a slight frown at her actions but didn't say a thing. She'd come up with what she thought was a workable strategy and was employing an old metaphorical anecdote on him. She was using the 'Frog in the Pot' trick; slowly increasing the amount of public affection she was showing Harry and hoping he would sometimes return, to inure her father to seeing it.
Her mother had agreed with her it was a sensible strategy, but not to push it forward too fast.
Harry gave a shrug and replied, "I want to see if anything comes from Ted regarding documents I asked him to collect for me from the goblins regarding House business. I should be receiving them today. As Lady Presumptive for the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, you're allowed to know the gist of them, at least."
"Another thing covered by those family secrecy charms?" she asked.
"Pardon?" asked Wendell. "Lady Presumptive? Family secrecy charms?"
"Yep," replied Harry. "Part of the nature of the Betrothal Agreement means Hermione is now my spouse presumptive. As my House is a Noble one and I'm the Lord of it, that makes her the Lady Presumptive. As my House is also a Most Ancient one, that makes her, in total, titled the Lady Presumptive of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter.
"Formally, she is now known in the wizarding world as, Lady Presumptive Hermione Jean Granger of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black and the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter - or, is that the other way 'round?"
He shrugged and added, "I'll have to ask Sirius which way 'round those are supposed to go, but I think I'm right."
"Jeez-us!" Wendell quietly but vehemently uttered.
"As for family secrecy charms, there are matters known as family secrets," continued Harry. "To protect them, there are certain magics used to keep them secret. With magic accepting the Betrothal Agreement, Hermione can now see and remain aware of some of those related to the House of Potter. That Sirius is now her magical guardian means she can also now see and remain aware of some that are related to the House of Black."
"And if the Agreement is cancelled?" asked Monica.
"Then the information she will learn that are Potter family secrets she will forget," he replied. "The same for Black family secrets if the magical guardianship is cancelled. She will remember she once knew them, but won't remember what they actually are."
When the Daily Prophets were delivered, Harry shared his with Hermione.
One of the first stories they saw and read related to Dumbledore losing his bond with Fawkes.
"Oh, my!" exclaimed Hermione. "Apparently, it happened just after breakfast, yesterday. I wonder what happened for Fawkes to finally do it."
Harry thought he knew and grinned. "I think I know."
"Well?" she asked. "Are you going to share?"
"My response to his portkey-letter attempt to kidnap me would have arrived in that morning's mail bomb," he replied.
Hermione's eyes widened in surprise and she asked, "You think he read it, did something that finally had Fawkes decide he'd had enough and Fawkes severed the bond?"
"Yep!" he happily replied.
Hermione let loose with her clear tinkling laughter. "Oh! That's just precious!" And laughed out loud again.
"Care to share?" asked Wendell, amused. "What letter?"
Hermione thought, 'Mum must not have told Daddy about it.'
"I managed to get a-hold of a copy of the letter Dumbledore sent me that was that portkey," explained Harry. "In it, the old fool wrote about how he still considered me his friend, I was being disrespectful, I was placing you folks at risk by being here, I was placing myself at risk by being here, things like that. It was a letter sent with the intention to send me on a massive guilt trip and go running back to the safety of the castle, begging forgiveness.
"What Dumbledore has forgotten is that the 'Harry' he thought he knew was that persona I'd created as a façade to fool him. The real 'Harry' doesn't fall for those shallow tricks."
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