Harry Potter: The Witty Wizard

Chapter 176: Chapter 176

"Yeah," replied Scimitar. "That's news the 'big-wigs' are going to be right pleased about. It means ongoing research into blocking that form of magical travel can be scaled back for the time being. Thoughts on the BA?"

"It's a brilliant move," said their strategist. "It means the young knight's managed to turn the Bookworm pawn into a queen. It further protects him from her being used against him."





While Dumbledore thought he was putting up and projecting a good image for the student body, he was accomplishing anything but.

In the Slytherin common room the few remaining students, mainly first and second years who couldn't go home because their parent or parents were away overseas or similar, were paying attention. To outward appearance they were disinterested or just mildly amused. In reality they were approaching the point they were cheering Potter on.

They knew who was responsible for everything that was befalling Dumbledore. And they were in both surprise and awe at the Slytherin-like strategy and style the Potter Lord was employing to deal with the old man. But, now finding out from a senior year that the old man's phoenix had severed its bond with him over something Potter did to him? That was both information gold and left them all fearful Potter would turn his ire upon them next.

While the Slytherins were employing their cunning and sneakiness to acquire the information, the Hufflepuffs were gaining it through a different kind of sneakiness. They simply turned 'puppy dog' eyes on their targets of choice, made themselves look pitiful and harmless and said please - the evil little bastards. Their usual targets being the Ravenclaws or the staff.

When they found out what the old man had done to a lot of people, including their very own Pomona Sprout and Poppy Pomfrey, the loyalty of the badger brought forth its fierceness at an attack upon their own. Dumbledore now represented a clear threat to the Cete and needed to be dealt with before any other badger fell before him. Cedric Diggory managed to rally the Cete sufficiently to have those 'forced' to remain at the castle work together to gather information. 'Know Thy Enemy!' they now declared. And were, as one, cheering Potter on.

The Ravenclaws were simply so inquisitive and so embarrassed over the 'Lovegood Scandal', that they needed to do something to lift their image among the other Houses. No longer was Hufflepuff seen as the worst House to be in by the others but Hufflepuff; theirs was. So they began a campaign to lift the image of their House by offering assistance to the staff at every opportunity available to them.

Plus, the Ravenclaws were often approaching the remaining staff seeking something to study or read. And through contact with the staff, were asking for various pieces of information, here and there. The 'Claws weren't being subtle about it like the Slytherins either. They didn't believe in subtlety. That information was brought back to the Nest and collated. The image it was painting of Dumbledore had them all cheering Potter on.

In Gryffindor, the remaining members had fractured into three factions too small to be effective in any way. The first were those who at first hated Harry Potter for getting their Head of House and Headmaster arrested; then embarrassed when they found out what the two had done (or should have done and didn't) to him, others, or the school in general; then angered with both, but mainly Dumbledore, for making them believe in him when he never truly earned it. The second agreed with the first, but that didn't stop them from hating Harry Potter for bringing it all to light; while the first wanted to apologise to him. The third were those who always and still supported Harry Potter as they 'knew' he couldn't possibly have done anything wrong; and were now smirking at the other two in 'justified arrogance'. The third group also consisted of the small 'fanboy' and 'fangirl' contingent, of which Harry was aware and hated with a passion.

However, irrespective of all of the above about their fractured House, all three were united in one goal; Albus Dumbledore must be taken down. He was a remaining embarrassment to the House. To that end those capable of sneakiness used that ability, those capable of using their wiles used that, those capable of brashness used that and they all gathered information of their own.

It effectively meant that there was not one person in the school who was fooled by Dumbledore's 'public' behaviour and the false bonhomie and elder statesmanship he still tried to project. And, by that evening, everyone knew Fawkes had severed his bond to the old man and, likely, why.

Many owls were sent out to family and other contacts that day and evening. One even winged its way to Harry.




That evening at the Grangers was a quiet one and much welcomed by the residents. They all even managed to be in bed early.

Down in the servants' quarters, which the 'residents' rarely thought about now due to the magics employed on that part of the house to somewhat mask it, the third auror of the rotating detail was checking the ward monitors and alerts for any tampering - there was none.

The Grangers might have been horrified and deeply embarrassed at the sheer amount of remote magical monitoring that was going on but, to the aurors, what they didn't know about wouldn't embarrass them. Their task was to keep Potter and his now betrothed safe. However, there were no sight or sound monitors on the master suite or either Hermione's or Harry's. The only ones in any of the three suites were monitors to detect if there appeared anybeing or anyone besides them.

While the aurors on the protection detail wouldn't speak about personal details of Potter and the Grangers, things like Potter and the Granger girl entering into a Betrothal Agreement was not just a personal issue, but a security issue as well. That information was passed up the chain and modified orders came back down. Potter was still 'The Protectee', but had now been joined by Hermione Granger as 'The 2nd Protectee'. The teams immediately and accordingly adjusted.




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