Chapter 51: Destiny
Chapter 51: Destiny
The place was the Witch Queen's bedroom
April was still comatose.
In the meantime, Junk and September surely had to kill time somehow.
The way for them to kill time was to share September's massive and romantically comfortable bed.
The Halloween Queen seductively and patiently waited for him.
When Junk entered the room after having been invited by her, he was still human. He was still in his young man's form.
"Oh. There you are, my precious demon knight."
Tap! Tap!
She tapped on the bed.
Inviting and luring him closer.
He stepped closer.
Joined her.
"It's the first time I am ever in your bedroom."
"That's right. I'm content that the recent mission at cauldron prison went smoothly."
"It did," Junk shook his head.
"How was the warden?"
"Alright, I guess," he replied, scratching the back of his head.
"Better than me?" the Witch Queen cheekly asked him.
"I didn't say that…"
"Right. You know, I've been desiring you for quite some time now. Do you want me to give you a little treat?" September licked lips in anticipation for what was about to come, making them even wetter.
He shook his head again.
Of course, he accepted.
The brave young man moved close enough to her so the Halloween Queen could unpack her present, meaning that she intentionally pulled the boy's big, semi-erect, and throbbing member out of his pants along with his huge balls.
His cock was clean.
He was slightly soft.
However, he sure was hardening more and more as it was now out in the open.
September purred as she stroked it a few times, pumped his cock to make him hard and ready.
"So smooth. It feels so good in my hands," the Queen complimented it right before instantly inserting his member into her mouth and beginning to suck on it. Giving him the blow-job he had been deserving this entire time.
Junk had been craving his Queen so much lately that he erupted pretty soon during the blow-job.
"I'm cumming, September!"
He filled her mouth with one of the thickest loads he ever had in his entire life.
September had no choice, but to swallow his load.
Still generously hard for her, they moved into her bed and September lay on the side of her body, perfectly angled with her right leg sticking out in the air, pointed at the ceiling.
Still in his regular human form, stabbed September's tight and magical pussy with his huge dick!
"Ahn! Your cock is strictly the only one I have on my mind anytime of the day! Mhm!" The entire room was overwhelmingly filled with her constant moaning and erotic voice.
Even though it was becoming more and more clear that Junk was having feelings for her, everytime he made love to September, he did so in the most sloppy ways possible.
Making love to her incredibly hard and fast as if she was a whore, but she was a Queen.
The young man soon ejaculated deep in her, using her as cum dumpster.
"Ahn! I came so hard, September!" he confirmed to her, even though he truly didn't have to.
"I did too… I surely did…" she commented with her long tongue gushing out of her mouth, drooling all over her own breasts.
"How about we do it with your armor on, this time?" September requested of him.
"You want the demonic armor, huh?"
She shook her head.
It was yes.
"I see," he paused before closing his eyes, "Halloween demon armor!" he suddenly shouted within the sensual bedroom!
The demon knight armor was summoned!
He was now wearing it.
He changed in an instant.
A split-second later, Junk was on top of her, conquering the Witch Queen, taking her own in missionary.
Her thick thighs perfectly opened, she accepted and welcomed his demonic cock in her!
"Ahn! Yes! Yes! Yes! You are a hell of a demon and you're making your Queen very happy!" she announced to him as she couldn't stop moaning.
She's the woman I want to marry one day. I know that for a fact, now.
September was almost fully undressed now. The only pieces she still had on was her pointy witch's hat and her sexy high-heeled shoes. Everything else was off and were either lying on the bed next to them or on the floor.
"I want to impregnate you twice today, September!" Junk announced to her.
"Once without your armor and once with it on. I like that. Cum inside me! Deposit your semen all over the interior of my womb!" She encouraged him to do so.
God! I love her so much!
He unloaded his demonic balls right into her!
He filled it up nicely!
Cumming inside her twice in the same night.
Thrice if we counted when he came into her mouth, as well.
But he impregnated her twice.
"Ahn! My pussy is feeling like it is in Hell right now! And that's a great thing by the way! This is my second orgasm yet! Mhm!"
The next morning…
"Is she any better?" Junk asked September back in April's bedroom. She was still unconscious. She was still resting.
"The venom has almost completely left her veins, but she is still recovering. This transformation, she was subjected to, has made a big impact on her. We are fortunate she didn't die from this," she said.
"Thank you, God. I don't know what I would have done if we lost her to some stupid asshole such as that demon lord," he said.
"Not God, Junk. Not God," she cut him off, correcting him.
"What are you saying?" he asked her, not understanding.
"Don't thank God. Thank The Spirit of Halloween instead."
"What is that spirit of Halloween?" the Minotaur asked her.
"Honestly? Where do you come from again? Are you from this world at all? Everyone knows about The Spirit of Halloween!" She stood up in the bedroom and confronted the primal and stupid horned beast. He spent so long in that cauldron prison that he didn't understand everything about this kingdom… This world at all…
"You tend to forget that I spent most of my life in prison. Yeah! That same prison we visited together last night. That's where I spent most of my time. Where I wasted my life for the most part. And between the low education I obtained from the other prisoners there, which mostly was about murder and prison fight, and the torture we received from the guards, there wasn't much to learn there. And you also seem to forget that I don't remember anything about my life before prison," he shouted at her and defended himself as much as possible. Meanwhile, she circled around him. Passed him and prepared herself to get out of the room. She did so at the same time as she properly re-adjusted her jack-o-lantern breastplates on her chest and placed her skirt, which was a trail of leaves representing the various and beautiful colors of Autumn, on her back. She didn't say a single word. She was ready to go. The Minotaur turned to her.
"Where are you going?" he demanded of her. He didn't see that one coming. Did he hurt her by shouting at her like I just did?
"..." she once again didn't say anything. Her mouth shut.
"Are you mad because I shouted at you?" he asked her.
"I need to go out. That's all," she briefly mentioned to him.
"Where are you going?" he continued questioning her. She finally stopped on her way out of the room. She paused on the threshold. The door was opened. She had one foot out of the room.
"It's such a shame," she quietly said with her head down.
"What is a shame? The fact that I was in prison for so long?"
"No. Not that. The place where I want to go tonight. April would have loved to go with us as well," the Autumn witch admitted to Junk. The Minotaur was quite frankly pretty surprised to hear that he was apparently coming with her, so that was a shocker for him right there. At least, that probably meant that she wasn't mad at him for shouting at him as he did. That was a big relief for him.
"So, I'm coming with you too? Where are we going?"
"Yes. Truly a place where April would have loved to go to."
"Okay. Sure. But what is that place you are speaking of?"
"Me and you, Junk. We are going to a tavern tonight."
"We are? I didn't know this was the kind of place where you particularly enjoyed hanging, but I am not opposed to it," he said. Ever since the former Witch Queen mentioned the word: 'tavern', April's body began vibrating on the bed. The witch noticed it. The bull didn't. But her body was indeed vibrating. Shaking. Almost when someone has a fever or something like that which made their heart pump a lot faster. This was exactly what was happening to April.
"Have you ever been to a bar before, Junk?" September asked.
"Never! Like I said earlier! Spent most of my life in prison, so I didn't get the opportunity to accomplish much in my life."
"Alright. So, let's not wait here anymore. Let's go," September confirmed right before finally stepping out of the bedroom. Junk followed her closely. The Minotaur was right about to close the door of April's bedroom when he heard something from the interior of the room. Movements. And then, someone spoke…
"Hey! Wait up!" it was a weak and feminine voice that spoke.
"Um? April?" Junk re-opened the door of her bedroom. She was right there. Kneeling on her bed. With her fingers intertwined together. She was beginning. The Minotaur couldn't believe it.
"I heard that you were going to the tavern. May I come with you too?" she begged both of them to take her with them.
September smirked as she left in the corridor of the tower.
It always works… The Autumn witch thought to herself.
At the tavern not too from the Autumn Tower, the witch, the ranger, and the knight shared a table together. The type of trio you didn't hear being together too often. They were having fun. The Minotaur had a pint of beer for him alone. April had a mug of beer, which was more or less about half the size of what Junk was drinking. And September was drinking something completely different from what they did. She had a tall wine glass in front of her on the table. But it wasn't wine in it. Far from it.
It was apple cider.
"I can't believe that you are no longer sick, April," he said.
"I can't believe it either," she replied to him, chuckling.
"It always works like that with her. It always did," September mentioned.
"What always works like that?" he asked the witch.
"Booze always brings her back to life," she revealed to him.
"Really?" he asked her.
"No. But even though the venom had mostly left her body and that her health was back, she was in a temporary coma. It's not the first time that I mentioned the word: 'tavern' and that she came back from a long sleep. It's the first time it works while she's in a coma, though," she explained to him.
"I see…" the Minotaur said before drinking more beer.
"So, guys, why did I miss while I was out?" April asked them.
"What is the last thing you remember exactly?" Junk asked.
"I remembered that we fought outside the tower, and then I went into the woods to clear my mind a bit. It sort of worked, but then the demon lord ambushed me and took me with him. He tried making me his bride… He tried…" she said, shaping quotation marks with her fingers. "He injected me with his venom, and then I blacked out," she continued.
"You don't remember anything after that?" Junk asked. For a simple beast such as a Minotaur, this was something relatively pretty difficult to understand or swallow. With everything that happened after Araknar had been vanquished and that the woods surrounding the tower were set ablaze, there was a big confrontation between him and her. She had changed. Completely. Fortunately for her, she was back to her normal self now. Perhaps it was better not to tell her what happened after the last thing she could remember.
"Nope. Nothing at all. I'm trying to, but the venom must have been too strong, and I slept the entire time. That's what happened? Right?" She was personally convinced of it, but she wanted to make sure first. So, she turned to the witch and the knight.
"Well…" it was pretty tough for the Minotaur to keep his mouth shut. He truly thought it was better not to tell her, but he was fighting not to tell her more. Telling her how she had turned into a demon lord in her own rights and came close to takeover Araknar's army. If Junk hadn't stopped her, she would have stayed that way.
"That's exactly right!" the Autumn witch responded to her. Interrupting Junk at the last second before he could say anything that would be a bit too soon for her. The former Witch Queen was being careful. That was all. Junk understood that right away after he was interrupted by her. He shut his mouth. "Concerning what you missed when you were out, well, quite a bit, but I don't know where to start to be honest with you," September remembered the things they had to do to take the tower back. The battles. Those were the things she personally remembered the most. However….
"She finally fed me when the combat with Araknar was all set and done!" Now it was Junk's turn to interrupt her. He raised his huge buck of beer in the air and shouted it as long as he could.
"Oh, so, it had been a while since the last time she gave you her milk, Junk?" April turned to the Minotaur and realized what had happened while she was not there, for all intents and purposes.
"That's the first thing that comes to your mind?" September mentioned to him with her head down. She couldn't actually believe that this was the first thing he said. Not only said, but shouted for all the other people at the tavern to hear. Leaving a lot of them blushing as soon as April mentioned her milk. They were not discreet at all.
"The first thing that came to my mind. But yeah, April. It had been like forever since she gave me her milk. I truly thought I was going to pass out and die at that moment," he told her the truth.
"September! Why did you wait so long before giving it to him? He just said that he came this close to death? Why?" she asked.
"It's a long story, but I was out of mana. Completely. I couldn't do anything about it. The battle against Araknar was much worse than I thought it was going to be," she explained to her.
"I cannot wait to get more milk. It tasted so good," Junk said, as he could imagine what it was like again on the hot spring level of the tower. Sucking on her big titties while bathing in the warm water.
"Okay! So, what else happened while I was in my coma?"
"We secretly infiltrated ourselves in the cauldron prison where Junk used to be kept in," September broke the news to her.
"Really? Gosh! I wish I had gone with you!" she yelled out.
"Chances are that this is something that you are going to get to do at some point," the Minotaur reassured her pretty fast.
"Why is that?" the elvish ranger was dying to know.
"Unfinished business there. We are keeping tabs on the warden. There is a lot more to be done over there," he responded.
"That's right…" the Autumn witch agreed with him. Everyone took a sip of their drink. Junk and April drank more beer, while September had more of her apple cider. They drank a lot.
"Don't drink too much beer, you too. We are not sleeping here tonight. We must continue voyaging as soon as we finish our drinks. I don't want to have to carry the both of you out of here because you are drunk or something," September scolded them both.
"You can talk, what do you have in your glass?" April confronted her. Casually. Friendly.
"Apple cider."
"Is it alcoholized?" Junk demanded her.
The Autumn witch smirked. Didn't say anything about wherever or not it was alcoholized. She continued drinking.
"It might not be beer, but she is drinking. Just like us," April pointed out while giggling and smiling. Everyone was having a blast at the table.
However, outside the tavern, it was something completely different, to say the least. There was another storm brewing in the air.
Lord Monsoon wasn't through with them yet.