Harvesting The Witch Queen

Chapter 52: Carving

Chapter 52: Carving

The adventure continued, but not in the ways one might expect. 

Instead of progressing and moving forward on their journeys, the trio formed by a brawler, a ranger, and a witch constantly had to stop on their road. They had to stop because April couldn't stop asking Junk to fuck her. Ever since she came out of her coma and had gotten better, she had been craving Junk's dick over and over again. 

"At least this means that you are going to be producing more monsters since you are feeling better, April," the witch told her because she had to stop as well on the road. Wait for them to be done copulating. Her arms crossed together. As it typically was the case with her. It was still nighttime. The three of them had recently come out of the tavern and stopped multiple times to fuck that night. This was the fourth time they stopped. It felt as if there was no way that this was ever going to stop. The Minotaur was too horny for April, and his balls were always vibrating at the idea of savagely banging her again. The same thing could have been said about his dick. It was throbbing so much that it looked like it was enchanted or that it was being possessed by some kind of entity. Meanwhile, the elvish beauty was quite literally in heat. She couldn't get enough. Spending so many days in her coma was the kind of rest she needed to purge her body from any evil things that the demon lord had done to her. Now, her body and soul were revitalized, she almost felt like a virgin again. But that could possibly have been because that she was no longer carrying any monster inside of her body. She was freed. For the time being, anyway. Junk was nearly certain to change this remarkably soon. 

"Speaking of which, Sep, what happens to the souls after we birth them?" the elvish girl asked her. 

"You know that, right? We collect them. You pushed it out of your body while you were still in your coma. We collected it. Shelved it. You have nothing to be worried about, other than you can breed again and carry more demon souls from Junk." 

"Well, that's good! That makes me so happy to have my womb empty just so Junk can fill me up again!" 

April paused.

"I wonder if we can meet these demon souls?" April asked. 

"I highly doubt that," the Autumn witch stopped her with. 

"Oh. Why is that?" she asked her, confused and worried. The first time that Junk and April had sex since they left the tavern earlier that night was raw and quick. The Minotaur penetrated her tight and wet pussy and fucked her as fast as he could. Emptying his heavy balls inside of her in a pinch. The second time they stopped, it was more about sending the cleanup crew down to his crotch. There was some leftover semen that had persisted and remained a little all over his dick and his balls. They smelled at some point on their journey. April then went down on her knees and cleaned up. As good as she could. It then ultimately ended up in a nice, but sloppy blow-job. The Minotaur came inside of her. The third time they stopped, the horned beast felt like treating the previously sick girl a bit and sucking on her big titties until she had a massive orgasm. He then topped everything by eating her out. She had another orgasm then. The beast treated her right. 

But now, the fourth time they stopped, now, it was time for something a little different. April's tits didn't receive anywhere near as much love and attention as they should have been when she was recovering. Junk had been hoping to fuck her breasts for the past days so much that he could barely contain himself. April was squatting on the side of the road while the Minotaur towered over her. His big dong perfectly placed between her generous elvish rack and move back and forth as much as he pleased. April always kept a straight face when staring at her beast right in the eyes. Smiling. Blushing. Enjoying herself. She couldn't stop staring at him in the eyes.

"Sep? You didn't reply to my question? Why would it be better for me not to meet the new demon souls I gave birth to?" she asked.

"It's just that it is too dangerous. Way too dangerous, in fact. I don't want to be running the risk of having them hurt you. Understand?"

"No. I don't understand. It was never something you were worried about in the first place with any of the other souls I gave birth to from Junk? So, tell me, why now?" she demanded her as she continued titty-fucking her precious beast. Massaging his cock with her big and soft breasts had for effect to cause him to grunt a lot. He wasn't exactly moaning, although, sometimes, it came close to it, he was definitely enjoying himself and wasn't paying too much attention to the conversation the two girls were having.

"You are making a mistake thinking that. The other souls you had were monsters. This one is not. However, now that Junk has evolved as a demon knight, these souls are much more demonic and chaotic in nature. They are so violent and aggressive that I had to personally banish one of them to the highest floors of the tower. He is locked away. He won't be able to come out. Better leave him."

"Isn't that the exact thing you said about the hobgoblin we had to defeat you the other day?" it turned out that the Minotaur was in fact listening to their conversation a bit more than the dark mistress thought he was. She wasn't surprised, but she did think that he wasn't listening to them first. Not that it was required for him to do so.

"The hobgoblin was a one-time incident. A one-timer. I left too early and Junk and you had to defeat him. That's him." 

"Let's pray it never happens again then," April mentioned. 

"Since you were listening to our conversation, Junk, you can apparently keep up with one even while fucking a pair of breasts, which is nice… There was something I needed to tell you about."

"What is it, my witch?" he asked her as he continued fucking April's soft titties. He could do this forever. It was calming him down. It was so soothing that he could do this to fall asleep. And since it was so late and dark outside, he could easily fall to put himself to sleep by keeping at it and never stopping to push his dick between her boobs. 

"We've got to continue your training," she mentioned to him.

"Which one?"

"Your cultivation training," she reminded him.

"I thought we were done with that thing," he replied.

"What are you even saying? We are not even close to being done. We barely began last time," the witch couldn't believe what she was hearing. And there, the Minotaur was thinking that he no longer had to do any form of training. He was dead wrong, to say the least. 

"Well, can it wait or something? I'm sort of busy with April over here," the Minotaur mentioned to her as he continued thrusting his cock back and forth between her soft, elvish breasts. 

"Why should I even care? You are not even inside of her vagina. You are not even helping our cause. You two are just screwing around," the Autumn witch wasn't exactly angry or anything like that. She was more disgusted that her new warrior wasn't so interested in being part of more training. She nodded and frowned. 

"But I came inside of her earlier, witch," Junk reminded her, arguing with her. The Minotaur wasn't exactly the smartest member of the squad. Having the witch confusing her was making this even worse for him. Now, it wasn't even enough to come inside of April once? She was going to get pregnant for sure. Junk's loads were just that powerful and concentrated. There was nothing to be worried about. April was in her breeding prime as well. She always became pregnant when someone or something ejaculated inside of her. 

"It's true! He came inside of me earlier! Not too long after leaving the tavern. You don't have to be worried about anything. I'll definitely get pregnant from the intense cum-shots Junk left inside of me," April said with a huge smile and a pink blush on her face.

"I'm not worried at all. It's not the point. The night isn't that young. We have to get somewhere important for the sake of your cultivation training," the Autumn witch repeated to him again.

"Fuck. I'm really beginning to hate this freaking word: 'Cultivation'. What does it even mean? I don't want to learn anything at this point. I got a set of armor. I got an ax. What else do I need?" 

"Fine. You don't like that word, huh? You don't like the word: 'Cultivation' to describe the art of magical training, It's okay. It's an old word that isn't that used anymore to describe what I want you to learn, Minotaur. Some people call it: 'Harvesting'. And I need to become a decent: 'Harvester'. Fast," the former Witch Queen said. Every time she talked. Every time she spoke a single word, Junk was attentively listening to her. Partially because of the nature of the content of things she was talking about, but primarily because of how seductively and sexily she said every single word she pushed out of her mouth. It turned him on on top of being aroused by April herself. 

"Harvesting? Harvester? What the hell is this? Do you want me to become a farmer or something? Is that what it is all about? This would explain the floor with the pumpkin patch in your tower," the Minotaur replied to her with nearly nothing positive to say.

"This has nothing to do with becoming a farmer. Trust me."

"So, you want me to continue fucking a creature woman made of pumpkin skin for what exactly again?" he asked her. 

"That's right! You had sex with a pumpkin woman!" April was reminded of. She had completely forgotten that was a thing. 

"Don't tell me you didn't enjoy it. If you tell me to say, I'll know you are lying to me, Junk. All the men and monsters who had the opportunity to meet a pumpkin soul like this came out of it changed quite a bit. I'm convinced you changed quite a bit as well."

"I'm not certain of anything, witch. Oh, fuck! I think I am going to come again, April! This is it! Another load for you! This one, I want you to have it all over your face!" The Minotaur changed the subject of conversation quite radically when he felt that he was going to ejaculate one more time on the side of the road during this calm night. April was so in love with cum that she quickly opened her mouth wide as soon as she heard that he was going to ejaculate again. "You just opened your mouth? You know what? That works too," he said to her as he continued thrusting between her elvish titties and shot his load all over the exterior of her face and the interior of her mouth. There was fresh and warm cum a little everywhere. Naturally, a lot of it had dripped down all over her breasts as well. 

She was covered. 

She had been 'bukkaked' by one cock only. 

"Thanks for this massive load, Junk," April thanked him. 

"No problem," he was panting.

"Good. You're done," September smirked, visibly pleasantly happy with the final result for this additional load. "Now that you unloaded yourself, we will be able to discuss more harvesting and the next step in your training," the witch told him.

"Which is?" 

"Carving" she revealed to him.

"What the fuck is that now?" 

"The ability to 'carve' AKA forge anything you want."

"Why would I want to do something like that?"

"What if you were disarmed…" she told him.

"What?" Then, without him seeing anything coming, the Autumn witch teleported herself on the side of the Minotaur, swiftly robbed the battle ax he was carrying on his back and moved one of the two blades right under his neck. Threatening his life. 

"What if you were disarmed and that you had nothing else to battle with? What would you do?" September asked him. 

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