Chapter 33: c33
Conclusion of Negotiations
-Poniente. Asgard. Winterfell-
-Stark Personal Training Camps-
Harry stood calmly on the training grounds as he looked at his children and Rhaenys. The last week had been intense to say the least. It turns out that good old Petyr, despite being warned that it was basically and essentially better for him not to screw anything, tried to get his nose into things, tempting people and much more.
He and Ashara as well as Elia and Shelia had debated how to deal with him. Killing him was a great gentleman, no. Despite how incredibly tempting it was to kill him since the guy was a scumbag. However, they realized that Petyr was an opportunity. A way to use it to make sure the South went down in the worst way possible.
Thanks to their spies they knew that Petyr had been getting especially close to people who many would essentially take for granted. Staff members and much more. Of course if he were a normal person that might have worked…maybe. Not that it was possible thanks to contracts.
After that they had approached the different men and women and told them to agree to send information that they would provide. Who were they to deny them a pay extract in the form of Petyr's money? Apparently the man was taking the gold from what was the kingdom to finance his spy network and his brothels.
The men and women were at one point worried. What would happen if they told the man valuable and useful information for him to use? They were naturally worried about it. Or at least they were until Harry informed them that all the information they would get for Petyr would be from them.
They had also observed the man approach the members of the hacienda present. He wanted to get an idea of the economic potential of his kingdom. This is where they already cut off the tap and let it be known that they would not tolerate any further progress with the man, in this case if he willingly sold the information he would simply disappear.
Petyr seemed to think it wise to stay away then. The man seemed to realize that they potentially suspected him of something and obviously he didn't want to lose the spy on him inside the palace. Was it bad that he didn't get information about what his financial capacity was? Yeah. But the spies in the palace could be useful.
Harry had no illusions. This man hoped and longed to get his hands on his wealth and much more. In fact you didn't have to be a genius to know that the guy in question was hoping to be able to take advantage of them in some way. Maybe even use them as assassins or at least collaborators. The guy was gliding forward.
This week it had also been noticed that Petyr was very detailed and observant. He had tried to somehow observe things as they were done in the city. Get an idea of his structure and see if there were any weak points that he could take advantage of. The man was far from being an idiot. But he also noticed that he took note of the different members of the security force.
Harry knew the reason. The man was known to possibly be the one who controlled the gold cloak network. The members who were supposed to maintain order in their capital. He had heard about the level of his corruption and much more. If he had been there, well, let's just say that the gold cloaks would have had much fewer members than normal.
However, he had noticed that if there was anyone close to Petyr, it was a member of the Karstark family. The man was an ever-present envoy. A member of the cadet branch of house karstark. Since they made it possible for the house in question to produce silk, their wealth had always been impressive.
I don't need to be a genius to know that Petyr was manipulating and deceiving the familiar. And from the beginning he sent an owl (better than crows and more elegant) to Rickard to inform him that a southerner seemed to have gotten his paws on one of his cousins and that it was best to keep his guard up.
He knew that Rickard was one of the lords who had certain opinions on what was essentially how things were done in Asgard. He thought that the nobles had more rights. And there were even rumors that he was trying to get certain rights back on track. The good news is that for the moment he remained calm.
Was there a possibility that he would betray him? The sad reality is that yes. Despite being fucking family and assuming that they should support each other, Rickard was a northerner with fixed ideas, believing certain things and looking down on many of the advances he had made to bring wealth to his kingdom.
It didn't help that Rickard feared (and rightly so) that he was slowly trying to take power away from the lords and control it himself. The legions were martial control the bank was economic control. And education was getting everyone on their side. In the end he he he was truly taking control of the entire kingdom.
Harry knew Rickard couldn't stand it. But the so-called alliance of neutral houses faded a long time ago courtesy of the fact that the remaining houses were happy with their lives and well, none of them wanted to face a fate similar to House Ryswell and House Bolton. They seemed to think that he could do the same or worse to them.
Rickard's confidence came from the fact that killing him would mean becoming a relative killer. He thought that he wouldn't lay a hand on him and that he wouldn't have any problems. If only he knew that he was more than willing to send him to the mines and be done with it he would only mock what was possibly the man's short-sighted way of thinking.
Frankly your take on the whole thing is that Rickard karstark would have to be dealt with. She wasn't a loss and if his children turned out to be half as shitty as he seemed to be they would be treated as well. He would not tolerate ruptures at the point of what was the fighting strength of his kingdom.
But now he had a class to attend to, namely his son Cregan armed with a wooden sword, his daughter with a staff to resemble a spear, and little Rhaenys wielding a whip. Yeah. The three of them were facing him in combat because he wanted to test them and see his qualities.
''sword close to the body. It's a gun, not a bat. If I see you using it like a tube or anything like that I'll take it off and tan your butt with it Cregan.'' Harry looked at his son. He knew his son was starting so he didn't blame him for it but seeing the way he held his sword bothered him.
Cregan paled and immediately put himself in a better posture if he had to at least say so. From what it seemed like Cregan was now holding the sword steady and close to his body, although it was not an exaggeration. There was still time to train the young fighter.
''And your lady, don't think that I don't pay attention to you. You are handling a spear so put your hands in the proper combat position and keep your legs apart and not too close together. "You want mobility, not standing still like a duck." Harry now shot a glance at his little girl who was obviously now looking at him worried.
Belladonna wasted no time before he set his legs properly. His father had a love of teaching the hard way which meant that if he had kept his legs together there is a good chance he would have ended up smashing his ass on the floor from some movement.
'' seem to be fine. But remember, most whips are weapons not for killing but for capture. We'll have to see if we can make you a custom weapon that can be used as a whip-shaped weapon.'' Rhaenys was handling the weapon more or less well but well it was the easiest.
Rhaenys nodded in agreement, more or less satisfied with what it was like to be told she was doing more or less well. Looking at his weapon which was a whip she felt good knowing that she wasn't fucking him wrong and that his posture wasn't bad. She shuddered for a moment thinking about how bad it could be to be punished.
''Now...don't waste your time and attack me, all three of you. "I want to see them moving against me." Harry took his weapon which was a wooden sword and got into position. He didn't have to wait long until his son arrived with the sword and tried to hit him.
''good initiative. But in battle, going ahead to fight is stupid and wasteful. Don't go after them, let them come after you. Set the pace. Control the situation." Harry confronted his son a couple of times and was surprised when his son used magic to improve herself to confront him.
Cregan growled. Pushing her magic throughout her body he moved and hit severely. She was surprised, although not completely, that her father endured the blows as if it were nothing. He tried to feint but his father knew at all times where he was going and where he was going with the attack so she was there waiting for him.
''good intention. Look for your opponent's weak points. Hit it from all angles. Don't give him a measly chance in hell. Just make sure he's bleeding on the ground and you're standing.'' Harry smiled as he watched his son defend himself against what were his attacks and try to create an opportunity.
Cregan surprised him again when he tried to hit a sweep shot. But that meant he stayed open and placed the sword on his neck showing that he was dead. Cregan grimaced because he knew it was his loss. But his father just smiled about it as he looked at him.
''It wasn't bad at all. You did it incredibly well and developed it in a way that you could essentially say you were looking to set me back. Just remember that taking risks alone is something you can afford...when you're alone in a fight.'' Moving quickly he blocked the entrance of his daughter with his sword.
''Wow, we have a little sneak here. What a heartless person, instead of launching an attack at me when I gave you the opportunity, you decided to launch an attack when my back was turned and trying to go unnoticed.'' Harry wouldn't say it but he was happy with his daughter for her great work.
''You taught us to take advantage of numbers, to take advantage of advantages and to jump ahead of opportunities. Besides, weren't you the one who said that it's only dishonorable if the other side lives to tell the tale?'' Belladonna smiled at her father who looked at her for a moment before smiling at her exact words.
''It is no less true. But if you had really wanted a chance you should have attacked with your brother. Wouldn't you have a better chance of fighting if you are fighting according to your own brother?'' Harry smiled at his daughter, glad that she had approved of him on the matter.
''Cregan wouldn't have allowed it. He has this interest in challenging you and beating you. Stupid if you ask me, but according to Mom, all men are like that, blinded by their personal goals and all that shit.'' Belladonna laughed at the look of her brother who yelled at her that he wasn't like that just to earn a smile from her father.
''Yeah. That's how we all are in this family. Stubborn and incapable of realizing when we are fucking overmatched. Keep it up little girl. She takes advantage of sneak attacks. "You don't think that in a fight you're actually playing a game, it's just a fight." Harry would have said more but he jumped back when just then the whip hit where he was standing.
''I'm sorry to say Uncle Harry but I don't agree with you essentially ignoring me in favor of Cousin Bella. So prepare to take your blows like a man.'' Rhae was moving the whip so that the crack of impacts could be heard at that moment that promised great pain.
''It never crossed my mind what it means to turn your back on you. The two of them confronted me using the whip and the spear...very good strategy. Cregan learns. When you do not have the power to fight for yourself, seek to cover all bets.'' Harry smiled at his son who just gave him an annoyed look.
Belladonna wasted no more time as she rushed forward without a second thought, moving at considerable speed and using her spear to strike. Unfortunately for her her father's precognitive abilities were only above what she could do which was a great pain.
Rhaenys however was there to cover her friend using the whip as an attack weapon. He tried to move to the opportunities that his daughter left and he found himself with none other than the young Targaryen using the whip to keep him at a distance. He had to say that she approved of his actions.
''well thought. Well executed. Using each other as support to distract me and attack me. To cover and protect yourself. It's really well made...but you still lack a little quality. Let me educate you about it.'' When Bella launched his next attack then he responded to it.
Bella launched a stabbing attack with her spear that Harry did not intercept but deflected slightly before making a filigree movement and hitting his daughter's legs eliminating her from the match before advancing at a quick pace towards Rhaenys who started to handle the whip like a wild dance.
The problem with handling the gun like that is that I ended up getting really fucking tired. So a single moment later she was in the young woman's guard and had her disarmed and tired. The young woman in question was looking surprised before he shook her hand and lifted her up before approaching her son.
Approaching what was a refrigerator made by the same man, he took out what were several small bottles and handed them to him. It was pure crystal clear hot water instead of cold. The three children accepted the bottles. In addition to weapons combat they had spent the morning in physical training. It was something they had to do at least five times a week.
''Well, let's start with the action analysis of each of you. I want you to start by telling me what was done and where you think it could have been improved of all things.'' Harry glanced at his children and his student who was obviously in the group looking at him intensely.
The three children looked a little affected by their situation. What were they supposed to say about it, huh? They could only talk about what they had done, what was right and what was wrong. They couldn't say much more. And what's worse, they didn't know who had to start. It seems that it was his teacher who decided to speak.
''well they say that the ladies first... Belladonna. Seeing as you are a lady and well that you are giving those looks trying to push your brother under the proverbial bus I will say that you will be the one to start.'' Harry almost fell to the floor laughing at the look he was giving his daughter of all things.
''tch. I guess if I did something well, it was that I laid out the strategy well. I waited until you turned your back on me and I hoped you weren't able to act with proper reflexes. I also allied myself with rahenys. I think that's the best thing I did." Bella just hoped that her father wouldn't ask or make too many demands about it.
''They are not bad conclusions. And you are not wrong. You made a good plan of action. You teamed up with rhaenys to attack me. While one attacked me up close, the other would keep me at a distance. The plan would have been better if you had agreed with your brother in the process.'' That would have been the best plan they could have made.
''consider it. But Cregan has this in his head that he must beat you no matter what and that he wouldn't take it for granted that he was able to beat you with the support and help of the two of us. It seems that he is very aware that fighting alone is very cool. She mocked her brother as he explained the situation.
''I won't deny it. The best plan is for the three of you to have joined me. No offense Cregan son but you're still a kid. If a kid was able to beat me we're screwed. Even if that child is my own son. You should think before acting. But that is not the defect that you have shown, daughter. Harry shot a look at his daughter who cringed.
''Your fatal that when you fought against me at all times you only felt that you should last. You never went to kill. Don't worry it was the same with the others. But in this case I will put it as your default. You held back. I told you to go after me to kill me, do you know why exactly?'' Harry looked at his daughter with interest, wanting to know what she had in mind.
''I...I don't know dad. I mean every time I thought about throwing a punch I just couldn't see myself hitting you. I thought the wood was a leaf and for a while I thought it would be hurting you. I guess it's a defect in my case.'' Bella spoke quietly about what she thought she had screwed up so monumentally.
''daughter...I don't blame you for doing that. It will take time. A long time to develop that feeling. That ability to go kill. One day you will all have it. But I wanted to point it out because it made you doubt. Never doubt. Doubt kills you. Doubt costs lives. When you are going to act, do it. If it is not strong, do it gently. If it is not absolute, do it precisely. But never hesitate before acting.'' Harry smiled at his daughter before turning to look at his son.
''I guess it's my turn eh...let's say that what I did right would be that I decided to properly apply the training and what I did wrong is that I thought the combat was for myself and I ignored my comrades in arms, right?'' . Cregan didn't want to see his father's look of disappointment.
''You would be right. Your decisions when it came to confronting me were stupid. When you face a higher level opponent you use each and every weapon. If you have to cut the tendon, you do it. If you have to set traps and ambushes, you do it. And if you have to join forces, you do it." Harry just sighed at the innocence of his son.
''Well I just wanted to show that I was above what normal skills were and give you a good challenge. Sorry if I'm short." Cregan didn't want to look at his father and see that he had that smug look on his face knowing that he had hit him of all things.
''A good fight? Looks like one of these days I have to show you a fight with Tykren and Dareon. In all of Asgard they are the only ones who can face me in combat. So I guess it would be fair just so you can see what is expected of someone who wants to fight me.'' Harry could only look at his son as if he couldn't believe what he heard from her.
''i guess. I just… wanted to show that she had improved. That I am better you could say. I know it may sound bad and much more but I thought that if I was able to make you work harder that would make you able to see my full scope.'' Cregan sighed. I didn't know her father could take it so badly.
''They create improvements day by day. Day by day you gain more skills. More capabilities. More cunning. Every day you are improving. But you're still young. You're not even ten years old, damn it. Wait, be patient. Take things calmly and I can assure you that one day you will face me on equal terms.'' Harry smiled at his son who now had a small smile before moving on to Rhaenys.
''I couldn't tell where I was wrong Uncle Harry. I mean well you could say that you beat me very easily and everything but I thought I was doing well and that he wasn't having any problems.' Rhaenys didn't know where exactly she had gone wrong but she was willing to correct it completely.
''I guess we could then tell you where you went wrong and then hope you get the right answer to move on. Well let's start with the most were not aggressive enough Rhae''. Harry sighed. He had nothing against Rhaenys' weapon but he thought there were better weapons.
''What do you mean I wasn't aggressive enough? Every time you were there about to attack, I was there to stop you, man.'' Rhaenys couldn't understand it in his mind. In other words, he thought that being able to foresee his uncle's attacks and prevent his advances would be more than enough.
''That was support. You were acting as support letting Bella take the brunt of the burden of attacking me with everything she had. You only acted to corner me and isolate me, trying by all means to push me in a direction but you lacked the strength to do so.'' It was the harsh reality. Rhaenys had lacked the action to seriously attack him.
''even when you were overwhelmed because I surpassed Bella you went into an even more defensively pulling stance. It's not what you should have done. Far from it. "While I am a believer that a united force is better than a broken front, two people against one could have done a lot of damage." Harry had no problem explaining things.
''I...guess I didn't see it. I thought I would just be messing up Bella's movements. Bella has much more skill than me with weapons so I thought she would probably be more capable of hitting you.'' She didn't want to say it any more than basically and essentially she was admitting how wrong she was about it.
''You are not guilty of any crime. You are just a young woman who was surpassed, no more, no less. Now we can get to work with it. I will do what is necessary to make you stronger...but it is better that I not entertain you any longer. "Ashara wanted to start your combat magic lessons." Harry almost fell to the floor laughing at the look the kids had.
''Are we finally going to start the magical combats father? But why the mother? I mean there is nothing against her but you are also a powerful practitioner of magic.'' Cregan was almost a little disappointed that it wouldn't be his own father who would be teaching them magic about it.
''We will be taking turns. One day it will be me. One day it will be her. The only one who is a constant is Elia who will be the one who will teach you about politics. This will be until you are eleven years old and go to Isengard for your further education.'' Harry had to admit that it was the best plan he could have come up with.
''Will Aunt Shelia teach us something? That is to say, you are already admitting that Aunt Ash is going to be teaching us with you and that Mama Elia will be teaching us about politics. Is there something we will learn from Shelia?'' Rhae didn't know what to feel that the same man who was with her mother was with two other women.
''Who knows, why don't you ask him? Anyway it's enough. Go and prepare for your lessons with Ashara. I have to do a little work on my part.'' Harry smiled at the children who nodded before leaving.
I was more or less satisfied. His skills were growing and over time they would be impressive. Once they reached eleven years old he was sure they would be more than impressive. It was a real shame that they couldn't do enhancement rituals. In this world there were no magical animals so he couldn't make ritual sacrifices.
Due to the magic that saturated the world to affect the weather there were no exceptionally powerful dates. Or if they still existed they were impossible to know although I was working diligently at it. There were plans afoot since even though he had dealt with the headache that was r'hllor the white walkers still remained.
Could I deal with them? The answer is fuck yes. What he had learned thanks to his access to the knowledge of the trees was that the walkers were few in number but that their forces were made up of an army of the undead. Contrary to common belief there were many ways to take down armies like this.
Namely he could make runes that destroy organic structures, thus destroying their bodies. He could prepare bombs using his knowledge of Valyro fire. Heck he might be more than capable of making high level explosives. It did not matter. No. What worried him was that this being called the king of the night was a fucking danger.
The night king was born because the damn children of the forest thought it was a great idea to create a soldier capable of bringing the war to his human brothers. They never thought that an extradimensional being that was the Great Other would take charge since the bug fell within its range of power and would take control of it. Stupidity at the highest level of him.
The idea of what it was to use a symbolic date is because if there was a date like what Samhain was, I could design a magical ritual that would launch an absolute attack on what was the king of the night, destroying and weakening him. He would lose control of his army and then he would just have to use a little magic to finish off the remains.
Never fight a war with limitations. If you fight it is to win. The Americans taught him that lesson well. Giving opportunities, fair play and much more meant nothing in war. I would not break the taboos of this world. But he'll be damned if anyone thought he'd let himself be won somehow without giving it his all.
With a sigh he stopped what he was doing. He looked at the yard once again and went to his office. He had to do some paperwork but other than that he wanted to think about Mellario's offer. The woman wanted her support for what was essentially winning her daughter's place. She still had a lot to think about.
-Hall Principal-
Ashara didn't know what to say. She had started the lessons of her and Rhaenys' children. What did she start by teaching them? Occlumency. Controlling her mind and controlling oneself would give her family more than a complete advantage. She had also unfortunately discovered that there was the possibility of taking possession of someone and she preferred not to take risks in that regard.
Rhaenys and her children showed their childhood when they said they wanted to learn more impressive things. He couldn't say he blamed them. She remembered when she was just a little girl and she wanted to learn from her mother. Andromeda essentially taught her not just Occlumency but the dark arts (she was a black) and damn she had to be honest that she was the same.
Fortunately for her, her children accepted after she explained to them that learning to protect their minds would mean that they could not be possessed by anyone or used against their will. She always made fun of the ministry. Imperius Curse How could many idiots be under such a curse if they were masters of occlumency or at least competent in it?
His concern at that very moment was his children and his niece. And Elia herself agreed with her. It was terrifying what a skinwalker could do, take control of her children? Impersonate her essence? No. The best thing was to be smart and protect yourself in case anything happened to the flies.
This week had been hard. Petyr Baelish was a worm that thrived in the fields of carrion. He was not a businessman per se. For her he was one of those people who threw his fist. He would scream aggression and then blame someone else and thrive on the chaos he had caused. The guy was a real pest from her point of view.
the posibilities? Varied and multiple. In his mind there were possibilities of confronting him and making him look ridiculous. Obviously it could be possible. But he knew that as long as the guy had the support of his people in the south, whatever was said wouldn't end well. Oh yes certain things could happen but it was far from the optimal outcome in his mind.
Plus the man was greedy. He hadn't stopped looking at the wealth around him with clear interest which meant that he wanted things and hoped he could get his hands on them somehow. He didn't care how. He didn't care how many people he stepped on in the process. He just wanted to own things and enjoy luxury and power.
I knew her husband. And she knew that the only reason Petyr was still breathing is because her husband thought that if he was going to be the problem of the south then he wasn't her problem. But she didn't think the same way. She thought there was a good chance that the worm would somehow think about screwing them over, she had no doubts either.
Call her suspicious, but she preferred to think that the guy in front of her could be incredibly stupid enough to just think that he could do his shit, screw them, and get away with it. The guy was a sociopath. And what's worse, she thought that she could manipulate them at least in a non-direct way.
That brought something else to their scene: Mellario of Norvos. The woman had come on behalf of the members of what was the true power of Norvos: the bearded priests. The men wanted to do more business with the kingdom of Asgard, namely they wanted to put magic in their weapons and in addition to that they talked about alliances of all kinds.
But Mellario had an extra reason to come. Mellario, although he left Dorne, had kept an eye on her husband and her children. Although Dorne was certainly much better with women, Mellario was a foreign woman, she followed gods that were not those of the home and most importantly did not respect, in the opinion of some, her decisions.
Mellario knew that his position was weak in Dorne and that at most it was used to try to craft better political relations between House Martell and his city. But with her departure, it would be expected that those children she had would keep the alliance in good condition. Children she reasoned were in danger.
Although it might be hard to believe, there were Mellario's allies, among them the always loyal Aero Hotah. The man had been wise to warn her about three different plots that in Mellario's opinion were a fucking danger to her children. He was not going to allow Doran's plans to lead her children astray and put them in danger.
Those plans involve using his daughter Arianne as a fiancée of sorts. The man to whom his daughter was betrothed was none other than Visrys Targaryen. She didn't find him intelligent. What did that idiot have to support her daughter? Nothing. He would become little more than a figurehead on the throne. What stupidity and waste of time.
Doran was also manipulating his son Quentyn by making him think that he will be the future lord of Dorne and he did not think it was exactly wrong to take away his sister's rightful place which could easily mean that at the end of the day there would be a fight between brothers. something she didn't want for her children for anything in the world.
And the third is that he planned to use his own brother to increase tensions between the southern kingdoms. Naturally, Mellario didn't want that, so he came to the highest power in Westeros: them. And she naturally wanted to negotiate so the safety of her children was something Ashara could agree to.
The truth is, Ashara had to admit that Mellario's worries were not without reason. Doran is playing a dangerous game. A game that could involve the death of her family. Besides, why would she want to ally herself with a Targaryen who had zero real chance of being able to do shit in Westeros?
However, getting involved in the affairs of the south was something that, if she had to be honest, she did not want. It's not that she didn't feel for Mellario. She was a good woman concerned about the future of her daughter. No. The reason was simple. The damn moment they started doing things in the south there was no doubt that everyone and their mother would grow up interested.
She wanted to moan at people's inability to realize that there was more to life than minding their own business. But as her husband liked to say, Southerners rarely made sense of what was essentially the idea of staying out of her fucking business.
Furthermore, she herself had to recognize that southerners would potentially view her interest in southern affairs as an invasion. And Robert Baratheon was a fucking brute who expected nothing less than a reason to get into a war and frankly didn't trust the man. Not only because of her love for the war but because of her hatred for her husband.
She knew that Robert Baratheon was a man who despised her husband and her husband. Her reasons? No idea. Jealousy possibly. Well it could be the fact that Hariric made it clear that he didn't think well of him and that he didn't want to see him even a hundred kilometers from his sister. The fact that someone thought so badly of him must have screwed him up big time.
So yes. She was really hesitating at this point, going into Dorne and trying to figure shit out? Or just let it be and hope that Arianne Martell is able to perform the right tasks to get out of her mess? Many questions that demanded answers and she didn't know exactly what to do about them.
"You know, I almost expected that after having a good training session with the kids you wouldn't be in a pensive mode. What's so bad that you're killing yourself thinking about whatever it is that you have in mind?" Harry approached his wife with a look of interest wanting to know what could be on her mind.
''is Mellario's request. May he ask us to get fully involved in the south, in its politics, in his affairs. "Basically we would be opening a door from which I don't know if there is an exit in sight." It was his biggest concern. She was content in Asgard. She could do what she wanted. And she didn't have to look over her shoulder as much.
''That woman is waiting for us to get into a very murky matter if I have to be honest. Dorne. You've heard the rumors. "Doran is being pressured to give up his position and that would mean that Arianne would inherit his position." It was the most logical thing. Since when did humans follow fucking logic?
''We both know it won't happen that simple. Doran will still be pressured but will look for any way to stay in the seat and at the same time see any potential help for her daughter that could help guide Dorne on her path reduced.' Ashara knew her foster brother well enough to know her plans.
''I guess it is what it is and there's nothing you can say that will exactly change it. The only alternative and solution to be honest would be a bit of cleaning up Dorne if I have to be frank. But that doesn't mean we can't support young Arianne as Mellario asks us to." If they helped Mellario they would have more solid support in Norvos.
''We both know it's not that simple. If we support Arianne in any way the rest of the fucking south will somehow try to get into our business by talking about how we're doing more things in the south and sticking our noses into her kingdom.' It was the logical answer and what half the people with half a brain would probably do politically.
''It's a more than safe possibility and you won't see me denying it. The possibilities are what they are and frankly they are annoying but tell me honey...why shouldn't we try to take advantage of this? Robert might be stupid but Tywin isn't. He won't try to get any more out of this.' Tywin didn't want a war he couldn't win just like that.
''It's a possibility but it would mean getting back into the Dornish shit. Believe me there is more than one idiot. For some reason according to my own sources there are still those who think they are very special and above the others down there with respect to our kingdom.'' The fact that some of them were members of his family seemed stupid to him.
''and? How important is it to think of yourself as special? maybe they are really special? You know, lacking the ability to think properly and use their gray matter. "I think it's something to expect from people who don't see that they are outmatched." The Dornishmen were a group with a gigantic ego. Make no mistake, theirs were too. The difference is that he could break them and the Dornishmen couldn't.
''You know they look like that because they are the only one of the seven kingdoms that wasn't actually conquered. The only one of the seven kingdoms that was united by a marriage alliance. They mock our kingdom because your king knelt of all things.'' Ashara wondered how her husband would react to that. He just raised his eyebrow at it.
''oh really? Is that the only thing that makes them special in your eyes? Well shit. And here he thought they were special because they possessed a power that would allow them to turn the desert into an impressive place. Or that they were special because of an unknown magic. What a loss of pride." Harry just scoffed at it thinking it was a complete loss of brain.
''Tell it to them. They seem to have their minds very involved in it. But you know that if I get involved, they will especially do everything possible to try to take something from Asgard, honey. "They won't just stop and look for anything to get their way." Ashara wondered what her husband would say to that. He just looked at her and smiled about it.
''honey...if people are so fucking stupid to think they can do shit like that then I say we teach them proper education and give them proper attention...regardless of how painful and damaging it may be to their health' '. Harry laughed just thinking about how bad it would be.
''Well, if that's your decision on the matter, I'll accept it. I suppose that getting fully involved in southern politics, although it could be a headache, would not be so much of a problem. What do you think your gentlemen will do? "They're probably upset that we're getting involved in Southern affairs." It was a very big possibility. He wondered how they would react.
''I guess it's a good thing I just see it as a preemptive strike then. We have the proof right here. Petyr has not come to be able to negotiate. He has come to take a look at the structure of the kingdom. To see if there are weak points to tighten and see if you can get benefits from it.'' It was so fucking plain to watch it was a fucking joke.
''I shouldn't have been surprised. What do you say about doing with him? "That bastard is a real piece of work and he wouldn't hesitate to screw up the lives of hundreds of thousands if he can get away with it in the process." Petyr was a sociopath and sociopaths had real problems accepting other people's lives.
''We have had a whole week here to debate. I say we talk about negotiations with them. I'm thinking it might be interesting to see what exactly can come of it. But frankly I want to appear that we are difficult for them to access so that they leave us a little free time.'' It seemed like a good plan. Besides, keeping them on tenterhooks didn't seem like a bad idea.
''Frankly I am of the opinion that Petyr should have a small accident. Something unpleasant to happen to him and what is better is that he suffers a terrible fate. At least I think that this way it wouldn't be a pain for us any longer.'' He frankly preferred the man away. She had seen him ask about his daughters too many times to feel comfortable with him.
''He will die darling. Not today. He may not be on his way back south. But he WILL die. And he will die by my hand. Either by my order. Or for the fact that he personally wants him dead and hunts him like a wild beast." Harry didn't usually let his emotions get out of control but he was a little in the mood.
''ohhhh I've always seen that side of you when someone has made the fucking mistake of pissing you off. I guess good old Petyr made an even bigger mistake than even thinking that he could somehow infiltrate our bank, right?'' Ashara almost had a Cheshire smile at that moment. Her love emanating from her murderous intent.
''Apparently Olenna Tyrell doesn't understand the concept of not screwing where you shouldn't. "Petyr has spoken to her in exchange for her support in obtaining our beloved nightshade." Yeah. Pure mortal intent was pouring out of him at that moment, to use her daughter as a mere piece of shit? Someone was going to die.
''...that's why you don't have a problem with supporting mellario. You want to screw the Dominion and you know that the only way to achieve it is through the support of House Martell...or rather by making House Martell even more powerful.'' She could sympathize with her husband because at this moment they had a more serious matter to deal with.
''Normally I would have left things in the south. Do they want to kill each other? Let them screw him. But they have decided to involve…MY daughter. He has decided that she is part of his power games. They are going to die. I will see the legacy of dominion destroyed. His family devastated. They will suffer a thousand deaths before I finish with them." And it wasn't a fucking exaggeration on their part, they wanted war? I would give them war.
''I guess then there's no point in keeping things up anymore. I'll have Mellario go in first. I think that's the one we should talk to primarily. Then we will talk about what this idiot's interest is.'' Oh yeah. Now she could see her husband in the mode of wanting to kill something to the fullest.
''Do you know what is the worst? Which can potentially turn it into a fucking auction and offer any of those southern morons my precious daughter. He is convinced that she will be capable of such a thing. "Just the thought of breaking it into pieces makes my mouth water." Harry was so fucking tempted and interested in screwing up her existence that it was no joke.
''mmm it's coming, right? The opportunity will come. You know it better than anyone. Now let's not waste time. Let's deal with Mellario and then deal with the idiot." Taking a look at her husband she was grateful to see him controlling his power (gods know what would happen if he wasn't controlled).
Mellario was a certainly beautiful woman. She was a woman with straight black hair tied in a ponytail. She was dressed in winter clothing provided by House Stark that was much more comfortable than fur (and which certainly made the woman happy) and finally there was the fact that Mellario presented a posture of strength.
Both Harry and his wife had a grimace. Had Doran really just thought that he could manipulate and use this woman? This woman was stronger than possibly a third of the women in the South would be. This was too much of a woman for him. And it was said by a man who was married to three exceptional women and then there was the woman he had dealt with with a mother who screamed power.
''Lady Mellario. He came to us with two requests. One was to consider a stronger alliance with Norvos which would potentially mean a marriage alliance. And then there was the personal matter...we have considered everything.'' Harry used occlumency to not let his emotions be known in the slightest.
''Thank you for considering my request. I know it was an exaggeration but I'm really worried. "I do not want my children's lives to be cut short by Doran's plans." No. He didn't want his children to hate each other and try to kill each other just because of Doran's ambitions. She hoped nothing bad would come of this.
''we understand. About the Norvos matter…we cannot discuss a marriage alliance. There are many reasons. For starters there is the fact that Norvos is run by bearded monks. No marriage would make sense since there is no power. "We would agree to draw up a trade contract but that's all." It was his best offer, Ashara thought.
''I...I know the monks won't exactly be happy but I'll be okay with letting them know that you've thought about it.'' She sighed. She had not wanted to tell them that the monks had potentially had plans for the children born to their children. So yes. Better this way.
''As for meddling in the affairs of must first understand the consequences. "If we get involved in Dornish matters there is a good chance that the other kingdoms are considering that we are thinking of doing something in the south." It wasn't a lie. It was an unpleasant reality.
''understand. I know that you Asgardians have fought hard for what it is like to stay away from the affairs of the south. I know it's not the best thing that can happen. But... I am a mother, your majesty. And I can't help but look for allies to save my family.'' It was in the best interest of his family that he was doing this no more, no less.
''It's more than that mellario. If we do this. If we get into these things there's a good chance the damn morons in the South will get angry and might be thinking about a fucking war. "A war that does not interest us at this moment." It was the best Ashara could say if she was to be honest.
Mellario remained silent. What else could be said about it? Was he supposed to say that she would give them the world? They had a whole kingdom. A massive kingdom that was beginning to exploit its resources. The most advanced kingdom at the moment. And they had magic. There was nothing I could give them.
''but...we find ourselves in a unique situation right now. Renewing an alliance with Dorne would help us in many ways. One of them knocking down a man who was deeply involved in what hurt our family. Doran is an enemy we have after all.'' Harry could see the joy in the woman's eyes.
''The kingdom of Asgard has decided that it will support your daughter and we will support her to ensure that she becomes the princess of Dorne but in exchange...there will be a small agreement.''