Chapter 34: c34
Different Views of the World
-West. Western Lands-
-Casterly Rock. Lord's Hall-
Tywin Lannister was not in the best mood. The situation of the kingdom was unpleasant at best with the situations being at its limit at best, how else could he explain how bad things were? And the blame could not be placed on one person.
Jon Arryn was a mediocre hand at best. The man was not only a pacifist but he was also a negotiator. In short, it was not about a person who was doing his damn job as God intended, but rather it was about a person who was trying to regulate things his way.
Jon Arryn wasn't trying to do things God's way. He would have to be focusing on what was regulating the situation and looking for ways to subdue people even if it was brutal and even by bad means. The king's hand was there to help the king. Although with such an incompetent king he had a hard time seeing it work.
Robert baratheon was essentially what a king should not be. His level of money spending was unprecedented. As if that wasn't bad enough there was also the fact that the king's hand was unable to control the man's bad habits believing that he was entitled to what he had because he sat on the iron throne.
The situation was inappropriate for the Lannister house since this was becoming more and more expensive. The mines still remained but she felt that it was possibly a matter of time before the mines reached their limit which would mean in short that the source of wealth for his house would be gone.
Another person responsible that I would put in this situation was Petyr Baelish. The man was the master of the coin, what he did was supposedly look for the gold that the royal house so needed. The problem was the way in which he sought the gold since it was done through loans and right now the royal house had debts with three different parties: the Tyrells, the iron bank and themselves.
The man seemed to think or at least seemed to believe that he was cunning enough but Tywin was far from a fool and had kept a good eye on the Coin Master distrusting him mainly because the man was from a lesser house and was so far ahead of him. in positions.
The man's last mission was one that primarily concerned him: negotiations with Asgard. He may have seemed exaggerated but Tywin did not want the political situation with Asgard to worsen for fear of potential retaliation. After all, it was the only place where he had not been able to place a single spy.
Oh yes he had allies within Asgard. People who were not satisfied with how things were changing. But Harry Stark was an intelligent leader who had shown that his methods were not only efficient but worked in many ways far superior to those used in the past in some ways.
Until now the methods used to try to oppose Stark consisted mostly of trying to raise a religious movement with the intention of putting it on a pedestal. This was intended to make him look superior and in turn make people ask for and demand more and more about said man.
However imagine his surprise when Hariric Stark moved quickly to block those people who thought such a way. As if his goal was primarily to make sure the threat was dealt with above all else. It's as if he knew that whoever was trying to raise said cult was not an ally.
Other attempts that Tywin was trying to put into motion was to improve relations and meetings with Asgard. He had tried to get Cerenna to pass on confidential information from her kingdom to her husband. Since she was in a good position of power. But the woman had refused, thinking that it was something that would not turn out well for her.
He had become enraged. That Cerenna had betrayed them in such a way bothered him greatly and there was nothing he wanted more than to wring her neck for his betrayal. But she was smart. She had also heard a lot about Dareon rogare. The man also possessed magic and was very capable at it.
Not to mention that Dareon was one of the people along with Tykren Reyne who was closest to Hariric Stark. He didn't like him. He had tried to exploit that but only to be flawed. Men like the Giant of the North and the Lord of the Golden Ax strongly supported Stark. There were few sources that were actually against him.
Hariric Stark's ways and policies had earned him the support and backing of many in the kingdom of Asgard who thought that doing things the southern way they tried to implement was bad. He didn't help that the kingdom's new educational system using Isengad had made future lords much more educated and were fostering alliances from childhood.
Tywin was furious about this, thinking that House Stark had been very lucky. Meanwhile, what did he have? He had managed to free his son yes. Now he was the heir to Casterly Rock. But Jaime was…a disappointment. He lacked vision and more importantly righteous ambition.
As if that weren't bad enough he had had to marry his son to Catlyn Tully the fish girl. Catlyn had little to offer as mistress of her land and had had to put a firm hand on it because she had tried to have her children educated by a sept of all things. How were they supposed to learn and become better if such skills were not being taught? encouraging since childhood?
''brother, you look incredibly upset. How have things been in my absence?'' Kevan Lannister looked at his brother with caution. When his brother was in that state he did not promise anything good for the people around him.
''It's been...bad. The situation is bad. Our attempts to replicate Asgard's advancements continue to yield no results. As if that weren't bad enough, whatever we get out of those who don't support Hariric Stark, well they all agree that their nation is moving in a very strong direction.'' The only reason they were against it is because they were not in positions of power.
''Tell me brother, have you been able to discover anything about Asgard? I think if we could explain how she gets the gold, food and steel to arm her army we could be in a position of power.' Kevan trusted his brother a lot and knew that he was more than capable of doing it.
''I got our internal agent to inform us about it and well the information was unpleasant. To the north of Asgard is the largest of the mountain ranges. With several unique resources that are capable of being used to empower the kingdom.'' Instead of using them for himself, Hariric used them to secure the future of his kingdom. Very smart.
''Through what I have been able to find out, the kingdom of Asgard takes gold and iron from those mountains. Meanwhile, the Cassel house has settled in the Gift and is using it to become the kingdom's main food producer. "They have planned in detail." It was really a smart move.
''Well at least now we have an answer as to how Stark has managed to arm and prepare his kingdom to be armed to the teeth and well equipped along with the tons of food they produce. Is there anything you have been able to get from your source that we can take advantage of? somehow?''. Kevan hoped his brother would have an answer.
''No. What this source has managed to tell me is that Hariric Stak works tirelessly to make the kingdom of Asgard more advanced every day and to make it continue its progress at all times. "My source was most upset about the current situation." To say his source was upset was an understatement.
''Maybe we should think about some kind of approach. The last I heard from our capital is that Jon Arryn sent Petyr Baelish to discuss new trade alliances with the kingdom of Asgard with the intention of obtaining products at lower prices. The kingdom of Asgard produced too many products that everyone wanted.
''Petyr Baelish. I can't understand how the man Jon Arryn thought of all things that it was a smart move to send him to Asgard. I distrust that man. For a coin master he is a poor man at best.' Distrusting the person who controls the money was essential.
''The king's hand seems to think he is a good man. He continues to get gold to pay for the eccentricities of both the king and Cersei. Seriously, your daughter is consuming gold in a way that certainly worries me.' It was worrying how his niece seemed to think the gold was rightfully hers.
''That girl is only complicating our time and our existence even more. It would be best for all of us if she didn't make such stupid moves. Have you been able to do anything about her young son Prince Steffon?'' The prince had every interest in him since it was the future of the house and his right to government.
''Steffon is a brilliant young man. And well he seems very intelligent. I have also made sure to minimize his and Jon Arryn's mother's encounters and have gotten him convinced that the best idea is to raise up here with you instead of staying in the capital.' Yeah. Kevan could do a good job.
''I find it surprising that you say that so calmly. How did you get my daughter to even consider that? I would have thought that she would try by all means to get her paws on the child.' It was surprising if he had to be honest. His daughter did not hide her desire to be the one who ruled in any case.
''it was not difficult. Robert agreed that in current times the young prince had to have the best education and after informing him that the aspirants to the throne would possibly try to turn him into a puppet he agreed to send him here.' To say that Cersei had been upset with the decision is an understatement.
''Robert's disdain for children and his distaste for any position of obligation has obviously benefited us. Thanks to that we can raise the child. 'I don't even want to imagine what Cersei could have done regarding raising the child if she was left unchecked.' It was a justified concern as she feared her daughter's agenda.
''Do you really think that Cersei would be capable of hindering the upbringing of her own son and future king in order to have power in her hands for a little longer? "That surprises me more than a little." Kevan found it hard to believe that his niece could be such a fucking idiot.
''You underestimate my daughter's ambitions. She believes that she can hide it well but in reality she is very ambitious and when she sees the throne and the power that it implies she thinks that she is the only one worthy of moving it and having it. "She worries me how far she can go for said power." Her daughter's hunger for power could be bad.
''It is better then to make sure that young Steffon is well educated and guided. Especially since he will have to face tough tests in the future in the form of relations with Asgard which will be most problematic to deal with.' Kevan just sighed. The amount of work they would have for this was already quite large.
''Yeah. The young prince will have to find and gather a good number of allies from the kingdoms to be able to make things work and even more so with the damage that Robert is doing to the kingdom. This would also be an excellent opportunity to make the crown infested by the Lannisters.
''However, you must know that Petyr Baelish was planning to negotiate for the young prince to be educated by the Starks. More specifically Eddard Stark. "You know the man is possibly the only person Robert cares about and it was lucky he didn't give him a chance." It was pure luck that he managed to get away with it.
''I don't see Hariric Stark allowing his brother to dedicate his time to the education of Robert Baratheon's child. "That man has a thousand-sun grudge against Robert Baratheon for all the slights he made against his sister." Say what you want but I could respect that about Stark. Don't tolerate any shit.
''Petyr had a plan in mind. I think he thought he could have Steffon raised so that he could somehow cultivate the young winter princess. They say she is turning out to be a beautiful young woman.' However, there was also talk that Belladonna Stark was anything but a woman from the South.
''Hariric Stark would never have allowed his daughter to marry a southerner. He knows how women are treated here. How little value they have in our eyes and what is more important that she would be a hostage at best. That Petyr thought she could get away with this seems idiotic to me.' Petyr Baelish had to be in serious trouble.
''You won't see me speaking against you brother. Petyr Baelish…I worry about her. I have learned that his fortune does not stop growing brother. At this time he owns many businesses not only in the capital but in the valley and river lands. He is a man who grows in power.' He was a dangerous man who could flaunt his fortune.
''Maybe we need to keep a more focused eye on Petyr Baelish to make sure that he doesn't try to bite us in any way. "Jon Arryn has managed to make another enemy in the middle of our territory by not controlling that boy." Honestly, Arryn's myopia often worried him if he had to be honest.
Kevan nodded at his brother. Petyr had his own personal agenda. His own plans. And they didn't know what they were. As long as they had no idea about them they could give up that they had no way of knowing what they could be plotting against them and worse what possible consequences it would have for them.
Tywin looked at the sea thinking. Things were not the way he liked. The kingdom was fractured and they had many enemies before them that could be a real threat if they were not careful. Whether he liked it or not, perhaps he would have to impose more will in the capital and try to give more order to the kingdom.
-Crown Lands. King's Landing
-Tower of the hand-
Petyr was not a happy man. In his absence Tywin Lannister had moved in and had Prince Steffon raised in the western lands. He had plans for the young prince that involved him going to the kingdom of Asgard where he hoped an accident would happen to him, allowing him to blame the lands of the kingdom's lords as the culprit.
No matter how many ways you looked at it or how much you considered it, the kingdom of Asgard was a big problem. Thanks to his spies throughout the continent and in Essos he knew that the mountain of gold they were moving was no joke. The kingdom of Asgard produced so much gold it was no joke.
Part of him was thinking of ways to ingratiate himself with the Starks. To make yourself look useful. To eliminate the current minister of economy and replace the same one. It was simple to do. That's what he thought at least at first. However, he would never forget the eyes of both the man and the woman. They were not simple and simple eyes.
They both looked at him and made him feel chills, could they know of their personal agendas and plans in mind? It was an ever-present possibility. It wasn't something I could see myself allowing out. But the problem is that he wasn't the only one who wanted the couple dead and so far everyone had failed no matter how hard they tried.
Unlike Jon Arryn, both Hariric Stark and Ashara Dayne did not trust him. They saw it and were suspicious. Being a southerner worked against him if he had to say so. How could he gain his friendship and be able to have a foot in the affairs of said kingdom? It was something that he himself did not know now and that was why he had tried to get people to watch the young princes.
Everyone had to say the same thing about the young princes. They were both under the protection of their parents and made sure that the people who approached them were not a problem or a threat in any way to them. Several murderers had been intercepted who were trying to get their hands on children in this way.
Maybe fake an assassination attempt in some way that would imply that House Stark would be indebted to him? No. These two were not the typical attitude of a gentleman. In addition to being distrustful, they themselves would watch their interaction with attentive eyes. The best thing would be to try to win over the young princes.
That in itself could prove to be a real problem. The young princes were no joke. They were far from idiotic children and the two of them thought they were a close-knit group who could easily see betrayal for miles. That wasn't something he liked. Obviously Lord Stark did everything possible to make his children see that people were not his friends.
''thank you all for coming. I want the meeting every four moons to begin to know the state of the kingdom's situation. In turn I would like a report from yourself Lord Baelish about how things are in the kingdom of Asgard.'' Jon Arryn was incredibly tense due to the current situation.
''My little birds have finally been able to find the two elusive royal guards. Ser Gereold was especially interested in avoiding us for a long time but my friends in Essos were able to get their hands on him.'' Varys spoke with a calm but at the same time excited voice.
''that's good. Catching the former lord commander of the royal guard will be good enough to make Robert more grateful, but has there been any news from Lewyn Martell? Where he is we can assume that we can find his niece." Jon was especially focused on locating the princess.
''Oh, I'm afraid not. Princess Elia Martell hides very well. I've summarized that there are three potential locations she can be found in: Asgard, Dorne, or Braavos. Each one has the pros of it and the cons of it but I am sure that she is in one of those locations.' It's all he could take on.
''Could you explain to everyone your reasons for these specific places? "I would like to have an idea about what we can expect and if it is possible in some way that we could find a way to put ourselves in place to do an investigation." Jon was obviously happy with having narrowed down the search location.
''My lord hand, my reasons for having selected each one are well simple. "Braavos would hide it with the intention of having it in case they could use it as a way to put pressure on our royalty in case we refuse to pay the promised payments to the iron bank." That was a good decision but he wasn't entirely convinced.
''Dorne is the former home of Princess Elia Martell. She is very loved in the place and is very respected as well so it would not be too difficult to see that the kingdom in question would look for a place to hide the young princess.'' Although it was an option, she did not believe it. Oberyn Martell would not then be as crazy as she had been these years.
''and finally there is Asgard. My only reason to suspect them is that Princess Elia is Ashara Dayne's best friend and therefore she is very well liked. Hariric Stark is known to love his wife as if heaven were his alone. I wouldn't be surprised if he did everything possible for her." That was Varys's last conclusion.
''All three locations present their cons for us to investigate. Braavos would not be frightened. Especially now that they have been frowned upon due to their actions in the Hour of the Wolf. I'm sure they will be alert to anyone who threatens to break them up or spy on them.'' The hour of the wolf was a disaster.
''Dorne we cannot comb it simply because all the lords there are against Robert due to his recent policies. And as for Asgard, it is better not to mention them. "Potentially they could just ignore us and if we try to stick our noses in they could act violently." Knowing the Starks, they would take it very badly.
''House Stark would take it especially ill my lord if we tried to investigate them. Asgard would not be in a good mood and they might consider it an excuse for a war. It is also for that same reason that I think it is better not to tell the king. Knowing him he will demand that something be done immediately.'' Besides, that would surely ruin his plans.
''I say we send an offer to someone bold enough. The winter kings will not be able to defend Princess Elia at all times if they are really hiding her, much less her daughter. "I was determined that someone would take their precious princess hostage from them." Renly scoffed just considering things as an option.
''Renly...before speaking think about the consequences of your actions. If we offered payment for an assassin or a spy who dared to do such a thing the winter kings would possibly take it the wrong way and could safely react brutally.'' And knowing the Stark family wouldn't be in a nice way.
"If the winter kings are hiding Lady Elia Martell they must take into account the consequences of this and should hand them over only to ensure peace between our kingdoms." The grand master spoke calmly, stating in his opinion the facts as they were.
''You are not considering it as it is then my dear Grand Master. Lord Hariric Stark has no love for us. In his opinion, the south could rot. What do you think would be his reaction to someone telling him that he should hand over Princess Elia even if it's just for peace?'' Stannis, being the military commander that he was, had many ideas.
''He wouldn't hand her over. Not even if he threatened war. Not even if I told him that. And if we try to kill her and her daughter in the middle of the winter kings' territory they could take it as a declaration of war.' Jon didn't want to fight a war that he didn't know if he could win.
''as if we had to be afraid of him. The last time he faced people who didn't know his way of fighting. Right now we have the advantage of knowing his way of fighting and his way of fighting. We can exploit it to our advantage without any doubt.'' Oh yeah. They could do it in renly's mind.
''Gods, how nice to have dreams. Tell me, Lord Renly, what makes you think that King Stark has shown his full hand, huh? What makes you think that Lord Stark has shown everything he can do in war? Last time he was rushed. Now… I think he is preparing for war." Petyr spoke with a tone of voice so calm that it attracted attention.
''Although it bothers me, I have to admit it. Last time Hariric Stark was rushed into the march of war against the South trying to advance his plans as quickly as possible to ensure his sister was rescued safely. If he were to make a bet he might already be plotting a war against us." It was a typical military movement.
''if we do what lord renly says there is a good chance that at the end of the week we will have the wrath of an entire nation that can attack the coast while their front door is protected. do you really think that things will work out with your Renly plans?'' Stannis didn't enjoy it but admitted that he had to tone down his brother's temper.
''The situation is not the most appropriate but if it is true Hariric Stark is protecting Princess Elia and her daughter and son we can be worried about several things. I might consider placing Prince Aegon on the Iron Throne. It is an always present possibility.'' Jon didn't enjoy where things were going in that regard.
''lord hand if I may...I don't think we are going to see such a thing. Although my brother may think that Hariric Stark despises him, and it is no less true, there is no family more hated in Hariric's mind than the dragon clan itself. I think his hatred for them has no height whatsoever. Stannis wasn't going to support anyone just like that, but Hariric had his support in that regard.
''We cannot simply trust what you say Lord Stannis. Yeah. The wrath of his majesty is no joke but you still have to think about the profits. Hariric Stark could make a deal in exchange for the prince to have his own daughter named queen.' Varys knew that he had to get rid of this way of thinking as soon as possible.
''That will not happen. Hariric Stark despises and loathes above all else the idea of putting one of his family in a position of weakness. Also, Lord Baelish, what opinion do you have of his majesty? You always say that you have an eye for understanding people, don't you?'' Stannis shot a look at the man in question who was uncomfortable with the attention.
''Hariric Stark is not a conventional man. He is not just a lord you can play with. He is…a direwolf. I will look at you. Pay attention. And if you're not careful, he'll rip your throat out without you realizing it. In fact I think we are all wrong when it comes to thinking about how to treat it.'' Oh gods how it hurt him to accept being surpassed.
''What do you mean lord baelish? As a ruler he must be interested in taking advantage of all the advantages. With his blood sitting on the iron throne his power would be greater. The grand master looked at the lord of the coins with interest.
''Tell me Grand Maesre Pycelle...What do we have to offer? Every kingdom has serious needs. Riverlands and domain lands need iron to exist and benefit. The lands of the west and the lands of the valley need food. The stormlands are volatile. The lands of Dorne are dry. If you stop to think about it, he gains nothing by making a move. It was the most logical thing.
''Couldn't he make a move like what he did in the lands of Asgard? "I find it hard to believe that he would not be able to reshape the world if such is his power." Renly scoffed at the very idea that the Stark wouldn't be able to do such a thing. However, it was Jon Arryn who answered the question.
''doesn't get anything out of helping these lands. The kingdom of Asgard was already behind him so he just had to support them. Give them benefits and be nice to them. It's the best thing that could be done about it. That has earned her undying loyalty to him and his family. If he did the same with the other kingdoms it would harm his cause and more importantly it would benefit us even if it is to install his own leaders.' It was an annoying move.
''in effect lord hand, what's the point of conquering us or moving? The North has half the continent and is barely populated. If for some reason you wanted to move, what prevents you from conquering what is north of the wall? "In addition, we must take into account the conflicts in the south." Baelish easily deduced why Hariric wasn't making any moves...for now.
''the religious situation. Faith would fight at every turn as they did in their early days with House Targaryen. On top of that there is also the fact that the different lords would seek to overthrow any potential bloodline or ally he puts up. No. Hariric Stark has had an idea of what a campaign that would last too long would be like.'' Stannis easily deduced Hariric Stark's reasons.
''However, what prevents you from using your family to place her as mistress of the lands, eh? We can't trust ourselves even if it's what a military leader would do. "Hariric Stark is a wild card that we can't trust because he can go in any direction." Varys wanted them all chasing the wolf so they could focus on him.
''It is a possibility that we will not deny. But we have more important things to solve. The economy of the six kingdoms must be improved before we think of any trouble with the kingdom of Asgard. Besides that…we have a much more serious situation. We must find a way to reduce our debts.'' That was what Jon Arryn had in mind.
Jon was so fucking upset. But it is the truth. If they wanted to oppose the north, its magic and its ways, they had to use their political power to unite the six kingdoms and create a united front. He knew they could do it. It just took effort and planning on your part.
-Dorne. Sunspear-
-Lord's hall-
With his brother in the gardens due to gout and trying to blend in Oberyn was forced to give up his love of travel which meant being stuck with only occasional outings for what it was like to travel. But that didn't matter. Because since that day he last saw his sister, an unprecedented fear consumed him.
'' I don't recognize you brother...How could you do it? How could you be okay with having a young girl treated in such a way courtesy of that stupid husband of mine? "How could you agree to her being used as a hostage?" Elia's words were like a dagger that pierced her being.
'' The alliance would make us stronger. We would stop depending on the constant purchase of food from the Dominion, something that they have always taken advantage of. We could have seen an increase in business in our kingdom which would lead to more gold in our coffers. We could have found new marriage alliances. Why throw it overboard?'' The completely calm voice of an Elia Martel never promised anything good for people.
'' Did you know that Doran left me to rot in the capital? Where were you when I was a minute away from dying, brother? Where were you when I could have seen my sweet girl dead? Ah yes you were holding a girl so that she would be used in such a way by our own brother as another hostage.' Elia destroyed him with his words.
'' Hariric will apply the following punishment. Until he feels that you have atoned for your actions... you will not know the peace of caring for me. You will feel despair. You will feel the same desperation that I felt when fearing for my future and that of my daughter...I will not see you again or consider you as a brother until you pay for your actions.'' Those were the last words of his sister.
To this day, only the touch of his lover and his daughters was able to calm him down. But the curse was there. Every time he saw one of his daughters he thought of the worst fates. And then the curse continued its course by showing him said images. Worrying. If anyone thought that his sister couldn't be cruel, they had no idea how wrong they were.
I couldn't rest. She made efforts to help her sister in every sense of the word to calm down. But she couldn't. So he made a new effort to control her brother. It was not difficult. Only a handful of people were truly loyal to her brother. It wasn't too difficult to move people to distrust her brother using the simple tests she had on hand.
His brother had hidden it pretty well but he really wasn't as clever as he liked to think of himself. The situation was inappropriate for him. However, his brother had been meeting with men from all over. Merchants. Slave sellers. And much more. The truth is that he despised what his brother was doing.
What is worse is his brother's meeting with slave bay lords. He didn't want to have anything to do with those pompous shits but the situation seemed increasingly desperate for his brother to get resources. He knew what he was aiming for of course: the acquisition of the Stepstone Islands.
Only the island that was under Oberyn's control was rich in gold. Not Lannister level but a more than decent level than other riches the other islands could have? That was possibly what Doran had in mind. It is possible what was consuming her brother's mind at that moment.
He was brought out of his thoughts when the sound of a wheelchair was heard: Doran was here. Without worrying too much he turned to see his brother arrive. He was accompanied by the always loyal Aero Hotah. He wondered what was wrong with him. Once the door was closed he looked at him.
''My spies in Norvos have informed me that my wife has been seen going on a ship to the kingdom of Asgard...I don't know what she may be up to and I would like to know your opinion on the matter.'' Doran didn't want to admit it, but the kingdom of Asgard made him nervous in many ways.
''possibly so. Mellario was not happy with your movements and let's be honest, brother, you have not exactly stayed quiet with your intentions to keep little Arianne away from the throne of Sunspear.'' Oberyn was doing his best to be civil with the man who was once his brother.
''While I would like nothing more than for Arianne to be my heir, I'm afraid it's not that simple. I think the best thing for her is that she is the new queen of the seven kingdoms. "She could be the key to us taking what's coming to us." Oberyn looked at him suspiciously. She couldn't be in a better way for things to be like this.
'' you ever regret it? Do you ever regret what happened? Dorne seemed to have an incredible future ahead of it thanks to the alliance with House Stark. And we spit in their faces in the worst possible way." Oberyn wondered what exactly her brother would say to that. Doran reacted the way he expected.
''It was the best decision to make. Using Lyanna Stark as a hostage to see the reinforcement of our own house. "If we had had the resources of House Stark we would potentially be even more powerful." It was the truth. She wanted all the secrets of House Stark, not the candy they offered her.
''How do you think she will look at us once she finds us? It's only a matter of time until she sees us again. How do you think Elia will see us? Will we continue to be her beloved brothers in her eyes?'' It was a question that he knew would not have a nice ending for his brother because of his sins.
''Elia will understand what we did in the past. If you stop and think about it, we were doing the best for our kingdom. Allies don't matter. "Friends don't count. At the end of the day, what matters is sitting high in the right position of power." Doran only hoped he would find his sister before Oberyn did. To know what he would do to her.
''I don't think so brother. She was a true desert being. Beautiful. Only. But dangerous. "She wouldn't take kindly to us turning the alliance that our mother worked to build upside down just because you felt insecure." Oberyn laughed at his brother's annoyed look.
''I didn't feel insecure Obery. But think about it from an intelligent point of view. The kingdom in question is producing unique drinks, glass, better steel. That and much more. What kind of ruler would I be if he didn't want to get his hands on it for the benefit of our own kingdom huh?'' Doran analyzed it from that point of view.
''brother, you know me better than anyone. You know there are lines I am willing to cross for the sake of my plans. A snake is not afraid to bite people. Children, elderly or adults. They are all victims before their fangs. But we didn't have all the information and it paid us dearly." It was something that made Oberyn very angry.
''i guess. The current situation is less than beneficial. Many of those I have approached to agree in the future to support Arianne's marriage with coins so we can do what is necessary have walked away not wanting anything to do with me.'' And gods look it was annoying.
''Can you blame them brother? An alliance. Forged through marriage. With a subsequent possible wedding between the lines. And you threw it away just because of your fears and insecurities. Who will trust you now brother? Who will attend to you or pay attention to you, huh?'' It was a very logical question.
''Oberyn, what I have done has always been for the benefit of our kingdom. Every step. Every betrayal. Every deception. As a leader I am not bound by chains of blood. "I will use all the resources at my disposal to obtain the victory that will propel us above our enemies." It's how he saw it and no one was going to change it.
''Then brother, don't cry when things get complicated for you and our house. So don't cry when people come eagerly. Yeah. We more or less escaped. But you should know better. The wolf is furious and wants your head. How long will it take for him to come after you for what you did?'' She took it for granted. Hariric would stop at nothing.
''The wolf can die. There are many who are interested in his head. Many who want to get their hands on the same resources. Not just Westeros. No. Also from Essos. There are many who want nothing more than to sink their teeth into it.'' It was reality and nothing would stop them from getting what they wanted.
''then they are fools brother. You were not in his presence. They weren't. His mere presence radiates power and strength. It's not something that's going to end well for people. He seeks revenge. He seeks justice. And nothing and no one will stop him from his plans.' Knowing Hariric he was possibly seeking revenge on his enemies and Doran was.
''Are you really afraid of him Oberyn? How curious he took you like a man without fear. I thought you were incapable of being scared. Do you mean to tell me that there is a possibility that you will try to make a race if he comes?'' He wondered, was his brother really so afraid of the wolf lord? What had he seen that day?
''You have not been before him. His very presence screams like a wolf that threatens to rip your head off. That he is not afraid to break you into pieces because he thinks you are a threat and that he will make any move for his personal benefit and his revenge. No brother. One day he will come and the question is how much will you bleed before you die?'' With that Oberyn rose and stood.
''I need your services brother. I need you to get to the free cities. I need you to find the Targaryen brothers so I can put them away. If something happens to Viserys it is very possible that the plans in place will be completely ruined.'' Doran looked at his brother who just looked back at him.
''Do you want me to go to Essos? That wouldn't be bad if it weren't for the fact that I don't feel like playing in your games. Plus I don't want to have anything to do with any plans you have for our family. Do us all a favor Doran and get off that path before you end up exploding in our faces.'' Oberyn looked at his brother with pity before leaving the room.
Oberyn felt sorry for his brother more than anything because of his plans and ideas in motion. What could he say about him? What could he give him as help? Her brother was a bit of a dead person walking. Hariric would come after him sooner or later. And she knew that when he did so, everyone in his path would also meet a horrible fate.
As he was leaving he heard footsteps receding and he followed them. They were taking him to one of the furthest areas of the fortress. Soon he was on a terrace. But he was not alone. Because his niece was right there: Princess Arianne Martell. And gods the young girl didn't look happy at all with what she had possibly heard.
''Tell me, niece, what do you think of your dear father's plans? Do you agree with them in any way?'' Oberyn looked at his niece carefully. She was intelligent and knew what she was doing which was much more to say than what she had to say about her brother at the moment.
''Father is really crazy. Thinking about using me as a mere tool. After knowing that the Targaryens would not have a very strong return to the throne, why does he think that he could get his way in all things? He escapes me.' Arianne was not at all happy that her father wanted to use her as a kind of currency.
''Honestly, Arianne, what exactly your father could be up to escapes me, but what I do know is that there is too much chance that the Martell house will not survive it. Hariric Stark's fury is no joke and your father is taking it for granted.'' His brother believed that everything could be solved. There are things that could not be resolved.
''then all the more reason to distance ourselves from father and wait for the moment of his fall. If I were him, I wouldn't ally the fate of our house to the dragons. "Only an idiot is confident about all the things he could get out of all this and I'm far from being that confident." Believing in the same things as her father wasn't her thing to be honest.
''Some will say that usurping your father is wrong, niece. But the current situation is bad. Dorne will not stand if she is not united and Doran has achieved his goal by breaking the state of Dorne. You are arguably Dorne's best hope at the moment niece.'' How sad it had to be for her house that her master was the cause of her poor state.
''That's what I have in mind. But for now we will have to wait and be patient regarding the situation. Maybe asking for help to depose my father would make more people agree with us.'' It was the best plan she could think of in this case to be honest.
Oberyn lamented in his mind that things had come to this point. But his brother had asked for it with the actions he had in mind. His mother would be disappointed. While she believed in using every advantage available to victory, one thing she made sure to impress upon everyone is not to jump for no reason.
Arianne was not happy with the idea of usurping her father's position. But she had seen the current state of Dorne's situation and she was not pretty. She was thinking about the possibilities of her father leaving her and she knew he had no intention of doing it peacefully. It would have to be something she figures out for herself. Now she just had to be patient.
-Kingdom of Asgard. Red Lion Fortress Lion's Force
Lyanna was surprised. She lived in a good place. Her mother had arranged everything so that she and Tykren had her own place which was good and now they lived in a comfortable place. The fortress was a mining town in the lonely hills and was her home if she was to be honest.
The only thing he regretted was that he didn't have his little Jon. The little one had not been able to grow up with her. Not because she didn't want it. No. She knew that her brother always had a reason for doing what she did to her and that was because she wanted to hide her from all those who wanted to put their hands on her.
Robert would have stopped at nothing to have her. In Robert Baratheon's mind she was a possession. One thing to have. Oh by the old gods how he wanted to stab that bastard in the heart for even thinking that he had the slightest right to try to get his hands on him.
Since she was a child she had always felt loved by Tykren. She could remember the day Tykren arrived at her house. Her brother told her to trust him. He became one of those who did not mock her dream of being a woman warrior. In fact, he helped her in more ways than one, which made her feel loved.
Tykren wasn't just the one who cared about her. No. He was also a dear friend who listened to her. He could remember that in addition to her brothers it was hers who came to her side and stayed to listen to her crying about how she hated being engaged to a pig like Robert Baratheon. Hell, she offered to kill him so she wouldn't marry him.
She could remember that day when he used his body to protect her from the men who came for her. How he was hurt by the red priests and how he made a real effort to keep her safe despite all the bad things he could entail. But she could remember the pain in her being at believing that he had died.
Her brother saved her and told her that Tykren was alive and well. Injured and scarred but alive. She felt more than good knowing that he was alive. He did not reject her when it was found out that she was pregnant and he hated her even less for knowing that she was about to have a child with her bastard who raped her on her mission.
Instead I hug her and wish her what she wanted more than anything. But then came the disaster of having to choose: either Tykren or his son. In the end her brother was the one who told her to stay with Tykren that he would take care of his son and that he would make sure that he grew up loved. And although she had doubts she did it because she trusted her brother.
I wasn't sorry. His brother made a real effort for his son. During this time, his brother took care of him and loved him. His wife loved him like one of her own and they let her come through the rune gate (for some reason her brother wanted to call it Stargate but her wife told him no) and she could see it for at least three times a week.
As a lady she had her duties. And now she was pregnant with her first child with Tykren. She still remembered the look on her brother's face when he told her that she was pregnant... although she had to admit that it had been funny watching him switch between talking about doting on the little one and castrating Tykren for touching her sweet baby sister. she.
She regretted not having Jon with her but her brother had promised her that if once he reached the age to go to Isengard and achieved the necessary qualities to be named, he would be legitimized as a Stark and he would also tell her the truth about who he was and would not hide it. what I was thinking of doing.
She feared for a time that her brother hated her little boy. Her brother had made no secret that he hated Rhaegar Targaryen. Scratch that. Dismissing him was a joke. She could make her soul return just to damn him even more. Luckily he loved her son because in his own words he was also her son and that's all that mattered in her mind.
''You know that worried face doesn't do you any good, dear. I know you still have fear in your mind but you shouldn't worry so much. Your brother has taken care of him with love and he always lets us see him to take care of him and see how he is.' Tykren approached his wife. Gods like him loved her and he felt like she was his life.
''I'm sorry. It's just that my mind is divided. What will he think when he finds out the truth? Would he despise us for hiding the truth from him? I just heard that he is an incredibly good and active child. I'm afraid that's what he'll think once he's old enough.'' Lyanna feared what would become of her son in the future. Her husband just hugged her and gave her a kiss.
''He's a Stark. He's tough as nails and I highly doubt he'll get in a bad mood. You have been part of his life and you have helped him be raised so it is hard for me to believe that he is actually frowned upon by all the members of this great family.' Tykren could understand his wife. She was worried about her son and what she had in store for him in the future.
''I fear for him. I know my brother says anonymity protects him right now but we both know it won't be like this forever and I fear what those rednecks may try to do. "They are always fighting over the smallest things and I fear that they will try to drag him into their troubles." He didn't want his son to be involved in his problems.
''Lyanna you know that your father, your mother and your brothers would fill oceans of blood for any member of the family, can you even imagine what would happen if Robert Baratheon or some idiot said to try to lay hands on your son?' '. Tykren understood his wife's fears very well.
''It's just...I don't know how to explain it, Ty. All I know is that I think about my son. That sweet innocent baby and I think of all the bad things that can happen to him if we are not careful. I fear for him. It was the logical thing in Lyanna's mind. She feared for the future and the fate of her son if she was not careful.
''Lya...let's be calm about it. We both know that if something were to happen. That if someone even dared to set foot with the intention of killing your son Hariric would not give them a good and pleasant death but would break them into pieces and shred them in the worst way possible just look at what he did for you.'' The mere thought of imagining Hariric in a rage should be enough to scare the hell out of people.
''I understand your fears. I understand that you are afraid of what would happen. That is to say, the Tyrells could either try to hand it over to gain points or use it to have a king they can manipulate. Lannister would kill him. Baratheon would kill him. And Tully would kill him. But he still has to face the mountain that is your brother." Which he thought was more or less difficult.
''Also, although I understand that you are afraid for the little one, he is a Stark. When he claims his name it will be because he has earned it. Besides, you know your brother better than anyone. Do you really think that he won't be giving him the tools necessary for him to be able to survive whatever any idiot throws at him?' Tykren scoffed at the very idea at hand.
'''re right. Hariric has always been one of those who thinks that people can do a lot of good with the right tools and he is more than capable of doing the right thing with everything that has to be done in these cases.' She nodded in agreement. Knowing her brother like his son did, he wouldn't be a weakling when he broke up with him.
''Besides, there is one thing you should know Lya. That child may not be my son. But he is your son and he reminds me of you. So if anyone. If even one human being thinks about laying a damn hand on him I will cut him into pieces in the most brutal way possible.'' His love for Lya was that. He would always despise rhaegar. But he would never hate Lya's son.
''There are times when I question how I could be so lucky to have you. I'm not the best of ladies. "I prefer to spend the day doing many other more exciting things than just sitting and discussing the day to day." Lyanna scoffed at what the lady concept was. She was a woman from Asgard.
''Oh yeah. You are a woman's woman. Curiously, all members of the Stark family seem to be those who think that their partners should be their equals and accompany them in some way. Just look at your brothers.'' Tykren laughed. It was not a joke. Each Stark couple seemed made to make them better and more capable.
''Well Ashara is a tough bitch to deal with. I think you could say that she alone would be capable of telling anyone who offended her to go to hell. And believe me I have seen her use her spear with complete skill and I have seen her take down soldiers with utmost ease.' The first time he met her she didn't have the best impression. Now she believed that Ashara was a real beast.
''Well Eddard didn't marry a weak woman either. He just looks at that Trish. Her family has given her many benefits. She may not be as skilled in the arts of war as Ashara but she is a wholehearted merchant who has made many benefits to her husband.' Trish Merigold was a very intelligent woman and her marriage to Eddard was only positive.
''Hey, I'll let you know that Trish may not seem like much but I know that she is very skilled in the use of the dagger and she is not afraid to get her hands dirty with blood from people who bother her. "Gods have mercy on the idiots who get involved in her business or want to lay a hand on her family." Yeah. Mrs. Norvos could be very brutal when she wanted to.
''And then this benjen. Who would have thought that it would be one of the bears that would catch the wolf's attention? I can still remember it. Dacey approached him. They sat down to chat. And a week later you had them like rabbits and later you saw Jeor Mormont and maege chasing your brother to get married.'' Oh yeah it was epic and even hariric laughed.
''I think Dacey found herself enamored by the coldness and pure efficiency with which my little brother Benjen completely got rid of the iron-born imbeciles. "There is that of cruelty on that day." Yeah. His brother killed them when they came to destroy their city and a fourteen year old boy came out and killed them and executed himself personally.
''You can't deny that your brother beat the hell out of the squid. I think everyone in the North has already begun to realize that like his other brothers, Benjen, he is more than what he seems at first glance and that he should be respected for what he is capable of doing. ''. Yeah. Benjen Stark was anything but a joke.
Lyanna smiled thinking about it and nodded in agreement. Her family was strong. And anyone who tried to lay a hand on them would die. It was so simple.