Chapter 38: ch38
The Journey of Benjen Stark
-Sunset Sea. Aboard the Frigate Lobo de Mar-
Benjen was sitting looking at the maps his brother had gotten him. Navigation charts. That along with many other tools had allowed them a significant advance and he knew it would give them a significant advantage in the art of warfare at sea which was very important.
After cleaning house he was given command of a legion that would be sent and transported on the galleons while the one with the Frigates had a completely different mission: the complete eradication of the Greyjoy marine force. That meant destroying his beloved iron fleet. They couldn't let any pirate escape alive.
For that to work they had broken Maron a little more to make him send the correct message to send to the fleet. This would give the pirates peace of mind, believing that their fleet could not be attacked from the rear. His brother had already confirmed to him that they would be dealing with the southern threat and they would not be able to see their attack coming and it would destroy them.
After that his brother had given him a single mission: to destroy. Put fear into the pirates' bodies so that they would NEVER again think that they could launch an attack against them and that they would actually think that this could be brutal enough to let them know that the Stark family was full of monsters.
When he asked his brother why neither he nor Ned would be there, he did not look for justifications of any kind. He only told her the truth: that there would be too much work in Asgard. Each of them would have a fucking ton of work to take care of and Benjen could actually agree to that.
Ned might seem like he had little work but that was false. He had two cities to maintain. The super population of a city was intolerable and every time the numbers threatened to rise they had to think of ways to control it. His brother only had homework for it since people came to Asgard a lot to escape the shit of the south.
As if that weren't enough, Ned had to constantly deal with pirates. And not. They weren't the Greyjoy pirates. They were the Three Sisters pirates who were protected by the fucking House Arryn and the pirate forces that made the coast of Essos a home for their slavery plans.
On the other hand there was his brother who, if he had to say it, had a lot of work. It might seem like a fucking joke but it wasn't. Between being a king he had to listen to his brother having to maintain order. Fortunately, currently all the gentlemen believed in working with a single purpose.
But with the expulsion of the houses that rose up in rebellion (in reality only one house survived, the other two, as they were not related, were massacred without mercy) I now had to find two potential lords for both areas and not to mention mediate to prevent them from the lords kill each other over said lands.
That was without taking into account the recent loss of what were the lords of Skagos, although that was being kept secret because according to his brother the island had a good deposit of gold and he wanted to convert it if possible into the shipbuilding zone of the coast. eastern as well as ship maintenance.
So yes. His brothers were tired and busy so when they said he had to do the mission he knew that his brothers were trusting him and his abilities to be able to end the threat. Fortunately his brother had taught him almost everything he needed to know about naval warfare, which is to say something.
''My lord, the remote observers return with information about the situation later. "It is possible that they already know the position of the enemy pirate force." The captain spoke of the greyjoy as if they were no less. For him they were not gentlemen. They were pirates at best.
''thank you Captain. I'll go out and see them right now.'' Nodding to the captain he put on his navy uniform and walked out onto the deck to see a man who had been sitting in a meditative position. The man opened his eyes in his direction and stood up to shake his hand.
''My lord, I have good news, the iron army is not far from our position. I would estimate a few hours and we would catch them in full position to be hit. They have anchored in Isla Bella and in Fuerte desolación. "They seem to be preparing to split." The scout was nothing more than a warg with unsurpassed skill in connecting with birds.
''That doesn't surprise me at all. It doesn't seem like a bad plan. By settling in both positions they are safe from the advancing plans of the Western military force. Strong desolation has mountains protecting it while Isla Bella can only be reached by boat.'' It seemed that the leader of the pirates was not entirely useless.
''we can bombard the anchored fleets. "They are waiting for tomorrow to leave so we can crush them before they have time to launch their ships and then shoot them down on land." One of the captains of the legion offered his opinion. The legion was good at operating on land not at sea
''Send for the Galleons. I want them ready to launch the attack against those two areas. While the frigates bombard, destroying the iron fleets, we will take care of the ground force." The Marines would take care of any problem that appears at sea.
''My lord, what should we do in the event that the ships from the south appear? Although the Lannister fleet and the Redweyne fleets like the royal fleet could come here...if they deign to show up.'' The officer was seriously surprised that they could have been caught so off guard and suspected that it could potentially be a strategy to take down the squid.
''they will not. From the intelligence obtained by my brother there are two things to take into account. The royal fleet was not ready for this. "And Jon Arryn wanted to use war as a way to harm the forces of the West." There was a reason Jon Arryn wasn't wanted in Asgard the guy was a traitor through and through.
''weaken your own ally? That doesn't make sense seeing as they still have the fucking wet dream of putting their fucking hands on us. You would think they would realize that it is their division that makes them precisely weak against us.'' It was just pure logic. People had to stay together for a kingdom to function.
''I think it's because Jon Arryn was concerned about the alarming level of power in the western lands. Letting them suffer this would reduce his military and economic power. It's something my brother sees the treacherous bird more than capable of doing.'' The birds with delusions. They deserved all the shit that happened to them.
''does not matter. What we should concentrate on is catching those damn squids with their pants down. The more we screw them up the better. After that we should head to the damn islands to break them, right? One by one it will take time. In the captain's personal opinion it was not a problem.
''the orders are those. We must hit as hard as possible and ruin the iron pussies. Let's hope that Euron's defeat hasn't somehow made them think that we are about to launch a counterattack of some kind.'' He didn't want to have to deal with that shit if possible.
''My lord, what are the orders in case we encounter the southern forces? Obviously they won't take kindly to those damned iron pussies being sacrificed like the vicious animals they are. Although of course I think that if I'm honest we should simply ignore the orders and attack.'' In the captain's opinion the best squid was a dead one.
''Our main orders are to avoid conflict. My brother thinks there's a chance they'll try to use us as hostages if they catch us. In fact he believes that Jon Arryn wanted us to be caught by the squids so that they could then take us into custody and make my brother have to give in somehow.' It was something he could see happening.
''Your Majesty must be furious. And not being able to crush that fucking bird's skull must be pissing him off even more if possible. Damn shit and everything that hits. "I wouldn't want to be the poor soul caught telling the lord that he can't do shit." Unlike in the south here in Asgard a councilor was an advisor and they lacked power. If you thought that he could impose his will, you were a head lower.
''It's not something we need to worry about at the moment gentlemen. Our main concern is to fuck big time. By the way, my brother let me know that if anyone gets their hands on any of the ironmongers' Valyrian steel weapons, let them know that they are theirs.'' And that's how you earned people's loyalty.
''Can we sell them later? Because I heard there are still southern pussies who think having a sword like that is a status symbol. "I think House Tyrell and House Lannister would pay good money for it if I may say so." The captain already knew that if he became a man he would be fucking rich.
''clear. But if I find out that there are people who kill themselves for stealing the sword, I will have it under my power and I will refuse to allow anyone other than the family of the deceased to have it. Are we clear? Let's not kill each other over those fucking swords.'' He waited for the message to come through. Although men are disciplined, you never know what they might do.
''I will make sure to spread the news my lord and I will make sure that everyone understands that screwing over a few simple pieces of metal will only get you an early death as well as a loss of honor for the family although if I am allowed I can have "A suggestion my lord." The captain hoped this was a good idea.
''speak I'm all ears. Gods I'm not some uptight southern cunt of shit who thinks you have to ask permission to make me feel every fucking moment important just because they were born with a penis too small to be considered real men.'' Benjen's response was well received.
''Well, my lord, I was wondering, would it be possible to put the weapons up for auction and then distribute the money between the navy and the legion? "That would ensure that no one would be idiotic enough to kill themselves with swords." It was a more or less intelligent deduction. The captain of the ship agreed with the plan, not seeing a flaw in it.
''An auction would allow us to attract the lords of the East and make them pay a fucking fortune to have a Valyrian steel sword. Well it can be done. You've had a great idea. And seeing that these weapons can sell for millions of dragons I think that's saying something." It wasn't a bad plan in Benjen's mind.
''Now let's leave this. There's a war to prepare for and I'm looking forward to having another Greyjoy head on my roster. I'm sure my brother will be happier than anything to be able to send another one of those idiots to hell." Benjen cut the discussion short and gave orders with each man returning to his positions or in the case of the legion captain cutting the so-called mirror.
Benjen was both excited and terrified at the idea of this war. He was terrified because he knew his brother. It wouldn't just be over with this. Knowing him as he did, there were too many possibilities in his opinion that his brother would seek revenge against his enemies and although he also wanted it, he had more things on his mind.
Looking at the ships he only felt sorry. Jon Arryn's power play had cost the lives of countless people. He wasn't surprised that Harry didn't like the guy and in fact thought that at best he was a traitor to what he was supposed to represent. But as his brother said, hiding in plain sight is a very smart thing to do.
There is no mistake. These were the lands of the West. If Tywin really cared about his people he was sure things wouldn't be so bad. But Tywin was a renowned tyrant who only cared about presentation and reputation. Things that obviously not everyone would attack without eggs.
Benjen looked in the direction and prepared himself. This would be the battle that would mark the beginning of his own reputation. His brothers already had their reputations built for the express purpose of deterring idiots. He hoped the southern lords were ready. Because the Sea Wolf had come to stay screwed.
-Western Lands. Bella Island-
Victarion smiled as he sipped the wine in his glass. The satisfying feeling. The war had started more than well. In fact you could say he was happy. Especially when he found out two pieces of news. First and foremost, his brother Euron had been repulsed in his attempt to attack the Bear Island shipyard.
Oh gods how he had laughed when he found out. Euron boasted that he would be able to push into the territory because the Mormonts had a foolish and incompetent head of house. But it seemed that the shot backfired in the worst possible way since apparently the bear on the island was not like his nephew and he took things into his hands.
Frankly what he would give to see his brother's face having lost an eye and a hand. It had to have been a painful blow to his ego. More importantly this would possibly lower her ego to think of herself as somehow fucking special just because she thought he was special with the fact that he was the so-called champion of the drowned god.
Another piece of news was that he received a letter from his nephew Marón informing him that the acquisition of the north (they would never recognize the kingdom as anything more) was Hariric Stark's two brothers and their wives. He hoped he could get his hands on one of the women. They said they were both beautiful although if he was honest he would have preferred Ashara Dayne.
The children were murdered. That would lose the wolf's credibility. Ha. He couldn't help but imagine the man's look when he had the broken corpses of his nephews. Yeah. It would be most satisfactory. He wondered how she was doing with those traitors. Say what you want but on the Iron Islands one does not dare to rise up against their lords.
Everything was going according to plan. Once they had finished loading the slaves and the salt wives, they would send a part of the fleet to the islands to deliver the loot and then they would leave to beat up the domain's faggots. It would be most satisfying to know that they had basically beaten the shit out of those delusional morons too.
''Captain Victarion, this is a most satisfying victory. The drowned god is with us and has clearly been supporting us for what is the victory over these inland bastards.'' One of Victarion's officers spoke with pride and joy thinking that they had it all.
''Yeah. We have your blessings. Our enemies have been completely defeated. I have received a letter informing me that my nephew has proven to be a great man and has managed to get his hands on the members of the wolf family.'' It doesn't matter what you are. A wolf is no match for a squid.
''hahahaha that will teach those wolves a fucking lesson. They thought they were very arrogant. But this will teach them a lesson that in truth they cannot even consider themselves on the same level as real men." Another man celebrated at that moment what he thought was a simple victory.
''With his brothers in our power, that damned wolf will not be able to mobilize his troops and hit us. Essentially we have him trapped and he must know it. 'It must be very painful for him to know that his nephews are dead and that his brothers and wives are now in our possession.' Oh yeah. Just imagining the wolf's face was funny for Victarion.
''Can we use this to our advantage captain? Those damn wolves' ships are far superior. They are better equipped for the assault. They are much faster. And they allow a greater amount of load. If we could get our hands on him we would be even more unstoppable.'' A captain happy just to imagine such a prize in his hands.
''Yeah. I thought so. With his brothers under our control we can make him pay. And not just the ship designs. We are always going to need more wood for construction and they are the only ones who grow ironwood so we can get paid for it.'' Oh yeah. The idea of having a fleet of such ships was beautiful in Victarion's mind.
''Captain, I don't want to seem like a bad thinker, but what happens if the wolf decides that the lives of his brothers are not worth that much and decides to launch an attack despite it? The man might think that if we are willing to take away his family he might go after ours.'' A young man who had heard the stories of the wolf shuddered.
''tch if you know anything about the wolf it's that if there's one thing he values above all else it's family. He would never put his fucking family in danger thinking they would put him down. "We won from the moment we took over their relatives." It was actually something she expected. Victarion also knew the wolf's reputation for cruelty.
''hahaha you worry a lot boy. There is nothing to worry about regarding wolves. We are more than capable of standing up to them. If only that idiot Euron hadn't failed in his attempt to take possession of Bear Island. "Now we would have the northern western shipyard under control." A drunken captain wailed.
''TRUE. My brother's arrogance has hit us severely. If only my brother hadn't played it so hard we could completely control this side now. We would have access to his plans and much more. "We will have to use threats to make Stark give in." It was a misfortune in which he was going to put his finger on it as much as possible.
''Captain, after finishing here we are heading to the Dominion, right? It would have been better to head to Dorne. His women are more beautiful but those shitty princesses and flowers are good to be heard screaming at least. Yeah. The captain could already imagine himself on top of one of those flowery bitches.
''We will direct a part of the fleet with the rewards we have obtained here gentlemen. We will direct the resources we have stolen to that idiot who thinks he is special just because he shits gold. We are the iron men. "We are the real men of this world, the rest are just little bitches." Victarion's words were met with roars of approval.
With that done Victarion excused himself from his men and went to his nice room to do his business. Maybe he'll bring one of the new whores they had. Although if he had to be honest he hoped that more things would happen soon. This hadn't been a real battle. They had been taken so easily it was no joke.
Victarion wouldn't admit it to his brother but a part of him was afraid. Very afraid. He feared what war could have been if the North had not been contained. Hariric Stark had a reputation. He was also a heretic who wielded magic. Until they had the chance to compete with him he didn't want to be around at all.
That made him grit his teeth in anger. What was so special about that man that any iron man lacked? Why was he blessed by his gods with such power when none of them were? It infuriated him and there was nothing he wanted more than to bury his battle ax in that damn man's fucking skull.
If they had the full support of the drowned god the seas would be theirs. They could wage this war more easily but did a man of earth possess the powers of the gods themselves? He wouldn't allow it. If Victarion had a chance he would take everything he had from him. He would make him feel imposing while he felt like his whole life was slipping away from him. That was his plan.
-Next morning-
Victarion did not wake up calmly and simply. No. He woke up to the sound of screams and impacts. Surprised, he approached the window to open his eyes in surprise. Why? Because in front of the port of Isla Bella were the fearsome frigates of the north positioned so that they could attack without mercy and destroy their ships.
But what scared him was not the Frigates. No. They were the monster ships he saw. The ships were unloading the fearsome soldiers of the North. The winter legions. Their gray armor, their black capes and their gray and black shields. They were completely there and were coming out protected by continuous attacks from the frigate forces.
This was not in his calculations, would Hariric Stark really sacrifice his two brothers and their wives for the mere benefit of making them pay? Damn. That meant that the forces on the heavily desolated continent also had to be under attack damn it which meant he had them trapped.
But the most painful thing was seeing the destruction of the ships. It had taken them time. Plenty of time to build the formidable iron army after the dragons laid waste to it in the past. However now that armada was destroyed. She had to collect all the men and give them orders. If the northern man wanted a fight he would have to fuck her
''Captain, it's the fucking navy of the north. Why the hell would they attack us? Do you think we won't kill or execute that damned wolf's brothers?'' The captain who spoke was furious. Seeing the destruction of his ships did not amuse him in the least and he wanted revenge for the damage.
''We will make them pay. "If they just think they'll get away with it I'll make sure they understand how stupid it was for them to even think they could take us on." At least they weren't in the sea. Seeing how they destroyed everything could tell him that his ships would have been destroyed without any mercy.
''Sir, a runner has arrived for me. The prisoners we had and everything we requisitioned. "Those damn northerners have put their hands on him and we are away from them." The captain spoke with frustration. It infuriated him that they basically couldn't use the resources they had stolen. In response he received a blow to the face.
''Fool. We should be more worried about things like the fact that those fucking northerners have devastated our fucking ships and at the same time cut off our retreat. If we get out of this alive it will be by the minimum." Another captain was furious. He had no illusions. The winter legions had a fucking reputation.
''I don't give a shit what those pussies from the north think. What we are going to do is gather all the men. We will crush them. We fucking outnumber them. We don't see many soldiers. At most about three thousand infantry. I say we crush them.'' He had more than seven thousand soldiers; he was sure that they would have it in his hands.
''That's what I fucking say too. We can even steal their fucking ships. Look. They've done us a huge fucking favor by bringing their troops here so we can get their precious ships. In the attempt to revenge that damn wolf we will take away his precious ships.'' A captain spoke with emotion about it.
Victarion nodded. That was true. Thanks to this attack they basically had an advantage. If they won they could take over the fearsome ships of the North and then they could have a greater maritime force. The penalty would be the lost soldiers but he had the certain confidence that they could crush those pussies from the north.
Looking around he saw more than one soldier satisfied with him. Word soon spread. Quickly all the men he had, which were more than seven thousand iron soldiers, had joined together and were equipped and armed for war. None of them were less than excited. The idea of taking away their glorious fleet from the northerners made them somewhat happy.
Victarion however had two things in mind. One is that he hoped Hariric Stark wasn't among them. He didn't want to compete with the champion of a fucking god damn it. He preferred to fight his battles when they were under control in some way and he knew that the champion of a god would not do so in any way.
The other thing I was thinking about was how many people I was going to take down and therefore the glory I was going to bring to the ironborn. Smiling, he pulled out his Valyrian steel battle axe. Euron had obtained it from somewhere and gave it to her along with a sword for his brother Balon and the sword that Euron wielded himself. Although the last one was lost courtesy of their failed attempt to attack the North.
Victarion truly hoped that the drowned god would give them all strength. Although he trusted the skill of his fighters, the legions had a shitty reputation. And that was why, although it was hard to believe, Victarion found himself praying a little to the drowned god, it was a shame that his god didn't answer him.
-With Benjen-
The Galleons were ships that, when they could transport troops, each could transport about two hundred fighters. Naturally, Galleons were going to become the new commercial transport ship seeing that frigates were excellent for naval control.
The Brigantines would possibly be reduced. A shame he liked them. But his brother was constantly designing new things.
Galleons could function in two ways. One of them is transporting merchandise or troops. Seeing that they were transporting troops, all the space that would normally be used for merchandise was being used for troops, so in addition to the seventy crew, they were carrying two hundred infantry troops. Seeing that each legion had ten thousand men combining cavalry, archers and infantry, many were needed.
Although of course to help with that his brother had given his precious magical trunks that could carry enough material to transport goods. It was good that his brother had been able to foresee the war and be ready. Truth be told, Benjen would be the first to admit that having an intelligence network had a big impact on wars.
During two nights, some units of wolves left the frigates and went to where the civilian population was captured. They were rescued. Let's say the wolves were not happy to see the state of the people. They might not be from Asgard but they still had empathy and well let's just say that the squids they encountered were dead by their hands.
Once the civilian population was out of trouble...the bombing began. In the words of his brother, if there are no problems involved, what the hell is stopping you from devastating the fucking territory and crushing your fucking enemies, huh? So explosive arrows and fire projectiles began to rain from the frigates' guns. The fleet and main locations were razed.
After that to make sure their enemies didn't try any fucking shit they started a bombardment allowing the galleons to take out their soldiers. Soon two thousand five hundred infantry men and a thousand archers were in what was the landing area. And the greyjoys thought they could win.
Benjen was clad in the same armor his brothers had. The difference is that where his brother Ned wielded a greatsword and his brother wielded a greatsword, he had a short sword and a bastard sword. Both made of Valyrian steel. Meanwhile the infantry was preparing for the fucking advance.
Soon the screams began to come and there they were. Like a tide of flesh. It would be so fucking easy to take them out. But they still needed the weapons equipment to be able to confront the islands. He didn't think ballon greyjoy was such a fucking idiot to leave the islands unprotected, did he?
''Soldiers, do you know what we have in front of us? Garbage. They call themselves men but a man rapes a woman because he is unable to find one of his own? "Fuck shit." Yep. Benjen knew how to make people feel motivated. His soldiers were not happy with the mention of rape.
''Did you know that these same men take children to convert them into their culture? Little more than soldiers who serve the purpose of being pirates. I say that if they want to die so badly by cold steel, let's give them a test of ours. What do you say, soldiers?'' And as one the shields were raised and the spears were brought into position.
With a single order they advanced and the ironborn rushed like savages. Maybe if the ironborn had thought it would have been better. A rain of arrows fell on them. The archers were positioned in such a way that the rain of arrows was continuous and was killing everyone they could.
When the first group of iron men arrived they found that the men of the North advanced with their spears piercing them as if nothing had happened. Then they stood shoulder to shoulder and kept them trapped while they hit them hard with their spears until one was left without a spear, and when that happened he went to the back while another took his place.
Benjen was in the center of the formation and then he gave the order. They put down their spears and took out their swords. And they got into pairs. The iron men were cut down by the arrows but those who could advance were cut down by the paired combat group of the members of the legions.
Benjen made a bloody path among the men. Little did he know, but both he and his brother Ned had gone through a physical enhancement ritual courtesy of Hariric. Not nearly as serious as the man's own was but still enough to make it seem like he was superhuman as he cut her way.
Benjen thought that using Valyrian steel was the same as hitting an unarmored enemy. Although a guy with a shield would appear from time to time, they were pathetic and slow. And he could dodge them as they lunged. The wooden shield could not stop his bastard sword as he used his short blade to completely pierce the iron man.
There were still casualties on their part. But for every Asgardian soldier who fell, many more iron dead could be seen. It didn't help that the archers had come down with a lot of ammunition in their hands. The iron men fell. And it didn't help when the explosive bombardment fell now that they knew where the iron men's stops were.
His instincts screamed at him to lower his head and he did so just in time to avoid a battle ax passing through him and ripping his head off. There he was… Victarion Greyjoy. Ha. What a joke. The guy was little more than a savage. He had blood. His weapon possibly gave her an advantage against his soldiers. But now he was against him.
''You will pay Stark. Nothing will stop me from taking your head. You should have stayed in your beautiful fortress Hariric Stark. Because today is the day I kill you. Victarion lunged at the armored man who dodged. But then he realized it. He was not using a great sword as claimed. But a bastard and a short one.
''I'm not my brother, you piece of trash. I'm Benjen Stark. Your nephew screwed up. Both my brother ned and myself learned of the karstark's plans and stayed safe. And your nephew paid the price for coming after me. Now he's ready to die you piece of trash.' With a swing his sword struck him. His greater force pushed him back and Benjen took the opportunity to cut him in the side.
Victarion couldn't believe his ears, had his plan failed? This was bad. Much worse than he thought. Now the north would surely unleash its full force on them. But a thought hit him. Benjen Stark was not his brother. He could kill him safely. So he made an effort to move his ax
''You fight like a berserker. There is no style in your movements. There is nothing. You only wield your ax as if it were the ultimate answer for you to cut down your opponents. Let me show you how to really do it friend.'' And with that he started to hit the greyjoy who was injured and losing blood.
Victarion did what he could to stop the blows but with each blow more damage was done. And he won more cuts. The short sword came in quickly and cut. They weren't fatal cuts but he already had one on his forehead that made it difficult for him to see. So he risked everything with a charge thinking of running over his enemy.
Benjen saw the blow coming and waited. Just as he was about to hit him he moved to the side and slashed… slashed his spine. Victarion stood there and collapsed to his knees. And moments later he just looked at the Stark. Why? Why did one fucking family of earthlings have more blessings from the gods than others?
Benjen had learned something from his brother: you don't gloat. Without wasting time he cut off Victarion's head. The iron men looked around. He couldn't believe it. Unfortunately for them that moment was stupid. Because not a moment later the members of the legions finished crossing them. Of the seven thousand iron men who were there...not one was left alive
''Collect the corpses of our dead brothers. Send them on a Frigate so they can receive proper burial. The rest rest and prepare. In one day we will march towards the islands and put them to the sword. Let everyone learn not to fuck with Asgardians whether on land or sea.'' Benjen roared at the people and was greeted with a roar of his own.
He picked up the battle ax and thought about it. This weapon would be melted down to make either a sword, or a greatsword and a short blade, or two bastard swords. He saw his men coming with two more swords. And he smiled. Because this campaign had already proven to be lucrative. Now he just had to put a bunch of people who were too idiotic to live in their place.
-West. Western lands. City of lannisport-
Tywin was on the newly formed war council which included not only Robert but also Jon Arryn, some lords of the stormlands, the valelands and also his own lands. He was furious at that time because his land had been attacked.
Oh he didn't care about the gentlemen who were beaten. No. What mattered to him was that they had dared to attack them of all things. That someone thought he could hit him without consequences of any kind. The very idea infuriated him to no end and there was nothing he wanted more than to break something or someone over it.
In addition to his brother Kevan, Gerion and Tygett were there. The four of them were upset, although the most upset was Gerion. Gerion was primarily responsible for his navy being what it was. The fact that they destroyed it is like destroying his pride. Or worse, they killed their newborn Gloria Hill.
''Prince Stannis has reported that we will have the royal fleet here if there are no setbacks in three days. If they encounter the iron fleet, as it is very possible that this will happen since they will leave these waters to move, the safety is that the fleet will suffer casualties even with the help of the newly built Dominion navy.'' Jon Arryn reported the latest military information.
''The damage is more serious than it seems. Beautiful Island has been hit and used along with Fort Desolation as a pirate land base. Besides lannisport the entire west coast has been hit. And they attacked the Mallisters although it seems that in that case they were rejected.'' Royce's words were like a hard blow to Tywin.
''How is it possible that this movement has not been known? I find it hard to believe that damn eunuch didn't have a fucking idea. Didn't he boast that he had ears in every fucking kingdom? How did you not find out what was going to happen here?'' Gerion growled, glaring venomously at the man who was the king's hand.
''Varys states that there was no way he could have known of the aggressive movement against the western lands, the lands of the Rivers and also Asgard.'' Although Jon tried to make it seem normal on the inside he was satisfied. If the plan had worked they would have dealt House Stark a serious blow in terms of effectiveness.
''Did they attack Asgard? Oh great. Fantastic. We probably don't have to do shit. It is very possible that Hariric will launch an all-out attack on the Iron Islands and completely put them to the sword. Goodbye noble houses of the islands. Tygett would never forget the Asgardians and their efficiency in the art of war. If he was sincere he would prefer to avoid war against them.
''There is no mention of any kind of damage caused to Asgard unfortunately. Varys does not have any type of agent within the country, but he knows one thing. Maron Greyjoy's goal, which seems to have been successful, was to catch one of the Stark brothers. Jon hoped he would make it. Hariric would be blocked then, they would get the brother back and could use him as a hostage.
''If so we can expect a reaction. When Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna Stark they launched an all-out attack, why wouldn't Hariric do the same for his siblings? "I think we can expect to see the destruction of our enemies." Tywin would have said more but a runner entered and although he looked scared the man spoke.
''Your Majesty, Your Lord Hand, Lord Tywin and all. I bring news. Our observers have returned with information. The kingdom of Asgard has completely destroyed the forces of iron. The liberation of Isla Bella is a fact as well as strong desolation." The runner reported and left. He preferred not to be in the same room as so many powerful people.
Silence reigned. I mean, here they were discussing what was going to happen. How would Asgard be reactionary and if they could use it in some way. Some thought about whether the Greyjoys had taken Asgardians hostage and used them in some way. The news that Asgard had attacked and destroyed the iron fleet was shocking.
''buahahaha those fucking squids had it coming for damn. They should have known. It's true that I will never get along with Stark. But I will say something. He is a decisive man and takes things as the gods command.' Oh god Robert was amused. He should have known. Attacking Stark was a guarantee of certain death.
''Robert, do you have any idea what this means? If Stark has truly destroyed the Iron Fleet, you know what he would have done, right? They will have left no survivors. And possibly now they will set off towards the Iron Islands. Jon was not happy. This isn't how she was supposed to be damn it.
''Jon, as much as I would like to say that I follow you, I regret to say that I don't. Those squid bastards have attacked Asgard. What else did you expect? That they would just sit there? Hariric Stark couldn't afford it. So he did what every king does when he is attacked: he crushed his enemies.' Robert was suspicious. He had no proof but he looked suspiciously at his hand.
''I think there is something interesting. This has happened quickly. Almost as if Stark knew what was going to happen. Which may mean that House Stark were just preparing and when they were attacked they used it as an excuse. "They obviously had planned for it." Brilliant in Tywin's opinion.
''The kingdom of Asgard should not take this. If they go and destroy the noble houses of the Hiero Islands, what is that supposed to mean, huh? House Stark should have contacted us and coordinated. "It's a complete lack of respect on their part." Jon growled furiously and next to him the lords of the valley nodded.
''Jon were attacked. There's nothing you can do besides say fuck off squid. The good thing is that my brother will come faster without encountering the ironborn fleet and we can launch our own offensive against them. Thank goodness I don't want to sit here bored.'' Robert complained about the lack of action.
''Robert Hariric is going to kill and destroy many noble houses. He will put them to the sword if he has the chance. We must prevent it. There are innocents. What about the wives and children? Hariric Stark killed the entire House of Frey at the time. He has shown that he does not care about annihilating entire bloodlines." There was no way Jon could allow it.
''You won't find any sympathy from me Jon. The squid attacked him and he has his damn right to defend himself. It's only logical that if they attack you, you hit back. Maybe if those fucking squids had left him alone they wouldn't be in this shit. "Only they are to blame for his fucking shit." Robert simply shrugged his shoulders.
The discussion continued but soon the gentlemen separated. Jon continued talking about not being able to set a precedent for the annihilation of the houses. Robert just looked in Tywin's direction. Not that it bothered the lion. The man thought it was simple and easy on his part to do too.
Tywin went to his family home in Lannisport where his own family was waiting for him. His son Jaime was also there, as were his brothers who arrived with him. After entering he poured himself a glass of wine and relaxed as best he could. But he couldn't. Not when the fucking bird did this to him.
''so am I the only one who seemed to realize that that damned bastard Arryn took advantage of the ironborn and used them to beat us up somehow? In other words, we are the most powerful kingdom of the six. With this blow we have lost the navy and we have been severely weakened.'' Gerion looked at his brothers who just sighed.
''Jon Arryn knew of the attack. He possibly orchestrated it so that the ironborn would have an advantage of some kind so that House Stark would be hit. The man may think he is a great player but it is not impossible for me to see that he basically planned it in this regard.'' Yeah. Jon Arryn was nothing surprising to Tywin.
''Then that demands an answer, doesn't it brother? We can't let Jon Arryn think that he can just attack us like that. We are the alliance that actually maintains the kingdom seeing that we are the ones who are paying for the vices and much more of that shitty king.'' Tygett just made his comment while he watched Tywin think.
''I doubt it's necessary. Stark will attack him for sure. If Stark knew about the attack he possibly knew someone was after him. It wouldn't take much for me to figure out what he's going to do. Seeing as he attacked his family he will essentially hit back." Tywin just shrugged.
''What are we going to do with the fucking squid father? With House Stark having destroyed their fleet it will be but a matter of time before they completely crush the islands' forces. We won't be able to make them bleed for this.'' Jaime only made the comment because he knew his father well enough.
''Nothing now...but everything has its time and I intend that if House Greyjoy survives this it will never rise again in its splendor.'' And that was a goal she could live for a long time.