
Chapter 37: ch37

A New Rebellion

-West. Kingdom of Asgard. Black Wolf Port. 289 AC-

-Black Wolf Fortress. Big room-

Benjen was very upset. Just as his brother told him that she had attempted an attack against him, his wife and his son. Which had him in a bad mood. He would obviously be in a bad mood because he wanted to make sure his family was safe and he didn't care what anyone thought about it.

Benjen still had trouble believing he was where he was. He was now the lord of the western coast of the kingdom and had many resources at his disposal. He was the lord of one of the three access points to the kingdom so he was trusted with security a lot. He was married to a beautiful woman. He had a good son. And someone had tried to take it away.

When his brother warned him that there would be an attempt, he scoffed. Really? Would anyone betray the kingdom? After all, for people to sneak in it had to be an internal matter. He hoped that with the example set by the Bolton allies and House Bolton itself, everyone would understand that it was a bad idea to go down that path.

But imagine their surprise when they weren't just believers that they could do it. But they really betrayed the kingdom. He was furious. But his brother had brought along a Warg to help detect threats and an entire team of guardian soldiers in the form of Praetorians.

the result? Maron Greyjoy was now in her cell awaiting sentencing. Not a while ago his men informed him of a brutal attack against the western coast by Victarion, seriously? A rebellion is only successful if you have the resources at hand to get your way. Unlike his brother Balon, he did not own anything.

As soon as he arrived, he had sent an owl informing his brother that the attack had effectively been thwarted and that he had Maron in custody. The rest of the boy's men were executed and their bodies burned and scattered to the wind as if nothing had happened, knowing what an offense it would be to a Greyjoy and the ironmen.

His wife had been unhappy. There is nothing the Mormonts hate more than the Greyjoys. Not even cannibals pissed them off that much. So his wife had vented her heart out with the soldiers. Her battle ax and her warhammer had slashed and smashed her way through them all damn it.

Benjen knew that his brother would not sit idly by. He was possibly dealing with the traitor at that very moment which gave him some grief. Many still thought in the kingdom that although his brother was fierce, he would never be able to make certain decisions. He would never understand where such an idea came from to be honest.

Looking towards his wife he saw that she was reading. It turns out that his brother had warned Bear Island in case of a potential attack. As with the western shipyard, it was possible that the squids wanted to get their hands on it to also develop their ships. He had not been wrong since they had tried to raid the island. Unfortunately they were alert.

Once again it was shown that there was an infiltrator among the lords of the kingdom since the supposed defensive faults were sold. When the Mormonts agreed to receive the shipyard, his brother offered to build everything. A castle, a city and much more. He himself made the plans and he himself made the alleged defensive failures.

When Euron Greyjoy launched the attack to take control of the shipyard, they weren't just waiting for him. But they also cost him an eye and, if the news was true, an arm. His brother definitely took the security of his kingdom very seriously. So he deduced that the culprit would be begging for mercy.

''this iron garbage. You'd think they would have learned not to fuck with us. The first men were never ones to allow threats of any kind. What the hell were those idiots thinking?'' Dacey was less than pleased to learn of her attack on her former home but she was happy to know that the squid was hanging out with its tail between her legs.

''At least Jorah has done his job well. He is and always will be a bit of an idiot and too into that southern chivalry thing. Thank goodness Jorah knows that if he screws up his head will be in the wood.' It was one thing that every lord of the kingdom knew. They had responsibilities and obligations. If one didn't comply they were screwed.

''Mother was actually happy to be able to smash her battle mace into the face of an ironborn. It was Jorah however who cost Euron an eye and his hand. Say what you want about him but he is and always will be one of the best swordsmen in the kingdom.' It was one of the things worthy of respect from his cousin.

''If only he would get his head out of his ass and think before acting. I still don't understand why Jorah is such a fucking idiot. He is the lord of an important location in the kingdom and also makes a profit selling the ice to the south. The guy could see the advantages we have over the southerners.'' The problem with jorah is that he thought too highly of the south.

''Don't ask me. If my cousin came to me with these ideas that women should wear shitty dresses and that we should above all behave in a civilized manner, I would put my ax on his head.'' If there was something despised by every woman in Asgard, it was the belief that women were inferior, as the Andals put it.

''It was one of the things my brother never accepted from southerners. That a woman is supposedly below a man. You should have seen him when some pompous idiot came along one day and said that no woman would be better than a man with a sword. He just told her that our mother would flip her ass and she did." Lyarra Stark. The wild wolf of the kingdom of Asgard was a title well earned by his mother.

''Please, what your brother hates most is being told that his sister had to marry a fucking prostitute and drunk. I seem to remember that it was the voice of everyone in the kingdom even before we became independent that if on the outside I would have both of Robert's heads if he dared to even get close to his sister.' Dacey actually found that funny.

''Yeah. It's something I agree with. Why should our children get married to increase the prestige of our houses? Nice alliances but a marriage alliance is more likely to blow up in everyone's face than anyone thinks. "Besides, you already know what he thinks of the name Stark." Benjen couldn't help but find his brother's opinion interesting about him.

''I think I remember it was something like: we are Stark, we don't do things halfway. If someone tells him that he should marry his children to someone I think I can expect to see him and his sword, his wolf and snake breaking people into pieces at the very least.' He almost felt sorry for all the idiots who thought that for some reason they could marry his children to his.

''The reason you have for being this way is not bad. Although he is not afraid of arranged marriages he is one who thinks that love grows and is built like a good tower. He needs strong foundations. "Just saying you want to build the place would be the most idiotic." Knowing how she loved Hariric she could see him telling his children to focus on making his children happy rather than marrying them against his will.

''I can't say I blame him for being like that if I'm honest. I don't want our son to grow up hating us because we decide that he should marry someone just because he suits us. We are the first men, since when the hell do we do that thing of looking for a marriage alliance?'' He was an idiot in dacey's opinion.

''That's not just what I think. Just thinking about telling my son that he should get married because I want compensation or some shit. What kind of father am I if I force my son of all things to get married to get something? How pathetic I must be.'' The good thing about Asgard is that each area had its benefits and that made them powerful in themselves.

''bah Benjen. Also, do you really think I would let you marry our son and the one who has to come to anyone? What a joke. Our children are so free to have whoever they want... as long as they don't spend their time chasing hundreds of skirts to make themselves fucking happy.'' The very idea bothered her a lot.

''I very much doubt that this will be the case. If there's one thing I can say, it's that my brother would go crazy if he found out that one of his nephews goes after all the women and doesn't respect them. I think I could see him doing something painful to his own nephew.' Say what you want but it was his brother who taught him to respect women.

''No child of ours could be so fucking idiotic as to think there are no consequences for running away. I won't say he doesn't have some grandchildren. But if a son of mine thinks he can act like that I will hit him in the balls with a hammer and send him to live beyond the wall.' Yup she wouldn't have patience for that kind of attitude.

Benjen supposed that was a very real possibility. His wife and he believed that couples were something important. That his son wanted to dedicate himself to being with many women? It meant he had too much free time. Also, if he was honest, he himself believed that as a Stark you had to have appropriate behavior.

''Anyway, I think we should have a chat with our guest Greyjoy. Soldier. Bring the guest. And please make sure that if he tries to resist leaving his cell that he understands that the consequences will be even more painful.' Yeah. The Greyjoy deserved his full attention now.

The guard left without wasting time. Oh. Discipline How did his brother say it? Discipline was the mark of a good soldier. In his opinion, when his brother changed many things in the kingdom, he firmly believed that soldiers, guards and much more should be professional in their work schedules.

''You know, I still find it hard to believe that they thought they could get away with a plan so full of holes. "Though I can certainly see your brother hesitant to make a move against House Greyjoy if he thinks his family is in danger." It was a well-known fact throughout Asgard. There was nothing that Hariric Stark treasured more than family.

''That's why I know that House Greyjoy is going to receive possibly one of the most violent reactions. You'd think after what he did to Rhaegar Targaryen people would know better than to fuck with my damn brother.'' It was just stupid, did people not learn from what they saw on a daily basis?

''People see what they want to see Benjen. Balon Greyjoy believed that if he had his way, nothing and no one could stop him. He believed that he was superior. That he knows better. He is now paying the price. The price of pissing off a man who doesn't have much sympathy for his enemies.' One thing that was beloved throughout Asgard: zero mercy for enemies. That was why Hariric Stark was so fucking respected.

''Yes, well we will be getting into a fucking new war with complete certainty. Damn everything. What I wanted most was peace. What I wanted most was to be able to see my family grow. "Not having to go and cut off heads because some man is an idiot with delusions of some kind." Yeah. Benjen was less than happy with Balon's actions.

''Well, look at it from a positive side. This gives you the opportunity to build your own reputation in the world by letting everyone know not to fuck with Benjen Stark. The better your battle reputation, the safer we will be, Benjen. Dacey could understand her husband. He just wanted peace for his family.

''I will build us a great world Dacey. Even if I have to help my brother fill an ocean of blood to get it. I will not let anyone be a threat to our growing family. Especially for the little one we have and the one who is about to come into this world." Benejn smiled at his wife who smiled back before focusing on the people arriving.

Benjen put on his mask as the lord of the kingdom of Asgard. As his brother had told him on numerous occasions, you must have an air of absolute command. An air of people that should not be questioned in any way. Benjen had a cold look in his gray eyes as he focused on the young man brought before whom he was dirty and a little beaten up.

Dacey looked at the squid and growled. House Greyjoy and other ironborn had long raided the western coast of their kingdom in search of wood and resources. The damned Targaryens ignored his complaints. They didn't think it was important. So finally being free and able to fuck with these fucking squids was satisfying.

''You know kid, I have to admit it. You have balls. Many balls. You came to my brother's kingdom and thought of kidnapping me, taking my son and wife and making war on my brother. "That is one of the most idiotic movements known and there have been truly idiotic ones." I did not lie. And here she thought there could be high-level idiots.

''It doesn't matter what you do to me. You Greenlanders are weak. You are incapable of doing what needs to be done. Even if you have me, my father will not give in to his plans. And all you should know is that what is dead cannot die but rises stronger than before. Maron smiled proudly at the Stark before receiving a punch from the guard.

''What is dead can't be killed? Do you assume you are dead? Oh poor idiot and imbecile. You don't know shit about being dead. But I'll be sure to correct that mistake. We will destroy all beliefs. You ironborn have only pissed off the kingdom of Asgard if anything.'' Benjen scoffed at the level of mindlessness in front of him, was this what his brother felt when he dealt with idiotic people.

''Dear one, I would like to hear what you were planning to do with my son and me? I want to hear it. Your punishment will be much freer if you tell the truth.'' Dacey had been silent at the time thinking that the damn bastard must have had a plan of some kind. He would be treated with extreme cruelty if what he heard bothered her greatly.

''you are beautiful. You would have been a good salt wife. Not that it would have cost much to make you my bear. Everyone knows that dogs can barely do shit. Your good son may have magic... so he would have been killed. As for your husband, he would be a good slave to prevent his brother from attacking us.' Maron thought that nothing bad could happen to him. How wrong he was.

''so you were thinking of killing my son. Turning my wife into little more than a slave and trying to use me as a shield against my brother. I see. I guess the idea that the Asgardians wouldn't dare do anything comes from the fact that you think we have ideas from the Andals, right?'' Benjen had anger. A lot of anger at that moment.

''You could have claimed independence and everything. But you are still weak, did you know that it was one of your own lords who thought he could do that? "What else could weakness mean to your house than the fact that your precious noble betrayed you?" Maron didn't know it because he was deceived but he was tying a rope around his neck.

''a traitor...we knew it from the beginning. How did you think we knew you would come for us? for my brother? How did you think we didn't have a better idea of ​​what would be happening in the kingdom? We knew about the traitor. We only use it to our advantage. His betrayal will be taken care of by my brother." Yeah. His brother should possibly be tending to his beloved traitor.

''Anyway honey this piece of trash just thought he could What's the expression? So. You wanted to break me. I only belong to this wolf. Only he is my husband. He alone can share a bed with me. Don't fuck with me you piece of shit. I think it's time I taught you a valuable lesson.'' And with that he grabbed his warhammer and approached.

''hang on a minute. You can't do this, don't you need me as a hostage? Don't you need my father to give in to whatever demands you have in mind? I may only be a second son but if you lay a hand on me he will fall on you like a fury never seen before. Maron saw the woman approaching with the hammer and was truly afraid.

''We are Asgardians...we take no prisoners. Whether you live or die is at our whim. Seeing that what you wanted was to harm my family, well I think the right thing to do is to make you understand that that was a mistake. Honey, it's all the way you want to do it." Yeah. Benjen was completely behind his wife's decision.

Dacey did exactly what her husband told her. Without thinking twice she slammed her warhammer into the Greyjoy's crotch getting a scream from the man. She then hit her joints. First her knees. Then the wrists and finally the elbows. Everything was broken from the blows given.

Benjen then saw how his wife ordered him to be left to die. He would be given to drink every day. Thanks to his brother's education, it was known that a person could only last three days without drinking. They wanted to see him literally die of hunger. After that they took him away without a second thought.

''The war will begin soon. I'll go tell my brother. The Asgard fleet will leave and we will destroy the ironborn. They have attacked us. They planned to kill our son. "The least I can do for them is destroy their future in the same way they wanted to do with ours." Yeah. Benjen Stark was furious.

Dacey nodded in agreement. The ironborn declared war. They literally started this fight. They hadn't just come for them. But they planned to kill their children. So in Dacey's mind if they wanted to fuck up her future she didn't see any reason why they couldn't do the same to them damn it.

-Twin Wolves. Gran hall-

Eddard couldn't believe it. The level of stupidity. Oh gods he had thought that with his brother's show of strength the south (and if he included the greyjoy there) would understand better than trying to step on the wolf's mouth and hope for better luck. What the hell were those damn shitty squids thinking?

Yeah. They had thought about killing their son. They had thought about taking his wife. They had thought about using him as a hostage. Yeah. The squid had a very good idea of ​​themselves. When he found out about the traitors' plan, he called him an idiot. How the hell could they think that this would just happen?

But the traitors to the kingdom were different from the Boltons and their allies. They realized they couldn't beat their brother. So they had planned to break it first. Oh gods, if his brother had been furious before, what he would do with the traitors wouldn't be a fucking joke in the slightest, although he couldn't say he blamed him.

Looking at his four year old son Theon knew better than anyone that he would kill for those who thought they could lay a hand on his son. Theon looked like both parents. A boy with black hair but his mother's chocolate brown eyes. He was beautiful. He was perfect. And even he could remember the words of those who assaulted them.

They had planned to kill their baby. To his little son. For what reason? Because according to them there was the potential for him to be able to do magic. And of course, for the greyjoy, anyone who used magic was an abomination so they had to die. Ned was literally furious when he found out about that. His wife was no better.

What's worse is who had betrayed them. That bastard knew what they would do to his children. He knew it and despite it he still contentedly agreed to let his family pay the damned price. If his brother didn't kill the traitor he knew he would be close. But with his brother that meant little. The suffering could be a thousand times worse.

Once upon a time he thought that after the war the others would leave them alone for a while. His brother had proven to be a ruthless but efficient leader, surely no one would want more problems and fights against him right? Wouldn't anyone be so fucking stupid as to look for problems with them? He was wrong and how big it seemed to be.

The Greyjoys had attacked them for various reasons in their view. First of all, because they thought they could get away with it, where did they get that confidence? of your so-called god? Well, their so-called god was going to burn. Even if he had to go with every torch. He himself would kill and massacre all the drowned priests damn it.

Their confidence also came from believing they had the element of surprise. A part of him wondered where they got those ideas from? Where did the idea come from that they had the advantage over the other kingdoms? He knew that the south would ignore them since they were great at ignoring the affairs of the kingdoms they considered inferior, but them? What a joke.

In the words of his own brother, ignoring southern affairs was what condemned them a long time ago. And if Hariric was known for anything, it was for how efficient and dangerous he could be when he really put his mind to it. So it didn't cost him much to know that his brother kept the ironborn under surveillance.

So yes. They were more than ready for the fucking war and his brother was out for blood for those who had offended him in the past. He knew this would happen. And he knew how to stop it. So logically his brother would take advantage. What he didn't count on was that they would have a traitor when he passed. Someone who would betray them for their own personal agenda.

Eddard looked at his wife. His little Theon was now safe and protected. He had two Praetorians with him and there was security. His brother assured him that anyone who tried to cross the walls by scaling them would be displeased beyond any doubt. So logically I trusted security.

But his wife had pleasantly surprised him. When one of the ironborn mocked her he took a dagger and pierced her crotch before going up and cutting him open. Yeah. His wife could be brutal when she wanted to be that's why she was his wife. She wasn't a sweet flower who would never want to stain her hands with fucking blood.

''You have that look darling. You don't have to try to hide it from me. I know what you think and believe me when I tell you that although it bothered me to clean my hands of blood, I felt that after what they planned to do to me it was my right.'' Trish was beyond furious that those damned ironborn thought they could just get away with this.

''That's not what worries me. What worries me more than anything is the consequences. When my sister was kidnapped, my brother did not hesitate to move heaven and earth to get her back. What do you think she will do knowing that our children and families were in danger? She knew his brother. He wouldn't be nice.

''I can't say I'm exactly against it Ned. The fact that they just thought they could get away with this speaks of people with a strong delusion. An unprecedented belief in superiority. And that can only have a consequence if you stop to think about it.'' People with strong egos and beliefs can be very idiotic.

''They have unleashed my brother Trish's wrath. It's something I've always wanted to keep hidden. My brother's anger is not a good thing. Balon Greyjoy has thought he can get away with this and he will learn the hard way how wrong he is about this.'' And it won't be a pretty lesson to learn.

''I can't say honey that I feel anything but fair. If you stop to think about it, these people live by the motto of taking from others to benefit ourselves. They don't care about anything else. And they will sacrifice everyone for it. Well, it's time for them to pay the price for their customs.'' Trish just shrugged, thinking he deserved it.

''I can't say it's okay. But at the same time I can only say that I wish we didn't have to do this. That Asgard had been left aside and that if they wanted to fight each other they would fucking kill each other.'' Ned just thought that if people wanted to kill each other so badly then they could tear each other to pieces as far as he was concerned.

''I think you know that's a utopia. There are three ways to look at it. Number one, they leave us alone and we leave them alone. Except that we are allied with House Mallister and seeing that the entry point by sea to the riverlands is by Seaguard we would have gotten in at least somehow.'' It was what could happen.

''I can grant that. The fact is that my brother honors his words and treaties. If he thinks that someone is somehow threatening our allies I have no doubt that he would unleash the storm of heaven on those people.' He couldn't exactly say that he blamed his brother for protecting his interests.

''indeed. Whether he liked it or not, your brother would have gotten involved in it for the benefit of what was an alliance. Which brings us to the situation they had in mind. They attack us. "They take hostages and then they can get away with it somehow." She couldn't watch them just leave it aside.

''Yeah. That's what fucking happened. My brother has seen the people here clearly attacked and now he feels that it is our war in some way. Although I have the feeling that this in itself is too much of a trap if I have to say so.'' Ned doubted if, to be honest, this was all there was to it.

''There is a third option: manipulation. Someone thought it was a great idea to say that the kingdom of Asgard was responsible or that it had many advantages. Balon Greyjoy is not described as the most sensible gentleman. "It wouldn't be hard to see his plans and his machinations come true just like that." Trish offered her honest opinion.

''manipulation...I can see it, but from whom? Jon Arryn might try to make it look like a way to get Asgard and the six kingdoms to work together in an attempt to get their hands on our resources. Or...someone who thinks more long term.'' It was an option now that he thought about it.

''It's a posibility. Although your brother demolished the Targaryen house and Arryn swooped down like a bird of prey to collect the rewards, the truth is that not all lords support the Baratheon house and may want to see us to try to find a weak point and subsequently take control. with control of the kingdom once again. It was a well thought out plan.

''And that's without counting all the idiots who want to put the resources of House Stark in their hands. Damn talk about being a fucking pain in the ass having to put up with so many idiots.'' Yeah. In Ned's mind the chances of everything blowing up in their faces in a bad way could be epic.

''Yeah. The imbeciles who want to weaken this kingdom in the search for each and every one of its damn secrets. The imbeciles who want to be able to steal and turn what belongs to this kingdom into their own. The possibilities are fucking wide.'' It was the truth of the situation and there was nothing that could be done.

''Gods, since when has life been so complicated? Is it so fucking difficult to understand the concept, let us live in peace and that's it? And let's not forget the fucking traitor who thought it was a great idea to betray us and screw us for his so-called damn plans.' Yeah. Knowing his brother, that traitor will receive very unpleasant treatment.

''oh darling, life has always been complicated. Luckily your brother takes care of half the shit that hits the kingdom while you only have to do the day-to-day work to keep this piece standing. Actually your brother has a lot of shit work to do.'' To say Harry was busy is an understatement.

Ned sighed. His wife's words were no less true. In truth, if you stopped to think about it, the logical thing is that Hariric would have to deal with hundreds of assholes each with plans and ideas in mind that have an objective such as that they wanted to take away from the kingdom of Asgard its resources and its secrets.

''do not worry honey. You do a splendid job and in truth, although you could survive in southern politics, there are still more than a thousand different types of people. For example, those who would seek to eliminate your brother from power to place you since they would expect you to break the strength of the kingdom.'' It was the logical thing to do and Trish could feel her husband becoming less satisfied.

''Both Ben and I were never raised like Harry. He was always the one who was several steps ahead. His analytical ability gave him a real advantage against almost anyone or anything that stood in front of him. For my part, I have always thought that it is enough to survive." Ned did not regret the way he was.

''I highly doubt you'll see your brother complaining about how you are. If anything he would still see you as his younger brother. And he will want to carry the heavy burdens of being the King of Asgard. He will never want anyone to carry the same burden unless he is adequately prepared. Don't worry about it darling.'' Even with his intimidating manner it wasn't hard to see that Hariric cared a lot about his brothers.

''i guess. Well at least I will only have to warn in case it is necessary to send the eastern fleet through. Although knowing my brother he denied it. "Only the Western Fleet will be needed to completely wipe out the enemy Ironborn forces." Yeah. His brother wouldn't want to leave the eastern coast weak.

''no offense but with all the idiots in the East in the form of all those slavers and much more the chances are high that your brother wants the eastern fleet to make sure no one gets their hopes up. It's what I would do''. Trish nodded. She might not be a military leader but she was far from an idiot.

Ned nodded as he thought about what was happening to everyone. A new war caused by that idiot Greyjoy. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. He frankly knew that if his brother had her way the Greyjoy line would be completely exterminated by his audacity. Well let it be what the old gods want.


Hariric was not in a good mood. Far from it. He was in the worst mood possible due to the actions of the ironborn. How could he not be unhappy when those bastards had attacked them? He wouldn't have cared if they attacked the southerners, but attacking them? Well if they wanted a war so badly he would give them a damn.

But there was one more important thing on the Stark's mind. No. He was the traitor. The traitor to his house. To his kingdom. A man who had knowingly associated himself with the bandit lords in order to do something in the kingdom. No. Harry was far from happy…and the fact that they were family made it even worse.

Rickard Karstark had arrived at his stronghold just to be captured along with his sons before he could call the banners under his command. Apparently the man had been planning to make the move taking advantage of the fact that he wanted to save his brothers. Smart at least in some sense.

Harry however was far from being as kind as anyone else could have been. The soldiers of the kingdom had caught him and arrested the man and his children. In the process they had proven to obtain the letters. What kind of idiot doesn't burn the damn letters? He was an even bigger idiot than he could think.

The fact of what the man had planned. Kill his brothers. Sacrifice his nephews. His dead son. His daughters forcibly married his sons. Yeah. He was far from in a good mood and he had wished he had her head on hand to hit several times for the sheer fucking daring of him.

But he wasn't the only one furious with Rickard. His wife was too. Ashara was far from happy with what that damned idiot's actions were. So the only reason she hadn't gone hunting was the fact that she thought killing him right away wouldn't be enough to let him know how much he screwed up big time.

Harry knew his wife well enough to know that her way of being and thinking was that if someone screwed you over you hit them back. But if you were targeting her family you better make sure you kill her because if not she would come back for you with everything she had and she would break you into so many pieces that it wouldn't be fun for you.

''You know honey there has to be something wrong with some people. That is to say, one would think and realize that you are not like any other man and that possibly you would not take kindly to the actions of those who dare to fuck with you.'' Yeah. A question had to be asked about where the mentality of being an idiot came from.

''People like to think they are smarter. Rickard has too big a concept of self if I have to say so. "He possibly thought that just because he believed himself to be a true lord of the north he wouldn't be able to break it into pieces by his actions." And he was going to fucking break it, he was going to fucking break it.

''Yeah. But the guy has earned the award for unprecedented level of idiocy if you want my personal opinion Harry. Only a brainless idiot with low mental capacity would think that he could just act against a man who brought down the southern lords in a war.' She had to admit that she was incredibly idiotic to watch.

''Maybe darling, what's happening is that the guy thought he could just get away with it. No retaliation of any kind if he was caught because he is a relative. Honestly I will never understand. Yes, I will kill you because you are a relative, but nothing prevents me from putting you in prison for the rest of your days.'' It was that simple if you stop to think about it.

''that's the typical mentality of an idiot honey. Believe that they are untouchable. However you will excuse me if I want my pound of flesh. What he had planned for my girls makes me more than a little angry and well, don't tell me I can't get a little angry about what he did.'' It was that simple in Ashara's mind.

''dear. We've been married in this life and the next. When have I ever gotten involved in your personal revenge-seeking plans because some incredible idiot decided it was a good idea to go after the kids? If you want revenge help yourself it won't be a problem in my mind.'' Why the hell would it be? He would fucking agree with her.

''You know I was probably thinking that you would act like the Starks of yesteryear. That they left the Boltons alive because they were a necessary force for the kingdom. Although of course being told that seems surprising to me, how do the Karstarks need to be honest?'' It was a question that she had to admit bothered her a little.

''Yes, but that was in the past where a lord was needed to reign in an area. With the death of Karstark and his allies, three new lords will be needed and well I can always claim the territories in the name of House Stark and marry girls from House Stark to boys from any house they get along with.' He honestly wasn't a fan of arranged marriages.

''I can't deny that. The truth is that marrying girls to boys is something that is going to happen, although if I'm honest I'm not very comfortable with the idea of ​​choosing a boy or girl to be with our children all their lives. "Let them find their own partners," I say. That was Ashara's honest opinion.

''Yeah. Plus I'm not the only one. Almost all gentlemen think the same way. Marriage alliances? Clear. But unlike the south, the kingdom has never taken marriage between nobles so much for granted. And with them not being able to screw us anymore, well I think things are going well.'' It was curious how the majority of lords took it upon themselves that they did not have to look for marriage contracts between nobles.

Ashara smiled. It was something she and her husband agreed on. Marriage alliances? They weren't a bad idea per se. Hell they agreed that if two houses wanted to make deals it was perfectly fine but to sacrifice the children for that very reason? Fuck not completely fuck.

She felt more than good knowing that her husband thought this through intelligently and got more of the lords of Asgard to think before putting their own children at risk. If two wanted to get married then they could reach communications but after everything they had bled, why should they focus on marrying only noble people?

Ashara's questions, however, were cut off when the door to the great hall opened and Rickard Karstark entered in chains as well as his three sons. The anger she felt at the mere audacity of that traitorous piece of trash. Like her husband she had little respect for fucking traitors.

''Rickrd Karstark, you are aware of what you and your allies have done, right? Betrayal is something I have not allowed in any form. House Bolton and his allies paid for it in blood tell me why did you think you could get away with all the things? It was an excellent question: where did the mentality come from to think like that?

''I do not recognize you as king. You…you are trying to change us. To make the people of the north a completely different thing. "If your Stark ancestors saw you they would probably be horrified by what you are doing with the kingdom they built." Rickard would never recognize the man before him as a ruler.

''what I am doing? And tell me Rickard, what am I doing? Maybe you mean not returning to old habits? perhaps you mean making Asgard a powerful economic and military power? Come on man, you have a mouth, at least have the courage to tell me what you think.'' Harry looked at the chained man. He wanted to know what exactly crossed her mind.

''The first men take from those who serve them. The ancient laws were something that characterized us. And yet you reject them. You're a fucking southern cunt and that's all I see. Even if you have restored independence to the kingdom, you are nothing more than a southern cunt.'' Rickard would have said more but he then found himself lifted into the air and his lungs crying for air.

''How pathetic. What a disgusting example of existence. No. The real reason you are angry with me is not because I rejected the ancient laws. That's just your excuse. Your damn flag to try to attract people to your banner. No. The real reason...is that you are a jealous and insignificant little man.'' So pathetic. He expected something more.

''You have been watching the progress of House Stark. Our progress. Our goals. Always wondering if we would be more. Before you were satisfied. You were powerful and you knew it. You knew House Stark would need you and so you lived a comfortable life about it. Now it is no longer the case''. It was all in his pathetic head. The man was just a jealous piece of shit.

''You have used as an excuse the fact that I am rejecting the old customs. Like what? Maybe you mean refusing to take a woman who is getting married. Are we so unmanly that we need to sleep with someone else's wife just when she is getting married? Talk about being pathetic in that case.'' Yeah. That was from a pathetic man.

''I did you favors. You have a monopoly on Silk production. And yet despite this you thought you needed more power. In the end you are just that. A man who wants more power... that he allied himself with Varys of the southerners with the aim of seeing us taken down.' Harry smiled when he saw the surprised sons.

Rickard fell to the ground as if nothing had happened but continued to look at Hariric with anger. Why? Because nothing that was said was less true. Rickard had been a powerful lord with the backing of many who sided with him. But that changed when Hariric began to build the powerful trading empire that was the current kingdom of Asgard.

Before hariric did his thing, house karstark had more than just its own power. But with the power of four other houses: Woolfield, Locke, Flint of the Widow's Watch and Flint of the Finger of Flint. These four houses had supported them and made them one of the great players in the North at that time.

Then Hariric Stark began his operation to charm the people. To make them his allies. And he lost both Flint houses. One was now responsible for the production of Coffee, Cocoa and Tea. While the other produced wines. Both houses had become severely enriched by it and he lost his support.

Another thing Stark did was create the professional army. Where before a lord could impose his presence with his men, now Hariric Stark destroyed that by having the legions on his side. The legions that were solely loyal to the Winter crown. It was something he couldn't stand.

So yes. He planned all of this. I plan to take advantage of the Greyjoys thanks to Varys' words to get rid of House Stark. Although Hariric Stark could possess magic, nothing would defend him from a good knife in the shadows. At least that's what he thought. But now he realized that it was all over.

''And what are you going to do with me, Hariric? will you execute me? If you do such a thing, all the lords of the kingdom will see you as a murderer of relatives. If you execute my children to destroy my house you will be a murderer of relatives. "You're as trapped as we are." Yeah. He possessed confidence. This could turn out more or less well.

''I don't have to kill you to destroy you. Your children like you are traitors...except for Alys, did you know that she was the one who informed me? It was really fun. You trusted your betrayal in your children. They were loyal to you despite their obligations. And the only one you don't tell shit to she found out about you and was honest with me.'' Harry could practically see her emotions as she was directed to the young Alys who was standing there as if nothing had happened.

''your damn traitor''. Eddard the younger would have jumped if possible but the chains kept him restrained. The boy would have said more and his brothers with him had it not been for Harry and Ashara's magic activating and hitting them squarely into submission.

''Alys is many things: a traitor? I don't think so. A traitor is one who betrays and breaks his oaths. Didn't you swear to be loyal to House Stark? And yet you still rebelled against us and planned what you had in mind. Yeah. I think I am more than justified in breaking you with my spear.'' As if to point out her point, her spear appeared in her hands and moved in her hands with great skill.

''You call me a traitor, huh? I'm not the one who broke oaths. I am not the one who was planning to unleash a civil war that would have seen us victims of the southerners. Your father. You are the traitor along with these idiots and for what reason? Why did you feel small and insignificant? "Damn idiot." Yeah. Alys was less than happy with her father's motives.

''Anyway this is completely over. The thing is, I have to do something with you. I can't kill you. Even though the Starks mercilessly slaughtered the cadet branches that turned traitor in the past. No. I have something much better in mind.'' Harry was in a very bad mood because of his betrayal.

Without thinking twice I manipulate and create runes in the air. Everyone watched with wide eyes as the runes approached the four men of the Karstark house before binding themselves and engraving themselves into their skins. They screamed in pain and misery. No one was capable of doing anything to stop it and they knew they were in serious trouble.

''You see, killing you would have been kind. But there are worse things. I condemn you to live. I condemn you to be forever among the living. That you cannot call any place home. May every death you take weigh your souls and destroy your minds...now out of my sight.'' With a wave of the hand the four karstarks were dragged away by the guards leaving only the young Alys and Hariric.

''You were very brave Alys. You knew that this could earn you the discontent of many and despite this you did it. You were brave and clearly had the right motivation. Well done is the only thing I can tell you girl.'' Ashara nodded at the girl thinking that she had made a smart decision in her opinion.

''What my wife says is true. Now everything that was once your father's is yours. Don't worry. I won't ask you for anything. I won't demand anything from you. Just continue serving as you have done to date. Now you can return to your home and build it as you think is fairest. Harry smiled at the girl who nodded before walking away.

Harry watched the girl leave and nodded. It must have been difficult for her. It must have been an arduous task for her to do just to turn against her brothers, her brothers and her father. For this she deserved a reward. The truth is that he knew that she was only more intelligent and cunning than his brothers. He could respect that to be honest

''that girl would have been an excellent Slytherin. She knew that as long as her father was in her house she would never be free and would be little more than a prize for anyone who wanted to get their hands on her or use her father's resources. "He took advantage of this for free verse." In Ashara's opinion that girl was brilliant and dangerous which was actually interesting.

''The quality of his work cannot be denied in the slightest. The moment he learned of his father's betrayal, he saw it as an opportunity and went for it. He knows that our house is stronger and therefore he must ensure that his remains in good behavior. "I can respect that if I'm honest." It was just a demonstration of a survivor something he can accept.

''What do you have planned for Jon Arryn and others? They both had something to do with all this shit. Basically they were almost the ones who orchestrated everything since they were the ones who manipulated the iron men and increased the security that the plan could work in Karstark.'' Ashara looked at her husband interested in knowing what she had in mind.

''Attacking Varys directly makes no sense. That man has no possessions or anything that could be considered a power base, but his friend Illyrio does have many resources that are very useful to him. We'll use the wolves to beat the shit out of them.'' He was just making his personal comment.

''As for Jon Arryn...well it would be sad if his house ends up becoming extinct of all things. The man has left everything in the hands of his nephew who is in turn married to Lysa Tully. It would be a shame if something terrible happened to the man with his wife, don't you think, darling? If Jon thought he could screw around in his kingdom he was going to learn the hard way how wrong he was.

Ashara looked satisfied. In the end, you don't just win war when your forces conquer the enemy country. But when your enemy doesn't want to fight anymore.

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