Chapter 34: 34√NOTICING HIM


A/N:I read through the last previous chapters and i realized i wrote two different version of Jimin's dad, i mentioned he got an accident mysteriously but again in another chapter i mentioned he was with Jimin when the accident happened it was was supposed to be he got an accident suddenly sorry for the mistake just know the accident happened suddenly and no one knows about it ƪ(‾.‾")┐


The 15year old boy glanced at the big screen excitedly when he saw a familiar figure pop up, he clutched onto his bag excitedly the person he came for was right in front of him and maybe he wont have to look for him but boy he was damn wrong....

Mr.Lee was a big figure in Seoul thanks to his overly growing successful company that beamed two years earlier it was believed Mr.Lee and his friend worked their asses to make it stand but unfortunate things happened and before the announcement his friend died this remained a mystery to everyone up to now no one knows what exactly happened not even Mr.Lee at least that's what they believed. But Jimin coming to Seoul was a big achievement, he was sure this man would help him out and his family but to archive that he had to meet him right?....

It was a tough day for the first time he couldn't believe he had to sleep on the bench that cold night it was just torture all thanks to a few thieves that stole his wallet but at least he managed to fight for his clothes thanks to his karate skills but right now that wasn't helping he knew before he could meet this man it wont be easy this was a big figure it's just like saying you would meet the president just because you want to just how simple could that be, he knew his chances will be less but he didn't know it would be this hard.

It was really hard when you don't have anything in hand, he spotted a nearby cafe that was packed up with customers others were complaining how long they stood in line it was chaotic maybe he could try this out.

"uhmm excuse me, i was looking for a job i can help out" he pointed at the crowd, the owner first scanned him and he wasn't convinced if he could manage anything related to a cafe "what do you know?" he interviewed "we have a rice cake shop and we serve drinks too i can help out here" he said undoubtedly, the man at the cashier had no time to think it was already chaotic "i really need someone right now you are hired, Taemin give the new guy an apron" he instructed a boy who was making cups of different coffee making Jimin happy his first job he was squeaking...


It was a long tiresome day for someone working for the first time,"urgh my back" Jimin stretched near the door as he closed it and turning the board that read 'closed', finally the day was over with how chaotic it was but he was grateful he could help out in this way he could eat something the thought only made his stomach rumble "here eat something" the guy called Taemin as he heard earlier placed a tray onto one of the tables and invited him to eat how could he even refuse "thank you" he said and didn't wait to dig in....


"well indeed you knew how the cafe works thanks to you work went smooth" the older man stretched and approached him "am glad I could help" he politely bow "uhmm... actually I don't have where to stay is it okay I dont mind the floor" he knew he sounded stupid but it's better than sleeping in the cold "well that won't be necessary there is a room after the storage I think that will help for the good work today I will offer you a room only a little bit dusting and you will do fine" he smiled, Jimin couldn't be happier at least he got lucky for being here.




A month after me and Taehyung had became great friends we used to hang out a lot and became really close in a few weeks. My mom and Juho called a lot and i felt guilty for always lying to them but that also reminded me the person who i supposed would help me.

Mr.Lee was really a busy man and everyday would appear in the newspaper but getting to meet him was hard than i thought its a month and I never met him face to face not to mention the many times I have been kicked out the company entrance. But today was different, as i was walking around his company like I usually do, dont get me wrong i always hoped to meet him even for once So I never missed passing by. As i looked up at the three bulky men running to one of the limo i widen my eyes when I saw who it was finally I saw this man.

He was still as I remember him only that now he looks like a boss when everyone bow to him like a king he was. I got so excited and I knew it was now or never "EXCUSE ME!!" I screamed to get their attention but I was surprised he didn't spare me a glance I frowned to this "excuse...me" I ran over to them only to be scooped up in the air like a paper these men were like hulk "please hear me out" I said loud enough for him to hear "You again" one of the hulk spat "how many times do we have to tell you never to step here" he growled making me scared from just his voice was he a lion or something "Mr.Lee I want to talk to you" I tried again ignoring the hulks that were about to squeeze the life out of me "I..I please..." i begged but the older man wasn't interested or just pretended not to hear and before i knew it I was being carried away like a bag "we are going to teach you a lesson little boy" one of them said as he followed with a smirk this made me shiver maybe I shouldn't be here but it's too late for that were they going to kill me, I turned my head back to see Mr.Lee walking away and I said what I thought might make him turn around "It's me Jimin, Park's son your best friend" i said and sighed looking away I didn't think it would work so I just waited to be killed perhaps "Let him go" I hear him order his men who stopped in their tracks....phew.. that was close call to death. i was so happy to be released did Mr.Lee finally remember me, I turned around feeling like I hit a jack pot for some reason "Mr.Lee remember me?" I asked excitedly as the older scanned me.....

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