Chapter 35: 35 √FOUND HIM


It was a long tiresome day even though it was only evening Mr.Lee just wanted to go back home and take a long rest even though it was only evening but who cares but again being a CEO meant handling a lot of shit but he wasn't complaining 'lets just get over it with the meeting' he sighed trying to make his way in the company when.....

"Sir this boy kept on pestering us to meet you but we couldn't let him because he had no appointment" Mr.Lee could only sigh this is one of the days with those crazy fans fanning over them "do you think I have time for this why did I hire you in the first place" he growled to his secretary "sorry sir I will take care of this" the older could only dismiss her with his hand he was so done. "Its me Park's son Jimin" the moment he heard those names he halted his steps that name just caught his attention, his eyes widen in surprise I mean his best friend's son was here 'but why?' he couldn't help than be surprised "please hear me out I promise not to bother you again please" he begged while panting hard these hulks were real "ha..you sure have a lot of muscle" Jimin complained as he has his hands on his knee caps he was getting his breathe after so much screaming "this is my chance to talk" he mumbled to himself realizing he was acting stubborn awhile ago he straightened himself and looked at the suited man who had his eyes always glued to him like what the hell but he didn't mind though that didn't even matter.... "Hello am Park Jimin we talked once when you visited Busan with dad" his smile dropped at the mention of him but he quickly replaced it with a smile and showed his bruised hand to Mr Lee for a handshake "nice to meet you" surprisingly the older immediately shook hands but didn't let go yet he was still processing the whole situation "Jimin" he mumbled to himself feeling how the name rolled on his tongue he couldn't believe the boy was in front of him he needn't look for him anymore right....... . .

"What Is my schedule?" he always asked his secretary who always trembled with papers in her arms "y. you have three meeting this morning and two in the...the evening" she gulped seeing her boss fume with anger just why is he always busy "any free day?" he asked with a stoic expression "your pretty packed up" BANG!! she flinched when he hit the desk , her boss was really crazy "when will I see him again I want to meet him but I can't seem to have time" he frustratingly sighed while mumbling but was loud enough for her to hear she wasn't sure if she should even be there.

But that didn't end there every week it was chaos Mr Lee seemed triple busy and this fueled his anger the secretary seemed to have a hard time dealing with his temper she thought she would die out of hard work, the company had just launched the two working CEOs were to work together but the unfortunate happened and only one remained making it a lot of work on one head. 'Could he be the person the boss was referring to visit in Busan?' her eyes widen in surprised as imaginary tears streamed her face she was relieved 'thank God for hearing my prayers' she sighed. Mr. Lee looked 'relieved and happy' this boy had such an impact 'i wonder who is he?' she couldn't help than think but right now she was celebrating in her mind. Mr.Lee didn't know if he should grin or smirk, he just felt he hit a jack pot, ever wanted something and it just came to you itself that's how he felt , the sleepless nights he slept just thinking about going to Busan was unbearable and now...now..."oh Jimin....." he was speechless, he saw how Jimin's eyes turned to crescent in a second "You really remember me, am really sorry for the trouble I gave you" he bow numerous times and the older pat his shoulder "it's been a while I can see you growing up and am sorry for what happened to your father I was so busy I couldn't make it to Busan how is the family?" he asked and Jimin only became emotional "Uhmm that's....the reason am here we don't really have anyone to turn to am sorry for taking your time but...." he swallowed a sob and the older pat his head, "I do understand what you mean and your not a bother right now I want you to calm down I will leave you with my secretary and when am done with the meeting we shall talk more about this ok" Jimin looked up with his teary puppy eyes making the older almost coo "promise?" he looked liked a baby saying that "I promise ok here..." he handed him his personal handkerchief making the rest of them gasp in shock ⊙.☉ while Jimin innocently wiped his tears, and sneezed. The secretary took him in the Limo and made him sit as she awkwardly waited for the boy to calm down, on the other side Mr.Lee glared (↼_↼)at the guards who flinched "From now on don't touch the boy!" he ordered

Le guards:(-_-;)

Le secretary;・・・

Jimin:*innocently blowing his nose*...... Jimin couldn't believe it, did he just get lucky? he was sure he did 'Mom, Juho don't worry everything will work out" at least that's what he thought which indeed happened but he didn't know the moment he choose this path there was no going back, no matter what the circumstances there was no changing things the way they were it was either now or never and so he took his chances to help out his family he understood the meaning of sacrifices the life itself wasn't an easy one to start with so what about the hard work and risks and sacrificing a little?....

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