Chapter 54: 54 √FIRST KISS


"st…stop…no" I hate it, the touch was disgusting "no…pl..ease…" I tried to scream but it was all a waste I couldn't fight against him, I clutch onto the sheets tightly as I cried "please…." And that's when I jolted up from the sleeping position panting hard trying to catch my breathe beads of sweat and a tear stained face, "it was a dream" I convince myself, it felt surreal that I couldn't be able to differentiate between real and not real it was so vivid, I needed to freshen my mind for this, walking to the bathroom i freshen up with the cold water to awake fully, drying up I went back to my room and saw the slightly open window and decided to close it but saw something beautiful "wow" it was the full moon I checked my phone and it was past midnight another day without sleep am used to it.

I opened up the curtains and sat on the big window pulling my knees up and starring at the beautiful moon, it would feel good to be there right? I smile at my thoughts and looked down to the thick forests from the mansion. We lived in the center of the thick trees for security purposes, as I stared down I saw something shiny in gold "what is that?" I narrow my eyes trying to get the image in the dark and later I was startled to find a big dog….wait is dog even a word to describe this fluffy gum ball?....it was huge like a wolf… black and white in color golden eyes I felt like it was starring right down to my soul sending shivers to my spine but one thing for sure "its beautiful and pretty" I smile I didn't even realize when I starred at it for a really long time lost in thoughts and slowly drifting off to sleep.


Just as usual Agust'D patrols around the mansion and finally heads to that specific room and closing the door behind. He searches around the dim lighted room and whatever he was looking for was sat on the window "silly boy what do you think your doing sleeping on the window" he wanted to scold but the said boy didn't move he was fast asleep "hey" he shook him a little but didn't respond but rather fell onto his chest, Agustd could only pick him up and take him back to bed making sure to cover him up cooing on how cute he looked. He looked up to the camera smiling from his mask knowing pretty well he messed with it again and looked back to the younger boy noticing those small bruises which he thinks Jungkook insulated on him not sure that actually they weren't bruises but this was enough to make him mad he swear to beat the shit out him if they cross paths he dare touch this boy not cool at all.

In the morning as usual Jimin's up and doing the necessary stuff to head to the university he was excited to rant to Hobi about what happened a few days they weren't together "Hobi hyung" he happily called skipping on him "hey hey….you will fall" he scolded holding onto his shoulders before he fell along with him "your love with the floor am not ready to see it this morning" he grumbled teasing the younger who dramatically gasp as if he was told the biggest insult before he could sass Hobi interrupted "how was the days I was never there?" he playfully asked "it…." Suddenly Jimin went beet red he just put the tomatoes to shame "hey…you ok" Hobi placed his palm onto his face to feel it hot "are you sick?" he asked again, Jimin replayed the scene again it was eating him alive for sure and he suddenly changed his mind to tell Hobi he might tease him later for sure and he wasn't ready for that besides what will he tell him 'I had sex with Jungkook or maybe not' hell no who does that "n..nothing" he lied looking else where "no there…." they were interrupted by the bell and Jimin was thankful for that no kidding.

In class just as expected Jimin couldn't concentrate at all the scenes why weren't they stopping he wanted to cry to this he just wanted the scenes to disappear and the red on his face wasn't helping at all 'please go away' he groaned as Hobi eyed him suspiciously, as if his prayers were heard he heard a ding on his phone huh….

He opened to read the text from the familiar person.....

Jungkook:Baby doll!

that word alone was able to bring that red annoying feeling to his cheeks

"what do you want Jungkook?" he asked kinda pissed of because of one reason, Jungkook was the sole reason for his unrestlessness.

Junkook:Is baby doll angry, i wonder what made him upset?

Jimin really wanted to scream right now, he even forgot about the class and the professor concetrating on that annoying man living rent free in his head "It's all your fault" he replied honestly.

Jungkook:i can see how angry it made you, baby how about i make you better? he suggested

Jimin thought for a while before replying "I can't concentrate because of you of course i want it to go away, any ideas" he breathed

Jungkook:come to the bathroom i will make it up to you

Jimin thought for a while what did this man want in the bathroom, this idea seamed so tempting yet uncertain

Jungkook:Baby dont hurt your pretty head, come see for yourself i'll make sure you forget about last night,

Jimin guessed the elder was surely smirking but he really wants to forget what happened because he hasn't been concentrating at all "ok" he bluntly replied. Jimin looked towards Hobi signalling him he was going to the restroom who nodded back.



Jimin was nervously walking to the restroom whose hall ways were quite today it only meant no one was here, he really wanted to go back but his mind urged him to reach his destination. He slowly opened the door locking it behind and looking around the empty room. "Dolly" he heard that hoarse voice which made his adrenaline freeze "Ju..jungkook" his voice disappeared the moment he looked at this sculptured alive man, Jungkook wore a red suit three buttons of his shirt wide open tight pants which Jimin could tell the tent that already bulged abit making his jaw drop to the ground he was too obvious making Jungkook smirk.

He was drooling as he gulped to the sight, he was a whole ass package with a bonus he was lost of words, before he knew it he was pinned to the bathroom wall, startled he placed his tiny hands on Jungkook's broad hard chest as it felt shinning beet red, Jungkook knew the effect he had and took advantage of it weakening the younger between him and the wall.

Jimin was lost in his charms he didn't even budge, Jungkook taking this as a go sign decided to do what him and his wolf were arguing about earlier. Jimin had bit his bottom lip looking down but Jungkook raised his chin with his one finger getting turned on with those luscious lips "no biting dolly" he whispered hot breathe fanning to those plump tempting lips.

Having enough holding back he leaned towards and capturing those lips to his, they felt heavenly that his wolf groaned to the satisfaction it gave, they fit just perfectly. To this Jimin had widen his eyes but in a split moment closed them again clutching tight to Jungkook's shirt, Jungkook saw this reaction and he couldn't help than admire the beauty in front of him he looked perfect.

Jimin's mind was so clouded with this new feeling to even think about anything else than the lips to his, his legs were on a verge of giving up and Jungkook noticed.

Without breaking the kiss he bent down abit deepening the kiss and holding up his thighs his hands getting to feel that Jibooty he dreaded for "uhh" Jimin gasp when Jungkook squeezed his ass cheeks and this gave the other a chance to roam his tongue all over him getting to taste his caravans, Jimin tightly cling to him and he was sat to the sink.

"uh...mmh" he was so surprised the sounds he made and this made Jungkook to roam more inside him as his hands got to feel that Jibooty underneath those pants. Jimin having no idea on how to kiss didn't kiss back but Jungkook gave him time surprisingly he was a quick learner he kissed back and this made Jungkook to widen his eyes not because of how Jimin kissed but because he woke the monster that was now trying to stand tall and proud. Need of oxygen he broke the kiss and leaned his forehead to Jimin's "was this your first?" he whispered "yes .." Jimin whispered back....



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