Chapter 55: 55√THE RUN
Jungkook hurriedly got out his feelings, so flabbergasted with what just happened it caught him off guard real good 'Jk I told to stop denying it' his wolf said for the nth time "shut up" he roared gripping the wheel so tight that he was almost pulling it off and the tent in his pants kept on growing recalling the messed up look the younger had "uurgh get off my mind" he groaned 'you wanted to help him forget but instead you actually needed it more' his wolf mocked "it's your fault" he stated 'how is it my fault I only wanted to prove it you that you can't resist the Jimin effect at all as I said he's our mate_' that 'mate' word made him even more angrier how dare he mention it "we don't have a mate got it" he shouted and his wolf remained quite sighing in defeat, he was going to be a tough nut to crack he just hopes their pretty mate wont leave because of Jungkook's hot head.
"we don't need a mate I'll prove to you" Jungkook said angrily.
His wolf has tried to make him understand about mating but Jungkook as usual only brushed it off denying the fact that they even have a mate he doesn't believe that bull, and even though he could feel the urge the attraction he doesn't want to admit it, for God sake he is supposed to use the younger to get to the bastard who killed his family member he wasn't gonna go soft for anyone related to him "baby doll. ...." he mumbled but his phone ringing got his attention reading the familiar name 'Rose' he smirked and held it to his ear "Baby I miss you any plans today" he almost cringed to this "just on time, in 30 your place?" he asked "I'll be waiting" she giggled while Jungkook stepped on it to head there he wants to clear his mind so bad.
"uhmmm..ahh" "baby your so hot" the voice mumbled through the rough and aggressive kiss they were holding "yes, for you" her words died down in the kiss as she was slammed to the wall "I want you" Jungkook groaned in her neck feeling his erection painful, and without warning he threw her onto the soft mattress and hovering over her "mmh..." she moaned as Jungkook sucked her nips (A/N:bare a little with this straight shitತ_ತ)
She kissed down to her belly button and going down to her panties which she shook her head in no "i can't wait take me" she moaned and Jungkook was fast on that.
Slamming her hard in animalistic pace the room was filled with loud moans which really didnt fit to his liking he wanted something more natural, soft like...."Mmmh....J...Jungkook" those soft moans filled in his ears yet again and he was surprised just by the thought of it he was about to come how surprisingly, he looked down to Rose who was in a mess but her image disappeared being filled with Jimin's messy face he saw awhile ago in that bathroom "uurgh'.." he groaned realizing how much he wanted to see that face, he thrusted harder imagining Jimin under him and before he knew it he had come with Rose who came earlier and panting hard while she smiled "you did great baby" she giggles but Jungkook only kept quite his mind filled with Jimin....Jimin...and only Jimin 'the fuck you did to me?' he thought.
Back to Jimin in the bathroom his muscles had stiffened the whole of him arching the question of what just happened awhile ago his brain was in a mental freeze it's like it left him to deal with his own state like for real.
He was still seated on the bathroom sink as his lips were slightly open panting abit, he looked blanked, he couldn't believe that was his first kiss and it was unexplained feeling he got from it, from what he had about kisses why didn't anyone mention how great they felt. He placed his fingers to his lips as those thin lips to his replayed his face fell hot. The vibration in his pocket broke his train of thoughts and jumped off the sink so he could check his phone behind his pants and read the message from Hobi who texted feeling worried why he took long, he replied back saying he was totally fine and he straightened his pants and disheveled hair and walking back as if nothing happened.
No surprises he could no longer concentrate in class anymore and for rest of the day, Hobi tried to ask him what made him so but he didn't receive an answer only a zooned out Jimin.
In the evening Jimin made it back to the mansion not uttering anything not to even Agust'D who was eyeing him suspiciously he made his way to his room not missing a cute smile and blush on his chubby cheeks, what a day!.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Taehyung ask accusingly to Jungkook who has a cigar in between his fingers taking a puff. They were in his office that evening Jin sat across checking his finger nails dramatically "I had to first do my research" he shrugged "then..." he asked "I found out it's his uncle they are related here he made me sign this" he handed him a paper that Jimin gave him earlier "does he know?" he asked "that Jimin is being sold to me?" he took a long puff "he either knows and playing dumb so they could get to me, or his uncle is actually using him without him knowing, but i'll take the first optiom" Jungkook said he never trusted anyone and this time he wont either after he made him battle with his heart and mind he knows for sure there is no dust of trust maybe Jimin was really more than what he was "second option" both Jin and Taehyug said knowing their innocent mochi wasn't part of this they at least want to beleieve he wasn't "don't be trapped by his innocent pretty face" Jungkook said recalling Jimin's cute face as he blushed and he smirked for that "did someone say pretty" Jin with his teasing begun and Jungkook rolled his eyes "come to think of it he said 'pretty' he rarely call anyone that" Tae pointed out looking so serious as if he discovered the biggest secret which was also true, Jungkook was also surprised at himself did he finally admit the younger was the prettiest thing he laid his eyes on? "ok will you two stop, but am not kidding it's true he is pretty" Jungkook admitted finally 'i knew it' his wolf jumped "is my baby falling in love?" Jin teased eyeing the younger "i smell something weird" Taehyung joined Jin leaving Jungkook groan at how these two ganged against him.
As they still teased Jungkook the Tv's voice caught their attention and they stop laughing to listen to what it was
"It is believed the girls were going back home and they suddenly disappeared in broad day light, but what is surprising is that it dint happen once this is the seventh case today and not even the police has a clue of what is happening at all"
the news reporter continued to speak but the three underlined the first important sentence "when did this start?" Jin asked "as far as we have eyes all over Seoul this must have happened since today am sure of it" Tae said "and i might know who it is" Jungkook said looking back to the TV seeing Mr.Lee receiving some contracts with the minister and no one argued so far Mr.Lee has been their suspect but as far as the event is concerned he was more than a suspect "what is our next plan?" Tae asked Jungkook who did't seem worried at all "seems the drug idea is keeping him at loss and now he took human trafficking as another portion, but we wont follow his trap am sure he is trying to confuse us with his other criminal ideas, let's keep an eye on him from both sides" he suggested "and i'll keep trying to get information from Jimin" he coldly and no one interrupted in.
"anyway guys..." Jin called stretching up "do you know when today is?" he asked the two boys who looked confused for a minute "it's ful moon you dummies" he wanted to scold but didn't want to ruin his mood "we have a run" Tae said excited "i could use this time to fully stretch" Jungkook said getting up warming, they needed this important exercise to let their wolves fully out and stretch to their satisfaction "let's get done with the run and after that we go back to work, Mr.Lee wont do shit under our nose" Jungkook said while the others nodded for the plan "let's go then"Jin ushered while the two followed behind.