Chapter 56: 56√FLUFFY FRIEND
The night is deep, the silvery moon is dotted with the dark blue night sky, and the naughty stars are running around her, chasing and playing. The stars will hold the moon, and the moon will not be lonely tonight!
"Awhoooo..." the wolves howled in the middle of the night, this was the best time the time to change out of the closet the time to howl, time to look for a mate, time to hunt, a time to do anything a wolf would like.
There wasn't one howl they were more than the five wolves who had gathered together in the thick forest and this was a surprising thing to them. Wolves had become instinct but that's what the humans believe the actual wolves did exist but no one knows and the fact had to be hidden.
Jin, Tae, Jungkook, Kai and Jungkook's dad had turned to ware wolves but hearing more howls they stopped for a moment to sense the voices, it seemed they were more than five maybe a hundred maybe..
They turned back to human form with nothing but skin "did you hear that?" Jungkook's father asked "we do" they answered "any idea where it is coming from?" Jin asked "thanks to our sharp senses we can hear anything from miles away, we all know it's not coming just from near" Jungkook stated "why does it sound they are in pain?" Tae pointed out "you are right, how about this let's find the voice's source. Let's split up to see if any of us can get anything" Jungkook's father suggested and they agreed.
Jungkook was the first to turn back and make a run into the deep as the rest followed to different directions.
How dare Jungkook do that, how could he kiss me without consent? I kept on asking that same question to no one but me and great I don't have answers to, at 2pm past midnight Jesus. I even lost sleep to this and I kept on touching my lips which I don't know why, wanting to get fresh air I walked to the balcony on my room and stood near the railings watching the bright moon it really was beautiful until I saw something shinning.
"Those blue grey eyes again!" I leaned forward to get a better view and i was right. I have been seeing those eyes for some days now but today i was curious, just like I always do I jump off the railing dont worry i know pakor that's because I needed it for security purposes.
Following through the dark path bare foot on the dewed grass, I realized that whatever it was never moved "is it perhaps waiting for me?" I whispered so not to scare it away. For the first time I walked beyond the mansion's boundaries disappearing into the thick trees I wasn't scared at all untill I saw what I recalled as a dog, my jaw dropped to the ground, does something like this exist. It was so big in black and white it...was....was...."Omo you are so beautiful" I smiled to the discovery. for the first time I saw it's eyes up close they looked liked they held the whole galaxy "You have pretty eyes" I almost jumped to this I have never seen something so beautiful before, buts it's eyes was reminding of something, I think I saw them before, where could it be was it in the camp? maybe....
My thoughts broke when I heard it move on the small branches that made a cracking sound. It was in a sitted position but the moment it stood up I fell to the ground as my head was high looking up, now am scared what if it eats me, I heard wolves are merciless "hey...fluffy" he had hovered over me and I felt like a small branch that was about to be stepped on so I tried raising my hand to pat it's face, I closed my eyes tightly waiting for any kind of pain which did not seem to happen but I felt something soft to my hand and I squinted my eyes open to see he was willingly rubbing to my palm "awww you are so soft" i cooed trying to stand to it's level as I rubbed it's soft fur he liked it.
I couldn't help than giggle when he licked all over my face "hah thats tickling" it felt really weired but I loved the feeling. A few seconds later he sat down near me as I did the Same but I was suprised when he lay his head on my lap. "you are so fluffy and cute" I coed wrapping my arms around its neck feeling his fur on my face I could use this as a blanket if I could.
We sat for so long starring at the moon that I don't know when I fell asleep ontop of this beautiful wolf. I felt something cold on my face breaking my long sleep "hey..." I called rubbing my eyes I can't believe I could finally sleep and that too beside a wolf which I didn't know was dangerous or not but it was friendly I could tell.
He got off my lap and we both stood up seeing the sun was peeking through the thick trees I really did sleep for so long didn't I? but it was the best sleep I ever had in days "morning fluffy I had a great night thanks to you" I pat him again "but I have to go back before someone notices I wasn't around" I snuggled to his neck for a few seconds and stood away "I hope we meet again fluffy bye" he looked down in sadness and i just had the urge to bring him to my room which was a bad idea, I came near him and hugged him again kissing below his eye "I promise we shall meet again ok" I smiled and let him ran back into the woods seeing his disappearing form "so pretty" I grinned once again and ran back to the mansion hoping no one knows I wasn't there.
"Finally no fucking moles" Mr.Lee shouted in satisfaction his new plan finally worked "i bet they didn't see that coming" he chuckled falling to his chair in the office he was happier than ever "how many?" he asked his assistant who fixed his specs and spoke "there are 50 teenage girls and 50 teenage boys total to 100 and more incoming" he replied "that's a good starter but to someone like Matteo he wont go for a hundred maybe more than that" he nodded to his thoughts "sir- isn't it dangerous now that you are going to get associated with government officials?" Dae asked wisely choosing his words this man could easily snap no kidding "i did think about it and guess what?" he started laughing like a maniac "am not responsible for anything" his assistant looked confused at first "what i mean is i might be the boss behind all this but am in the shadows someone else is handling all these" he said "i only look at the benefits the rest is up to him" Dae could only gulp to this he knows his boss but he wont say anything he doesn't want to get his days numbered "sure thing sir, anything else?" he asked but Mr.Lee shook his head "am heading home to sleep" he looked tired af all that partying at night wasn't helping at all he was so hangover he was surprised he hasn't yet passed out.
"Did you find anything?" Jungkook's father asked at the breakfast table as everyone sipped their coffee early in the morning "the voices suddenly died down" Jin said "and there was no longer a trace of sound" Tae added "i completely lost track and didn't find out anything either" he too said his side story, the night they failed to track the voices it was a disappointment "uncle we wont stop searching lets add it to our list maybe we can find something" Jin suggested "i agree" Tae said "by the way where is jungkook?" he asked "we were not with him" Jin said "either, but why isn't he here" before anyone said anything a naked man made it into the house all eyes on him.
"huh, were you waiting for me?" he asked walking towards the table salivating on the delicious breakfast decorated onto the table how hungry he was he just realized it now "anything new?" his dad asked "It felt like there wasn't anything by the time I felt near the sound it's like everything stopped suddenly" "I know right we lost it" Jin added frustrated. Jungkook sat butt naked and wasted no time to dig in "shameless" he rolled his eyes to his dad's comment "at least cover up" Jin scolded "after this....." he pointed to the meal infront of him not minding the ugly stares on him.