Chapter 60: Chapter 60: Unexpected Visitors
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The brass door knocker of Waters' old house had rusted in place after years of disuse.
Now suddenly restored to its original purpose, it could only manage a few weak "clunk-clunk" sounds.
"What's that noise?" Orli mumbled, climbing up from the carpet.
"Is someone at the door?" Harry fumbled to put on his glasses.
Ron's voice came from outside: "Orli! Harry!"
Orli rushed to open the door. She had assumed Ron hadn't written back because it was too late last night, but here he was in person.
When she pulled the door open, she found her doorstep crowded with people. Half the Weasley family had gathered there.
Ron stood at the front knocking, with Mrs. Weasley beside him. Ginny held her mother's hand, peering inside for Harry. Fred and George stood behind them, but they had grown so tall that their gaze easily reached over the others to meet Orli's face.
"Harry! What's going on? I sent you dozens of letters but got no reply. I thought something was wrong with Errol..." Ron burst out upon seeing Harry inside. Orli invited them all in, greeting Mrs. Weasley as they entered.
"It's a long story... but who's Errol?" Harry felt it unwise to mention Dobby in front of Mrs. Weasley and Ginny.
"Errol's our family owl, though he's quite old," Ron said with a grimace. "Percy has an owl too, but he never lets me use it."
"Good thing we got Orli's letter last night, so we knew you were safe. Can't believe Orli managed to get you away from those Muggles!" Fred exclaimed in amazement.
"If you hadn't replied to Ron soon, Mum and Dad were planning to come get you themselves," George added.
"Arthur and I were so worried about you, Harry," Mrs. Weasley said kindly, looking from Harry to Orli, then glancing around the room. "And you, Orli. What do you eat when you're home alone? Do you cook for yourself? Heavens, you're not even twelve and you're brewing potions! You must be careful with the fire, and that fireplace..."
"Mum!" Ron interrupted, his face reddening, cutting off what promised to be a lengthy lecture.
As for Ginny, the burning blush never left her cheeks as she hid behind Mrs. Weasley, stealing glances at Harry.
"Well, anyway, we're all here now. Time to pack up, you two little ones," Fred said, patting both Orli and Harry on the shoulder. "You're coming to spend the rest of summer holiday having fun at our place."
Neither Orli nor Harry had much luggage, and they were soon ready and standing by the fireplace. Mrs. Weasley had already cleaned the fireplace and thoughtfully brought a jar of Floo powder!
Apparently, the Waters' fireplace was connected to the Floo Network, though Orli had never used it in her life.
"Come on, Orli and Harry, you two first. The destination is 'The Burrow,'" she held out the jar to them, but Orli and Harry just stared at each other, frozen in place.
"I... what am I supposed to do?" Harry stammered, aware of everyone watching them.
"They've never used Floo powder before," Ron realized.
"No worries, Mum, I'll demonstrate," Fred said, taking a pinch of the glittering powder and throwing it into the flames.
With a roar, the fire turned emerald green and rose higher than Fred. He stepped right into it, shouted "The Burrow!" and vanished in an instant.
"You must speak clearly, children," Mrs. Weasley instructed them. In those few seconds, George had also disappeared through the fireplace.
"Remember to keep your eyes closed, there'll be soot, and don't fidget..."
"Keep your elbows tucked in, don't panic, and wait until you see Fred and George before getting out..." Ron added.
Somewhat nervously, Orli took a pinch of Floo powder and threw it into the flames. The green flames that shot up nearly singed her hair, but she was amazed to find they weren't hot at all - more like a warm, dry wind that quickly enveloped her entire body. She hastily called out "The Burrow!" and felt herself being sucked into what seemed like a giant funnel.
Her whole body was spinning rapidly, with a deafening roar in her ears. Something knocked against her elbows, while other things brushed past her. Orli opened her eyes slightly to peek out, but could only see fireplaces flashing past in a blur.
Her stomach churned, and she silently lamented that this was even worse than Apparating with Snape!
She desperately wished for it all to end, and then suddenly she crashed onto a cold floor, feeling dizzy and bruised all over.