HP: Supreme Potion Collector [Original Female Protagonist]

Chapter 61: Chapter 61 The Burrow

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"Are you alright?" Fred extended his hand to help her up.

George pulled over a chair, letting her sit down to catch her breath.

Shortly after, Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Mrs. Weasley emerged one by one. None of them appeared as disheveled as Orli.

She felt she might be naturally unsuited for wizarding transportation - even Ginny was standing there perfectly composed!

"Orli, dear, what's wrong?" Mrs. Weasley touched her forehead with concern, examining her carefully.

"I'm fine, just a bit dizzy..." Orli gave a weak smile.

Steadying herself against the table, she forced herself to look upward to ease the queasiness in her chest. A peculiar clock soon caught her attention.

Instead of numbers, the clock face displayed words like "Home," "School," "Hospital," "Work"... Each Weasley family member's portrait was affixed to spoon-like hands, with most currently pointing to "Home."

Three shelves of books lined the fireplace mantel, including "Charm Your Own Cheese," "Magical Baking," "Conjure a Feast!"... Nearly all were about household and kitchen magic.

An old wireless by the sink was playing, broadcasting Celestina Warbeck's voice. A full-length mirror suddenly barked at Harry, telling him to tuck in his shirt.

Orli fell in love with the place almost instantly. Though not grand or adorned with expensive decorations, compared to other places, this felt more like a warm home.

Mrs. Weasley settled everyone in chairs around the dining table. She bustled about the kitchen with clattering sounds, then emerged with an enormous frying pan. A stack of plates tap-danced their way to everyone, and Mrs. Weasley loaded each with heaps of sausages and fried eggs.

"Eat up, children." She pressed down on Ron's shoulder and shot a warning glare at the twins. "Whatever you're planning, you're not leaving until you've finished your food!"

Harry immediately began wolfing down his food. His plate held eight or nine sausages and three fried eggs. Mrs. Weasley kept buttering his bread.

Having heard about how the Dursleys mistreated Harry, Orli noticed Mrs. Weasley's knife seemed ready to pierce through the toast.

"Can we take Harry to play Quidditch later?" Fred asked.

"No talking while eating!" Mrs. Weasley scolded.

"But Harry hasn't touched his broom all summer! Wood will kick him off the team!" George chimed in.

"You be quiet too," Mrs. Weasley cut them off. "It's your turn to de-gnome the garden today, don't try using Harry as an excuse! Ron and Orli can play with him."

"Oh, Mum, Orli's afraid of heights. Don't torture her," Fred dramatically feigned fear, while George very cooperatively hugged him.

Ron made a disgusted face.

"Sorry, dear, I forgot about that," Mrs. Weasley handed Orli a piece of trimmed toast, then tossed the crust onto Fred's plate.

"Ginny! Sit up straight and eat properly!"

They only then noticed Ginny had nearly slid under the table, with only her large eyes visible. She was still staring at Harry.

"My sister's been talking about you all summer," Ron nudged Harry with his elbow.

"Yeah, she might want your autograph," George teased.

Ginny let out a squeal and bolted upstairs. Mrs. Weasley shot a fierce glare at Ron and George, who quickly ducked their heads back to their food.

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