I Was a Loner, but My Class Got Summoned to Another World…

Chapter 50: Award Ceremony

"Master Logan, I am sorry to wake you so early, but we have to head out soon," Ruri said, shaking Logan awake.

The boy usually rose at the sound of her voice, but today he struggled, so she had to take matters into her own hands.

With the help of Krexa, who jumped on Logan without a second thought, the boy finally got up.

He flicked the little goblin in the forehead as payback before yawning.

"Sorry about that, Ruri. I had an awful night thinking about the ceremony. I really, really don't want to go…" Logan pleaded, fully aware that his maid couldn't do anything to prevent the event.

"I know, Master Logan, but we are all really thankful for your actions. Please just accept it. As for your attire, I have placed new garments that were bought especially for today. Please clean yourself before putting them on. I will start helping the staff with the food so you can have a good meal before leaving," the maid said, leaving the boy to get ready by himself.

"Say, Kryst, you wouldn't happen to have the ability to transform into me, right?" Logan said playfully, trying to cheer himself up while getting ready to change into formal wear.

Thanks to his slime, he was already spotless and ready to head out.

Just as Logan exited his room, he saw both Rubina and Lisa, who had also finished getting ready. Everyone seemed too tired to speak and headed downstairs to greet the Earl, who had a joyful expression on his face.

He was already drinking something that resembled coffee, the sweet, smoky, nutty aroma waking everyone up with its mere scent.

"Great to see everyone up and ready. We will be leaving right after eating," the Earl said, rushing everyone by waving his hand.

Everyone quickly ate in silence, aware that there would be no time for conversation.

After finishing their meal, they entered two different carriages. Logan and Lisa took one, while the Earl and Rubina reluctantly left in another.

Logan, for once, was glad to be with Lisa as they made their way back to the castle.

Her magic kept him in top shape; whenever he felt a bit sick, she would place a finger on his forehead, reinvigorating him and reducing the sickness from the ride.

[Thanks, Lizzy. I owe you one, once again…] Logan communicated, finding it comfortable to use his telepathy to speak with the girl.

"You know, you can speak normally when it's just us, right?" she replied from her seat in front of him.

[I know, but I have to tell you something important that I don't want others to hear. My mentor mentioned that taming other humans was illegal. I wanted to bring this up yesterday, but there was no chance,] Logan said, sharing his concern.

[Ah, about that! Yes, I have bought jewelry to cover the mark. I see you have done the same. Just make sure no one notices; it's in a pretty obvious place,] she replied in a serious tone.

[Don't worry, I have kept it a secret. Just make sure to take care of things on your end, and we should be fine. It's not like you can order me to do anything, right?] she told him, almost in a mocking tone.

[No, I think it just adds a link between us. In my monsters' case, they get stronger somehow, so I hope it doesn't affect you negatively,] Logan said, trying to imagine the scenarios their bond could cause.

[So you're telling me I can be turned into a hairy cavewoman? Based on your dinosaur's result?] She smiled, trying to think of the weirdest situation.

[No... if anything, maybe you will turn into an angel or something. Haha, I wonder how wings would look on you…] Logan tried to contain his laughter. He thought about Rubina's soft and elastic bat-like wings and could imagine Lisa with feathery, white, holy-looking wings.

[Right, right... what are you trying to make me into?] Lisa said, laughing.

[Anyway, it's a serious matter. Let's try to keep things under wraps. I don't want to think about what they will do to me otherwise,] Logan sighed, trying to bring back the serious tone into the conversation.

[Just keep doing good deeds. I'm sure they will forgive anything after you kill a few more demons,] Lisa added, trying to end the conversation on a positive note.

[Lisa, don't take life so casually. I didn't like the way things happened that day. I don't want you to feel the same way I did…] Logan warned, clenching his teeth as he tried to push the memory to the back of his mind.

[Sorry, Logan… I didn't mean it like that. It's just that I hope we can continue the way we are now,] Lisa said with a tinge of sorrow.

[Don't worry, we will. I'm just feeling a little unprotected now that my beasts aren't with me…] Logan said, thinking about how he was left alone while the Earl took his creatures to avoid causing problems at Logan's event.

"You know… I never took you for a loner who needed company. You seem to be changing a little," Lisa said, finally speaking normally after tiring from all the mental communication.

"Yes… I don't know how, but now that I am not with my team, I just don't feel the same, like something is missing," Logan added, just as the carriage stopped.

"Heroes, we have arrived," the coachman said, opening the door for both youths.

"Thank you, James. You have always taken the best route," Logan told the elderly man. James was, in Logan's opinion, the best driver.

He always tried to go at a speed that kept Logan from getting sick or at least made the ride more bearable compared to other carriage drivers.

"It's my pleasure, young hero Logan. Now you should hurry; the king should be ready to welcome you," the driver said, pointing toward the opened double doors, where a few knights stood guard.

"I will see you later, Logan. I need to check on the class and find out where we should be. Bye," Lisa said before walking off toward an area where a few of their classmates were standing and talking amongst themselves.

Logan sighed, feeling lonely for the first time in a while. He looked around and saw the magical garden, with his plant Scarlet overshadowing all the others.

"Guess I will feed her after everything is over," Logan whispered to himself before taking the path inside the audience room.

He was stopped and checked using a special tool to ensure he was not armed. The boy had to wear a special ring that sealed his powers while inside the room.

It seemed to be a way to keep the king safe from anyone who might hide anything dangerous in their dimensional space items.

"You can enter, hero. You will be guided by a knight to a designated area so we can proceed with the ceremony. The rules will be given to you shortly," a knight with bright yellow eyes said, his aura indicating he was an earth user.

Logan followed orders, moving almost automatically as he tried to keep his mind clear. He entered a small room and exited after being given a new suit—a red tuxedo embroidered with gold.

Soon enough, he heard the sound of music and cheering. He tried to rehearse what he would do in his mind, and just as a trumpet sounded, the doors of the small room opened.

Like a robot, he walked, ignoring all the cheers and calls, marching like a soldier toward the seating area along the red carpet. He then walked toward the thrones where the king, his wife, and children sat or stood.

He did not attempt to turn to see anyone as his nerves were at their wits' end. He just wanted to get everything over with and return to being with his tames.

"Hero Logan, we have heard about the many good deeds you have done so far… You have saved us from conflict with the Great Divine Beast, Ferra, who watches over the lands," said the king, whose name Logan had forgotten.

"You have cleansed a great part of the forest ridden with mutated beasts…" the king continued, making Logan mentally sigh as he refused to see this as a great deed.

"At a young age, you have slain two demons and provided one for us to interrogate…" the king said with even greater vigor, prompting the room to cheer even louder while Logan mentally refused with more zeal.

"For this, we will reward you with the lands to the north of here, young hero. You will also gain a substantial amount of money—a good amount, if I may add—as many nations wish to reward your bravery." The king then ordered a nearby knight to place a sack of coins next to Logan.

"And finally, you will be given two personal knights to help you in your future endeavors." Logan stopped whatever thinking he was doing at that moment and looked around, hoping this was not real.

"Come forth, you two. You shall be with Logan from this day forth. Protect your new master, even at the cost of your life," the king commanded, his voice enhanced by magic.

Logan spotted two figures who stood on each side of him. He sighed but was thankful that they were at least people he knew.

Kneeling behind him, he glanced to each side respectively and saw both Kai and Chloe behind him, each holding a ceremonial sword by the hilt.

Logan nodded to accept what was given to him, trying not to cause any commotion.

"Now then, to complete this great deed, we will also bestow upon you the title of Baron. Now rise, hero," the king said. A knight handed Logan a gold sword encrusted with precious jewels.

He placed the sword's flat edge over Logan's left shoulder, then moved it towards his right, and finally towards his head while chanting, "In the name of the Seven Spirits who have enchanted this blade, and by the power vested in me, I dub you Sir Logan, the Baron of Highcrest," the king finished.

After doing so, the king went back to his seat. Another knight stepped forward and raised a flag with an insignia. It appeared to depict a couple of mountains in the distance and three trees. He approached Logan, handed him a badge, and then gave the flag to Kai, who stood up to accept it with a careful gesture.

The audience erupted in cheers as the ceremony concluded, but Logan stood there in shock, holding onto his badge with a heart full of turmoil.

What is all this crap for… he thought, feeling the weight of his new title and responsibilities.

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