I Was a Loner, but My Class Got Summoned to Another World…

Chapter 51: Power of Money

The celebration went fast for Logan. He had gone on autopilot through most of it. He only shook hands or offered fake smiles as nobles and representatives catered to him.

What happened had yet to register properly in his head. He was now a baron for some reason.

Within his hand, the insignia of his new land stood. It was carefully made out of gold and silver, signifying its importance, or at least the importance the king wanted him to give it.

The boy was currently standing outside the banquet hall, finally away from everyone's prying eyes. During the event, his classmates and teacher were also showered with attention, so at least he didn't need to talk to them as they were also busy.

The few who did come to greet him were the teacher, who wanted to know how he was doing, Lisa, who congratulated him, and a few other classmates who just wanted to know how it felt to be a noble.

The sun was still out. The morning breeze was starting to be affected by the first sun, which was almost midway throughout the sky. He could hear the festive atmosphere behind him, but Logan just wanted to leave. He had a lot to think about, yet not a lot of time for himself.

"Kid, it seems you're doing better." A voice called him from behind.

Logan jumped slightly before noticing the person behind him. It was his mentor, dressed lavishly for the occasion in a dark dress that clung to her body, adorned with silver and purple jewelry that matched her eyes.

"Sorry about that, I didn't mean to startle you," she said, trying to hold back her laughter.

"Don't worry about it, Miss Valeria, I was just engrossed in my own thoughts," Logan said while faking a cough.

"That is good to hear. I hope you're doing better, boy. Forgive me, I really didn't know everything was going to be blown out of proportion…" Valeria said, leaning back against the wall.

"Me neither… What exactly do you think will happen?" Logan questioned while settling himself beside her.

"What can I say? You will have to go to your territory, talk to your people, find out how it's doing, and try to solve small-time problems. You should know that they are really doing it to keep you away from the others while they train in the labyrinth to the south of here, you know…" Valeria whispered near his ear, trying to hold in her anger.

"But it doesn't matter much. The good thing about your particular taming is that you're linked to your kids. Let them roam around while you settle yourself. Remember, boy, you need to work on other things before you start trying to enter battles," she said, getting back into a comfortable position as she saw Logan's ears turn red after getting close to him.

"For now, I will head north with you, probably give you a few pointers, show you how to effectively use magic and traps, and then leave you to your own device, kid. I have about a month to help you still before things get hectic in my lands," Valeria said, whistling to attract her raven.

"Now then, I think I owe you something for all the work you put in. Here, take this," Valeria said, picking up a package tied to the raven's leg.

"It's not much, but it will help you start understanding how to create and make bombs and traps. As you know, we can't have dimensional items here, so I had to use Night to bring it."

Logan picked up a small metal bracelet and wore it immediately on his hand. The boy wondered why he would need so many items to store things, as he already had a ring.

"I don't think you are ready to head out just yet. Take two or more days to talk to your classmates and look over the book within the bracelet. Try to figure out the simple traps; that shouldn't be too hard. I will show you the stronger ones that use mana when we are in your territory."

"Thank you, mentor…" Logan said, fixing his bracelet in place.

"Don't worry about it, kid. Now then… you should really enjoy yourself. If not, you should look for people to join your cause. Remember, Logan, you may think you don't need anyone, but there will be a time when even the weakest noble might have what you are in need of," she said, making the universal sign of money.

"A little hint here: as a hero, try to suck up to a few wealthy merchants. A good dragon will be easily twenty times the amount of coins you were given, and you will want one, boy... I did not bring mine because it's currently protecting my own land. It's the only reason I am able to be here so relaxed," she said before leaving.

"Twenty sacks?!" Logan exclaimed, thinking about the money he was allowed to store.

Logan did not know if he would need a dragon, but he could not deny it either. If his tiny creatures had gotten so strong with just a little push, how powerful would something as mythical as a dragon become?

He then thought about Lisa. She would be placed in harm's way as the class entered the labyrinth, and by the look of things, he would not be able to join.

What he could do would be to have a small but strong animal join her on his behalf. It would allow him to level up even with the great distance and help her stay safe.

The more he thought about the plan, the more excited he got. It needed to be the perfect animal for her to travel with.

But first things first, he needed to find Rubina. She might help him butter up a few nobles to assist him. The idea of having a dragon was very enticing, especially now that he knew his mentor had one.

Logan went back inside with a goal in mind. He spotted Rubina, but she did not seem too thrilled to be there, just like him. The girl was hiding behind her dad most of the time.

"Rubina?" He got close enough and saw how she changed her expression to one with a smile, as if trying to hide her prior state.

"Hero Logan, I hope you are enjoying yourself… jerk," she finished with a whisper.

"What happened?" Logan asked, not understanding what she meant.

"You just left the party. You know I don't like these fancy places either… It's very hard to enjoy myself with my secret and all. I usually need to be close to my father to avoid it being exposed. You never know who might cause trouble and have the knights use dispel magic," Rubina said, shivering.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Does that mean you can't help me?" Logan asked, beginning to tell her his idea.

"If it's about that, you should make good use of your knight Kai. I am sure the boy will be eager to help you. As for Chloe, she is too straightforward for this stuff," Rubina suggested.

She looked lonely, knowing it would be hard to go around with the boy, especially since it was a morning ceremony that hindered her magic even more.

"Alright, thank you, Rubina. I will probably have to stay here tonight. Please take care of my tames for today," Logan said, apologizing before heading out.

"Oh, if it's about them, you won't have to worry, Logan. Just make sure you come back tomorrow, or they will go nuts," Rubina waved as she went back to her father, who was busy talking to a noble.

Logan was glad that he was not stuck only with Chloe for a knight. Kai seemed friendly enough to start a random conversation with, so he began walking towards his direction.

He began trying to think of what to say and how he would say it, playing the conversation over in his head. Just like with Ruri, Logan was not fully convinced about his new connection with his so-called knights.

Logan wanted to understand what their role was, if he would have to pay them, and how they personally took their new job.

"Hey… Kai, Chloe," Logan called out. The other boy was talking to Chloe; both of them were in formal wear made for knights, with a single blade sheathed to their left side.

"Sir Hero, Greeting!" Kai saluted as if addressing a commander as for Chloe she just nodded in response.

"Ugh, Kai, it's just me," Logan said, waving his hand to diffuse the formal talk.

"I know it's you, but we can't go showing that we are best buds when others are watching, now can we?" Kai responded.

"So, what is it you needed, Baron Logan?" Kai spoke with a playful smile.

"Well, I need help with being that—a baron. I was suggested to start speaking to merchants and such to…" Before Logan could finish, he was cut off.

"Say no more," Kai interrupted while rubbing his hands together, glad to be asked for assistance.

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