I will become the ice jellyfish queen with the Chat Group

Chapter 34: The Enemy and leaving

I adjusted my uniform, brushing a hand over the countless medals pinned to my chest. Beside me, Akako stood in his own general's uniform, the fur cape of a Moon Tiger draped over her shoulders like a trophy. Around us, my friends had traded their usual gear for suits and tuxedos, all of us looking painfully out of place.

I turned to Ash, handing him a small silver bell.

[Grey]: Ash, listen—this bell gives you the right to command my soldiers. Use it when you need it.

He examined the bell, raising an eyebrow.

[Ash]: So, what you're saying is… I'm one ring away from world domination?

[Grey]: No. You're one ring away from a war crime. Use it wisely.

Ash grinned, twirling the bell between his fingers like it was a toy.

Great. That won't backfire.

We were finally ready to leave for the banquet, but just as I took a step forward—

Something felt off.

A strange, heavy sensation settled over the room. My instincts screamed at me, and out of sheer habit, I turned to Akako and threw my house's coat of arms straight at him.

Akako barely had time to react before—

—A golden-armored arm lunged out from nowhere.

The fingers, massive and clawed, swung toward me like a guillotine.

I didn't think—I just ran.

Dashing forward at full speed, I felt the air shift behind me. The golden gauntlet scraped past, missing me by inches. The sound of metal slicing through the air sent a chill down my spine.


A portal burst open in front of me, swirling with unstable energy.

I didn't hesitate.

With one final leap, I dove straight into the portal.

I opened my eyes, blinking as my vision adjusted.

Where… the hell am I?

I was inside what looked like a giant house, but everything was… wrong. The walls shifted and pulsed as if they were breathing. The furniture was massive, towering over me like monuments from another world.

Then, I noticed the giant Eldritch monster sitting on a sofa, holding a newspaper like some kind of tired office worker.

It turned to look at me.

Our eyes met.

And then it screamed directly into my mind.

I clutched my head as my brain felt like it was melting. The creature jumped from the sofa and scuttled into a dark corner, its many eyes still fixed on me like a startled animal.

What. The. Actual. Hell.

Before I could even react, another even bigger Eldritch creature appeared. This one held a giant sheet of paper and a plastic cup—like some kind of cosmic janitor.

Without warning, it scooped me up with the paper, using the cup to pin me against it.

I was trapped.

Like a damn bug.

Then, it carried me over to the window and gently placed me on the ledge.

With its countless mouths, it finally spoke.

[Eldritch Monster]: Go, human. Be free.

There was a long pause.

[Eldritch Monster]: Now, #%$$^, how many times have I told you not to treat humans the way they treat spiders?

The first creature made a weird gurgling noise that I swore sounded like a guilty whimper.

I had so many questions.

But first—

Where the hell was I?!

My brain was still buffering.

One second, I was being politely evicted from an Eldritch horror's house.

The next?

I took a fist to the face and got launched into a crack in space.

I didn't even have time to scream before I slammed into something soft, then hard.

The soft thing?

A massive birthday cake.

The hard thing?

A stone wall.

I groaned, peeling myself off the rocky surface, cake frosting dripping off my face.

I blinked.

And that's when I saw them.

Batman. The entire Bat-Family.

They were all standing there, frozen in shock, some with their hands still mid-clap. There was a massive banner above them that read: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALFRED."

There was also Aquaman and the Green Arrow family, all staring at me with an expression that screamed, "Who the hell are you and why are you ruining our party?"


Oh no.

I swallowed hard as they slowly turned to glare at me, anger rising by the second.

I needed a good, long, believable lie.

I wiped some cake from my face, stood up as dignified as possible, and cleared my throat.

[Grey]: Gentlemen! Ladies! I… uh…

I straightened my jacket.


I could feel Batman's stare drilling into my soul.

Nightwing crossed his arms. Red Hood cracked his knuckles. Damian was already reaching for a sword.

On the other side, Aquaman looked one second away from throwing his trident at me, and Green Arrow was already drawing an arrow.

Yeah. This was bad.

I raised my hands slowly, showing I wasn't a threat.

[Grey]: Now, can we put the weapons down? I'm here to warn you of a great evil.


More silence.


[Red Hood]: Oh, this I gotta hear.

He gestured at me with his gun.

[Batman]: Talk.

I cleared my throat.

[Grey]: Right. So. Funny story—

Suddenly, the portal behind me cracked open again, and something huge began slipping through.

The room filled with a deep, guttural growl.

…Well. That made things easier.

I pointed behind me.

[Grey]: Yeah. That. That's the great evil.

[Extra: [No.4 Demon King] before the invite ]

[Beelzebub's POV]

Hundreds of years. Hundreds.

That's how long we've been stuck in these stupid metal cubes. At first, we raged, screamed, and planned our revenge.

Then we got bored.

Now? We're just trying to keep each other from losing our damn minds.

[Asmodeus]: Hey, have you heard of a reverse exorcism?

[Mammon]: No, what's that?

[Asmodeus]: It's when the demon tells the priest to leave the child's body.

[The Seven]: HAHAHAHAHA!

A furious pounding echoed from outside our cubes.

[Paladin]: Shut up!

[One Hundred Years Later]

[Satan]: Tell me why—

[Paladin Guard]: For the love of God, stop. You've been singing the same line for TWO HOURS.

[Hundreds of Years of Sealed Insanity later…]

Trapped in our metal cubes, we the Seven Demon Kings had long abandoned our dignity. Sanity was a distant memory, and entertainment came in the form of the dumbest conversations possible.

[Asmodeus]: Hy, Leviathan, tell me—how do boobs look like again?

[Leviathan]: For the last time, just because I have that 'Prayboy' book the paladin dropped doesn't mean I have to describe them to you.

[Beelzebub]: Just tell him. If you don't, he'll be using his hands all night again, and we won't get any sleep.

[Satan]: For the love of the abyss, just give him a damn description. I'll take anything overhearing him whimper about it for another century.

[Leviathan]: …You offering me bribes now?

[Beelzebub]: I'll give you some fleas to eat.

[Leviathan]: …Deal.

Leviathan sighed.

[Leviathan]: ... Imagine two perfect, round, soft—


A loud bang echoed through the sealed chamber.

The paladin, still trapped in his own cursed prison alongside them, was one scream away from losing his faith.

[Mammon]: Aw, come on, Paladin. You're stuck with us. You might as well enjoy the conversation.


[Asmodeus]: Hey, at least you learned a lot about demon culture.


A long silence followed.


[Satan]: ...Tell me why—


[Satan]: Ain't nothin' but a heartache—


The Seven Demon Kings laughed their damn heads off.

They may have been sealed away for centuries, but at least they had fun, and one-day things changed.

[Welcome to the Group [No.4 Demon King]]

[Chapter end]

Hy just asking does anyone know a good WWI or WWII novels 

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