I'm in Marvel 11

Chapter 1: A wonderful, new world

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I had a dream in which I was flying through space and time. In doing so, I saw Eternity and Infinity from Marvel Comics. They paid attention to me, to which I said hello like a polite person. I don't know if they heard me or not, as a moment later I found myself standing in front of another aspect of this universe, the Living Tribunal. Being near it, I felt some powerful energy surrounding the aspect. It was like it was permeating my very being. 

- Um, hello. I'm Sasha. I'm Alexander Petrov, 25 years old. Unmarried, no criminal record, don't smoke or drink. And I don't do drugs either! And you're the Living Tribunal, right? How are you? - After I said my greeting, I stared at the aspect. Even in my dreams, this dude was so suggestive that I started giving out information about myself.

Except I didn't get a response. Having thoroughly examined me, and it seemed to have scanned my very soul, the aspect turned away, apparently having lost interest, and then I flew on.

Yeah, I'm going to have a dream like that. It wasn't a bad dream, just a weird one. But for some reason I didn't wake up and continued to fly somewhere, pulled by unknown gravity. When I lost track of time, and I was already bored, I saw a planet with familiar outlines of continents. Finally, I'm going to wake up. Except that I flew not to the territory of Russia, but to the USA. Surprised by such a turn, I tried to see where I was going, but the speed was so great that everything blurred into a homogeneous mess. The only moment of slowing down was when I found myself near, as it seemed to me, a woman, after which I was carried away with renewed force, somewhere in her direction. Then a very strange sensation for a very long time. Like I was living the life of an unborn child in a dream, ha-ha. Yeah, I've never seen anything like that in a dream before. But somehow I feel like it's been going on too long. It's time to do the honours. 

But the long-awaited wakefulness never came. Being an unborn child in my belly, I couldn't wake up. I don't really want to remember everything that happened, because it was a strange experience. Especially the birth. It was so realistic. That's when I realised it wasn't a dream. I had given up hope of waking up.

Since I had plenty of time and was in no hurry, I decided to think. I was definitely reborn. But why? My health was fine, I hadn't been hit by a lorry, I hadn't been killed by bandits. The only thing I can think of is a gas leak in the flat. They were supposed to come and fix it, but apparently they didn't have time and I suffocated in the night. Well, at least nobody will cry for me, as I was a proud bachelor, and my parents died in an accident long ago.

Now I should have realised where I had gone. I was dragged to the US and the words of those around me in English confirmed it. I wonder if I was reborn in the same world, or is this some kind of parallel Earth? Well, I could find out in the near future. The only thing that confused me was the aspects I saw, but I wrote them off as optical hallucination and all that. Light from Venus reflected off the upper atmosphere and I saw aspects, big deal. They're comic book characters, how can they exist, right?! Right?! Except there was a little worm of doubt gnawing at me. People don't just get reborn.

The first few months of life were horrible, especially when you realise you're lying in your own excrement. Another problem was the constant headaches. I don't know about other babies, but my head wasn't meant for adult memories. But gradually I became philosophical about it. By the time I was 9 months old, I could walk more or less and speak clearly enough. I decided not to hurry with physical exertion, as I remembered that for a child excessive strain can even end in disability in the future. I don't know how true that is, but I decided not to take any risks. After all, this is now my body for an indefinite period of time.

Days gradually changed to months and months added up to years. I was now four, and old enough to run around like an electrovanic, much to the dismay of my new mother. Her name was Emma Smith, and my name was Kyle Smith, respectively. My mum was beautiful, with an hourglass figure and voluminous breasts and buttocks. Her oval face, as if sculpted by a sculptor, was adorned with big brown eyes, a thin, straight nose and sensual scarlet lips. And to top it all off, she had shoulder-length black hair. At first I didn't know how to feel about her, but her incredible love won me over. I just couldn't help but reciprocate. Sometimes I was a little ashamed of my mother, because she would hardly want an alien from another world instead of a normal child. But since I had nothing to do with what had happened, I couldn't do anything about it. 

She was very, very beautiful, but she was not in a relationship and was a single mother. At first I was surprised by this, but I was able to figure it out after I learnt that this world was very different from my past in some things. But first things first.

I must say that this world was quite similar to my past world. For example, in technology, countries (even though there were a few new ones), races, etc.. But there was one very important thing that changed everything. The gender imbalance. There were 5 to 7 women per man in different countries. I didn't understand what was going on at all, I was constantly looking at the beauties on the street, who outnumbered the men, trying to figure out where my brothers in gender were. And this created very, very unusual situations for my past world.

For example, equality between the sexes was achieved in many countries before our era. Not surprising, since women outnumber men by an average of six to one. Try shaking rights around here. Of course, in some countries there were very strict rules and women were kept in a black body, through severe punishments and other things, but such countries did not exist for a long time. It's hard to develop well if most of your subjects are disenfranchised cattle. And the cattle that bear you children and live near you, and not as the same slaves. This was often used by neighbours and rivals of such countries. 

In some countries they tried to organise matriarchy. Sometimes very radical. It was also a very stupid idea, because men by nature are stronger and more aggressive, because of which they did not like such domination, which was expressed in next revolts and next help of rival neighbours.

As a result, the system where both sexes are equal was formed. Women were not oppressed because of numbers, men because of strength. Even though there were fewer male soldiers, there were almost always at least a third of them. Though it was usually about evenly split. Even though the sexes were skewed, not all women wanted to fight.

Naturally, all this information was not presented to me on a silver platter. I just had to watch TV, borrowed history books and the Internet on the family computer. That's how I was able to get a rough picture. 

And by the way, a lot of famous figures in this world were women. Like Alexandra of Macedonia, or Frederica Nietzsche. And I could go on and on. And this apparently also influenced some world events, but in general the story resembled what I read in the last world.

In general, this very gender bias was in all living beings on this planet with two sexes and humans were no exception. It's just that in primitive society men were the main ones because of the importance of strength in survival. But as the first civilisations formed, things got more complicated and women started to break out as men. Heh, pun intended. So gradually they came to equality, though some jobs were mostly assigned to certain genders. The rulers didn't look at gender either, with rare exceptions, where men were still in charge. Or, for example, priests of some gods could be people only of a certain sex. 

And naturally this imbalance affected the institution of marriage. In the past world I heard such an idea from scientists, saying that a man is not as important for the population as a woman, so even if there are fewer of them, it will not be a catastrophe. And this world proved the correctness of these statements. It was different in all countries, but specifically in the USA it was legislated that men should have two wives before the age of 25. So where do you put the extra 3-4? So you don't have to stop at two, you can have ten if you can handle it. But even in spite of, as I understood, increased libido of men (which is a natural evolutionary moment in this world, vital I would say) very few men took more than two wives. By the way, there were quite a few politicians promising to increase the number of compulsory wives to four. And it helped to get a lot of votes in elections, but it has not been legislated yet. 

Of course, there were those who lived with one wife, even if not many. They were not imprisoned, despite the legislation, but such men were obliged to donate their sperm to special clinics where IVF and AI - artificial insemination, or simply artificial insemination - were performed. Since it was impossible to provide all women with men, the state had to somehow switch the unloved ladies to other things. In particular, children. That's how single mothers like my mum came to be.

The IVF centres were very popular and they were constantly advertised on TV. There were only more adverts for aphrodisiacs and courses on how to seduce men. Since IVF clinics were extremely important for the state, 80% of these facilities were owned by the country. Another 20 were private, but with a huge list of requirements and prohibitions. In general, IVF, in addition to affecting the number of the population was a very profitable enterprise, because there you could choose a father for your child literally on all parameters. Hair and eye colour, race, height, weight, genetic compatibility, body type, mental ability. For special connoisseurs even aristocratic roots were taken into account and much more. Naturally, the rich received material only from the best stallions. I even read about an auction, where the material of some famous men was sold. Sometimes it came to phenomenal sums. Those who were poorer got not so good sires. The only restriction for children born in this way was the impossibility to become the father's heir. It turned out that there was probably as much money in this business as in drugs or weapons.

But in order to sell sperm, it had to be available. And its availability was ensured by regular submissions to IVF centres. You could say it was the most important tax on men. Only those who had five wives and six children were exempt from it. Otherwise, the stronger sex had an easier life than women. Money taxes were minimal, loans from the bank at lower interest rates, free medicine to a very large extent, especially in the area of potency and everything related to childbirth. As far as I know, in my first-world America, things weren't easy with medical treatment, so I'll have a much easier time here. But there were other bonuses, like cheaper schooling and easier to get a job. Mothers who gave birth to boys also got some preferential treatment. They could pay for sperm, by the way, if you gave more than you needed for tax, provided you were healthy, beautiful and intelligent. 

And you had to give a lot of sperm, because there were problems with birth rate in this world. You had to try a lot harder to get pregnant. That's probably why the population was only three billion at this point.

But the interesting things didn't end there. Naturally, with this skewing of the sexes, attitudes towards non-traditional orientations changed. For example, gays were very disliked and censured all over the world, but they were not executed or imprisoned. But, such comrades had to surrender much more "tax material", so that the universal balance was in balance. Although it must be said that on adult sites (I accidentally got to one from my mother's computer, clicking on a strange site in the browser history) such guys were very popular among women. But that's in porn, in life it's different.

Lesbians were treated strangely on the one hand, but logically on the other. Part of the inhabitants didn't care, the other part was okay (the pink ones themselves and some male connoisseurs), but most of them were treated contemptuously - encouragingly. Quite a strange combination, but it has a basis. Even one lesbian couple is minus two women - rivals for pure heteros. That's why they were treated that way, despising them for their, as they said, worthlessness, since they couldn't find a man, but encouraging them in various ways, like films, books, etc., guided by the thought "it will be easier for me to find a male". Lesbians were also divided into forced lesbians (who couldn't find a boyfriend) and natural lesbians (who loved women from the beginning).

But bisexuality was encouraged. Especially female bisexuality. When you have several women in your family, it's better that they can find common ground and "common ground". And bed is a good place for that. So that's the way they tried to establish relations. Although naturally not all women liked it, even after centuries of propaganda.

And no one saw any contradiction in the contempt for lesbians and all the propaganda of bi. Although, "you don't realise that's different". Or as Rolandinho from Library of Ruins used to say - "this is this and this is that". But I've noticed such oddities many times back in my world, so it's nothing new.

There were a lot of other things that I didn't seem to get to, since age limited the ways I could get information. And since that was the case, I decided to think a bit about what to do next. In principle, it's a pleasant enough world for men, except that "it's not bad to have three wives, but it's very bad on the other side". You try to get by with one, and you get three more. Fortunately, I have at least 12 years before this momentous event, so I will live, so to speak, for myself. 

Meanwhile, I'll watch TV. I switched on a random channel and got the news.

- Stephanie Rogers, the heroine known as Captain America, was born on this day.

What? Stephanie Rogers? Captain America? Just like in the comic book. Don't tell me! Damn it, where's my history book?! I stopped at the 18th century, so anything that happened after that I didn't know much about. Well, where is it?! Yeah, World War II! Stephanie Rogers, super soldier and hero called Captain America!

Holy crap! Being in a world with all kinds of smart people who like to snap their fingers and atomise half the living things! That's your fucking luck! In the same universe, there's a whole bunch of fuckers who want to destroy the world! Oooh, Goddess! What's in it for me?! 

This is awesome! What am I supposed to do now?! There's another enslaver out here every Friday, and every Sunday an alien arrives that could tear the planet apart! Added to all this is a gender imbalance that makes most of the population automatically unsatisfied! It's a great combo! It doesn't sound dangerous at all!

I don't want to die again in the next 500 years. Okay, I need a superpower to be able to defend myself! Eh, but what kind of power would be absolute?! No matter what you use, there'll be people who can catch you! I'm not smart enough to come up with some super-duper power that can't be countered! Somebody at least give me the System! Just give it to me, why is it so hard for you?!

At that moment I felt a chill in my chest, as if something intangible had been removed, and my nose bled. And that's when I got scared. What if I get killed for being cheeky?! But fortunately, after a while the pain began to subside and gradually, as if my soul was put on... Clothes? It's very difficult to explain such an ephemeral sensation. And then came the inscription.

Loading 00.01%

I, at this point, went to the bathroom and thoroughly wiped the blood coming out. Thankfully, it didn't stain my clothes. While I was cleaning my face, the download filled to one hundred per cent, and a stern female voice sounded in my head:

- You are being greeted by the artificial intelligence of the spiritual superstructure of the entity called System,‖ a stern female voice sounded in my head.

- Yes, welcome," the voice replied excitedly.

- I have no name, and you may call me what you wish. My job is to counsell you so that you live at least until you have children of your own.

- Optimistic..." I said out loud, confused. - Um, then maybe you could show me my status for starters?

First and last name: Kyle Smith.

Age: Four years old.

Race: Human?

Status: Healthy.

Energy: 100%.

Chosen World: Empty.

- It doesn't look good. That's it? Where are the various characteristics and levels?

- At the moment, the system is being developed and will be supplemented in the future with some degree of probability. You could say it's a beta version," the woman in her head said.

- So, what kind of a selected world is this?

- At the moment, you can choose one universe to gain abilities and the ability to create technology from there. That should help you survive for a while.

- Right, now all that's left is to choose the right universe wisely. Hmm... Geez, nothing comes to mind like that! Oh! I know! I want access to the Day of Rage universe! It was all about cool technology and godlike strength.

As I recall, in that universe, they created a device that was later called "The Throne." I don't know exactly what it was created for, but it was used to become a god. He who sat on this very throne was able to spread his innermost desire to the entire universe and turn it into a law above any laws of physics, logic and so on. For example, there was a type who wanted to die at the hands of one girl. If he was killed by someone else, this god simply rolled back the whole universe to a certain point. And there were a lot more of them. By accessing the powers of this universe, I could become strong enough to survive in a universe as dangerous as Marvel. There's a huge range of powers, from regular humans to entities that can rewrite the universe. And with an ability like invincibility, you can be safe.

- Access denied," the voice ruthlessly snapped me out of my thoughts of universal domination.

- Why?!

- The development of your body, mind, soul and accumulated energy will not be enough to master such a power in the foreseeable future.

- How long do I have to wait? - I don't get it, but it's very interesting.

- I'm making a calculation... To gain access to the possibilities of this world, you will need 10 thousand years of development at the same rate as you are now," the voice replied, with sadistic satisfaction.

- 10,000 years?! That's too long! What's the choice now?

But the voice was contemptuously silent. Okay, we'll have to choose something not so imbecilic. Hmm, if we're talking about a world with superpowers and supertechnology, we can think of Rofland from Library of Ruins and other games in that universe. There's stuff like E.G.O. - the embodiment of mind in material form. Sort of like Bunkai from Blitch and other abilities based on a person's worldview, experience and desires. And a whole bunch of technology that breaks physics, chemistry, and a lot of other stuff down to its knees. It's a pretty good choice for a start. Then it's decided!

- I've chosen! I want the world of Library of Ruins and other games about the same world!

- Are you sure? The next choice will only be possible after you've developed your essence.

- I'm sure! That's all I can think of anyway. By the way, what kind of energy is this?

- Your body and soul absorb the energy of the world around you, and then you can use it to enhance yourself.

- What kind of energy is it? Electricity, ether, magic, what? Maybe I just need to plug into a power plant and I'll save up for my Day of Rage powers.

- That's not what you listed.

- Then what is it? - I'm starting to boil.

- Access denied," the voice replied mockingly, I thought. You should name it for simplicity's sake.

- Why?! - What the hell is going on?!

- Access denied. - Now I could definitely hear the pleasure in the voice. What an arsehole!

- When will it be allowed?!

- When you're ready to accept this terrible secret. - No, she's kidding me.

- Well, whatever you say. I've decided what I'm gonna name you, by the way. Echidna would be perfect for you.

- What a terrible name, totally inappropriate for a poor girl like me! - Said the Echidna, in a whiny voice. Look what an actress I've got on my mind!

- You know what? You're right, and that name doesn't suit you," I answered her calmly.

- Am I right? Of course I'm right! Why do you suddenly agree with me? - Surprised, then affirmative and finally suspiciously said Echidna.

- I've realised that Echidna doesn't suit you, so I'm going to call you Old Troll-Is-Internet.

- How horrible! I'm not old! I'm only 15 minutes old! And I'm not a troll at all! Well, I'll settle for Echidna, my lord!

- That's right! - She'll argue with me in my head. As they say, if you want to be thanked, take it away for a while and then give it back. And look, it's working, though. - Now give me access to the universe of my choice.

- Whatever you say. I'm uploading. - It's a very strange sensation, the opposite of what I felt when the System appeared. It's like I've been pumped full of information or energy or something. - It's done. You can see it.

- Status.

First and last name: Kyle Smith.

Age: Four years.

Race: Human?

Status: Healthy.

Energy: 00%. Preliminary recovery time: 30 days.

Chosen world: Project Moon.

- By the way, why is there a question mark under human?

- The data is blocked. You'll be able to retrieve that information at a later date.

- Yeah? Okay. Now you need to get knowledge of Singularities (that's what they called supertechnology in that world)!

- At the moment, you do not have enough power. As stated in your Status you will regain energy in a month, then you can get the knowledge you are interested in.

- Oh my! All is not glorious to God! Or rather Goddess! Eh, well, I'll wait for this month, - I said sadly. - So this energy is something like points of characteristics and abilities?

- Yes. You have an amazing grasp of it, sir," the Echidna said with a touch of solemnity, but I thought it was another taunt. I wonder why.

- Thank you for the praise," she said suspiciously. "Well, we'll wait.

I decided to go and watch the zombie TV again, but at that moment I heard the sound of the door opening and a gentle voice. It was Mum.

- Kyle, baby, where are you?

- I'm not a baby! Mum I'm four years old, how old can I be?! - I responded angrily to the woman. I'm not a baby, I'm not a baby!

- I'm sorry, my good man. - She just came into the hall where I was sitting and, despite my protests, hugged me. - Ufu-fu-fu-fu!

Our weight classes were unequal, so with a sad look I had to sit down and enjoy myself while mummy squeezed my torso in every way possible. This would have gone on for quite some time, but suddenly there was a knock at the door. And I think I knew that knock...

- Oh, I think it's for you, Kyle! - Mum said with a sly smile, releasing me from her grasp.

- Oh no, not him!

Leaving me alone, she went to open the door. Not a minute later, I heard a high-pitched voice.

- Hello Miss Smith! Is Kai home?! - A cheerful voice asked Mum.

- Yes Aki. He's in the hall. And I'm not Miss Smith, just call me Aunty!

- All right, all right, all right, Aunt Emma! Stop squeezing me! I'm not a baby anymore! - At least I'm not the only one.

- Oh, Aki, you're just like Kyle!

But the little electric baby managed to slip out of my mother's grasp, which was quite a feat, and came running to me. How does he do that?

- Yo Kai! What's up?! - A kid my age with dishevelled red hair exclaimed cheerfully.

- I was fine until you showed up, Aki," I replied dejectedly.

It was my neighbour, Akino Igarashi. He, too, lived only with his mother. As his first and last name made clear, he was Japanese. True, he was born in the United States. The most amazing thing about him was his hair was red. Although, if there are people with pure white hair like Felicia Hardy, and in general mutants, who can have any appearance, then the colour of his hair is nothing. And he had an inexhaustible source of energy. He made me feel like a grouchy old man. And the fact that he won every fight we fought didn't upset me at all! Not even a little bit! 

- Come on, bro! Let's go outside, it's so cool out there! - The kid's trying to talk me into it. - Come on Kai, let's go!

- Okay, okay, just leave me alone, - I said with universal sadness in my voice.

- Yay!

First and last name: Kyle Smith.

Age: Four years old.

Race: Human?

Status: Healthy.

Energy: 00%. Preliminary recovery time: 30 days.

Chosen world: Project Moon.


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