I'm in Marvel 11

Chapter 2: Man's Joust

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Aki ended up dragging me to our backyard almost by the hand. Mum and I had our own house in upstate New York, albeit on credit. But it wouldn't take long to pay it off, because she worked at a large furniture firm in a high position and got a good salary. Plus bonuses for having a boy. So, my mother and I had the American dream come true.

This same irrepressible samurai lived next door to us across the fence. And the first time we met him was when the little Yamakashi climbed to the top of that fence. When I saw this red-haired wonder looking at me from a height of almost two metres, I was surprised, to put it mildly. 

The miracle was about my age, with red disheveled hair and the same colour eyes. There was a pleased expression on the cute child's face, and from under his lips I could see the tips of his fangs. I was afraid at first that a vampire had come for me. But since it was daytime, I quickly calmed down. As I sat there, not knowing what to do, the feathered wonder turned to me:

- Yo! I'm your neighbour! My name is Aki! What's your name? - The little guy ranted.

- Um, Kyle... - I was confused by the pressure.

- Nice to meet you Kai! Can we play together?! - With impatience in his voice, this Aki came to me.

- I'm sorry, but I'm too old for that! - Standing up in a proud pose and partially covering my face with my palm, I answered the boy.

- Yeah? I thought we were the same age," Aki said puzzled.

- I mean mentally," I smiled patronisingly and answered him.

- Really? That's funny! 

While I stood there with my head held high, the kid tried it on and jumped down from almost two metres high. I didn't even have time to be startled when Aki jumped up after landing. How can you do that?! You could kill yourself!

- Ha! So, what do you say we play a game?! - The kid stared at me with a glowing look.

- "Okay, let's do it," I said, staring at him dumbfounded. It's a joke. Who is he? Oh, come on. I don't think that Aki's gonna let go of me. I'll take the path of least resistance.

We ended up being the main tomboys in our neighbourhood, and we managed to get into all the interesting and not-so-safe places. Wherever that little punk got me into trouble. Luckily, everything was more or less normal, and we didn't get hit very often. But two months ago, Aki offered me a fight. As he explained, his mother taught some family style of karate.

But I'm some kind of monster, to assert myself at the expense of a child? So I said no right away. But I misjudged Aki's hard-headedness. For a whole week, he pestered me with constant persuasion until I finally gave in and agreed. I wasn't a great fighter in my previous life, but I thought that an adult mind and watching anime films would solve that. I'll show him my great power! It's okay, once that great fighter gets beaten up, he'll let it go. That's what I thought.

I was wrong. The little guy... The little guy beat me so easily that I was impressed for a week. After that, it was a matter of honour to get a rematch. I even started doing physical activities that I could do at my age. But after a month or two, I didn't even come close to winning. Rather, I only fell further behind this Oni (he's Japanese, so Oni is the best) in human form. 

Also, during our fights, I sensed something strange from Aki. But, alas, I couldn't figure out what it was, as I tried to at least lose with dignity. At least I was succeeding. Or maybe Aki was just holding back. But today, I was going to finally win! Because now I had the System!

Oh, that's right, I have a weird one. Well, I guess I'll have to lose today too. It's a shame, though.

- Kai, let's fight! Maybe you'll do better today. - Clenching his fists, the kid said to me.

- Come on. Today I'm not the same as before and you'll have a harder time than yesterday, - covering my face with the palm of my hand like a mask, proudly declared to him. Hmm, is that the chunibyo* in me waking up by any chance?

- Awesome! - Aki's eyes glittered as he immediately turned on. - That's my eternal rival! Let's go to our hall!

With the speed of the wind, the restless one dragged me to his house. There was attached to the hall, like a Japanese dojo, where the little one and beat me out of everything unnecessary. But he also beat out what he needed.

Once in the hall, we stood opposite each other, and then I turned to the boy:

- "I'm not holding back today, Aki!

- Ho! You're coming right at me, even though you know my strength?! And this is after all our battles and your losses?! - Spreading his arms to the sides, Aki asked with what he thought was a cool expression on his face. In truth, it was more of a smile, which I carefully suppressed.

- I can't beat the crap out of you until I come over! - Replied he, leisurely approaching the little fellow.

- Ho-ho! Come here, then! - Also approaching me, Aki said in an anticipatory tone.

- There will be no peaceful solution!- I exclaimed, raising my fist to strike. - Ora!

- Mudada! - Aki beat back my attack with a punch on the shoulder. - Too slow! My speed and strength surpass yours, Kai!

And so we began to brutally abuse each other. Actually, Aki was doing it. I played the punching bag. But over the past few months, I've become quite the punching bag. Something to be proud of, though. This went on for a while, after which I fell to the floor exhausted. Although I did manage to get Aki to do his best. That's already a success.

- Nya-ha-ha-ha-ha! - With his arms at his sides, Aki started laughing. - Not bad my eternal rival, but not good enough!

- Yeah, yeah. But tomorrow I'll be even stronger and then...

- All right, guys, what's all the noise? - There was a velvety female voice behind me. Naturally, it was Aki's mum.

- Hi, Aunt Naomi. I'm trying to beat Aki again," I answered her dejectedly as I turned around. Aki's mum was quite a beautiful woman with a very appetising figure. Her long red hair was styled in a high ponytail, with two strands at her temples. Her face was very similar to her son's, right down to the small protruding fangs.

- And how was the result? - She asked with a friendly smile.

- The same as always," she replied sourly.

- Well, don't despair. Aki is a very gifted child, like me, I was much weaker at the same age. And I'm not weak, you know.

- You made me very happy," I sighed sadly.

- Oh, you're so cute! - The woman smiled. No, not that! But before I could even blink my eyes, Aunt Naomi had caught me in a gentle but firm embrace. - Come here!

- Yeah, what the hell is this? I'm not a stuffed toy! - I let my indignation get the better of me.

- On the contrary, in my opinion! - The woman said, squeezing me.

- Mum! What are you doing?! Let go of Kai! - Aki jumped up and tried to pull me out of the woman's embrace. Naturally, it didn't work, so he blushed and turned away resentfully. - Well, do whatever you want!

- Uh-oh, is Spiky Aki jealous? - Naomi asked playfully, then quickly grabbed her son at the same time. - It's okay, Mummy will hug you too!

- Mum!

- Ha ha ha ha!

This went on for a while until the woman finally let us out of her clinging embrace. After that, we chatted with Aki some more and after a while, I headed to my room. 

Slowly, a month passed while the energy for the singularity was being restored. All this time, I've been trying to defeat Aki (unsuccessfully), exploring the world (more successfully), and thinking about which technology to choose, occasionally consulting with Yohi. And then today, she finally recovers.

- Okay, Status!

First and last name: Kyle Smith.

Age: 4 years old.

Race: Human?

Status: Healthy.

Energy: 100%. 

Chosen World: Project Moon.

- Great! Yohi, I need some sort of universal assembler! - I can't do anything without this thing.

- Your chosen world doesn't have a singularity like this, but it is possible to compile several technological solutions and get a similar result. Shall I start uploading information?

- Go ahead. 

Once again it felt like knowledge was being crammed into my brain. This went on for about half an hour. After reviewing the new information, I grimaced. Well, of course, nothing will be for nothing. The knowledge is there, but I lack information of a lower order, so to speak. I'll have to spend a lot of time cramming everything I need. And at the same time, I'll have to get the materials to create singularities. Naturally, I'll keep the first one as simple as possible.

In the end, it so fascinated me that I learnt the necessary knowledge for a year, periodically emptying the energy bar to download specific information that was not yet in this world. I also had to make time for Aki, or he wouldn't have kept up with me. It was a good release from the endless cramming. Despite my adult mind, that restless kid found things to do. Being determines consciousness, so it was easier for me to do such frivolous things. But cramming 24/7 didn't work. Always had to squeeze with varying success the desire to run somewhere and do something. Even adults do not take seriously, and want to communicate, so that I had to get out of it.

But in the end I was able to create the first model of the assembler, using the knowledge downloaded by the System and received in both lives. Partly by asking my mother for funds, partly by saving money from my pocket money, I was able to buy the necessary materials. Even though the assembler looked unpretentious and was not very cool, but it was only the beginning! A small step for mankind and a huge one for me!

At first my mum was sceptical about my wants. But when she saw the result, when I created a small shaped metal piece, she instantly realised the potential of this technology. She hugged me tightly and proudly called me a little genius, which made me feel ashamed, and began to speculate on what could be done with the technology. We could sell it to various rich aunts and uncles, like the Starks, or patent it ourselves. But I immediately said that such options do not suit me and the assembler will be only for my use. But other technologies can be patented. 

But initially I needed to improve the assembler. Now that I had the ability to influence matter at the atomic level, it became an easy task. As I slowly improved my first and foremost tool, I pondered which singularity I should choose to create my corporation. Why? I'm going to be on par with the Starks. How am I any worse? Not a genius, not a billionaire, not a playboy, not a philanthropist. 

I thought about it for a long time, until I ran into a woman who lived in our neighbourhood. Her name was Anna Stone, and she was a disabled veteran with a lot of scars, no arm or leg. She'd been blown up in an explosion and had to have her limbs amputated. So I thought, why not create prosthetics and augmentations? Naturally, I'll keep the combat models for myself, and sell the simpler ones to the masses. Although compared to the technology in this world, even the simplest prosthetics and other augmentations from the City will be two heads higher. And this way we can get the first loyal supporters. For example, the same injured veterans like Stone. She was, as my mum told me, quite an able-bodied soldier. 

Yes, the proportion of disabled people without various limbs in the world is not so great, but you can create various peaceful augmentations for example. Or something more interesting. So it's decided. For now, I will study everything related to prosthetics in this world, and then I will order information through the System.

Another six months went by like that, and I went to school. In our class there were only 4 boys together with me and 26 girls. I sat naturally, like the protagonist at the window, on the gallery. Now all that's left is to awaken the mysterious power inherited from my ancestors. Although, the System will do instead.

In general, it was quite a boring time, because I knew almost the entire programme in advance. But through this I gained a reputation as a young genius, often answering more extensively than I was supposed to. After that, teachers started to pay more attention to me, which resulted in problems with my classmates and female classmates, which I quickly solved with the help of my fists. Naturally, I hit them carefully and gently enough. I'm not a beast. Maybe my example will discourage them from bullying the weak? By the way, compared to Aki, they're nothing. Or is it my neighbour who's such a monster? 

In the end, it paid off and they all got off my back. But then my mum was invited to the trial with the parents of the victims, where I made a big deal of it by giving a "sermon to mere mortals" in the style of Kurokami Medaka. Not expecting such an impetus from a five-year-old, everyone was shocked, and I was on a roll, heh.

I spent the next three years at school, learning more interesting things at home, and mentally relaxing by doing various physical activities with my restless neighbour. Aki even persuaded Aunt Naomi to do their family style with me. However, they told me that they would teach me all the secrets only if I joined their family. They didn't specify how. Am I supposed to marry Naomi's aunt? No, I don't mind, she's a woman! She laughed at my legitimate question and said to wait until I was at least 16.

Anyway, things were going pretty well until one day Mum, Aki and I went to the shop for food. Naomi was at work and couldn't go with her son, so we neighbourly took him with us. And everything was fine until three masked robbers came in, a man and two women.

- Hey you! - The female bandit pointed at the shop assistant and threw her a black bag. - Give me what you got! And hurry up!

- S-Now! - The young girl fussed, trying to fulfil the bandit woman's instructions.

- What are you doing?! Hurry up! - The woman lost her temper, pointing her gun at the salesgirl.

- What the hell is this? Show me! - Another thug's voice came from near us. I couldn't see her well, because at that moment Mum grabbed Aki and me tightly and covered us with her, shuddering all over her body. The little one, on the other hand, literally went numb and clung to my torso.

- Please! They're just babies! - Mum exclaimed, trying to move away from the woman.

- Get away from her! - The male thug spoke up. - You see how she's worried about the children. And if anything happens to them, we'll be fucked without lube! You better watch the others.

- All right, all right! - The woman grumbled back.

- Give me the bag! - Bandit No. 1 spoke up again. After taking the proceeds from the pale shopgirl, she turned to the others. - Let's get out of here!

And then the three of them took off. And I, having faced danger in this world for the first time, realised that this was not a comic book, but the real world and should be taken more seriously. And if I wasn't so scared for myself, because I'd already lived once, I was very worried about my mum and the little one. I hugged them tightly and tried to calm them down a little. It seemed to work, as they relaxed a little.After this incident we had to wait for a while until my mum was interviewed by a policewoman. After telling her what we knew, we went to another shop where we quickly bought what we needed and went home.

Aki on the other hand after this incident started fearing and disliking bandits. I tried to support him in every possible way, because I felt responsible for the boy as the eldest. A month later, he left for Japan. Well, not him, but his mum, on some family business. And naturally she was going to take her son. At that moment, I felt sad. I didn't think I'd get attached to that fusion reactor on legs. 

- Kai, come with us! - Said the kid, hugging me so that I was even afraid for my bones.

- Where would I go? I don't even know Japanese! And why are you killing yourself so much?! You're not going to stay here forever, you said so yourself. You'll get a break from me and come back with new emotions. - I hugged Aki back and began to comfort her by stroking her head.

- I don't want to! - Even more tightly squeezed me that little Oni.

- Okay, Aki, let Kyle go or you'll break his ribs," Aunt Naomi said. - We should get going. And we're not leaving forever. Let's say goodbye and go.

- Okay," Aki said sadly, releasing me from his bone-crushing embrace. - And don't forget to practice! When I get back, we'll have another swing to see who's in charge!

- All right, all right," agreed the boy with a smile.

- Bye Aunty Emma, bye Kai!

- Bye Emma and Kyle," Naomi said goodbye with a smile.

My mother and I also said goodbye to our neighbours. We looked at them for a while, and then we went home. Yeah, life is going to get a little more mundane after this. Anyway, I should really get to work on my own enhancement. I've only been in this world for 8 years, and I've already run into a situation where I couldn't do anything. But okay, I'm limited in what I can do now due to my age.

Good thing I'm still too young and they haven't opened hunting season on me yet. But when I'm 14, I'll have to be more careful. The age of consent for boys is from that age, and for girls from 16. However, some public figures are already talking about lowering the age from 14 to 12. Both sexes can get married from 16, but I don't plan to marry so early.

In general, I think to hang around in school till 16, and then to finish it externally and also to enter with higher education institution. By this time, according to my calculations, I will have a few singularities, loyal followers and a certain material base. Then I can start my own company. And now I'll have one more piece to the puzzle of world domination, mu-ha-ha-ha-ha!

- Status!

First and last name: Kyle Smith.

Age: 8 years old.

Race: Human?

Status: Healthy.

Energy: 100%. 

Chosen World: Project Moon.

- Yohi, I want to choose J Corporation's technology!

- Accepted. Receiving data.

The J Corporation could "seal" anything. From something physical to the conceptual level. Like sealing memories. They could also extract people's wishes, which could be used to increase their own luck. That's what I was interested in at the moment. Luck in general is a very necessary thing in almost any situation.

After a dozen minutes, having received all the information, I began to go through the knowledge I had received. So, some of the materials I have, some I can make with the help of the collector, and some I will have to buy. Since curious people might ask why we order various rare metals or devices, I had to start rumours at school and at my mother's workplace that I was conducting experiments as a young genius. Although at school everyone already considered me a young talent, the porridge is not spoilt with oil. Well, to protect me from various curious barbarians, I built in all the created devices self-destruct device, which will bang so that will arrange fun for everyone around.

In general, to create a box that draws the power of desire from others is quite possible in a week. All you have to do is decide where to put it. But I'll figure something out in the meantime. Hehehe, I'll soon be a very lucky man!

- Okay, System, show me the Status!

First and last name: Kyle Smith.

Age: 8 years old.

Race: Human?

Status: Healthy.

Energy: 00%. Preliminary recovery time: 27 days.

Chosen world: Project Moon.

- Hmm, by the way, the recovery time has finally decreased since the last time. Very good!

- You were able to develop all three aspects of existence a bit: mind, body, and soul, so the energy is building up a bit faster. Way to go and maybe someday you'll be stronger," Yohi said with a delighted gasp.

- Oh, what would I do without your praise! - Asked the rhetorical question in a subdued voice. However, for an AI, it was apparently not rhetorical enough.

- I'm afraid I can't say, lest I do irreparable damage to your psyche," Yohi said in a pretend sympathetic tone.- Oh, well, if that's the case, then really, don't tell! - Fake - worriedly - replied to her.

After arguing with Yohi for a while longer, I started to create those parts of the luck puller that are possible at the moment with the current materials. Hehehe, this is the first step of my ascension as a shadow! I will become a shadow that hunts shadows! Ah, no, that's from another thread.

 * Chunibyo-a state in which a person imagines himself to have magical (or some other unusual) powers, and begins to behave accordingly.


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