I'm in Marvel 11

Chapter 5: Social Media and Beauty

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So. Mum owns the company now. But until she's making decent money, she'll still have to work at her old job. So I was going to take on some of the workload to make life easier for Mum. But it was time to start a social network.

I started Instagram and Skynet at the same time. I had to buy adverts on some sites, and in some places I had to make some fiddles to get people to link to my products. And so, gradually, my social networks began to promote. Except that we have capitalism, happiness, and one company (I will not name it, otherwise it will be an advert) with a similar product saw my success and decided to copy the idea. At the expense of large cash reserves and advertising, these clever people began to aggressively promote their social network. And in some period of time they even managed to overtake me, except that I did not sit so easily. My neurosetka hacked them clean, after which I laid a few of these mines. And when it was time to go bang, their entire social network collapsed. 

Naturally, I disguised it as a Russian hack. True, accusations started flying at me, but my mum was quick to put a stop to it. For something like this, you could easily go to court and get a lot of problems, both financial and reputational. The company, having received a lot of losses, decided to keep quiet, as there was no trace of me. I'm sure they tried their best to find something, but alas. 

And accordingly, my mum and I started getting huge sums of money. She quit her old job and plunged into running the company. We even started hiring people to keep the social networks up and running. Within six months, Skynet and Instagram had expanded beyond the U.S. and were gaining a foothold in all countries. But since I had heard about the dangers of constantly hanging out on social networks in the last world, I had to develop, using neural network modelling, my knowledge and the knowledge of psychologists, a model that would make people not sit there all the time. After all, in the first world, there are a lot of ways to influence masses of people, so I didn't come up with anything new. But those ways are for making money, and I didn't really have any.

 Yes, I got less money that way, but that was enough for me. And besides, my goal wasn't to lower the birth rate even more by having people on Skynet. It also helped that it was a different world, with a slightly different outlook. But you can't always see that without a lot of observation. I also started a social network for dating. Naturally, there were a lot more girls there, but it gradually gained popularity. It was very convenient to put your wishes for choosing a soul mate, financial situation, photo of appearance, information about health and so on. Thus, you could quickly find a person who met your criteria. The search was performed by a neural network. It searched for people who matched each other. And its algorithm was very good, allowing you to choose a partner with great accuracy. Well, if they've written themselves down correctly and not embellished. In that case, there's no guarantee.

I even introduced such a thing as a count of people who have formalised relationships thanks to my Tinder. And I proudly displayed that counter on the home page. It also allowed our company to flaunt this achievement everywhere. Not only were we making money, but we were also solving the important problem of creating families. It gave us a whole bunch of reputational advantages.

Instagram's been doing pretty well too, by the way. Just like I thought, men were posting pictures of themselves. I mean, it was another battlefield. It wasn't exactly conventional, but still. Sometimes the pictures were quite explicit, but I had already introduced an age rating. It was dangerous to block completely, otherwise I would be torn to ribbons by the ladies for such sacrilege, so I limited myself to this measure. Naturally, there were more girls, just due to the number, but in popularity they mostly lost to the pages of men, which is not surprising. What to say, to throw dikpik weakly familiar girl was in some way like a medal to get (for the lady), but it is the same to throw her upper or lower ninety to the guy with whom not in a relationship already krinzhovee.

Yes, this world is certainly very curious in some aspects. I've been checking out Insta from time to time, though, mostly girls. Guys, after watching a few local gigachads, I stopped. If you look through them too much, you could easily bury your self-esteem. And I just like girls.

In general, carefully observing people in this world, I almost never met ugly. Even a mediocre person here would have been quite handsome in my past life. Let alone the very best. I had a few thoughts about that. I think there's a lot of experimentation on humanity and the influence of various gods. Plus, all that outer beauty didn't have the most beautiful gut. 

The fact is that for most of history, mankind on this planet has been engaged in breeding. And quite actively and uncompromisingly. If in my first world, in my instincts was written the search for the best partner for the survival of offspring, then here it was elevated to an absolute. Because of the low birth rate and high mortality rate in the early stages of development, humans sought only the best partners. Beauty, health, correct facial and body proportions. All this over the millennia and helped to weed out not that ugliness, but even mediocrity. If you're ugly and weak, you're not going to survive. Even for men, it was unforgivable. Although there were times when such deprived ones came together, but I think they were not loved much, and gradually they became extinct. And this rule was followed strictly, almost in all peoples of the world. That's how aggressive breeding has borne its fruit. What to say, if it is still going on now, though not so rigidly. Naturally, such ugly things were not written openly, but comparing the history of life of past generations and the current order, I came to these thoughts. Only the Third Reich could outdo them all. But they had a focus on a few specific traits of appearance. Apparently, after such a fox, they decided to keep quiet about similar orders in ancient times, in order to avoid it.

Recently, however, there are more and more fat people in the world, and some scientists are sounding the alarm. Not because of disease, but because of overeating. And indeed, it used to be less so. Everything that can polish beauty is very developed here, including various fitness clubs, to which a lot of people go. So a couple of decades ago, a fat person would have been hard to find. Beauty here is like an informal passport. If you are ugly, it is unlikely to get a good place in life. Only if you have a brilliant brain, and that's not a sure thing. They meet you by your clothes, and may well refuse, even without really listening, if your appearance is so bad. It's rare, though. They've weeded out most of the ugly ones.

In general, the beauty industry was for me a very tempting piece of cake. On the one hand to get super profits without much trouble, and on the other hand, it would be good for people. But just dreaming, I immediately put these thoughts out of my head. There is such a monstrous amount of money in this business that it is better not to get involved without my hand army. They'll eat it up. In general, as I have deduced from my observations, there are several very profitable businesses in this world. IVF, as it is the basis of any state, pharmaceuticals, as in the past world, there is no need to explain anything, weapons, for obvious reasons, drugs, everything is clear with them too, food production and everything connected with beauty. Naturally, every industry is important and necessary, it's just that these were the ones that caught my eye. So I thought and thought and decided not to get directly involved in them, at least not until I had my PMC.

And Instagram, allowed a little bit to stand on this field of activity, from an unusual angle. In it, people could post the results of their work on the appearance, which amused the ego or allowed to find rich sponsors. Alas, in this world the number of alfons was much higher than in the past. What can you do, the specifics of the world. But at least their number was not overwhelming among men. True, among girls there were also ladies who wanted to find a rich daddy or mummy, but much less than among men. And sometimes they did find them, surprisingly enough. But the demand for them was not great.

In general, we had the initial capital, now we had to wait until we were 16 years old and organise several companies, with the subsequent merger into a mega-corporation, which would affect all aspects of life. Moo-ha-ha! Whew, a few more years and I'll turn round! If I were a hitman in an anime, it would be called something like this: "I've been reborn with the System in a world full of pretty girls hanging around my neck, and now I'm getting ready to take over the planet with super technology!". Man, that sounds cool! I should totally come up with titles for various works! I can just feel the talent I have!

- What was Kyle thinking? - Daniel's voice snapped me out of my musings.

- Conquering the world," I told him on automatic. Oh, crap! Okay. I don't think he's gonna take it seriously.

- Ooh! How curious! What do you want to conquer it for? - Dan asked me with great interest.

- To make the world a better place," I said, hoping he'd get bored with this conversation.

- Then if you need help, call me. I'll help in any way I can," Daniel said with a smile. - But I hope it won't involve any casualties?

- I'll try to minimise them.

- Well, good for you.

Wow. Although he did say he wanted to have adventures. And conquering the world is pretty cool. Although I hope he forgets about it or doesn't take it seriously.

I, having received decent funding, dug a bunker under the house to put there all the available equipment, in order to avoid, so to speak. Or else some nosy Barbarian will get in where she doesn't need to and it will be an incredible mishap. Besides, having shielded the bunker, I could do more interesting things. Well, at least in the future. A lot of the City's technology is very energy-intensive, and I wouldn't want to get an inspection from the Shield or Hydra on my head. 

Material capabilities are good, but I need to think about my most valuable resource right now. Loyal, deeply motivated and skilful men. I've already found one, by the way. That woman, veteran Anna Stone, would be perfect for the power wing. Well, if she's willing. And I think she knows soldiers with similar problems. Also, maybe Daniel would be willing to work for me. He's very clever and very good at getting along with people. I could use such a comrade. But two people are not enough. I must find and memorise other suitable people. 

In the meantime, I'm going to read a story. I was tired as a dog during this day, at school with a lot of tests and already at home, working on social networks. So I wanted to relax a little, to go back to the time when I was a normal kid. True, the fairy tales here were as good as the world. For example, how a knight saves not one princess from a dragon, but as many as 6 from all the neighbouring kingdoms, then marry them and become emperor. Or, for example, the reverse situation, when the prince is saved by several knights at once. But in general the latter kind of tale, when several women save a man, has sometimes been criticised. Why is it that a knight alone can save the princesses, but a woman alone cannot? However, it was quickly explained to such people that it's not about strength, but about the imbalance of the sexes and it would be better for them to just keep quiet and enjoy the story. Often even with an erotic part. Sometimes detailed and sometimes in the form of innuendo.

Similar stories are common in the local board game Dungeons and Dragons. It was called that, by the way. It had a popular plot where a male party member was kidnapped for various purposes, and the ladies of the team, consisting of a warrior, a sorceress, an archer and a priestess, found him. By the way, male priests in real life were forbidden to take a vow of celibacy, but women can. But I digress. Anyway, about the party. Depending on the plot and the target audience, it could be a serious story or a full hentai, where a man was kidnapped by some dragoness for lovemaking. And the ending could also be different, from the death of the evil lizard to her entry into the harem. Well, more precisely not a harem, because it is not democratic (why so, I could not understand, until now), but a number depending on the number of partners. Couple, three, four and so on.

In general, what I have not managed to read from boredom in my current life. And quite often these works were quite peculiar. By the way, there were also stories about reverse worlds, where there are ten men for one woman. This was also popular, because not everyone could afford to try how it feels, two guys at a time. So it was interesting for the ladies to be in a world like that. I can't blame them for that, but I have my doubts that things wouldn't have been so rosy for the women themselves.

Hmm, maybe I should write some kind of story where there's an even playing field. There are a few of those around here, but not that many, since reverse worlds are in vogue right now. I'll write a bestseller for all time, like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. No, I'll write a better one!

Meanwhile, another year passed, during which my mum and I increased our capital, and my social networks became one of the most massive in the world. I can now proudly say that my Skynet has gradually taken over the world without spilling blood! Hehehe fight! Technology and knowledge of successful projects rules. I even managed to make my way to China, though they also made some analogues of Skynet and other grids, but I was the first one and accordingly skimmed the cream of the crop. However, to reach such an audience I had to hire a lot of people for maintenance, as I could not cope with the neural network. My mum also opened representative offices in several countries. 

School was quiet at the time. I was treated more calmly, but I still socialised mostly with Daniel and four other girls. They were also probably looking for a place to be our wives for the future. I was neutral. 

- Kyle, why don't we go to my house? I want you to meet my family," Daniel asked, sitting in front of me during recess.

- Let's do it. When? - Actually, if you looked at it that way, I knew his parents, because they came to school periodically and saw me accordingly. But the acquaintance was on the level of hello and goodbye.

- Today, about six o'clock. That's when my whole family will be there," Dan said with a smile.

- Okay, I'll be there. - Basically, at the moment the social network is working and my direct participation is not necessary, so I can relax. - But I hope they won't try to marry me off to your sisters?

- Ha-ha, no! At least not until you're 14! - Blue cheered up.

- Phew, I was afraid I'd have to fend off more suitors. I had enough of them at school.

- Isn't that good? - Daniel asked with interest. - You can pick the girls you like.

- It's exhausting. A lot isn't good either, you know. 

- I guess you're right," the boy agreed thoughtfully.

- Eh, now I'd like to lie down on the soft grass and look at the clouds, and then, when I get bored, I'd like to take a nap for five hours. And no one to bother me," I voiced my deepest desire for the moment, lying down on the desk.

- What about playing with my friends, for example?

- Pfft, I'm not at the right age for that! And anyway, energy should be saved to be used at the right time. Plus, I'm not really interested in that sort of thing.

- You're weird, you know that? - Asked me by this kid who's not weird at all.

And then a sign appeared in front of my eyes.

Attention! Unlocked a new section of the System - titles!

You have received the title Oddity I!

Weirdness I - you attract unusual events, people, etc.. A small increase in strange situations around the user.

- What?! - I jumped up and down in surprise.

- Oh, I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said that! - Daniel said, bowing his head apologetically. - I just thought you wouldn't be touched by it.

- It wasn't about that. - Shit, now I have to explain why I screamed. I'm sure blue will ask about it.

- What was it about? The boy asked. Like I said.

- I just saw some weird stuff," I said, waving it off, showing that it was nothing. - It doesn't matter. And as far as you're concerned, I really don't care. I know I'm weird. But for that matter, everyone's weird in their own way. My "weirdness" is just more pronounced.

- Right. Ugh, I was afraid I'd offended you. You're usually quite calm, but you respond to offence quite harshly.

- Heh, were you afraid I'd punch you in the head? - I asked Daniel with a smile.

- Yeah, you're a hard hitter. And I still want to live," said the blue one, rubbing the shoulder I periodically slapped. What can I do, this red Oni has taught me to hit with all my might, so sometimes I forget.

- Don't worry, I'm being friendly! You won't even realise it!

- That's what scares me," said Dan. - By the way, aren't you training to beat that Aki boy?

- Yeah. That guy's too strong, but I'm not going to lose to him again! In our next fight that will shake the Earth and Heaven, I will win! This battle will be legendary! - I said with fervour, raising my fist in the air.

- Oooh! - Daniel clapped in admiration. - You don't usually show this kind of determination! It's by this point that you're storing up energy!

- Exactly!!! I'll be sure to...! - But before I could finish, the bell rang for class.

- All right, kids! Take your seats! - The teacher shouted at all of us.

I couldn't wait until the end of class to dig into the System. I didn't want to deal with this issue at school. The wait was very long, as if I had to sit not for a few hours, but for a whole day. But finally that moment came, and I found myself at home.

- "Yohi, what was that about school!" - Quickly undressing, I turned to the AI.

- What do you mean? - She asked kindly.

- "You know perfectly well what I'm asking you about! Don't break the comedy!" - I didn't argue with her.

- That's how you know how to take away all interest, master! - She said indignantly. - All right, all right, I'll explain! As you know, the System is gradually evolving, and adding titles was just a matter of time. 

- "И?! Why is it Oddity!!!" - The AI asked indignantly.

- A lot of people think you're weird. It put a kind of imprint that the System picked up on. Now it will be used to gain a modicum of power.

- "The System is supposed to help, not make my life weirder! How is this going to help me survive?!"

- I don't know," Yohi replied simply, even with almost no venom in her voice. - What I do know, though, is that it's going to be more fun now. Me.

- What a bitch! - I exclaimed in a full voice. And continued mentally. - "What does this do for me and how does it work?!"

- Since you didn't read the description carefully, let me explain," Yohi replied in a honeyed voice. - Titles distort reality to achieve certain effects. But don't expect to gain the power of a Sentinel*. The more developed a title is, the more power it gives you. There are two ways to get a title. The first is if a large number of people call you by it. Depends on the quality and quantity of those who named you. The second, if special conditions are met, I can award the title myself.

- "Yeah, that's a great first title and it's special. Why couldn't you give me something cooler?!" 

A new title, Shadow Rising I!

Shadow Rising I - makes it slightly easier to create your own shadow organisation. You're a shadow that hunts shadows!

- "Oh, for fuck's sake! What the fuck is a shadow that hunts shadows?! Yohee, are you kidding me?!"

- There you go again! - The AI chirped in a satisfied voice. - I did my best, by the way! And this title will come in handy! And besides, it's a very pathetic title and a note!

- "You didn't try to take a pathetic title, but a baffling one that makes you laugh instead of awe! Oh well, that's okay, as soon as the opportunity presents itself, I'll lock your mind in total darkness, for a few weeks. And if that doesn't scare you, I'll find another way to shorten you."

There was a startled silence in response. I don't know how I felt it, but it was a fact. I could sense Yohi's emotions, and apparently my threats didn't sit well with her. Glad to have defeated the AI, I went to practice. Aki wouldn't be able to defeat himself, the little devil.

 Commentary on Chapter #5. Social Media and Beauty

 * In the original Marvel, there's a superhero called Sentinel. He has the ability to control reality according to his creator, but doesn't realise it. And has incredible strength. In this world, he's also turned into a woman.


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