Chapter 4: Applied Luck and a New Friend
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I ended up polishing the social network for another year and a half. By this point I had the server, the neural network and a plan that I discussed with my mum. She was concerned with ownership issues, various contracts and all that sort of thing. I was in charge of developing and maintaining the social network. For the first time me and the neural network would be enough, and after that I could hire the first employees. By this time, I've accumulated a lot of luck and now is the time to use it.
- Mum, look, by sticking this thing on, you will become very lucky until the charge is used up, - I turned to her, showing her a coupon with luck, which the box has just released.
- Son, you certainly create amazing devices, but luck, it's kind of... - she said sceptically.
- Stick it on your arm. Go on, go on, it's safe, I assure you. - Hmm, that didn't sound very good, as those words were said by that other villain, before the horrible experiment. - Oh, that's another story. Anyway, I've tested them myself many times and nothing.
- You what?! Kyle, that's completely irresponsible! - I shouldn't have said that because she started to shake me out of my emotions.
- It wasn't dangerous! Come on, mum! Enough already!
- Okay, okay, but we'll talk about it Kyle Smith!" the woman said sternly. Apparently she didn't like what she said, because I'd only seen my mum like that a couple of times in 11 years. - Oh, OK, just pin it on?
- Yeah and wait a couple of seconds until you feel a tingling sensation on your skin.
- How interesting," Mum said thoughtfully. - Curious sensations. And what next?
- Now guess which side of the coin will fall. - I prepared the props in advance and handed it over for testing.
- Heads. Tails. Tails. Tails. Tails! Tails! And now?! How is that possible?! No, it's just a coincidence! Tails! - Mum exclaimed with conviction and flipped the coin again. But this time it was tails up. - Still, I think it's just a coincidence!
- How stubborn you are," I said, sighing tiredly. - Don't you believe in your son at all?
- I'm sorry," she apologised. - It just sounds too fantastic. It's like magic!
- Any advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic," I quoted smartly. - So, stick a lot of talismans on yourself and go register the company.
- Then together with these things, my actions will be successful, right? - I nodded. - Cool! Then maybe I should try to find a boyfriend at the same time.
- Not until the main case is over," I told her, not buying the provocation.
- You're so boring, Kyle! Don't you ever get jealous of me? - Mum asked in a fake, whiny tone.
- Why not? I am jealous. But as an adult, I understand that you want to receive love not only from a child, but also from a grown man.
- You know, it's a shame you can't be my boyfriend," Mum said, glaring at me with a look of incomprehensible emotion. Wow, she blurted out! - A young man like that would be wonderful to live with.
- Ahem! That's incest! That's incest!
- Ha-ha-ha, it's a dream come true! Of course I didn't mean it! And the fact that you're my child is much better! - Mum exclaimed, giving me a big hug.
Speaking of incest. Morality aside, why is it dangerous? Incest increases the chances of genetic defects. Non-relatives have a lower chance of that. But if both relatives are completely healthy, incest is sort of less dangerous. There are several other defences that prevent this from happening. For example, the Westermarck effect, where people have no sexual attraction to those who grew up close to them. Let's say the girl next door who's known you since you were in nappies. That made the childhood friend stamp in the anime false, by the way. Geez, are the other anime stamps a myth too? That's terrible. My world will never be the same. Is Zettai Ryouiki* a myth too?!
But I'm digressing. There's also a mechanism for recognising a suitable mate by smell, which prevents a good time between relatives. And so it was that the body prevented incest in every possible way.
It wasn't quite like that in this world. I don't know if it was because of the influence of the goddess Gaia, who created humans, the experiments of the Celestials, the Kree, the breeding that is still going on, magic, or who knows what else, that humans suffered less from the problem of bad heredity. And apparently the fool-proofing worked less well too. But there were cases of incest that even the church allowed. Kings, dukes and others. It's not in their honour to mix blood with all sorts of trash. So, sometimes we had to do this family business. But only if there were no serious diseases in the ancestors' relatives for three generations. Especially for such force-majeure cases there were books describing the health of a person's family tree. After all, with such a skew of sexes even a queen can hardly find a spouse to match. And in those times people were not fools and realised that incest could bring a lot of problems when a sick person would sit on the throne. And it was good if it was not on the head. It also happened to ordinary people, but much less often. And now it's kind of fashionable to have incest. True, such guys are carefully checked for pathologies and if everything is normal, they are given confirming papers. But so far such marriages are registered with a squeak. But who knows what will happen in the future. But if sisters, for example, marry the same guy and "find a common language", it does not count. I guess it's not incest if no children are born.
But I digress. Mum's stopped squeezing me and started looking more closely at the good luck paper.
- And yet, I can't believe that a piece of paper can seal such a substance as luck," she said, putting the piece of paper under the light, trying to illuminate it.
- I can understand that. But I think it's time to go. It'll be a while before you get there, before you check in.
- Mm-hmm. Aren't you afraid I'll take all the technology and stuff for myself? - With a sly look in her eyes, Mum asked.
- You could do that, of course, but then you wouldn't get any more hugs.
- Y-you're cruel! - The actress moved away from me in feigned horror. - No, I can't do that! Cuddles are sacred! I'm addicted to them like a drug!
- Heh-heh! Your hugs I have hostage, so be kind to fulfil all my conditions woman! - I said in the most sinister tone possible. Truly, seeing how my mother was squeezing a smile, I realised that the dark lord's behaviour was worth working on.
- N-no! Not them! Please, I'll do anything! - Mum babbled, wringing her hands in feigned terror.
- Coo-coo-coo! Then it's time for you to incorporate. And after that, there'll be hugs for you.
- That's not good enough! - With her arms at her sides, Mum objected.
- What do you want? - I stared at her in surprise. Suddenly.
- When I get there, you'll be hugging me!
- Oh, n-okay! But only as an encouragement," he answered her embarrassedly.
- Tsundere," the radish commented with a satisfied smile.
- No, I'm not a tsundere! It's just an anime stamp! And anyway, you're going to be late!
- Whatever you say," Mum agreed with me like a little kid and walked towards the exit. - Don't be bored and behave yourself Kyle.
- Yeah, yeah.
Well, while Mum does the registration, I'll finish the important stuff. Actually, I should have done it sooner, but I was too caught up in the new knowledge I wanted to implement. And yesterday I should have done such a thing as the singularity of the corporation M-moonstone, aka moonstone. The point of this thing is to protect against psychic attacks. That means psionics, psychokinetics, and other such psychopaths won't be able to affect me. Of course, the moonstone (by the way, why moonstone if it's metal and why moonstone if it's gold-coloured instead of silver?) had a limit of strength, but you have to try to reach it. Anyway, in a world with a bunch of different psionics, it's a much needed item. I was dumb not to have studied this singularity first, but better late than never. Nobody needs me now, but after the company's creation, different people might be interested in me.
But by then, I'll have made some jewellery for me and my mum. That'll be enough to protect me from telepaths, and then I can do something bigger later. Right now, I should load the assembler with work, and do what this device can't do. That's how I worked for a few hours, until my mum arrived, whom I could see with the help of a small camera. Opening the garage in which I was sitting, she put the car in without a word and walked past me into the hall. Hmm, unusual.
- How was it? Any luck? - I asked the thoughtful woman. She came into the house and didn't even pat me as she usually did and just sat down on the sofa.
- Yes, - the woman stretched out, looking at some point on the floor. - Very much so. As I've learnt, what I did today sometimes takes months. Having a son helped, though. But not everything is done yet. There are still a few places left. I think another week and the N.A. Company will be registered. It would have taken a lot of time and money, but with your magic paperwork, it's been a cakewalk. They didn't even have time to send in the reports, where they put me in at the last minute, and the right employee stayed late, solving a few issues with me, and the last form was still there. Well, now I'm a firm believer that this stuff affects luck.
- I told you so! - Said with his nose to the ceiling. - The firm's a tough cookie!
- What? - Mum was surprised.
- I mean, I don't do rubbish. That's right!
- I guess I won't be surprised now," she smirked.
- Don't be.
- I think I will. Or you'll do something unimaginable and I'll have to be surprised again," she said, relaxing on the couch. But not even a couple of minutes had passed before Mum was staring at me with an anticipatory smile and sly eyes. - By the way, I almost forgot! I want my award!
- What? What reward? - What's she talking about? But when I saw her fake frown, I remembered. - Oh, the reward. Yeah, yeah, I got it.
I walked over to the excited Mum and gave her a big hug. After standing like that for a while, I heard a sound like a cat purring. Can people do that? Oh, well, Mum's happy and that's good. After sitting like that for a while, I managed to free myself from her grip.
- By the way, why New Age? - Mum asked with interest.
- I can start a new age on Earth with my technologies," I said, shrugging my shoulders.
And this is not an exaggeration. Even the same Wakanda will be able to compare only with very average products from the City. And that's not to mention the Singularity. By the way, I looked it up, and this country is considered very poor. Must be a good disguise.
- Sounds pretentious. But I'll be interested to see how you do it.
- Mm-hmm. You'll see it from the front row.
After some more discussion, we went to our separate rooms. I started learning Russian, by the way. I had to legendise my knowledge of the great and powerful. Mum was surprised at first why I wanted to learn this language, but I said my weighty, I want to, and that was enough.
And the creation of moonstone jewellery was almost ready. I asked my mum what she wanted to get. She asked for a ring, a chain with an intricate fintiflushka and earrings, which I made for her. I made myself a ring and chain by changing the colour of the metal to silver. Now I didn't have to be so afraid of telepaths and other psionics. The moonstone created a sort of barrier and prevented it from influencing the wearer. Of course some Mr Sinister, Xavier, or Jean Grey would break through the barrier, since it was limited to a small amount of metal, but why would they want to mess with the Smith family, right?
Now one didn't have to worry about their alien voices in their heads. Alas, except for Yohi. Oh, well, I'll find a way to deal with her, too. In the meantime, I should get on with my immediate problems. Mum will soon sort out the company formation and I'll need to start a social network. It's basically ready to go, I'll just check for bugs.
While my mum was sorting out all the remaining issues, and I was catching various bugs of the social network, a new student Daniel Blue was transferred to our class. He was quite an entertaining kid. He was quite friendly and relaxed. Relaxed, even. Uncharacteristic for a ten-year-old. Daniel was about the same height as me, with an oval, bisected face, light brown eyes and a straight nose. But most entertaining of all was his blue-coloured hair, which I later found out he dyed. Well, at least it wasn't his own colour. When asked by one of my classmates why he did it, the boy replied that he liked this colour very much.
In doing so, he quickly established himself as an extremely intelligent child. Even though I was winning at the expense of my knowledge, this kid was very good at breathing down my neck. I was beginning to wonder if he was a traitor. I'll have to keep a close eye on him.
He was seated to my right, by the way. Daniel made fast friends with most of the class. Probably because of his peaceful nature. He often glanced at me, but I didn't understand why.
A while after his transfer, he came up to me and spoke, standing at the side of my desk.
- Hi! - Smiling, he said hello to me as I was trying to be satisfied with my knowledge by looking out the window.
- Hi," I answered Daniel, turning my head towards him in surprise.
- Your name is Kyle, right? - Still smiling, the kid asked.
- Yeah. What does he want from me?
- My name is Daniel, as you know. Would you like to be friends with me?
- Interesting," I said, turning my whole body towards him. - Why did you suddenly suggest it to me? With your temper, you'll make friends in no time.
- I did," the boy agreed. - I just wanted to make friends with you, too.
- Why? I'm the black sheep of the neighbourhood. They don't like me very much. Only a few girls hang out with me from time to time.
- You're interesting," Daniel said with a smile. - My parents always said I had good intuition, and it's pointing to you now. I'm sure if I communicate with you, I'll definitely be able to take part in interesting adventures.
- Ahem! You're weird. Didn't anyone tell you that?
- They have. Sometimes. - Even now, he was still in good spirits.
- Oh, you remind me of a bloke," I said tiredly. I had a bad feeling about this.
- Yeah? Who? - The boy asked with interest.
- A bloke. He's got red hair and he's a daredevil. I'd say you two are as much alike as you are different.
- Can you introduce us?
- He's in Japan now, and he'll be there for a long time. But back to your suggestion, friendship doesn't happen at the snap of a finger," I told Daniel, raising my thumb to emphasise the importance of my words.
- Of course," he agreed. - But if we don't take the first step, it won't happen.
- I think it's easier to just go along with it. Then you'll let it go when you get tired of it," I said, resigning myself to another little thing that was going to mess with my head.
- Whew! I was afraid you'd say no! - Wiping imaginary sweat from his forehead, the boy exclaimed in a cheerful tone.
- Kyle, Danielle can you help us with this topic? - Asked one of the girls who was chatting with me, approaching my desk. Her name was Anna and behind her were two more of her friends, Bella and Lucy.
- I don't mind," the little one said and turned to me. - Kyle, you okay?
- Come on, what's up?
That's how we gradually became friends with this kid. I have to say, he was really the opposite of Aki. The red one was quite unceremonious, unruly and generally focused on physical fitness. Blue was delicate, calm and intellectual. Though he still had a childish naivety and a lack of understanding of some of the basics of the world, Daniel was a very intelligent child, surpassing many adults. I remember back in my first life, I heard of kids who were 13 or so years old, graduating from high school or even college. And Marvel has geniuses that can create incredible technology beyond most people's comprehension, so I wasn't particularly surprised by his mental capabilities.
But at the same time, I had my eye on this kid, just in case. I even told him about creating a social network called Skynet, wanting to see how he reacted. But he just started questioning me with interest. Maybe I was wrong, and Daniel's just a really smart kid.
Oh, come on. I just got my energy back and I'm ready for a new singularity. And an extremely useful one that will help me control a lot of powerful people. And just something I need for myself. Today I'll be taking on the K Corporation. Their singularity is called the KP, or if you call it chiponosis. A bioengineering technology whose ability is to rapidly heal wounds and injuries both physical and mental (how such a thing is possible I can't even imagine, as all my knowledge relates to technology, but still, it's just a legalised cheat). They also make healing bullets and bandages that speed up regeneration.
What will people do to save their loved ones? I think a lot of things. And chiponosis is a great thing to lobby for. God bless the USA and the lobbying institute! But in addition to other people's uncles and aunts, KP will be useful for me in case of emergency. Although, of course, it's better not to get to that point.
- "Yohee, give me Status!"
First and last name: Kyle Smith.
Age: 10 years old.
Race: Human?
Physical Condition: Healthy.
Psychological Condition: Healthy.
Energy: 100%.
World of choice: Project Moon.
Knowledge acquired: Singularity J Corp, Singularity M Corp, several packets of information.
Special abilities: ???
- "Great! I want to download the knowledge of Singularity K Corp!"
- Are you sure you want to download this data? - In a ingratiating voice, the Echidna asked.
- "Yes. It's a necessary thing for me, so I'm 103% sure!"
- I won't ask why 103%, but I have to disappoint you. At the moment, you will not be able to gain the knowledge of this singularity," the AI said regretfully. Only, it was so fake that she didn't even bother to disguise her true emotions. How could this AI have so much venom in it?! What the hell is this?!
- "Why is that?! The energy is at maximum! Give me the information!"
- Alas, there is a difficulty with that..." she stretched out in an "apologetic" tone and fell silent.
- "What? Do I have to pull words out of you?" - This was starting to get annoying.
- The thing is, this singularity is on a different level compared to the same J Corporation. Firstly, when you got this singularity, you already had some data on the City's technology, which allowed you to limit your accumulated energy levels. Secondly, J Corp originally created technology that wasn't even accepted for the singularity, and they had to refine it. From this, it's clear that even though the ability to seal is useful, it's not as "cool" as some others. Third, K Corp has a bioengineered singularity. These are technologies you haven't encountered yet, that's why more data is needed. - This time she told it all thoroughly and without nitpicking. Why can't it always be done this way?
- "What am I supposed to do? Am I going to have to swing hard to get that data?" - Puzzled asked her.
- Not necessarily. It's just that for a certain amount of time, all of your energy will go into getting that information.
- "So, how long will I have to wait?"
- Processing the request. A year and a half,'' Yohi said sternly, but sweetened the pill afterwards. - 'But after that, technologies based on manipulating living flesh will be easier to learn.
- "Mhm, yikes, but it can't be helped. I need the chiponosis anyway. Go ahead."
- Copy that.
Ah, all is not well with the Goddess. I'll have to wait a lot of time now. On the other hand, I now have a certain amount of knowledge that will give me something to do for the next year and a half.
But while I was thinking, the door opened in the hallway and Mum came in. Today was the final stage of decorating the N.A. Company. I'm sure it went smoothly, since I gave half of my remaining supply of luck.
- Kyle! We did it! The company is incorporated! - Mum chirped as she ran into the room I was in. - Well, who's good?!
- You did great," I said, humbly agreeing with her.
And it's true, because even with good luck charms, it was a challenge. Bureaucracy is the worst enemy. When I take over the world, the first thing I'll do is exterminate it! And the fact that Mum took the time out of her day to do it was a great help. For that, I had no trouble telling her how good she was.
- Ufu-fu-fu-fu! - As she must have thought, Mum laughed wickedly. - I demand a reward!
- Well, if that's the way you want it, then so be it! But be warned, I don't like this veal tenderness one bit! - He said, hugging her.
- Of course, of course! - Quite sang this woman, lying in my arms. - You are a stern man and above it!
And why do I feel like she's messing with me?
Commentary on Chapter #4. Applied luck and a new friend
*Zettai Ryouiki - "absolute territory" the area of uncovered skin in between the above-the-knee stockings/golfers and the miniskirt (or shorts). Tosaka Rin is a prime example
** The GH doesn't remember absolutely everything about Marvel's world and has forgotten that the Wakandans just pretended to be a hose.
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