Legendary Traveler: By Earning Progress Points I will Become Supreme!

Chapter 51: Breaking The Limit

There are few certainties in life; one instance states, as the saying goes, death and taxes; yet another is increasing one's potential without the aid of unique materials or fateful encounters.

Never before, in the history of Travelers, or for what it's worth, Genovia, has there been a case where someone naturally has the tools in hand to break through system-imposed limits, that is, until the day a certain Ash-Blond Lad, nearly face planted into a pair of newly sharpened Hook Swords.

For someone who had an original limit of One-Star as his potential when it came to his Progression, of course, it was never going to be easy on Aoni if he wished to increase his grade.

Considering what he experienced whenever he upgraded his Stats, it was a given that the moment his Attribute filled its star and formed a new one, something would happen to his body; I mean, just look at what transpired when he tried boosting up his Attack, Defense and even Speed.

It was as if the world itself was attempting to snub him with intense pressure and suffering, yet he was able to continue progressing and, as such, grow stronger.

Why would it be any different this time around, especially since it was a proven fact that Aoni's Attribute was special?

Yet, no matter how much info he had gathered in the past few days and all the theories he had come up with, nothing could have prepared Aoni for the moment his second star manifested.

I wish I could tell you the consequences of his growth amounted to a simple nosebleed, but it was never going to be that underwhelming.

In fact, after falling backward and passing out, the Lad was only unconscious for a few minutes at most before releasing the most bloodcurdling scream to have ever left his lips.

"Wh…at….AHHH!! ARGGG !!!!!" Barely spitting out a single word, the Lad was unaware that his very essence, his SOUL, cracked and began shattering.

That faint glass-shattering noise he had heard before the lights went out was only the beginning of his agony, but don't misunderstand; the truth of what was happening was completely different from what you may be thinking.

No, Aoni's Soul wasn't merely breaking apart; instead, much like how cells divide when creating new life, something was occurring deep within the Lad.

Piece by piece, a strange phenomenon was strengthening Aoni's Soul and, in turn, upgrading his Attribute, a process that was not only thought to be impossible but also incredibly meticulous.

One wrong move, one piece out of alignment, and young Aoni would be left a vegetable, or worse yet, soulless. For most, having your Soul shredded as it divides and replicates certain fragments is out of the realm of conception, but I will put it this way.

For a mental image, picture dropping a hammer on a piece of glass; it splinters, cracks, and shatters. That was step one, and when the Lad had finished upgrading his Weapons, that was the initial trigger.

Now, since the basic material was cracked beyond belief, certain fragments were shifted around, duplicated, and replaced, all of which was happening on a beyond-microscopic level as the Soul is not only intangible but unobservable by normal standards.

And with all of this happening beyond the realm of observability, the only thing Aoni knew was that it was horribly painful.

Then again, saying it hurt would be an understatement. Sure, stubbing your toe hurts; scuffing your knee hurts; breaking bones HURTS, but having your Soul shattered, fractured, disassembled, shifted around, duplicated, and put together as if it were a brand new puzzle… saying it hurt would be an extremely gross understatement and oversimplification.

If you've ever had an infected tooth or stomach ulcer, you may believe that to be the worst pain imaginable; however, amplify that 100-fold, and you may have a GLIMPSE into what Aoni was being forced into experiencing.

Across the room, on the bed, Glacia was frozen stiff, not because she was overwhelmed by the sudden and horrifying scream her lord was emitting, but instead because of the invisible yet dense aura bathing him.

Something inside of her was SCREAMING to flee or hide, and it was now the third time this had happened; unlike the first two, which only lasted a second or two, this time…was different.

For Nearly an hour, she could only tremble in terror after evacuating her bowels. Mind you, Aoni wasn't much better, he had long since pissed himself and soiled his boxers, but all things considered, it wasn't like he would have been mad at Glacia in the first place due to her being a baby and whatnot.

For well over an hour, Aoni lay inert, screaming his head off until his voice cracked, and all he could do to try and alleviate the pain was whimper, which, in turn, caused Glacia to do the same.

Meanwhile, as all of this was going on, the temperature in the Cave had spiked immensely, easily climbing to well over a hundred degrees Fahrenheit before spilling out like a furnace and melting the nearby snow.

It was as if the sun had descended on the Cave, momentarily turning the frozen tundra in its immediate area into a desert climate.

And with each minute that the strangely dense aura bombarded Aoni's body, the distance of the heat expanded outward until reaching its peak distance and covered the entire platform outside of the Cave.

Even so, it was contained not only at a certain distance but also by the Barrier surrounding Aoni's territory without leaking a single ounce of Energia into the world.

After a second hour, the contained phenomenon began waining, and inch by inch, the intense heat retracted until finally…the process was completed; the Lad's Soul was perfectly reassembled, appearing brand new, and the pair of Glacia and Aoni were given a sweet release of darkness which overtook them as they fell unconscious.

| The Attribute: Progression has been Increased by One Star |

| Host's Soul has been strengthened and expanded by a factor of two |

| New Abilities for Attribute: Progression have been Generated |

| All Progress Points have been deducted |

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