Chapter 52: Post Upgrade Changes (1)
| The Attribute: Progression has been Increased by One Star |
| User's Soul has been strengthened and expanded by a factor of two |
| New Abilities for Attribute: Progression have been Generated |
| All Progress Points have been deducted |
Upon completion of his Attribute's upgrade, four notifications flashed in front of Aoni's closed eyes. Still, unfortunately, with how quickly they appeared and disappeared, it would be a topic that the Lad would be forced into bumbling around like a fool until he figured it all out on his own. Not that it was going to be too difficult to surmise.
However, it would be quite some time before he would even begin that process because, for now, both he and Glacia were down for the count, with him having been put through quite the ordeal and Glacia's body practically shutting down due to the Aura.
Day turned to night, then repeated two more times, making it three days before the unconscious lad and baby yeti began to show signs of life.
First to recover was Glacia, who, upon opening her eyes, immediately scrunched up her nose due to the foul smell coming from beside where she had collapsed.
Its source…was, of course, where the poor baby yeti had her accident during Aoni's upgrade, and after several days, while it had long since dried, there were still lingering aftereffects due to how long it took for the cave to re-cool down.
In fact, it was still fairly warm, around 73 degrees Fahrenheit, which was a testament to the effect the dense Aura had on its surroundings and also to how high the temperature had soared.
Still, the small partially dissolved pile of waste beside the small ball of fluff couldn't hold a candle to the stench emanating off her Lord.
Unlike Aoni, Glacia didn't necessarily sweat in the same way as a human and instead would pant more like a dog; however, the same couldn't be said for the Lad, who was not only lying in his filth but also covered in three types of dried fluids, blood, sweat, and a strange grey crust which was unknown to the baby yeti.
Using her paws to cover her snout cutely, Glacia nearly gagged due to the stench, but being the good girl she was, the ball of fluff still hopped off the bed and made her way to Aoni's side.
"gaoo…" whimpering softly, Glacia fought back the urge to hurl and nudged her Lord with her head a few times before putting on what could only be described as a frown.
Several times, the ball of fluff pushed against her Lord, with the single response she earned being a soft groan from the Lad, but that was more than enough to know he was still alive.
It was then that a certain memory popped up in her little head, one of Aoni cleaning not only her but also himself in the snow, so a flash of inspiration lighting up her emerald eyes, Glacia entered furry missile mode and darted out of the cave.
However, the moment her feet left the familiar rocky terrain of her home and lept into the air…
THUD, she landed not on the soft cold she was used to but on hard stone.
Shaking her head several times to clear the cobwebs, Glacia looked left and right before panicking slightly because she noticed something very different about the terrain outside of the cave.
Having entered and exited dozens of times and watching her Lord struggle to walk outside, Glacia was accustomed to jumping up and landing atop the several feet of snow and gliding away; however, gone was the dense three to four feet of white precipitation and at best there was now only an inch or two of freshly fallen powder in its place.
Unbeknownst to her, the heat had long since melted everything on the platform outside the cave, and if it hadn't snowed a few hours prior, she would have found a barren mountain instead of a dusted peak.
Unsure of what was going on, Glacia pawed at the ground several times before finally understanding how shallow the snow was. She then decided to explore and figure out how far she would need to go in order to get an adequate amount of snow for cleaning.
Unsurprisingly, the ball of fluff didn't have to look far because the loss of snow only affected the immediate platform with which the cave resided; so long as she went a little further down, toward the edge, Glacia was able to see a clear barricade of snow, forming a bank or wall of sorts which would stop anything from moving further, unless of course you had a passive which allowed for easy navigation in Artic Environments.
Nodding her head a couple of times, as she had witnessed Aoni doing when he agreed about something, Glacia darted back into the cave and arrived beside the still-unconscious Lad.
Then, after turning her head and sucking in a few deep breaths of air, the small ball of fluff gently grabbed hold of Aoni's left arm…and began pulling.
At first, there was no change in the Lad's position, yet after a few moments of no results due to the small amount of force she was exerting, Aoni's body shifted a bit, then a bit more, until Glacia had successfully turned him 90 degrees to the left and began dragging him out of the cave foot by foot.
Since she didn't want to hurt her Lord accidentally, Glacia was extremely careful when it came to pulling the Lad out of the cave and onto the platform, or at least she was, until the moment came when she was forced to exert some strength and then with a soft fwoosh…
Glacia hurled Aoni into the snowbank at the edge of the platform, yielding INSTANT results as the Lad disappeared for a second before jumping up and screaming about being cold.
"GAOOOO! OooOoO!" in response to seeing her Lord reactivated and complaining, the baby yeti jumped up and down, whooping in victory, as if she had single-handedly won some type of throwing championship.