Legendary Traveler: By Earning Progress Points I will Become Supreme!

Chapter 54: Post Upgrade Changes (3)

While the Pair of Aoni and Glacia cleaned up the trash left over from their meals and readied it for disposal, aka, throwing it into the fire later on, the Lad took some time examining his surroundings.

It was weird enough that the cave was still warm, but the fact that it was only a few degrees cooler outside of the abode didn't sit well with him. Something had triggered a massive heatwave in the immediate area, and for the life of him, the Lad couldn't figure out what had done it.

Sure, the thought that maybe his body had gotten so hot it began radiating like an engine was a possibility; however, that idea was quickly tossed to the wayside when he realized just how far the heat wave had extended out from the cave.

'The entire platform is practically devoid of snow, and even then, it's still in the high 50s out here, so it must have snowed pretty heavily while I was unconscious for this much even to have accumulated.' Occasionally, Aoni glanced over at Glacia and tried to decipher her thoughts, but they were a jumbled mess of shapes and colors and essentially unreadable.

Thus, he knew she wouldn't be able to help him much, even if she had been conscious the entire time he was indisposed.

'A blast of heat, exiting the cave like a flamethrower? No, that makes no sense; it's like a heat wave descended on the entire mountain peak yet only stretched as far as the edge of the platform.'

'Hm…the distance seems to correlate with how much of the mountain top had been cleared for my abode…strange.'

While the Lad was lost in thought, and his summon lazily napped on a stone large enough to be a bed for her, beside them was a distinct laid-out pile of clothing, which Aoni had chosen to leave for drying outside, vs. in the cave where the smell would no doubt cling to the fabrics, leaving him in the same situation as before.

'By my estimation, it should be around 50ish degrees out here, so the bottom layer of snow is melting quickly, but the powder on top is staying solid; it looks like I won't have a completely cleared spot, but that doesn't mean I can't make it that way.' Resisting the urge to craft a snow shovel, Aoni leaned against the cave's outer wall and gazed off into the horizon.

'The more I think about this, the bigger my headache is becoming; it's not like I can stop or even change what's been done; maybe when Glacia gets older, she will be able to tell me what happened, providing she even remembers…' heaving a sigh of defeat, Aoni tilted his neck to the side and popped it to relieve the built-up tension.

'Okay, enough thinking about useless things that have no solution or explanation; I need to stop stalling and take a look at my TD. Anything immediate that needed my attention apart from the smell of the cave has been dealt with, and I can feel something has changed about me, but I just don't know what it is…maybe my Attribute Grew.' Wearing a serious face, Aoni uttered the command before suddenly feeling light-headed.


Aoni Thurston

Age: 16

Potential: Two Star/F Rank (►)

Rank: -F


Attribute Grade: ★☆

Attribute: Progression

Progress Points: 0.0



Attack: F- (►)

Defense: F- (►)

Speed: F- (►)

Energia: F- (►)



Cold Resistance: F- (►)

Pain Resistance: F- (►)

Swordsmanship: G+ (►)

Dual Swordsmanship: G- (►)


"Holy…" blinking several times to ensure what he was seeing wasn't an illusion manifested by his dreams, Aoni was amazed to find that not only had his Second Star been generated for his Attribute, but also the fact that nearly everything in his Traveler's Display was able to be upgraded once again.

However…when the Lad's eyes made it to the line indicating how many Progress points he had, Aoni felt his heart drop to his feet because the last time he checked, nearly 75 points were remaining, but now…it showed a big fat zero next to the line of text.

'Nononono, WHAT HAPPENED!' Screaming in his head and feeling frantic, Aoni sat straight up and crossed his legs before bracing his body weight on his knees with his hands.

What the Lad wasn't expecting was for a second window, similar to his Traveler's Display, to randomly pop up and stay open before filling in with some dialogue in the same manner his notifications came through.

| All available Progress Points were expended as nourishment for the User's Attribute Upgrade |

'The fuck, you actually answered that; how?' Flinching as if he had been smacked in his face by someone, Aoni stared at the new window like it was a demon of some sort wishing to steal his soul.

Unfortunately, contrary to what he was expecting, no new text appeared in the box until he asked his next question.

'Did I not earn any points from my Attribute's Grade increasing?'

| User earned 20 pp upon crafting a Second Star; however, those points were automatically converted to form this Dialog Box |

'Mother fucker, SO YOU STOLE MY POINTS TO MAKE A WHOLE NEW WAY OF PISSING ME OFF?' Glaring at the window, Aoni wished he could strangle whatever entity was responding to him, but little did he know, there was no entity; instead, this was merely a manifestation of his Attribute, a means to learn the finer details of its capabilities.

*inhale* *exhale*

'If you are able to answer questions, I want to know what has changed after Upgrading my Attribute to 2 stars.'

| Primary Changes to the Attribute: Progression Revolves around Interactions with User's Summons |

| Opening Summon's Display |

Summon's Display


Flume Grade: ★ (►)

Territory Climate: Artic/Mountainous

Summons Available: 4/5


Links of Subordination: 1/20


1: Infant Artic-GigantoUrsusPithecus


Age: 1.5 Months

Gender: ♀

Potential: One Star (►)

Grade: ★ (►)


Artic Movement: ✫ (►)

Artic Tracking: ✫ (►)


2: Hook Blade (L)


Attack: F- (►)

Durability: F- (►)

Grade: ★ (►)

Effect: N/A


3: Hook Blade (R)


Attack: F- (►)

Durability: F- (►)

Grade: ★ (►)

Effect: N/A


'No way...' that was the only thought that Aoni could generate, given what he was reading. In that instant, nearly everything he was seeing was completely ignored, as his eyes focused on four pieces of information, the ones pertaining to Glacia.

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