Chapter 55: Unlimited Possibilities
1: Infant Artic-GigantoUrsusPithecus
Age: 1.5 Months
Gender: ♀
Potential: One Star (►)
Grade: ★ (►)
Artic Movement: ✫ (►)
Artic Tracking: ✫ (►)
Setting aside every single new upgrade, the moment that Aoni saw that he could now upgrade his Summon, the lad had to steady himself lest he end up smacking his head on the Cave's stone wall.
However, just as quickly as he realized this, he understood a very important fact. Nearly everything he used points on was subjected to a certain amount of strain, be it physical or otherwise.
After all, just look at the state he was left in each time Aoni upgraded his stats. The idea of putting his adorable fluff ball through such amounts of agony was completely off the table.
It was one thing to upgrade an inanimate object such as Vestr, but to cause extreme pain to Glacia…Aoni simply didn't have it in him to hurt her.
| Unnecessary |
'Huh? Look, if you are going to respond, I want clear-cut answers, none of this cryptic and mysterious bullshit.' Smacking his lips and then running his tongue over his teeth, Aoni retorted, earning himself a shocking reply from the dialog box.
| Living Summons are not subjected to the same effects as the User |
'See, this is what I mean by cryptic; you say Living. But what about if I have Undead Summons, like skeletons or something?'
| Summons that aren't inanimate objects are not subjected to the same effects as the User |
'…so you are saying that if I want to upgrade my weapons or equipment, then it would run the risk of shattering if im not strategic about what I use my Attribute on, but when it comes to beings, like Glacia, they won't experience any discomfort?'
| Discomfort, yes; extreme amounts of pain brought about by rapid restructuring, no |
'define discomfort…' narrowing his eyes while he read the prompts, Aoni couldn't help but feel that this dialog box was taunting or even teasing him in some way; however, most of that was the mental voice he was using to read the words on the screen, and not actually any emotion presented by the text.
| Using the User's standards, a mild headache, sore muscles, and fatigue are the worst symptoms your Summons will receive depending on what is, as the User states, "Upgraded." |
'Now, why couldn't you just say all that before? Why make me go through this long ass process just for a straight answer.' With a grunt, the lad looked over at the sleeping Glacia as a plan for her future power-ups began to form in his mind.
With the thought that he would cause her massive amounts of pain proven incorrect, Aoni was left at a bit of an impasse because now, instead of using his Progress points for personal upgrades, he would instead have to worry about boosting up Glacia or even future Summons.
'My expenditure is spiking by a large margin, but my income stays the same…'
| The User needs to be aware that Summons are capable of earning Progress points but at a smaller increment than the User. |
'For some reason, that doesn't make me feel any better. UGH! Why is everything so annoyingly Math heavy?' tearing at his hair and unable to stay seated any longer, Aoni got to his feet and began pacing around outside the Cave.
'What is the ratio when it comes to the Points earned by my Summons?'
| Summons are able to generate exactly 25% of the Progress Points, which would have full value if earned by the User |
'So a point earned by me would only be 0.25 if earned by Glacia instead; that's a bit of a scam, isn't it?' unfortunately, this time, the lad received no answer in response to his question. The notification window even closed as if saying, "There is nothing to see here," causing him to scoff loudly.
'So now it runs away, whatever,' cupping his chin, Aoni looked back at his Summons display before noticing something important that he had missed after learning that it was possible to Upgrade Glacia.
Flume Grade: ★ (►)
Territory Climate: Artic/Mountainous
Summons Available: 4/5
'Wh…what? How do I have four available Summons? It should only be one…it can't be…I LOST THREE DAYS!' Frantic at the realization, Aoni's brain went into overdrive as small clues began linking up, like the fireplace being full of embers when, during his last check, it had recently been filled or the new snow resting on the platform.
Pinching his nose, the lad darted into the Cave and, without thinking about the stench clinging to his skin, made several trips wherein he retrieved all of the wooden drawers he made to tan the hides.
If his fears were correct, and he had been unconscious for three full days, then the drying process of tanning, which takes roughly 4 to 5 days, should be nearly complete.
After holding his breath for a while, Aoni placed down the final sealed drawer, inhaled deeply, and gripped the vine attached to the first drawer. He tugged at it, and the contents were exposed to the air.
And…much to his dismay, the hide was already perfectly dried out, which in and of itself was surprising due to the fact that he was supposed to change out the salt once a day.
'Less than four days and it's already free of moisture, either that salt is something special, or the abundance of Energia in the air had an unforeseen effect…no, it has to be the salt, or else I would have heard about Energia Interference during classes.'
Gingerly picking up the defleshed and dried-out hide, Aoni examined its color, density, and hardness before giving a nod of approval, then looked at the other seven containers.
'The next step is where I have to make a decision: do I keep the Fur or remove it? Logically speaking, I should leave it attached for added warmth, but then I wouldn't be able to move on to the Braining, softening, and smoking step…' It was a vital decision that the lad would need to make because, in the end, it was the difference between making a fur coat and a t-shirt.