Chapter 1: An Abrupt end
"Hey Grant, have you watched the newest episode of What if? It was crazy, the watcher and all them were shooting layers and shit, fighting the other watcher dudes, absolutely crazy."
"Bro, yeah it was cool! I don't know why people complain about that show, it's not that bad. Sure, the characters in the latest season are all female and shit, but I think they're cool. I don't know about the Darcy/Donald duck girl though, that's shit was outta left field. I liked the teaser for the other multiverses, but i hate that What if..? Got canceled. "
"Right? That last season was so woke for no reason. Anyways, let's not get into politics, we'll talk for hours."
"Fr let's not. Politics ruins everything."
"You excited for the new captain America?"
"Fuck yeah, I actually love Sam Wilson as Cap, he does really well in the role, it's not just a diversity thing. And the ending of Falcon and the winter soldier was actually good, despite what people say online."
"On god, bro. Red hulk looks insane too, I just can't believe they're using Harrison Ford bro, he's so old for action movies."
"I think he works for the Cap movie though, cause I think he's supposed to be the president or something, and his age lines up with our current politics, Haha!"
"Damnnnn! What'd Joe ever do to you Mark?"
"The fuck you mean? You seen my gas prices?"
"I was joking, fucknugget."
"I know Tardface," I say, shooting the shit with my Buddy, Grant. We're both huge Marvel Nerds, and we get along better than twins sometimes. We're both currently sitting in the communal dining room, or Mess deck, of the ship were living on. Occasionally, our crew mates will walk by, joining in on the conversation or ignoring us, depending on the person. The seas are calm right now, waves no bigger than 3 feet. The gentle rocking of the boat is soothing, but deep in our kinds we know this could change at many moment.
And today is not U.S.S J. Roger's lucky day.
"What the hell happened!" I yelled out to the Captain on the bridge. I'm the cook, but in emergencies the captain likes all non-deck personel to report to the bridge.
"We don't know! This wasn't in the Forcast, and it came out of no-where on Radar! It's like God made this storm on accident or something!" He replies while trying to steer the ship so that a 50 foot wave doesn't flip us.
The storm came upon us at a ridiculous speed, and took less than 5 minutes to get really serious. The waves were the largest we'd ever seen, and I can hear the deck hand speaking with a watchstander for the coast guard. He's trying to give his coordinates, any information they need, as well as recieve instructions for what to do. They tell him to hang tight, and that they're doing everything they can to get someone out here to help.
"What do we do?" I ask with despair, seeing an ungodly massive wave towering over our ship.
"Pray. Pray, son. Pray to all the gods you know." The first mate, Gainer, says, who just so happens to be Grant's Father, and my adoptive one. He's the one who helped me get this job, despite my lack of sea time.
The wave slams into the side of the ship, and like a thunderbolt, everything flashes before my eyes.
My friends.
My coworkers.
My family.
My first love.
My regrets and my sins.
My hobbies and likes.
My entire life flashes before my eyes, and I find myself...
I'm never gonna get to be the best man at Grant's wedding! He's never gonna get to be my best man!
My adoptive father... George... I'm gonna miss him. He was a better father to me than I coupdve ever asked for. He wasn't perfect, but who is?
My adoptive mother, Susan... she was a total mess, but really nice and loving. She helped me through the bad times better than anyone else, and I owe her everything.
Can't believe I'm gonna die before my piece of shit father. Fuck.
I'm pissed! Why the hell is this happening to me! I don't deserve to fucking die! I've never done a damn thing wrong! Sure, sometimes I lie to cover my ass, or look up wierd ass porn, but I swear that's it!
I dont deserve this shit!
Was it the porn?! FUCK! It was the porn wasn't it!!!
And right then is when the bridge windows collapsed under the weight of the water, filling the room with water and slamming me backwards into a wall, killing me instantly.
Wait... I'm not dead?
Where am I?
I feel almost nothing. I try to my my limbs, but they feel heavy, like moving through mud. I begin to wonder why I'm still alive, or if I even am alive in the first place.
Everything is as dark as the void, there isn't a speck of light coming from anywhere. I can't see or hear a damn thing. I can't even tell if my eyes are open, or if I have eyelids in the first place.
Every time I try and move a limb it's like moving through concrete, and it seems nothing I do will help.
After what feels like an Eternity, a light appears in my vision. Then another. And another. And before I know it, something is standing in front of me, something that appears humanoid but at the same time doesn't have a body. Looking at it is like viewing the universe, and I feel my mind swirling at the thought.
What is this thing...?
Wait... no... it couldn't be?
It isn't real! It was just fiction! There's no way...
The being moves one of its arms up, and points at me, and suddenly, it's gone. The darkness has returned, but this time a new feeling has emerged. The feeling of being cradled, or wrapped in something. Light begins to shine through, red light, in flickers through a thick membrane.
Am I being... reborn?
Am I in a womb right now? Am I a fucking baby?! Again?
Does this mean I have to go through puberty again! Shit! Welp, at least I've been through it before, so I know what to expect.
Wierd that I'm being reborn and I'm still conscious though... wonder what that's about? Shouldn't I go to sleep or something and wake up with no memories? Having my past life's memories would be such a cheat code, there's no way it's allowed, right?
Haa, well, hopefully I font have piece of shit parents like last time. My mom straight up died in childbirth and my dad gave up when I was 9, and I went from foster home to foster home until I found the Richmonds. My true family.
God, I'm gonna fucking miss em.
Oh shit! What's this squeezing force all around me! Ugh! What's that light?! Oh shit! Am I getting born! Damn this is kinda painful! Woah, that light is bright as fuck!
"Welcome to the world, little star... May you live long, become a mighty warrior and a good person." A feminine voice speaks out. I've had my eyes closed because of the light, but I can tell instantly that's my mother. Her voice is so soothing and smooth, like my ears are being caressed by silk. Her hands, now wrapped around me, are soft and warm, as well as relaxing.
"Indeed. My third son, what a joy. He will surely be strong, thank the heavens." An old, yet strong voice rings out, booming, yet joyful. A man that is clearly wise and strong.
"Mother, what's his name?" The soft, gentle voice of a young boy comes across my ears, and my curiosity peaks. What is my new name?
"Yeah Mother, what's my little brother gonna be called?!" A louder, yet still childish voice rings out, almost making my ears hurt. This boy is clearly more rambunctious, clearly a troublemaker.
"Verdandi. His name will be Verdandi." My mothersays, while caressing my head softly.
I wonder what that means? It's norse isn't it? Whatever, I'll just ask her when I can speak. It seems my vocal cords are not yet developed enough to speak.
"We can call him Verd for short.its a great name mother!" The rambunctious boy sounds out, to which the quieter one agrees.
"A fine name indeed my love. Thank you for bringing me another son..." The father says with love and pride in his tone. He clearly loves us all very much.
Suddenly, the door opens, and someone walks in, each step clanking from what sounds like armor.
"Allfather, you have a guest waiting to see you," a man says, his tone filled with respect and duty. Something about his voice sounds wise, yet strong at the same time.
"Tell them they can wait. I am with my newborn, Verdandi, and the rest of my family." My father's voice sounds off, his frustration obvious. Wait? Did that guard call him... All father?
"But All father, it's laufey. He demands your presence." The man sounds almost mocking, suggesting the guest is a complete idiot.
"Haaa, That prick. Fine. I'll be there. I don't wanna start a war. I'll be right back, Frigga, boys. I have to deal with an unexpected guest." My father says, and those words stun me half to death.
Frigga? Allfather? Laufey?
No. Way.
That would make those two boys... Thor and Loki...
Am I an Odinson?!!!