Chapter 2: The True Beginning
Seven years have passed since I was born into this world, and several things are for certain.
This is not the MCU.
For one, no one is their actor counterparts, like Chris Hemsworth and all them.
They're all unique, which tells me this isn't a universe I'm aware of, so I can basically pretend I don't know anything.
Next is the fact that There are ten realms asgard rules over, not 9. The new one is called Eveilheim. I've yet to be told about it, but I hear rumors sometimes, like how people have gone there and died in horrific ways.
I never heard about it in my past life, so I'm gonna be super cautious with it.
My brothers, Thor and Loki, are both adults now, having both turned 18 rather recently. Odin has started sending them on battles with some of their warrior friends, "Lady Sif and the warriors three."
I'm not ever worried about their safety, but because Thor has yet to earn mjolnir I can't help but think of bad possibilities.
My Mother, Frigga, has recently begun training me in the ways of Asgardian magic, much to my glee. There are so many different applications for it in combat and outside of it that I can't help but become addicted to studying it with my older brother whenever he's around.
"Big brother! Do you want to study tonight when you get back from training? Mother says we're going over physical manifestations soon!" I ask excitedly. Loki is exactly like you'd expect him to be, mischievous, cunning, but not yet arrogant. He's still young after all. His my mother's best magic student, but he sucks at physically manifesting his magic, meaning he's mostly good at illusions.
"Sure thing, just after training. I'll join you in mother's classroom. Although, I might be a little late, Thor requested a more difficult regiment again, ugh." Loki says, groaning as he walks to the training grounds, where thro is already warming up, ever the ball of energy.
"When am I gonna start training with you guys? All I've been doing is basic workouts, I wanna learn how to fight!" I say, practically vibrating with frustration.
"That day will be soon, little brother!" Says a slightly sweating Thor, who is walking over from his workout.
For some reason, Loki and Thor get along a ton better in this life than they did in my past life, and I'm not sure why. I almost never see them squabble, but even when they do it's over pretty quick. I'll have to look into that later.
"Hopefully it's when I turn ten! I can't wait to start training with my big brothers!" I say genuinely, as training with both Loki and Thor would be almost like a dream come true.
"Awefully eager to get beat up, aren't you?" Thor says with a sly grin, clearly trying to tease me. I let it slide though, I don't like to play those games. I'm not actually a child y'know?
"Anyways, where mom?" I ask, causing Thor to look sad I ignored him, and Loki to chuckle at his state.
"She's was in combat training a little while ago, completely kicking my ass, but a little while ago she left, said she had something to do." Thor says, shrugging his shoulders. I don't feel the need to chuckle at his self deprivation, after all Frigga is insanely powerful in this universe, and is a testament to the comics version. The really scaled her down in the MCU and had her die to a stupid dark elf monster.
She's the Allmother for gods' sake, and they killed her in the dumbest way. That movie really pissed me off, but anyways that's not gonna happen in this universe, considering Mother is a total baddass.
In Frigga's classroom, I find myself sitting next to a few other kids my age, ready and eager to be taught magic. One of the Children is my best friend, Axl, Heimdall's son. Heimdall ended up being slightly older than Thor by about thirty years, but that didn't stop them from becoming good friends. What's strange is that Axl was born at all, considering he wasn't supposed to be born until way into the future.
"So Axl, do you know what Mother is gonna teach us today?"
"What, Verdan"
"Physical manifestations! I've been practicing my clones and my illusion magic, and I've almost got them as good as loki, but they're so damn hard. Your mental image of yourself has to be really clear, which for some reason is really hard for me. Mother can almost instantly stop differences and poke holes in my illusions."
"Wait really! Heck yeah, I can't wait! Oh shit, here she comes now, shut up dickhead." Axl says, calling me a name the same way Grant used to.
"No you shut up fuckface!" I whisper back, focusing on the front, only to lock eyes with my mother, who is glaring at me. There no doubt she heard my foul language and will be punishing me for it later.
"Oh, you're screwed now..." Axl whispers, chuckling to himself while watching the staring contest happening right now. That's when Frigga turns her glare on Axl, and he stiffens instantly, fear creeping up his spine.
"You two boys stay after class, I have something to discuss with you."
"Yes Ma'am!" We both answer instantly, sweat rolling down our brows.
"Anyways, up first on the docket, we have a review from last week, and then we'll roll right into starting physical manifestations. I trust you all did your assignment?"
"Yes, Allmother" The class answers in unison, putting a smile on her face.
"Good, then I want to see your clones. It doesn't have to be perfect, but it mustn't shimmer and must hold steady. Starting with Dragen here in the front." She then began calling the names of the 12 kids, each one of us creating decent clones, but none are truly perfect. The closest one was Axl's, although mine isn't far behind. But he is kinda unfair, considering he has bullshit "I see everything eyes" like his dad, or so Thor puts it.
Once that's over with, we begin our class on physical manifestations.
"Physical manifestation is extremely powerful, but also extremely costly, and there are limits based on the amount of energy you possess. Not yo mention, you must have a perfect mental image of whatever you're conjuring, or else the spell will fail completely. Even I haven't perfected the use of physical manifestation, my skillset has always revolved around illusions and Matial arts."
The class was over in the blink of an eye, three hours having passed by in mere moments. Mother is a really good teacher, even in spite of not being a perfect physical manifester herself she is able to explain the concept in great detail.
Anyways, after class is over, I begin to walk out with Axl, when suddenly a piercing cold runs down my spine. Both Axl and I stop in our tracks, sweat running down our faces and clamming up our palms.
"Where in the 10 realms do you think you're going, boys?"
Bro, she was so brutal! She made us do magically Weighted push-ups until we couldn't get up, all because we spoke a curse word and interrupted her class! So mean!
Anyways, I'm now headed to the throne room, as my father wishes to speak with me. I really hate talking to him sometimes, as he always is so formal, especially in the throne room. It's super annoying, but he is THE Odin, so I guess I can let it slide... not like I have a choice.
Entering the hall, the massive doors opening with ease, I am greeted to the familiar sight of a large, empty hall. There are massive golden pillars stretching to the ceiling, each decorated with its own designs, as well as several different pieces of art lining the walls. The room is insanely huge, capable of holding the entire asgardian population of 20000. In the very center of this massive hall, sits my father, Odin, on his elaborate and glorious throne.
If you ask me it's just gaudy, but who am I to judge Odin?
I walk to the center of the room, my father's face serious, as I kneel and bow my head; as is the custom.
"Father, you wished to see me?"
"Verdandi, my son, you have been doing splendidly in your studies, and have excelled in every subject we gave you. As a result, you begin combat training with Frigga on the morning of your 10th birthday. Later that night we will hold a celebration to honor your birthday, as well as you new step into adulthood. Congratulations son. I'm very proud." He says, a small smile gracing his lips.
"Thank you father," I say, giddy as can be, my excitement barely contained as a big smile takes hold of my face.
"You are dismissed, Verdandi."
"Good day, Father" I say, bowing as I run out the door to go tell my brothers.