Chapter 5: Nature of Humans
"Ugghhh, my head..." I say, waking up to the bright sun shining in my eyes. I sit up, covering my face to shield my eyes and let them adjust. My head is pounding, and I feel Nauseous, but not enough to puke. The world feels like it's spinning and I can help but wanna lay back down, but the morning sun prevents me.
"What happened?" I ask out loud, looking around as my surroundings come into view. I'm laying in a bed, covers over my lower body, the room covered in blue and orange paint. The contrasting colors are disgusting but I keep looking around, only to spot a naked woman, Ajak, laying in the bed with me.
I freeze in place, my mind racing at the implications of what happened last night. All I can remember is us all starting to get along over drinks, and then the rest of the night is a blur.
Did i...?
No way... right?
As I continue to internally panic, a Sleepy Ajak awakens slowly, a scowl quickly marring her face as she presses her hands to her forehead.
"How in the hell do I have a hangover?" She says to herself, and I can't help but agree. I'm Asgardian, and yet I have a crazy hangover myself. It takes some serious drinking to put us down, so who gave me the good stuff?!
"W-What are you doing here?" She asks, her eyes spotting me in the bed next to her. Her face blushes slightly at the implications of us in bed together, and she quickly covers her perky breasts with the blanket.
"I have no idea. Did we... "
"Fuck?" Ajak continues my sentence, saying the vulgar word unexpectedly.
"I have no idea..." I say, my headache already beginning to ease. Ajak then covers her forehead and a golden light illuminates the room slightly, healing her hangover in an instant and restoring her thoughts. She then does the same for me, but refusing to look at me. She practically slaps my forehead.
"Ow..." I say, a slight pout on my lips. I notice her hand is super soft.
After getting dressed and heading downstairs(I left first so Ajak could change), I walk into an empty kitchen, everyone else likely asleep still. I spot a basket full of fruits and decide to give one a try, biting into it and tasting it's juice, delicious but nit quite as good as the ones on Asgard. Nonetheless, I eat the entire thing anyways, sitting down at the counter and tapping against it. After waiting for a few minutes while eating my apple, I spot Ajak walking down the steps, now fully clothed.
The moment she spots me her face gains a slight tinge of red but she quickly school's her features.
"Ahem- Good morning Verdan. How'd you sleep?" She says, clearly trying to pretend we didn't just wake up in the same bed.
"I don't know, kinda feels like I didn't sleep at all." I say, the implications of my joke clearly going over her head, sadly.
"Well thats unfortunate, I hope you don't lag behind when we go hunting later." She says, her expression it's usual flat, polite smile.
"Haha, yeah..." I say, feeling a sort of awkward tension building that I wanna ignore, so I stand and walk out the door. The city I'm currently in is smoking still, but at least everything is mostly fine. I can even see people starting to rebuild, and it reminds me of how strong the human spirit truly is. A smile comes to my face as I watched their dedication to survival, to helping each other. However, a different scene quickly draws my attention, as I see a couple humans arguing with each other less than 50 feet from me. They're getting quite loud and are starting to draw attention.
*A/n* for the purposes of my sanity, I'm going to quickly say that these people are germanic, but because Asgardians have a unique trait where they can speak any language in the nine realms perfectly, Everything gets translated. Actually a super cool trait that Asgardians have. *end a/n*
"You prick, that's my tool box, you clearly just took a hammer from there! Give it back!" The larger man yells, pointing his finger at the man in front of him.
"I don't know what the hell you're talking about, Jared! This is my hammer, always has been!" The shorter man says, pushing the taller away from him at full force, causing him to trip and fall on his ass. The bigger man, now pissed, goes and tries to hit the smaller man, but before the smaller man can hit the larger with his hammer I stop the fight.
"Enough!" I yell, grabbing the hammer and the larger man's fist at the same time with almost no effort.
"Who the fuck are you?!" The larger man yells in my face, clearly annoyed.
"Shut up, oaf! I stopped this guy from bashing your head in with this hammer! Now chill out!" I say, ripping the hammer from the smaller man's hands with ease. "Now whose hammer is this, and don't fucking lie to me!"
"It's mine!" They say simultaneously.
I let out a heavy sigh, and then begin to move my hands in a strange pattern, weaving a simple truth spell together and casting it on both of them. They look at me with confusion before I ask them again.
"One more time, whose hammer is it?"
"Mine""his" they both say at the same time, but now the truth is revealed, and the owner is the Smaller man.
"So the big man is the liar huh? Why'd you lie dude? You really need a hammer that bad?" I ask, more disappointed than anything.
"N-no... I don't. I can't help but want to find reasons to bully others. I figured Austin was an easy target, especially since this morning is pure chaos." He answered, bewildered why he is telling the truth.
"Good job, and you know..." I pause while I hand the smaller man the hammer, "the truth will set you free. Lying is always a fools game. My dad taught me that."
I then walk away, my job done, only to look up at the mansion where I came from and spot Ajak, who is giving me a strange look.
I walk up to her, wave, and begin to speak but am interrupted.
"Hey-""Why did you help them with they're conflict?"
"Excuse me?"
"I said, why did you help them? You have nothing to gain. Wouldn't it be better to let them figure things out alone?"
I pause, considering how to answer her question. It's an interesting theory, after all. It's like how humans in the future place bans on interacting with animals in Nature reserves.
"Yes, it's better to let people solve their own problems, but there is a limit to what I can tolerate. Violence should never be the solution, and if humans had someone to teach them that, then I'm sure they would advance much further. The eternal who invents things, what's his name again?"
"Hmm. Yes, well, his meddling is too far. He essentially is trying to fast track civilization by giving them the blueprints. He's basically cheating. The point of you eternals is to protect, yes, but it is also to guide. If you can help make it so that humans have less violent conflict, then why don't you?"
"Because it's not our place to meddle. We aren't gods."
"Ah, there you go. You sound just like my father, and you're both right. Kinda. You fail to see what's right in front of you. Take for example, babies. We nuture them, do we not? Teach them not to fight for no reason, teach them to share, to love, to eat, sleept, bathe. It's the same thing, just on a different scale. Asgardians are a more advanced civilization, so why shouldn't we guide them? Would that not be the safest route? Would there not be less suffering?"
Ajak looks at me in contemplation, her mind deep in thought as she considers my words.
After a few moments, she seems to have come up with a hole in my argument, "Yes, but wouldn't they grow to rely on you too much? If you solved all of their problems for them they would become dependent on you and would fail if you ever decided to leave. Not to mention they would resent you for leaving in the first place."
"That's why I said guide. It's like watching over a child who is standing on the edge of a cliff. They don't know what's gonna happen if they jump, but you do, so you explain what's gonna happen. You then let them decide if they wanna jump or not, and 99.999% of the time they won't, unless they don't trust you at all."
"Interesting." She says, before suddenly turning away to think. After she's gone, a voice speaks up from above me.
"Your thinking is flawed." Says Icarus, and the instant he speaks I'm scared for my life on the inside. I don't let it show, as my father taught me, but I tense my muscles just in case.
"How so?"
"Your argument would be flawless, if you weren't referring to humans. They are a deeply flawed race. Greedy and foolish. Yes, they know compassion, but they also know hate. They will eventually turn away from your guidance, thinking themselves better, and will fall to their pride." As much as I want to disagree with the floating eternal, I can't find it in my heart to. He's not entirely wrong.
I look back at the two men who were fighting before, only to see them beating the shit out of each other in the dirt.
"Humans truly are foolish." Icarus says, the words sinking into my soul.