Chapter 4: First Mission
"You are the first born son of Laufey, the rightful king of Jottenheim." Replies Odin, his voice low and filled with shame.
"Why keep this from me for so long? Did you think I would just up and leave?! You're my family, blood or not. Although, this does mean that one day I can take the throne of Jottenheim. I was born to be king, after all." Loki says, a smile on his face, one filled with glee.
"I can keep the peace father! Don't you see? With me as king we will never again worry of war through the realms!" Loki looks excited at this point, although Odin looks less so.
"Indeed, but you will have to kill Laufey. Are you prepared for that, my son?" Odin asks, serious as can be.
"I-" his voice hitches, because he knows he isn't ready, "No. I'm not."
"Then for now, pretend this conversation never happened. Train. Become stronger so that you may one day overthrow the king of the giants, Laufey." Odin declares, his voice booming.
"As you command, Allfather." Loki responds, a smile on his face.
"Your first mission will be to midguard. That realm is threatened by creatures known as deviants, and there is a constant threat of them. There are a group of beings known as Eternals that live on midguard that protect different civilizations, but they can't be everywhere at once. Go, and kill as many of these creatures as you can." Heimdall says to my team, our weapons ready and sharp, and our minds ready.
Ever since the day my dominion unlocked, ever since the pain I felt, nearly nothing has changed. My perception hasn't changed, I have no new powers, nothing. I'm starting to wonder what my dominion even is in the first place, but I have a mission to do.
"Thank you Heimdall. Is there anything else we should know?" I ask, grabbing Heimdall's outstretched arm in an Asgardian handshake.
"Be careful. These monsters are crafty and powerful, not to mention strong and many." He says, releasing my arm and plunging his sword into the Bifrost, starting the massive Asgardian machine and opening a portal to Midguard.
"We will Heimdall." I say, jumping through the portal.
The Bifrost is as magnificent as always, the multicolor glass like visuals dancing across my vision as we move through space at faster than light speed.
Quickly, earth comes into view, and I am once again welcomed home, but not to the same planet. It's different, as I can somehow see faint lines hovering over the planet.
'I bet those are the leylines that are protected by the sorcerer supreme'
We very quickly come hurtling into the planet, crashing down and walking out of the light. As our eyes adjust to the almost pitch black night, we spot fires in the distance.
"Let's go!" Axl says, jump starting out team into action, "There are deviants in that direction, as well as humans."
"How can you tell?" Asks Avaria, running alongside him.
"Those things that are attacking aren't natural, that's for sure." Axl says, dodging through trees and over brush.
"Sounds like fun!" Says Voltair, who doesn't worry about stupid stuff like what animals look like. He's all about crushing shit, and he's strong enough too.
As we come into a clearing, we find a large civilization of fire and in chaos. There's dead bodies everywhere, both human and deviant, and Axl was right. These things aren't even close to natural. They look like they're made of metal goo, and their eyes contain no life.
"Let's start killing these things. Stick together, one at a time!" I say, trying to keep everyone focused. I spot a deviant about to kill a human child less than 100 meters from me and I dash forward, reaching the beast in mere moments as I take out my blade and slice downwards, cutting the damn thing's head off in one swipe.
"Are you alright?" I ask the little girl, who is crying dramatically.
"Look out!" Avaria yells, shooting an arrow at a deviation that was moving forwards to kill me while I was distracted.
"Thanks!" I yelled out, putting my battle face back on, after telling the little child to go find somewhere safe.
As we continue to kill the deviants around the civilization, we begin to see evidence of other people fighting these things too, and eventually one of them confronts us.
"Hey, are you guys Asgardians?" A man wearing a strangely designed robe calls out to us, running over to us while waving. There are no deviants around us at the moment, but this is no place to relax, so we stay on guard.
"Yes, are you an eternal?" I ask, as the leader of my team. Axl and I share a glance, and we keep our eyes trained on him while the other two on our team keep a lookout for deviants.
"I am! My names Kingo! What are you guys doing here?" The eternal asks, clearly confused.
"We're here to help kill deviants." Voltair says bluntly, exactly as you'd expect him to do.
"Great! We could use some strong people! Could you focus on protecting civilians? Makkari is fast, but she can't be everywhere at once" Kingo says while shooting a deviant in the head with a massive blast of cosmic energy.
"Alright, well split up then, two teams. Voltair, you're with me. Let's go kill some deviants!" I say, my team responding with a nod as we rush off, leaving Kingo all alone.
Several hours later, and the threat has been subdued, all the deviants either dead or chased off, and the eternals and us all meeting in what I assume to be some sort of throne room.
"What kind of business do Asgardians have here? Just looking to kill some time?" Asks Ajak, the leader of the Eternals.
"It's our first mission since becoming real Asgardian Adults, so we were sent here to help kill deviants. We'll be in your care, I guess." I say, trying to sound as nonthreatening as possible. The only person I'm really scared of is Icarus, for obvious reasons. He's basically Superman. Oh, and Makkari, but she's super nice in the movies, so I doubt there'll be problems.
"I didn't sign up for babysitting..." Druig says, quieter than the rest. It seems he's yet to enter his rebellious phase and speak up for himself. I guess that'll happen later.
"Don't worry, tiny man, we can handle ourselves. HAHA!" Voltair says, his gut heaving up and down with each chuckle.
Said tiny man gives Voltair a glare, but walks away when Ajak gives him a look. Druig is honestly the scariest, being able to control minds and such, but I'm not sure if it'd work on Asgardians or not. Not to mention he's easily the most stubborn, at least in the movies.
We then proceed to follow the Eternals to their 'great hall', which is more like a tiny hall compared to Asgardian Architecture. The walls are lined with stone carving that depict the Eternals' many victories over the Deviants, how they've saved the lives of these people countless times. Some of the ancient people even came up to my group to ask our names, eager to write the names of more great heroes. We gladly gave them, to which the people instantly got to work carving depictions of us fighting deviants into the walls.
"These people are rather skilled, I can see experience and wisdom in their carvings, and its seems as though each time they carve they get better and better, even though their art is already amazing." Avaria says to Axl, placing her hand on his shoulder for support.
"The Human race is one of constant improvement, and for that I deeply admire them." The Eternal named Gilgamesh commented from the side, sipping on what appears to be some sort of mead, "But they often use their improvements for war, and violence, for which I don't admire them. It's a give and take."
"I'll drink to that." I say, clinking a glass of the terrible quality mead(it's what is available) into his drink. Gilgamesh is clearly more grounded than the rest of his comrades, often simply observing and listening rather than speaking his mind. He usually only does so when he is drunk or he has made up his mind completely, which is an admiral quality. He reminds me a little of my Adoptive father from my past life, strong, dependable, and well intended.
We all watch as Sprite begins weaving majestic pictures and holograms from her illusion magic, telling stories and inspiring the crowd, Asgardian, Human and Eternal alike. Every now and again I spot Sprite giving Icarus a yearning glance as she tells her stories, and my heart breaks for her. Her story is truly a tragic one, filled with anger and sorrow, destined never to be with the one she loves because of how her body is that of a child.
And I don't know if this a good thing or not, but her story isn't even close to the most Tragic in the Marvel universe. Truly, this universe is unforgiving to it's people, and let's not even get into that one universe that works off of Murphey's law.
That shit is ass.
For gods' sake, spiderman's skin turns into a full bodied rash!
Bruce banner just turns into a mass of tumors instead of the hulk, and there's more to it than that.
I mean, how depraved do you gotta be to write something like that?