MHA : Rabbit & Spider

Chapter 17: MHA : Chapter 17 : Marvelous First Day II

"Truly an impressive performance! I would guess your… past gave you the right amount of experience, correct? Overall, 68 Villain points! Easily putting you in the top 10 spots of examinees!" All might laughed, hands still on his hips, and that damn smile still shining.


He passed.

He passed the UA entrance exam.

Holy shit, he got into UA.

May was hugging him now, rocking him back and forth while crying out of happiness. He must've been crying too since his cheeks felt wet. Did he deserve this? That was a question for later.

He wanted to be proud of himself today.

"But… " Those words cut through the air like a knife, the two Parkers froze in expectation, their hearts in their throats.

What if he did something wrong? Was it not good enough? Did being a vigilante make him fail? Did he file his support gear wrong? What was he g-

"Villain points aren't all that we counted! For what kind of hero school would we be if we didn't award heroic behavior?!" That laugh will echo in his head until the end of his days, the image of a green counter with the word 'Rescue' will forever be engrained in his mind.

"Rescue points! Additional points that students weren't told about, these were awarded to those who displayed heroic behavior! " The number 54 appeared on the green counter, several videos of him swinging around while helping people were being shown on screen, the last one being him trying to hold back the 0-P.

"68 Villain points! 54 Rescue points! You, young Parker, have obtained a total of 122 overall points! Putting you in 1st place of this year's s entrance exam, and letting you attend UA high!" That damned laugh echoed across the room, Peter's world seemed to stand still.

The screen quickly switched from All Might to a scoreboard of the entrance exam, with Peter himself being at the top spot. The tears and sobs he was letting out didn't even let him laugh at Rumi beating Bakugo for second place by 13 points.

"Welcome, young Parker!" All might spoke again, hand outstretched. Peter's misty eyes looked up at the hologram of the number one hero, one of the many people who brought him to where he is today.

"To YOUR hero academia!"

And with that, the video shot off, leaving the Aunt and Nephew to sob and laugh into each other's arms.

Yeah, he was gonna be proud of himself today.


"Peter, you look fine!" His aunt said, tidying up his tie and straightening his hair, only for him to completely take it off again and mess his hair back to how it usually looked.

They've been at this for at least 30 minutes now.

"I look stupid, May. I can't believe they're trying to make me wear a tie!" The boy grumbled, grip tightened on his bag, it was the same old and beat up messenger bag he's always had, it carried a sense of nostalgia with it.

It was finally the day, the first actual day of him to attend UA high. And man, did he hate the uniform.

Seriously, a tie? A blazer? Dress shoes? He looked like some stuck-up rich kid! Kinda like the one with glasses at the exam, now that he thought about it. They didn't even let him make too many alterations to the uniform, the most he could do was roll his sleeves up and ditch the tie, along with wearing comfortable black sneakers he brought over from Queens.

But whatever! He just has to get through the day, and he could take the uniform off. Rolling his shoulder, he stepped toward the front door of his apartment but was stopped before he could step out into the open air by a hand on his shoulder.

Looking back into his home, he saw the hand belonged to his aunt, who was looking at him with a sad smile and tears in his eyes.

"Peter… I know that it's been complicated how you've gotten to this point… But I just wanted to say that I'm proud of you, honey. I bet he is too. Never in my life could I have guessed you'd be leaving this house to do such good in the world, just stay safe for me, alright?" 

A few stray tears fell down her cheek before she wiped them away, he could do nothing but lunge forward and envelop his aunt in a warm embrace.

"Thanks, May… I love you, you know?" He said quietly, he felt his aunt's arms finally let go of him.

"Yeah, I know. Now go be a hero! You'll have to tell me all about how I went!" She smiled, her eyes misty. Peter only smiled back and starting walking out the door, his mind set on making today be the start of something good.


"Get your feet off of the desk at once! This is an insult to our seniors who have sat at that desk!" The blue-haired boy commanded, only to be met by a snarl.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? What school you from?" Bakugo narrowed his eyes at him, making the taller student sputter.

Yeah, Peter was gonna tune that out immediately. He was at UA now, stepping through what must've been a 20-foot tall door made for quirk exclusivity with the letters '1-A' on it and into a normal-looking classroom.

First things first, Bakugo was there, cause why wouldn't he be? That loud guy from the exam with the weird kegs was also there, yelling at Bakugo, so off to a strong start, right?

No one seems to have noticed him entering the room, so that was good.

"Oi! Fucking finally! I've had to deal with Nejire alone for 5 minutes!" The voice of Rumi yelled out, making him turn his toward the back of the classroom and adopt a soft smile. He couldn't even be bothered to hear the audibly gasp that weird-legs let off at the profanity she used.

He walked over toward what probably was the two people he knew the most and sat down at an empty desk, stretching his arms and making his joints pop. "Hey, sorry I got lost wandering around. How are you guys?"

Rumi was wearing her usual gloves and socks, her tie was missing and the top button of her blazer was undone, while Nejire wore waist coast in place of the blazer.

"I got lost and wandered around for 5 minutes then I found this cute business course student with red hair and now we're friends an-" Nejire started rambling, Peter tuned her out right away. She didn't seem to care too much, having stopped talking and went to talk to some pink-skinned girl about her horns.

"Peter, what's up with the bandaids? You didn't have 'em last time I saw ya." The girl pointed toward his arms, the skin that was revealed by his rolled-up sleeve had a couple of bandaids placed.

When Peter went to roll up his sleeves at home, he remembered the couple of noticeable scars that were there, so the next best solution was just covering them up with random bandaids and hope that no one asked, he didn't want another Nejire situation like what happened at the exam.

Luckily, the girl somehow seems to read his mind, her ears falling a slight bit as her face adopted a small frown. "Oh, the scars… I don't really see why you gotta cover 'em up, they basically just tell everyone not to fuck with you." She said, lightly punching his arm.

The gesture reminded him of how they first actually met in that jail cell, the contact brought Peter a small sense of comfort he didn't know he actually needed.

You know what? It was nice.

He'd try to go through the day without the bandaids tomorrow.

Unknowingly, a small blush crept its way up to the boy's cheeks, but before either of them could continue their conversation, 3 more people entered the classroom. A blonde boy with a bright smile, a shy-looking boy behind him, and a girl with flaming green hair.

"Oh, Togata! Kamiji! Hey!" Peter waved the two over, he was slightly confused by the shy-looking guy with Togata but then remembered Rumi said something about someone like that, it'd be a hell of a coincidence.

Like flipping a switch, Rumi's ears perked up and a grin formed on her face at the sight of the shy boy, Peter couldn't help but feel bad for him. "Oh, hey! You're that Amajiki guy from the exam! How's it going?" She shot up and offered a fist bump, only for him to hide behind Togata's taller frame, earning a laugh from both the blonde and the girl.

Kamiji simply sat down with a friendly small and a wave, while Nejire floated back to the group and started to try and touch Kamiji's hair. Hey, maybe he had a friend group now! Actual people to hang out with! And why was his spider-sense ringing?

Scanning around the room, he ignored the slightly creepy stare that guy with the scar was giving him and the glare that Bakugo was sending his way, only for his eyes to fall upon a disheveled looking man with a scarf laying inside a sleeping bag by the door.

It was a familiar disheveled looking man, almost looking like a hobo.


Wait a damn minute.

He knew that hobo, he knew that scarf.

Holy shit, it was none other than Shouta 'Scarf Man' Aizawa. There's no way he's the teacher, right?

"If you're all done talking, I would like for us to get started now." He announced, rising out of his sleeping bag as if it was some sort of cocoon while sipping on a juice pack. The class going silent at the sight of the man

There's no way he's the teacher.

"It took you all of 14 seconds to be quiet, that is unacceptable. I am Shouta Aizawa, and I'll be your-"

Janitor? Peter hoped he would say janitor, he stole a glance at Rumi who was also stealing a glance at him, both in complete disbelief. All though Peter could clearly see an amused grin on her face.

There's no freaking way he's the teacher.

"-homeroom teacher, it's a pleasure to meet all of you. Now," He grabbed a box behind the podium and put it on a desk at the front, it carried a bunch of identical blue uniforms. ", put these on and meet me outside in 10 minutes, I won't repeat myself." And with that, he just stepped out the door, leaving the students to murmur between themselves.

Peter didn't know if he should scream or if he should laugh, Rumi took to doing the ladder option quietly, those red eyes of hers shining in excitement.

He should've just gone back to Vigilantism.


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