Chapter 18: MHA : Chapter 18 : Marvelous First Day III
The class of 20 students all stood out on the field behind the school, all wearing identical red and blue gym uniforms. Also, could Peter call them cheesy?
Like, they just spelled out the letters for 'UA' on the shirt and pants. At least the color scheme was fine, although he might be a bit biased since he was going with red and blue for his suit, good thing he already submitted that.
The second they had reached the field, the man basically told them that attending orientation was 'irrational' and a 'waste of time' so instead, they'd be doing some quirk apprehension test. He bet the other hero course didn't have to go through this.
Aizawa was standing before them with a softball in his hand, his tired eyes scanning over the students, Peter noticed that his gaze landed on him and Rumi for a split second longer than everyone else.
He was gonna get singled out, wasn't he?
"Parker," The hero started, eyes landing on the boy.
Damn it, he thought they liked each other!
"You got 1st place in the exam, right? 122 points?" He finished, the softball was being thrown up into the air before he caught it again.
Peter wanted the earth to swallow him, he felt a couple stares from those around him. At least 4 of them were congratulatory smiles. Wait, was his spider-sense ringing again?
"What?! How did that extra get 1st place?! He's just a loser!" Bakugo shot forward, pointing a finger at the American while letting off sparks in his other hand. His eyes were narrowed into slits and his teeth were barred, everyone around him let out a gasp at the outburst.
He looked downright furious, but Peter could faintly see a small bit of genuine confusion. Peter guessed it was because he didn't showcase his quirk too often in public, mostly doing it in private or when he absolutely had to so he didn't draw attention to his whole vigilante thing.
Wait, that reminded him of something. Bakugo knew he was a vigilante! Why hadn't he said anything? It must be something about his pride, it normally was with him.
Before Peter could finish that thought or even try to get ready for the blonde to jump him, Aizawa's voice cut through the air.
"Get back in line, now! I will not tolerate this behavior, try that again and you will be immediately expelled, understand?" The man growled, he could see his eyes were glowing red and that his scarf and hair were floating, he had to ask about that later.
With a glare at the man and a scoff, Bakugo quietly went back in line with his arms crossed.
And with that, the small hope that they could just ignore each other during his time at this school faded away, gone with the wind.
His spider-sense tingled, letting him catch the softball that was tossed at him without looking, he saw Aizawa slightly raise an eyebrow.
"Good reflexes… Alright, Parker. Before we start, how much were you trying during the entrance exam?" Peter's gained a confused expression at the question, has gripped the ball a bit tighter.
"Uh, hard, I guess? What does this have to do with anything?" And why did he feel like he was being used as an example?
"No, you weren't." Alright, that was kinda uncalled for. "I saw the footage, you were sitting around doing nothing and goofing off for at least half that test, I will not accept anyone half-assing it in my class. So let me make this clear to all of you, I expect you to put in your full effort, and to help you out…" Peter's spider-sense went off again, this didn't seem good.
"Anyone who gets the overall last place, will be immediately deemed to have no potential and expelled, am I clear?" Yeah, that wasn't good.
"What?! That's not fair! We just got here!" A girl with brown hair shouted out, and judging by the glare Aizawa gave her, it wasn't a good idea.
"Yeah, she's right! That's so not manly!" A guy with spiky hair followed up, that didn't seem like a good idea, either.
"Natural disasters, villain attacks, unexpected and unexplained calamities that lie at every corner. The world isn't fair, and it's your job as heroes to fight that, that is 'Plus Ultra', to go above and beyond." He announced, a smile that Peter never wanted to see again on his face and a finger beckoning them to try and argue.
Alright, while Aizawa was being kinda a dick right now, he wasn't wrong. Peter knew first hand that the world was unfair sometimes, so he couldn't argue with that logic.
After a moment of silence, the man ran a hand through his long hair and continued from where he left off. "Parker, step up to the circle and throw the ball as far as you can, no holding back."
Peter gulped and stepped up, he gripped the ball tightly in nervousness. It was the first time he had outright been told to not hold back, he barely knew what his max strength was! At least here he could test it out without killing someone.
He took a deep breath, the memory of when uncle Ben took him to a Mets game a couple years back flashed through his mind, it was incredibly useful. Cocking his arm back and planting his feet firmly on the ground, he closed his eyes and threw the ball with as much strength as he could, quickly feeling it leave his hand.
Suffice to say, the audible gasps from people around him told him that the throw wasn't half bad. At least he hoped.
A couple seconds of silence passed, him just awkwardly standing around while waiting for Aizawa to say something until a small beep came from the phone in his hand.
He flipped it around and showcased it toward the whole class, Peter's eyes widened at the number it displayed.
"714 Meters, that's what I am looking for in all of you. Let's get going, shall we?" The man said with a slight smirk.
Peter didn't even to point out that he had no idea how far that was cause it wasn't in feet, he felt that it would ruin the moment.
Test #1: Softball Toss.
Peter got to sit back and watch as his class did this test since he had already done it, he was honestly impressed with how some people used their quirks for it.
That girl with the ponytail somehow popped out a civil war era cannon out of… somewhere, and shot the ball into the distance. That brown-haired girl canceled out its gravity and gained a score of 'Infinity', Rumi, and that glasses guy both kicked the ball instead of throwing it and Bakugo just blasted it away with an explosion, almost screaming out once he saw Peter got 9 more meters than him.
Test #2 : 50 Meter Dash.
The next test was some sort of race or something, with Aizawa putting two students against each other and recording their times. His good old Parker luck decided to strike again and get him paired against Bakugo.
Maybe the universe thought it was being too nice for letting him into UA and was making up for it, it did seem to hate him a lot.
"Get ready to be left in my dust, American!" The blonde screamed in his ears, Peter deciding to ignore it. The robot's gun went off and signaled them to start, Bakugo boosting himself with explosions while Peter ran with as much strength as he could.
When they both cross the finish line, Aizawa showed them how Peter had gotten a 4.39 second time while Bakugo had a respectable 4.42. Either way, it was clear he didn't like losing even by less than a second.
Rumi went up against a girl with a frog quirk, both just hopped to the finish line with Rumi winning by a second based on pure leg strength. Nejire went against that gravity girl, she flew to the end using her quirk through their feet.
Togata was up next, he just sunk under the ground and popped back up at the end completely naked.
Rumi simply barked out a laugh while Peter groaned and looked away.
Wait, was that Amajiki guy blushing?
Test #3: Standing Long Jump.
This was one of the more straight forward tests, with Peter easily clearing the sandbox along with half of his class. It kinda bummed him out that no one was super creative about their quirks outside of ponytail girl.
Oh man, was he turning into Midoriya? God, he hoped not.
Test #4: Grip Strength.
The results of this test absolutely terrified Peter. Aizawa spat that whole 'no holding back stuff' and forced Peter to use his full strength on the grip monitor.
Peter accidentally crushed the machine.
Aizawa said something about how it could take up at most 3 tons, and how they almost never had students crushing it. Pete wasn't really paying attention.
Outside of the first week he had his spider-powers, he'd never actually used his full strength on something. And when he was told he had a grip strength of at least 3 tons? That was terrifying! He could kill someone with that! Man, he was already pretty afraid of his strength but now he'd hold back a tiny bit more when fighting.
Outside from that little… revelation, this guy with the head of a bird used some shadow monster to grip the thing while this guy with a bunch of arms got like 640 kg. His class was starting to look incredibly impressive.
Test #5: Repeated sidesteps.
And back to normal they went, now they had to do another test that didn't leave much room for creativity.
Peter, Rumi, and Togata got a good number based on pure physicality. Bird guy used that shadow monster to pull himself sideways a bunch, Nejire used her quirk to fly sideways instead of jump and Bakugo used explosions again. Also, the guy with the scar made ice to slide sideways.
There was something about that guy that seemed weird, he was sure Aizawa called him 'Todoroki' but that was the family name of endeavor, and for him to be related to something with an ice quirk would be incredibly weird.
Test #6: Sit-Ups.
Alright, Peter had to admit this was starting to get boring. Sit-ups? Seriously? How did this even showcase their hero potential?
Incredibly, Nejire got one of the best scores out of pure energy. Some girl with headphone jacks as earlobes stabbed them into the ground as support while bird guy used his shadow monster again.
And it could apparently talk? Peter wished he a shadow monster, although he could go without the bird head.
Test #7: Long Distance Run.
And yet another completely normal fitness test. What was this? Gym class? If someone was actually getting expelled it'd just be over their quirks.
Everyone just ran for as long as they could, with Nejire, the scar guy, Rumi, himself, weird legs, and Bakugo being in the upper tier of scores.
Test #8: Seated Toe Touch.
Aizawa has to be bluffing, he can't in his right mind expel someone over a bad toe touch score.
Nearly everyone with flexible and fit builds did well on this test, the only interesting ones being bird guy and weird earlobes.
Man, he really needed to learn people's names.
Once again, the students stood in a line in front of Aizawa, most were panting while some only a little winded. Peter couldn't help but feel bad for people without physical quirks that would help them out.
Aizawa basically screwed nearly half the class over. And no one could do anything about it.
With a tap of the phone in his hand, a holographic leader board appeared in front of the class.
1. Peter Parker
2. Momo Youyorozu
3. Shoto Todoroki
4. Rumi Usagiyama
5. Katsuki Bakugo
6. Tenya Iida
7. Nejire Hado
8. Mirio Togata
9. Fumikage Tokoyami
10. Mezo Shoji
11. Eijiro Kirishima
12. Tamaki Amajiki
13. Mina Ashido
14. Moe Kamiji
15. Ochako Uraraka
16. Tsuyu Asui
17. Sero Hanta
18. Denki Kaminari
19. Kyoka Jiro
20. Toru Hagakure
1st place? Wow! That was actually amazing! He even beat Bakugo and Rumi! He even beat someone who could create cannons, bikes, and industrial presses out of nowhere! He stole a glance at the bronze-skinned girl, who was in the middle of tapping her foot aggressively because she wasn't higher up.
Well, at least she was taking her placement better than Bakugo.
Before he could go up to congratulate his friend on her placement, quiet sniffling and sobbing could be heard coming from… floating clothes?
They had someone invisible in their class? Man, he didn't know if he should feel bad for not noticing. Wait, she must've been the one getting expelled! He'd go and console her but more than half the class was already doing that.
"Oh, by the way, no one's getting expelled. It was a logical ruse to get you guys to give it your all, class dismissed." The man announced with a grin, pocketing the phone and walking away.
The invisible girl leaped for joy and hugged everyone near her. Peter couldn't help but groan and roll his eyes at Aizawa.
He didn't want this type of stuff to be a regular thing, but something told him it was gonna be.
Why couldn't he have gone to Shiketsu?
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