Chapter 19: MHA : Chapter 19 : Looking The Part I
Yo! I know I normally do the author notes at the end of the chapter but I wanted to paint a clearer picture of what Peter's suit is gonna be like. While I'll still describe it I wanna just give straight-up examples before we get into it, you know? So I'll do this quickly.
Design-wise, it's just the stark suit from the PS4 game but it's not a once piece jumpsuit like in homecoming, the webbing design is darker, kinda like the classic suit, and is way more noticeable in this version. It also doesn't have the extra cartridges on the outside belt, cause Peter now has a utility belt under the shirt.
To top it off, Peter is wearing a half-zipped up hoodie that looks like the advanced suit from the PS4 game over the actual suit.
Also, I'm not planning on giving Peter an AI or anything crazy like that. Any gadgets I add later will be purely hand made by Peter and not as technological. Oh yeah, and the eyes on the mask can squint and widen.
"I am… coming through the door like a normal person!" A proud voice thundered, and like a comet came the number one hero through the classroom door, making the students erupt into cheers and yells.
Except for Peter. Instead, he got a stinging sensation in his eye at the sight of the man.
Could he still be mad about that? Definitely. And going off of the embarrassed look All Might sent his way, he knew his forgiveness wasn't yet earned.
That was gonna take 2 fruit baskets.
He would've settled for 1 but All Might didn't even do that.
It was now the second day for young Peter Parker at UA high, the best hero school in Japan. After the whole quirk test thing Aizawa did, the previous day had gone on relatively normal.
He got his new friends' numbers (More like Neiire annoyed him until he gave it to her and then put him in a group chat), started calling them by their first names cause that's what friends do in Japan or something, met his new teachers, and did regular high school stuff.
Another thing he did was question how half of his new teachers got a teaching license, but that'd be a Google search for later.
But now, now was when the day got exciting. Cause today was gonna be their first session of hero training, and All Might himself showed up to teach it.
While Peter may not be on Midoriya level of fanboy when it came to All Might, he could still respect him as a hero. And having him as a teacher? It just seemed unfair, who knew what kind of experience the guy had.
"Oh my gosh, it's All Might!" The invisible girl yelled out.
"Woah, he's wearing his silver age costume! So cool!" Red hair cheered, pumping his fist up into the air.
And no, Peter had not learned any new names so far.
Except for Sero. He tried to see if he could make his webs as sticky as his tape but apparently, they had some organic stuff going that would just be a pain to make in a homemade chem lab.
Wait, he should swing by the support department later. Maybe he could become an honorary student or something, he'd just work on his own gear even if they would let him or not.
'Heh, 'swing'. I'm so funny.' He gave himself a chuckle, having basically spaced out for the last 15 seconds.
"So today, you shall all do… Battle training!"
The blue-eyed man boomed, holding out a card in his hand that quite literally said 'Battle'.
The class erupted even more than it already had, and out of nowhere, Peter's spider-sense began to ring.
He turned his head only to be met with the vicious grin of Bakugo Katuski, he looked right into Peter's eyes and made a slitting motion with his hand.
Well, that was a thing.
Ringing again, Peter turned his head once again to see the cold and emotionless stare that Todoroki guy was giving him.
And that was yet another thing.
Breathing a sigh and dragging his hands across his face at having not one but two people want to fight him, he turned to his friends to gauge their reactions.
Moe's hair was flaring up a lot, Rumi was thumping her foot while wearing a Bakugo-like grin, Nejire was bouncing up and down, and Mirio was in the middle of hyping up Tamaki for the exercise.
Peter himself? He was kind of excited, always been more into swinging and rescue work but combat was cool.
"But as the saying goes, clothes make the hero! So for this exercise, you shall all need… Costumes!" The hero pulled a stack of silver suitcases with the UA logo out of seemingly nowhere and began to pass them out.
Wait, did he say costume? As in, his very own hero suit that he made with an actual budget? One that wasn't made out of work out gear and clothes he found in the trash and web-shooters that weren't made out of scraps?
Yeah, scratch what he said earlier.
Peter was full-on excited!
His grinning face was reflected back at him as he held the shiny suitcase in his hands, his fingers running along its surface impatiently.
"Alright, students! Go get changed into your costumes and meet me at ground Beta! Quickly!" With one last smile and an announcement, he dashed off and out the door just like he had come in.
Oh, this was gonna be spectacular!
Maybe spectacular wasn't a good enough word to describe how the suit came out. While he had had a general design ready for months, Peter couldn't be more grateful that Midoriya got that little nerd brain of his going and tweaked it slightly.
Peter stood in the observation room of ground Beta, fully clad in his very own hero suit. It was a full-body red and blue suit that left no skin exposed. It had red boots and gloves along with blue pants. His upper body was red on the front and blue in the back, a small spider symbol on his chest with a bigger red one on his back.
Covering his face fully was a red mask with only white lenses that were outlined with black, he even got camera shutters and motion sensors so they squint go match his eyes! It was so cool! The suit had a black webbing design that spanned all across the red portions with additional black accent marks around his arms and torso.
To top it all off was the hoodie he wore that depicted an alternate design that he and Midoriya scrapped but still wanted to include. It was zipped halfway up. It had a large white spider on the front and back along with white accents on top of the red and blue.
And who could forget about his web-shooters? The wrist devices were finally the MK.5 model he'd been working on, now sporting a sleek black design and scrapping the carousel system due to the greatly upgraded webbing capacity of each cartridge.
Overall, he looked awesome. Just how he always wanted.
"Oh, Parker-Kun, is that you? Wow, I barely recognized you! You look so cool!" A bubbly voice came from beside him, he turned his head only to see the face of the girl that had the gravity quirk. She was named Uraraka or something.
"Yeah, I worked a lot to get it like this but it came out great! It's super breathable." He rolled his shoulder. Truth is, he was afraid the suit would come out as a skin-tight bodysuit, but since he was next to Midoriya when making it, it turned out fine.
Maybe he should come up with a name for the model? How about 'Stark'? Yeah, that sounded good. And for the design on his hoodie, he'd go with… 'Advanced!', perfect!
"Man, I wish I could say the same thing. I wasn't specific enough so mine came out skin-tight." She pulled on the material slightly to enforce her point.
"Dude, baby powder on the joints helps out. It reduces chaffing like crazy." Man, he should buy some since he was back in costume, now that he thought about it.
"Oh, thanks! Wait, how'd you know about stuff like that?" The girl tilted her head and giving him a confused look through the visor.
Wait, shit.
That might give off he was a vigilante or something.
Well, he was, but he didn't want too many people he wasn't close to knowing that.
Quick, think!
"I uh, read it online?"
"Alright!" And just like that, she walked away. Peter let out a sigh.
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