MHA: The Lawbreaker

Chapter 10: The Way

Yeah, you read that, the way my smile dropped. 

I almost couldn't resist the deep frown that has been trying to creep onto my face, but I held it back—barely.

I looked at the purple guy from across the room. He looked like he was more panicked than me. Is he afraid of me? I thought I was just a chill guy.

I crossed my arms, keeping my posture relaxed, but my mind was already working through the possibilities. What did he know? Or was he just the type to crack under pressure?

"Welp, let's team up, Thanos. No pervy shit. At all." I pointed my finger at Mineta as he nodded nervously, which prompted me to flash a bright smile at him.

"Good. Keep it that way."

Mineta gulped and gave a frantic nod, his eyes darting around like a cornered animal. Man, this dude was really on edge.

I clapped him on the back, maybe a little harder than necessary, just to see him jump. "Relax, short stack. We'll be fine as long as you don't do anything stupid."

He forced out a laugh that sounded more like a wheeze. "Y-Yeah, totally! No stupid stuff!"

I crossed my arms as I chuckled, slightly covering my mouth. 

"Second pair: Toru Hagakure And Eijiro Kirishima." All Might announced as my smile dropped for the second time of the day. Is this scripted? I'm pretty sure it isn't... or is it?

I glanced at Mineta, who was already sweating bullets. "Well, that's gonna be interesting."

Toru, as I was the only one who could see her, probably forgot, as she was making the most stupid face I've ever seen. But after a split second, she stopped, probably noticing me looking at her. She slightly coughed as she adjusted her hair, which she couldn't see. It's probably a girl thing; am I right?

"The first pair are the villains in this scenario, and the second pair are the heroes. The goal of the heroes is to capture the bomb, which is protected by the villains. Am I clear?"

"Crystal," Kirishima said, cracking his knuckles with a grin. "Let's go, Hagakure! We'll take 'em down in no time!"

Toru straightened—at least, I think she did. Hard to tell when she was invisible. "Y-Yeah! Totally!" Her voice wavered just a little.

I sighed, shaking my head. "Man, I feel like I just got set up."

Mineta, still looking like he was about to faint, turned to me. "Bro, we are so doomed. Kirishima's a tank, and Hagakure is invisible! What if she sneaks up and—bam!—we're done?!"

I gave him a lazy grin. "Then don't let her sneak up on you."

He whined dramatically. "That's like telling me not to breathe!"

I patted his shoulder. "Tough luck, buddy. Guess you better start holding your breath,"

I sighed, then continued, "But nah, We'd win."

Mineta blinked at me like I'd just told him gravity was optional. "H-Huh?! Dude, are you serious? Did you see who we're up against?"

I smirked, rolling my shoulders. "Yeah, and?"

They were realistically not a match for me.

"Don't worry, I'm the strongest." 

The short stack did relax after that, though, probably because of my impact in the quirk assessment test.

Mineta let out a shaky breath, nodding to himself like he was trying to convince his own soul. "Okay, okay… yeah, you're strong. Like, really strong. But, uh... you do have a plan, right?"

I rolled my neck, feeling the tension ease from my shoulders. "I always do."

That was a lie. But it sounded cool.

Mineta still looked skeptical. "Does it involve me surviving?"

I grinned. "That depends. Can you follow orders?"

He hesitated. "M-Mostly?"

"Good enough."

All Might's voice boomed through the speakers. "Villains, head to your designated area and prepare for battle!"

I clapped my hands together. "Alright, Thanos, let's get moving. Time to see if the heroes can actually put up a fight."


"Are you nervous? How the f*** you gonna be a hero if you are nervous, dipshit? Let me tell you, for the future, stop acting like a scared extra and start thinking like a winner."

I continued, "And the perversion of yours, cut that out. Heroes don't get to be creeps, got it?"

I slapped his back as I gave him another bright smile. "You ready?"

"...Yes," Mineta told as he tightened his fist, looking all serious and shit. "I'm ready."

"That's a Thanos right there." 

Mineta and I stepped into the designated "villain hideout," which was really just an empty training room with a fake bomb in the center. The moment the door shut behind us, I stretched my arms behind my head, scanning the area.

"Alright, short stack, let's set up shop."

Mineta wiped his sweaty palms on his uniform. "W-What's the plan, boss?"

I smirked, walking up to the bomb and giving it a small tap. "Simple. We win."

Mineta let out a frustrated groan. "Bro, I need more than that! Kirishima's practically unbreakable, and Toru is literally invisible! How do we even defend against that?"

I crossed my arms, rolling my shoulders lazily. "Kirishima's tough, yeah, for you, but he's predictable. Dude's gonna charge in headfirst, no doubt about it. And Hagakure? She's sneaky, but she forgets I can see her, which should not be the case."

Mineta blinked. "Wait, what?"

I smirked. "Long story. Just trust me."

Mineta's eyes narrowed. "That's… actually kind of terrifying."

I patted his shoulder. "It is. But don't worry about that. Worry about what you can do."

He gulped. "Which is…?"

I pointed at the door. "We know where they're coming from. Your Quirk's all about making obstacles, right? Cover the floor in your sticky balls. Make it a nightmare for them to move around."

Mineta's face lit up like he just got his first A+ on a test. "Wait… that could actually work! If Kirishima charges in like you said, he'll get stuck!"

"Exactly." I flashed him a grin. "See? You're thinking like a winner already."

Mineta puffed up his chest slightly. "Heh, yeah! I can do this!"

"Good. Now, let's get to work."

Mineta immediately started plucking the grape-like balls from his head and sticking them all over the floor near the entrance. Meanwhile, I casually leaned against the bomb, tapping my foot.

[Hero's Side]

"Hagakure, what should we do? We definitely can't beat Kaito, no matter how much we try, and the fact he can see you." Kirishima told Toru as he sighed, realising his position.

"But we do have one way to win." Toru told Kirishima as he slowly raised his head.

"W-what?" Kirishima asked.

"Yeah, that's right, one way." She continued.

"And what is that?"

"We have to outsmart him."


"How are we gonna outsmart him? He has a radius of 10 metres where he is basically god. I mean, he can break the laws of reality; that is NOT negotiable."

Kirishima frowned, crossing his arms. "Okay, I get what you're saying, but how do we outthink a guy who literally breaks reality? Dude doesn't play fair."

Toru huffed. "Yeah, no kidding. But that's exactly why we have to be smarter. If we go in headfirst, we lose. Period."

Kirishima scratched the back of his head. "Man, I hate fighting like this. Feels kinda sneaky, y'know?"

"Yeah, well, sneaky is our only option," Toru shot back. "We can't overpower Kaito, but we can make him work harder than he wants to."

Kirishima tilted his head. "What do you mean?"

Toru grinned—at least, she would have if they could see her. "Kaito is ridiculously strong, but he's lazy. Have you noticed how he acts?"

Kirishima's eyes widened slightly. "Ohhh… wait, you're right. He never seems like he's trying all that hard."

"Exactly! He doesn't waste energy unless he has to. So what if we force him to waste it?"

Kirishima's face slowly split into a grin. "Alright, now I'm listening."

Toru pumped her fist. "Okay, let me break it down for you—"

[Villains' Side]

Mineta had successfully turned the entire floor near the entrance into a sticky death trap. He stood proudly, hands on his hips. "Alright, it's done! No way they're getting through this!"

I gave an approving nod. "Nice work, Thanos. Now we wait."

Mineta blinked. "Wait? That's it? Shouldn't we, like… set up some more defenses or something?"

I shrugged, leaning against the bomb again. "Nope. No need. We already won."

Mineta gave me a look. "Okay, I get that you're strong, but don't you think you're being a little too confident?"

I smirked. "Nope."

Mineta groaned, rubbing his face. "Dude, you are the most frustrating guy to work with."

I chuckled. "Get used to it."

Mineta sighed and flopped onto the ground. "Fine, whatever. But if we lose, I'm blaming you."

"HEY!" I shouted at him. 

Mineta nearly jumped out of his skin. "W-What?!"

I pointed at him. "I am NOT losing to a guy with hard skin and an invisible girl who is visible to me."

Mineta fidgeted, eyeing the entrance like it was going to explode at any second. "Man, I hate waiting. This is worse than a test I forgot to study for."

I rolled my neck, letting out a slow breath. "Relax. They'll come soon enough. And when they do, we'll—"


A loud crash echoed through the building, and the entire room vibrated slightly. My eyes flickered toward the entrance as dust trickled from the ceiling.

Mineta yelped, scrambling behind me. "T-They're already breaking stuff! We are so screwed!"

I clicked my tongue. "Tch. Impatient bastards."

They were already playing outside the script. All Might didn't say they could go around smashing walls.

Then again, I never followed the rules either.

I smirked, standing up straight. "Alright, let's see what their game is."

I closed my eyes for a moment, activating my Quirk. The air around me subtly shifted as I reached out and broke the law of Acoustics.

Suddenly, all sound within my 10-meter radius ceased.

Mineta's panicked breathing, the distant footsteps, the hum of the ventilation—gone. Total silence.

To Mineta, it probably felt like his ears just died. His eyes went wide, and his mouth moved, but no sound came out.

I grinned and flicked the law back on.


I clapped a hand over his mouth. "Shh. I was testing something."

Mineta looked like he was about to cry. "D-Don't do that, man! I thought I went deaf!"

"Yeah, yeah. Now shut up."

I refocused, rolling my shoulders. Kirishima and Toru were up to something, and I was gonna find out what.

[Heroes' Side]

Kirishima cracked his knuckles as he stared at the broken section of the wall. "Alright, that should throw them off a little."

Toru nodded. "Yup. Now they know we're not just gonna walk in like idiots."

She glanced at Kirishima. "Okay, next step—stick to the plan."

Kirishima smirked. "Right. Keep Kaito moving, make him burn through energy."

They had gone over their strategy quickly—engagement was suicide, so they had to play a different game.

Toru was the real ace here. Since Kaito could see her, her usual tricks wouldn't work. But that didn't mean she couldn't still use his awareness against him.

She took a deep breath, focusing. Alright, let's see how good you really are, Kaito.

[Villains' Side]

Mineta gripped my sleeve. "Uh, bro? I don't like this. Why is it so quiet?"

"Because they're not dumb," I muttered. "They're trying to make me work."

I didn't like this either. They weren't rushing in like I expected. Instead, they were stalling, trying to mess with me before the fight even started.

I didn't mind a challenge. But wasting time? Annoying.

I sighed and rolled my shoulders. "Fine. If they wanna play it like that..."

I snapped my fingers. Time to make the first move.

I reached out and broke the Law of Friction—right under my feet.


I slid across the room like an air hockey puck, moving toward the entrance at ridiculous speed.

Mineta screamed. "WHAT THE HELL—?!"

I skated to a stop just short of the doorway, my shoes effortlessly gliding over the smooth floor. If Kirishima was waiting, I'd see him before he saw me.

Sure enough—


Kirishima came barreling around the corner, already mid-swing.

Too bad for him.

With a casual flick of my wrist, I reached out and broke the Law of Inertia.

Kirishima stopped mid-charge.

Like a video that had hit pause, his momentum vanished instantly. His eyes widened in pure shock as he found himself suddenly standing completely still.


I smirked. "Hey, Red. Nice try."

I snapped my fingers again, flipping the law back on.

Kirishima EXPLODED forward!

His own halted momentum slammed back into him, sending him flying face-first into the ground.


Mineta choked. "OHHH MY GOD!"

Kirishima groaned from the floor. "Ow... that... was so weird..."

I chuckled, rolling my neck. "Told ya. I'm the strongest."

Mineta fist-pumped. "Holy crap, we might actually win this!"

I scoffed. "Might?"

Mineta gulped. "R-Right! Definitely!"

I stepped over to Kirishima, who was trying to shake off the dizziness. "Alright, Red, you done yet?"

Kirishima groaned, pushing himself up. "Damn, bro... that was dirty..."

"Where's Toru? She's around here somewhere, right? I can still see her; do you remember?"

"Ooh, yes I do."

Kirishima groaned, rubbing his forehead. "Man, you really are something else, huh?"

I crouched down, resting my elbows on my knees as I looked at him. "You say that like it's a bad thing."

Mineta was still bouncing on his heels like an overexcited puppy. "Dude, that was insane! I didn't even see you do anything, and BAM! He just—" He mimed a dramatic explosion with his hands.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, we get it. Now focus up—Toru's still out there."

Kirishima smirked through the pain. "Hah… you say that like she's not already in the room."

Mineta froze. "W-What?"

I sighed. "Yeah, I figured. She came in during the distraction, right?"

Kirishima grinned despite himself. "Damn right she did."

Without turning my head, I reached out and pointed directly at the spot where Toru was standing.

"You're right there, aren't you? Is this your big plan?"

A sharp intake of breath. Silence. "Hagakure, you said this would work!"

Toru groaned. "Dammit, I knew that wouldn't work!"


She slipped on Mineta's sticky balls—faceplanting right onto the floor with a loud splat.

Kirishima winced. "Ooooh, that's rough. Did hs"

Mineta blinked, then pointed at her in pure betrayal. "Y-You were right next to me this whole time?!"

Toru peeled her face off the ground and groaned. "Ugh… yeah…"

I chuckled. "Cute attempt. But like I said, I can see you."

Toru pouted, still stuck to the floor. "That is so unfair!"

I shrugged. "Life's unfair."

Kirishima struggled to his feet, shaking off the last bit of dizziness. "Alright, alright, we're not done yet!"

I raised an eyebrow. "Really? 'Cause it looks like both of you just lost."

Mineta threw his hands in the air. "WE WON?! HOLY CRAP, I DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING!"

I flicked him on the forehead. "You set the trap, dumbass. Own your W. You contributed something."

He sniffled. "That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me."

I sighed and turned back to the heroes. "So, what now? You wanna keep fighting, or are you calling it?"

Toru pouted even harder. "Ughhh… fine. We surrender."

Kirishima slumped. "Man, I hate fighting you."

All Might's voice boomed over the speakers. "Villains win!"

Mineta collapsed onto the floor in relief. "Oh, thank god."

I stretched my arms behind my head, smirking. "Well, that was fun."

Kirishima sighed. "For you, maybe."

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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