MHA: The Lawbreaker

Chapter 9: Full-On

"Well, this is my home," I told her as I stood before my house, widening my arms.

Toru glanced at the house, then back at me. "Huh. Not what I expected."

I raised a brow. "Oh? And what exactly were you expecting?"

She shrugged, crossing her arms. "I dunno. Something flashier. Maybe a secret underground lair, considering your whole 'breaking reality' deal."

I smirked. "Yeah, well, gotta keep a low profile. Can't have people thinking I'm a supervillain or something."

"Bye, Toru. I'll see you tomorrow."

Toru tilted her head. "That's it? No dramatic farewell? No cool one-liner?"

I chuckled. "What, you want me to vanish into thin air or something?"

She pointed at me. "Honestly? Yeah. That'd be sick."

I smirked. "Sorry to disappoint. I walk through doors like a normal person."

Toru sighed exaggeratedly. "Lame. You have all these reality-breaking powers, and you still choose to be boring."

I rolled my eyes. "Noted. I'll work on my exit strategy."

She giggled. "You better."

With that, she spun on her heel and started down the street, throwing up a lazy wave. "Night, Kaito!"

"Night, Toru."

I watched her go, waiting until she disappeared from view before turning back to my house. 

I barely held back from pumping my fist. It was hard. Both that and talking to her so 'nonchalantly'. 

I entered the house and removed my shoes.

I stepped inside, shutting the door behind me with a quiet click. The house was dark, the only light coming from the faint glow of the streetlamp outside. Way to ruin the mood. I didn't bother turning anything on. Didn't need to. I knew this place like the back of my hand. 

I slipped off my shoes, setting them neatly by the door. The air inside was still, heavy with the kind of silence that wasn't peaceful—just empty.

The living room was just pristine, yet lifeless. There were no pictures on the walls or signs that anyone lived here besides the bare necessities. The only indication that someone else shared this house with me was the faint glow of light seeping from the crack under my dad's office door. Damn it, get some style if you weren't gonna take care of your son properly.

Not that he'd acknowledge me. Some scientist work, bullshit.

I lingered in the entryway for a second, then shook my head. Whatever. Not like I expected anything different.

Shrugging off my blazer, I slung it over the back of a chair and headed toward my room. As I passed the kitchen, my stomach grumbled, but I ignored it. I'd grab something later.

Once inside my room, I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. It was the only place in this house that actually felt like mine.

Collapsing onto my bed, I stared at the ceiling. What a day, huh? 

[The Next Day]



I slapped the alarm as I got up.

Is it morning? Did I sleep that fast?

With a groan, I dragged myself out of bed, stretching as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. My body felt sluggish, like my brain was still booting up. Too much thinking last night.

I went through the motions of getting ready—shower, breakfast, grabbing my stuff. As I shrugged on my blazer, I caught my reflection in the mirror. Looking sharp. The dyed streaks in my hair were still holding up, and my heterochromatic eyes had that usual sharp glint. Wonder why I had streaks? They aren't natural for sure. Probably my quirk.

Alright. Back to business. No distractions.

My phone vibrated.

Toru: Bet I get to school before you. 😏

I scoffed.

Kaito: I barely woke up, but bold of you to assume you even have a chance.

Toru: Ohhh, confident. I like it. But talk is cheap, Lawbreaker. Let's see if you can back it up. 😜

I smirked, slipping my phone into my pocket. She wanted a race? Fine.

Time to flex.

[4 minutes later...]

I stood before U.A.'s gates, a triumphant grin stretching across my face—so wide, even Moses himself couldn't part it. But it faded as soon as it came as I looked at Toru, who stood a few meters away from me, suddenly showing up out of nowhere, possibly hiding somewhere just before this. 

I stared. Then narrowed my eyes. "You were already here, weren't you?"

"Who's to say?" She gave a playful shrug. "Maybe I was. Maybe I wasn't."

I exhaled sharply through my nose. "That's cheating."

She gasped, mock-offended. "Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Reality-Breaker. Did I break your rules?"

I sighed, shaking my head. "This is why people like me have trust issues."

"Aw, poor baby," she teased, patting my shoulder—somewhere. "Guess you'll just have to train harder, huh?"

What's up with her?

[At the class]

As soon as I entered the classroom, I was jumped by two individuals, both with weird hair, just like mine, one's red and the other's yellow. 


"Wassup, man. Have you heard? We're getting a special class by the G.O.A.T. himself, All Might!" Kirishima blabbered excitedly. He shook my upper torso.

"Yeah, dude! Today's gonna be lit!" Kaminari added.

"Oh, cool."


"'Cool'? What do you mean by 'Oh, cool.'?"

Kirishima gawked at me like I'd just insulted his entire family line. "Dude, it's All Might! The Number One Hero! The Symbol of Peace! How are you not flipping out right now?!"

I shrugged, slinging my bag over my chair. "I mean, yeah, it's cool, but it's not like he's gonna teach us how to Detroit Smash someone into next week."

Kaminari leaned in, eyes gleaming with conspiracy. "What if he does, though? What if today's the day we learn how to throw an actual Plus Ultra punch?"

I arched a brow. "If that happens, I'll eat my blazer."

"Bet." Kaminari grinned. "I'm holding you to that." 

"Not backing down, at all."

Before I could respond, the classroom door slid open with a dramatic WHOOSH, and in strode the man himself—All Might.

"I AM HERE!" he boomed, striking a pose like a damn action figure.

The room exploded with excitement. Easy crowd. One swish and they fawn over him.

"Is that him in his silver-age costume?!" No, it's his twin, you stupid ass dumb f-


"All Might is gonna train us!"

Even Bakugo, in his way, looked intrigued, though he masked it behind his usual scowl.

I wasn't really a fan of All Might, but I sure as hell respect him. He was the strongest. I don't know if he was as strong as me or if I was as strong as him, but I do know one thing: he's built different.

Psss~ I heard in my ear. 

I sighed as I turned back to see Toru signaling me to come to her.

I leaned slightly toward her, lowering my voice. "What?"

Toru's invisible hand tugged lightly at my sleeve. "You seriously not hyped for this?" she whispered. "Come on, it's All Might."

I smirked, keeping my tone casual. "Shut up."

She made a sound that I knew was her rolling her eyes. "You're such a weirdo. First, you don't go full reality-breaker mode for dramatic exits, and now this? No fun at all."

Before I could retort, All Might clapped his hands, commanding the class's attention. "Young heroes! Today, we will be doing something extraordinary!" His booming voice practically shook the walls.

"Rescue training?" Iida asked, raising a hand.

"Combat exercises?" Bakugo added, arms crossed, already looking like he was gearing up for a fight.

All Might grinned. "Close! Today, we shall engage in a Battle Trial!"

The classroom practically erupted. Excited chatter filled the air, but I just exhaled through my nose. Battle Trial, huh? That meant one thing—hero versus villain matchups.

I could already feel the smug look Toru was giving me, even if I couldn't see it.

"Oh, this is gonna be fun," she whispered.

I stretched my arms behind my head, smirking. "We'll see about that."

All Might's grin widened. "Now then! Suit up and meet me at Ground Beta!"

The class practically bolted from their seats. I took my time, shaking my head as I grabbed my stuff. This would be interesting.

"For those who don't have suits, they will be provided with standard training gear, which you can collect at the equipment storage in C-Block! Now hurry along, young heroes!"

"Kaito, come on! I'm going to the changing room." Kirishima told me. 

"Yeah, me too," Kaminari added.

"I'm gonna have to collect the standard training gear. Be back in a minute."

I made my way toward the equipment storage, where a few students were already grabbing their temporary gear. As I rummaged through the racks, I felt a presence behind me.

"You really need to get your own costume, man," Kaminari remarked, leaning against the wall.

I glanced over my shoulder. "You saying I don't look good in this?"

He chuckled. "Nah, just saying you'd look better in something custom. What's the plan? Gonna go for something flashy or keep it mysterious?"

"I don't know, we'll have to improvise, I guess."

"Okay, then, let's go. the trial's about to start."

Kaminari and I made our way to Ground Beta, where the rest of the class was already gathered. Everyone had suited up in their hero costumes, their excitement practically buzzing in the air.

Toru was off to the side, still invisible—obviously, well to all but me. She was grinning like an idiot.

"All right, class!" All Might's booming voice snapped everyone to attention. "Today's exercise will test your ability to handle real combat scenarios! You will be split into pairs—one hero team and one villain team! The villains will be guarding a fake weapon inside a building, while the heroes must secure it within a set time limit! If time runs out or the heroes are incapacitated, the villains win!"

I crossed my arms. It's a standard hero training setup. Simple, yet effective.

"Now then! The teams have been decided by a random draw! I will now announce them!"

"First pair: Kaito Arakawa and Minoru Mineta."

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