NARUTO:The sealed shinobi

Chapter 47: CH 47

(Harmonic chorus)

Oh no you didn't!

Oh no you didn't!

Oh no you didn't!

Oh no you didn't!...

Didn't you? oh no!

You didn't pay me what you owe… me So now it's over for you!

Papapapapapapa Papapapapapapa Pa Pa Pa… (Yeah…)

Papapapapapapa Papapapapapapa Pa Pa Pa… (Yo yo, check it out!)



Naruto then thought of how the white-haired guy with the bones as a weapon jumped in right as he was winning against all four of his pursuers. He willed them to activate their cursed seals and they began to overwhelm him. The white-haired guy even ended up shooting bones at him. He growled and gritted his teeth as he continued to run.

Oh no you didn't!

First you tried to trap me Then you bust a cap in my ass

Oh No you didn't!

Such humiliation Would bring annihilation at last

He thoughtfully traced the scar over his eye and clinched his fist so hard that it drew blood.

Oh no you didn't! It will be delicious When I get vicious tomorrow

Oh no you didn't!

There's no second chances You will do the dance of sorrow

Oh no you didn't!

(Harmonic chorus)

Oh no you didn't!

Oh no you didn't!

Oh no you didn't!

Oh no you didn't!...

Didn't you? oh no!

You didn't pay me what you owe… me So now it's over for you!


Papapapapapapa Papapapapapapa Pa Pa Pa (What a fool…)

Papapapapapapa Papapapapapapa Pa Pa Pa (alright come on!)

Oh no you didn't!...

Better watch your back boy!

…Keep running!


This ain't just a game …I'll never stop coming I got my arsenal …I put out the call And when I finish y'all …You'll be a rag doll Naruto remembered a desperate retreat to Ta no Kuni's borders that had him perpetually plagued by assaults from any combination of the five powered-up Oto ninja. The last of which almost ended up getting at least his right eye when the guy with the bones pulled out a blade from his body and slashed Naruto across the face deeply during the fight, only ending with him escaping due to a well-timed explosive tag, a lot of luck, and pumping the Kyuubi's chakra to his legs for hours until he collapsed in a pool of his own blood after crossing the border a decent distance, conveniently being the last cognizant thought he had as a member of Ne.

Fool tried to diss me Now you're gonna wish you were dead!

Oh no you didn't!

After I deliver Your blood will be a river of red Oh no you didn't!

Better beware When no one's there to defend you!

Oh no you didn't!

So many ways to kill It's gonna be a thrill to end youuuuu!

Naruto shivered in anticipation as he sensed multiple signatures up ahead and saw a lot of white webbing.

Oh no you didn't (Harmonic chorus) Oh no you didn't!

Oh no you didn't! Oh no you didn't!

Oh no you didn't!...

Didn't you? oh no!

You didn't pay me what you owe me… So now it's over for yoooooouu oooooo!

Oh no!

Oh no!

Oh noooo! Oh no you di-

'Kyuubi chill the fuck out! I'm trying to get my mind right before I start fighting again!' Naruto had his hands on his head trying to shake out the song.

Kyuubi sheepishly stopped singing within Naruto's mindscape, "Sorry kit, but I've wanted this just as badly as you have for just as long. How lucky you are that this ended up being conveniently dropped into your lap. You need to give that old hag a kiss or a bottle of her blasted alcohol when you get back to Konoha for this one."

Naruto saw Neji and his opponent up above him in the trees, conveniently being the guy with six arms. Neji retreated to the ground where he began to throw gold colored weapons at Neji who was using Kaiten to defend against them.

As Neji rotated and avoided the weapons Naruto snuck around the battlefield, 'Neji is fine. As long as this guy is messing with him with his little punk-ass throwing knives then I can just kill him and be done with it.'

Naruto skulked to the upper levels of the forest while the fight continued down below. By now a giant spider had been summoned and was producing tons of tiny little spiders to wrap Neji in webbing, but he fought them all off with Hakke Hyaku Nijuhachi Sho (Eight Trigrams One Hundred Twenty-Eight Palms).

Naruto saw the black marks that had been spread across Kidomaru's body for quite some time as he stepped his game up and decided now was as good a time as any to finish him. Naruto pulled out a kunai and threw it at Kidomaru before pushing his own hands together, 'Fuuton: Repuushou (Wind Release: Violent Wind Palm)'

The added boost from the wind jutsu sent the high-speed weapon straight into the base of Kidomaru's skull with a dull wet 'thunk' noise, buried up to the ring. Kidomaru's confident smirk turned to a death rattle as the markings from his cursed seal receded and he fell from his place in the trees lifelessly. Naruto grinned to himself and punched the air in victory as he whispered, "Boom! Headshot!" Neji breathed a sigh of relief as he watched Kidomaru's corpse drop before he deactivated his Byakugan, "You can come out Naruto, I saw you while we were fighting. I didn't think you would sneak up on someone that strong though."

Due to deactivating his 'all seeing eyes' Neji never saw Naruto suddenly appear from his blind spot when just a second sooner he had been in front of him, "I am afraid that you are underestimating the sneakiness sir." Naruto dropped from the canopy, frightening the genius, to find Neji not very worse for wear. Naruto smirked at Neji as they walked closer, "Thanks for holding his attention. Have you been fighting long?"

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