NARUTO:The sealed shinobi

Chapter 48: CH 48

Neji re-collected himself and shook his head, "No, I don't think we're too far behind either. I assume you defeated Choji's opponent for us when you let him go after us."

Naruto motioned for Neji to follow him as they took off into the woods again to give chase to their comrades.


Naruto and Neji landed with Shikamaru and Choji looking at their two opponents. Naruto looked over at the gritted teeth on the face of Shikamaru, "What happened?" Shikamaru wasn't surprised to see Naruto as Choji told him Naruto had freed him up from his own fight, "Kiba… He and one of the Oto guys went over the cliff into the water."

Naruto nodded, "Neji, go find Kiba and help him out. He and Akamaru wouldn't die off of something so simple, follow the river."

Neji nodded and jumped off. Shikamaru breathed a slight sigh of relief, "Okay, but another guy showed up and took the barrel holding Sasuke away. Rock Lee was fast enough to get away and give chase."

Naruto raised an eyebrow, "White-hair? Weird marks above his brow?"

After blinking for a few seconds Shikamaru nodded, "Uh, yeah. How did you know?" Naruto chuckled, "I'm just good like that."

Tayuya was getting upset with all of the talk going on, "Hey! What are you three cocksuckers doing over there!"

Naruto cleaned out his ears, "Wow. Her mouth got even dirtier over the last couple of years."

Tayuya squinted at the new arrival. Her mental capacities were quicker than Jirobo and if you are one of Orochimaru's elite bodyguards you tend to remember the people that end up taking it to your ass in a fight. She raised her finger and pointed at him with a look of fury on her face, "You! You! You fucking spying son-of-a-bitch! Why the fuck are you here!"

Naruto grinned at her darkly, "Aside from trying to get my payback on you fuckers, I'm backing these guys up. Unlucky you. You backed the wrong horse when it came to Orochimaru, now I think I'd pay you back for the shit all of you fucks tried on me back in the day, but your bony friend is my real issue."

Tayuya shook in fright before steeling her resolve, "None of you Konoha shit-stains are getting past me!" Tayuya began playing her flute. Naruto noticed Choji and Shikamaru beginning to fall under it and he rushed her quickly.

With a shrill tweet of the air in her lungs rushing into the flute following a punch to the body, Naruto began battering Tayuya with savage taijutsu combinations. She was no slouch up close, being one of Orochimaru's elites, but Naruto was too fast and too strong for her to take on without her seal and he wasn't giving her a chance to activate it with the ferocity of his attack.

He battered her swiftly anywhere he could hit her. He fought furiously due to the fact that he knew how dangerous her genjutsu could be and that the others couldn't break them as easily as he could… after all, who else had a demon with near infinite power inside them to help break illusions?

Naruto eventually snatched the flute from her hands and backhanded her to the ground. Tayuya tried to rise quickly but went nose to edge with Naruto's blade. She looked up into his eyes, "Ah, ah! If I even feel your chakra start to spike to use that fucking seal I'm gonna start cutting stuff off. Chill out."

Tayuya glared up at him, "Does this make you feel like a man you dickless blonde-haired fuck? Do you like what you're doing to us?" A slightly chilling glance from Naruto made her subconsciously shiver, "Well considering the events that preceded it I would think that sweet, sweet vengeance would be necessary, luckily for you, I need something from your team and you're lucky enough to be the one chosen for it."

Naruto grinned mischievously "Prisonersayswhat?"

Tayuya looked confused, "Wha-."



Naruto slapped her hard across the back of her head with the blunt side of his sword and pulled out some ninja wire. He quickly hogtied her tightly and turned to Shikamaru and Choji, "Take her back to Konoha and get her locked up, I'll keep going and get Rock Lee out of his situation, the guy he's chasing is stronger than all of these other guys combined." Naruto then stopped and looked at him sheepishly, "Ah, sorry. I'm kind of running your show here, you're the leader of this squad and everything."

Shikamaru and Choji walked over with Choji hoisting Tayuya's unconscious body over his shoulder. Shikamaru chuckled, "Well you do technically have seniority over me even if it is only by like a week or two, and you're the strongest out of all of us. You go and finish the mission, Neji will find Kiba and help him, and we'll take her back to Konoha."

Naruto saluted Shikamaru and jumped off heading towards the border of Hi no Kuni and Ta no Kuni once more.


Naruto stopped in a clearing in the forest where he saw Lee doing pretty well against Kimimaro until Kimimaro started shredding him with his rib bones. As Kimimaro moved in to finish off Lee He was forced to jump back after a slash from Naruto. Naruto stood protectively in front of Rock Lee with his sword drawn, "It looks like you're still the best one out of all of them. The rest of them didn't dodge my first attacks."

Kimimaro scoffed at Naruto, "Don't compare me to the trash that preceded you. I am Orochimaru-sama's former choice for a vessel."

Naruto snickered, "Former choice? What happened? Did he cum a little too hard for you and rupture your rectal cavity one night or something?"

Kimimaro's eye twitched as Rock Lee stood back up, "It is good to see you Naruto-kun, this opponent is most vexing to combat."

Naruto looked behind him and smiled slightly, "Hey Fuzzy Eyebrows, good to see you up and about again." Naruto noticed a broken barrel at the edge of the field, "Lee… Where is Sasuke?"

Lee frowned at Naruto's last sentence, "That is what I find truly strange Naruto-kun. Sasuke-kun emerged from the barrel not too long ago and then started laughing most un-youthfully. When I thought he would turn back to Konoha he just kept going out towards the border."

'That's just great Naruto. Ah well, Even if Sasuke pulls that stupid seal out Rock Lee can beat him, I'm sure of it.' Naruto palmed his forehead and slid his hand down his face, "Fuck… Rock Lee, go get Sasuke. I'll fight this guy. He and I have a bone to pick with each other anyway… no pun intended. Go stop Sasuke by any means necessary, go."

"Ossu!" Rock Lee saluted Naruto and took off into the forest.

Naruto turned back to Kimimaro who looked at Naruto in recollection, "I remember you. You are the vermin from Konoha that was discovered trespassing in Orochimaru-sama's lair years ago. I will now rectify my mistake of not finishing you off as my last act for Orochimaru-sama before my life is over."

Naruto looked at him thoughtfully, "You're dying… And killing me is the last thing that you want to do before you go? So be it. I owe you for what you did to my face and my body four years ago. I killed two of the others, captured one and the other is probably being killed by the others as we speak. I still wish I could take a swing at that cross-dressing piece of crap."

Kimimaro pulled a bone sword from his arm and held it out in a stance, "You think that I care that you could kill those other useless pawns? Orochimaru-sama has no need for weak tools."

Naruto drew his own sword and had to get one last jibe in before the fight started, "Well then I guess he won't be missing you too much, because if losing to me makes you weak, then you're going to be considered a weak pawn soon enough."

Kimimaro narrowed his eyes and rushed in, showing Naruto his speed for the first time in years, coming in with sudden thrusts and slashes. The two traded blade strikes, with Kimimaro's being faster and more precise and jabbing, and Naruto's being flowing, moving from swing to a block, dodge, or parry like water. Kimimaro simply slipped out of the way of Naruto's blade and came back with his own attacks. The two couldn't seem to cut the other in the fracas of their movements.

Kimimaro gripped his sword tightly, 'He's still just as fluid with his sword as he was back then.' He looked at his weapon of choice, 'I hope Tsubaki no Mai (Dance of the Camelia) is enough to defeat him.'

Naruto shifted his own sword around in his hands to loosen up. Quickly sheathing his sword he forms a mass of Kage Bunshin that then draw their swords. The original Naruto draws his own and points it at Kimimaro, "I'm trying to shy away from the strategy of just swarming my enemies with Kage Bunshin, but for you, I'll go with the old strategy… In my mind there is no such thing as overkill…" Naruto signals his copies forward to engage Kimimaro at once. He valiantly fended off Naruto's multiple clones, dispelling a few, but mostly when it came to this jutsu Naruto knew they were disposable so a few clones were nothing, he could just keep on spamming them indefinitely.

Eventually Naruto's Kage Bunshin ended up disarming Kimimaro and they quickly swarmed him before popping sounds rang out in rapid succession. As the clones backed away, Naruto saw that Kimimaro had exposed sharp points from his palms, shoulders, knees, and elbows.

Naruto signaled his Kage Bunshin to try and attack again, but with this new tactic from Kimimaro, Naruto was sending them into a buzzsaw. Kimimaro drifted through them all. Every movement around the bodies he made seemed to cut into them, even when it looked like he wasn't trying, simply running while using this technique seemed treacherous to his foes.

Naruto noticed the last of the Bunshin getting dispelled and he readied his own body for combat. Kimimaro came in spinning wildly with his sharp spines, Naruto had to dodge for his life to avoid to deadly whirling dervish from Kimimaro. Naruto kicked him in his body, which was wide open during his assault and began attempting to slash at Kimimaro in response to his most recent dance.

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