Percy Jackson and the Art of Gacha

Chapter 36: Small Timeskip and planning a boss fight.

Hello again.

A few weeks have passed already and the month of November is coming to an end. A few things have happend since I returned from my travel.

I ha d managed to max out my skills Illusion and Blacksmithing.

Illusion now allowed me to make Illusions almost indistinguishable from reality and even Monsters would fall for them.

Blacksmithing was now on the level were I had the capability to make truly massive and highly capable artifacts.

I might not be able to make things at the level of Divine weapons, but I could use the skill to make supplementary devices. If I then were to use my fusion skill, I would be able to actually make them divine. But right now I didn't want that.

The creation of Divine weapons was like a beacon of power if not carefully blocked or hidden and even if I were to make them in the workshop, the sudden appearance of one in the world would draw even more attention to me. Something I couldn't risk for now.

My skill: Evolution, something I had used only once to become a Wicker, had also level up due to it. It now allowed for further evolution of skills as long as there were similar skills at hand. So in short. If I want to evolve Blacksmith further I need two more production type skills at max level and I already had the ward creation skill at that level. If I now managed to bring my alchemist skills to that level I would be able to evolve them.

I had also managed to bring my combat skills to new levels but didn't max them out just yet.

I had also almost completed the first dungeon.

At first I though I would just be fighting normal zombies with a few mage, sprinter and tank-type zombies in between, but i was wrong. Over time, the further I progressed into the dungeon, the more they became common while the number of standard zombies just increased.

It reached a point where I had to use my domains and everything I had just to survive.

At one point I had brought my passive skill: Feast to a new level. The chance of harvesting skills and properties of the zombies increased. Which in turn broke through the limit of how poisonous my venom truly was. It could now affect monsters and Immortals. Not enough to actually cripple or kill them, but enough to keep them in a hospital bed for a few days.

I had also grown more resilient to force damage, became even faster than before, enough to impersonate a weak child of hermes and attuned enough to different types of magic that I could use most spells I had witnessed.

I trained in my domains and managed to connect to all of them. The training in the affinities and magic sped up more, since some had a bit of an overlap. I brought my domains of Halloween and Samhain to the level 5. Which meant that I now had three spirit forms each representing either Fall, Halloween or Samhain with one form that was an amalgamation of all three. The sprit were surprisingly friendly in appearance, being mostly human but with glowing irises, pointy ears and some accessories connected to their domain.

I had also completed the last mission which gave me a new domain, the domain of guidance, another power upgrade card and a template for the world I would travel to, when I eventually use the world travel ticket.

So to summarize, I had grown in power.

I had been to the island I claimed a few time. It had slowly started to change. The trees began to grow taller, the beastmen had began to be able to use another, third, form, which was entirely human. And the temple for some reason had started to emit power waves, containing energy from my domains, even those I had yet to train.

But what am I saying. You all are here to hear more about the dungeon, right?

So here I go.

I was currently in the Centre of the city, because unlike what a normal dungeon was supposed to be like, this one had no "floors" but just the different city districts.

Right now I was facing an entire army of zombies. It contained about 20 Mages, another 20 Sprinters and of course 20 Tank-types. Sounds bad but that wasn't even the worst of it. The number of normal zombies here for excided anything I had expected. There were several hundred of them and right in the middle, surrounded by the different types of zombies, stood one bigger than the others. It had bulging muscles, glowing red eyes and held a black glowing or in its hand.

I had not been discovered yet, which gave me time to prepare. Which was really really necessary here. Why?

Well at some point in time, the Mages had learned to summon skeletons that they would then send after me. They also learned to heal each other which was even worse and I didn't even know what the boss could do, nor did I really want to find out.

So, what did I do?

Remember the weather manipulation skill I had?

That one was part of my preparation, another one of the skills I had was Chimera Creation, Instant Circle(From my Alchemist Class) and Ritual Creation.

I began using the Instand Circle to set up a big ritual, it would surround the city Centre and with the help of Chimera Creation and Create Undead, a skill I had not used yet but gained at the start of October, to turn any killed zombie into a Chimera, the other raw material for this came from dead animals and monsters I had found. Their remains were added to my workshop as material but I had not used them up until now.

This ritual would then, under the influence of Create Undead, make the new Chimera into undead which where then connected to my title as Father of Monsters, giving me essentially an immortal army of my own creation.

To kill the zombies, I had decided to use several skills together.

The skill: Forge, which I had recently gained, to use fire I would enhance with the affinity accordingly and use the data and material gained to make a new skill for myself, later on.

The skill: Sinners Magic, which took the form of form of black, misty creatures, some resembling demons I had killed.

The skill: Hounds of Horror, which was now at level 20, making it 20 Wolves bigger than a fucking two story building.

And finally the use of Poison Making, another skill of my Alchemist Class, enhanced with the desease affinity.

The poison I was making would be airborne, lucky for me and everything connected to me, it wouldn't affect us even without the use of gas masks.

It was designed to paralyze those that come in touch with it, since the zombies didn't need to breath. Then it would Beginn to weaken their constitution, to make it easier to deal with the tanks.

The airborne toxin would be hidden in a cloud of mist I would make and then move into their centre.

The i would send some arrows into the crowed with Black Crest, the bow, to annihilate more zombies. Could I possibly use the affinities to mimic what I had already achieved once before? Yes, but this would make the whole thing to easy and I wanted to test myself. Become stronger.

After I send in the arrows, I hoped that the chaos would allow the hounds to kill even more zombies before as a final step, I would use the Sinners Magic to bolster the amount of combatants.

Let's just hope that the boss would be affected by the toxins.

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