Chapter 24: The Uproar in the Red Keep
Siuil a Rhaella, gawyll a run...(run away with me Rhaella, my love)" - first phrase of the Tain Rhaella, a song sung in the court of Anarawd and at the taverns in the South.
"My friend and once good guest of the Red Keep, I understand that you are merely fulfilling an obligation put upon you by the bonds of friendship, but you of all people should understand the gravity of the situation, the peace your father had secured is fragile, do not break it because of the friendships of a lowly knight and my wayward granddaughter is worth such" - Letter of Aegon V Targaryen to Anarawd.
"He stole her away like a proper wildling, as far as I am concerned they are married under the laws of the gods be they old or new and such marriage is already binding particularly when there is a child involved" - Anarawd's letter to the court of King Aegon V, much to the fury of Prince Duncan and Prince Jaehaerys.
The flight of Rhaella Targaryen from the Red Keep to King Anarawd's court in the Cooleys became a stuff of songs and poems, as every noble and great houses south of Westeros were scandalized and horrified at the affair and had quickly kept their daughters and sisters under key and guard, it was a great scandal ever since Saera Targaryen fled Westeros and became a Lyseni mistress, although King Aegon V would not suffer any utterance of the mention of his wayward and willful granddaughter in his court, in private it was said that the king was writing to King Anarawd of her granddaughter's well-being. Both Prince Jaehaerys and Prince Duncan had demanded to their father that they take back Rhaella from the far north by force if necessary but King Aegon V had declared that King Anarawd was a friend of the King, and the memory of the Wildling Prince and his Gallowglasses fighting in the Fifth Blackfyre Rebellion and performing acts of heroism was still fresh in the minds of the people of the Seven Kingdoms, even Anarawd's time at the Red Keep and their parting was as amenable as it can be except for the part where Prince Jaehaerys had belittled the sacrifice of Anarawd's father, so talks of war are to be forbidden but to show some face King Aegon V sent correspondence to King Anarawd demanding that he return Rhaella and that he should dissolve her marriage to Ser Bonifer Hasty, letters that were being replied by the King of the True North with diplomatic placidity.
It was said that for King Aegon V it was a proper lesson made by the gods to humiliate his children for failing to do their duty, since they are more than happy to follow their hearts and marry who they want then so should their children who are daring to follow theirs, even on his death Aegon V never sought war to Hengledd because of that, Jaehaerys however, would try to reclaim Rhaella with threats of Blood and Fire, an effort which would end up with him being confined in his bed and his wife having to play regent for their son. Since the would-be bride of Aerys was gone it was then decided that he should marry the sister of his friend, Genna Lannister, which proved to be a fruitful marriage as it bore them six children.
Princess Rhaella and her husband, Ser Bonifer Hasty, arrived at Hardhome where she was greeted by Anarawd's youngest brother, Gwain Map Rhodri who immediately brought them to the Cooleys, Ser Bonifer pledged his sword to Anarawd as a Gallowglass in return for his blessings of marriage to Rhaella which the king granted as a favor for his friend in his time in King's Landing, to the writing of this record, Clan Hasty had land near the Cooleys and Rhaella and Bonifer had five children all born healthy, one daughter was married to Clan Rogers and the other with a proposition of marriage from King Aerys' son, Prince Tywin Targaryen.