
Chapter 25: Aegon V of House Targaryen, King in the Iron Throne, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.

Aegon V of House Targaryen, King in the Iron Throne, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.

There was a strange sense of satisfaction for the old king to see his two sons having the same problems as he does, even brave and loyal Ser Duncan the Tall was fighting off a smile as Prince Small Duncan, and was that not a more fitting name for the son who does not take after his knightly uncle, ranted in front of him with his other son, Prince Jaehaerys supporting him, his sister-wife, Shaera was silent although she seemed to be against the idea of dragging Rhaella back, his granddaughter, Aegon felt a sense of pride over such a decision made by his granddaughter to run away with someone whom she loved, although he cannot show it publicly but privately he had been sending a letter asking for her wellbeing to Anarawd.

"May I remind the princes that we cannot risk another war with the True North" Ser Duncan the old knight tells the princes as they turned at him.

"And that is why I can send out a party to discretely take Princess Rhaella and bring her home!" Small Duncan insists.

"And what happens if her husband protects her? Will your party of knaves and thieves kill him? Ser Bonifer Hasty has the confidence of the Wildling King, almost as close to a brother he is next to his blood, will you be willing to risk the ire of the Wildling King that has kept the people Beyond the Wall in check?" he asks as Small Duncan could only grunt.

"My daughter should have done her duty and married her brother, not running off with a lowly knight to that barbarian backwater Beyond the Wall!" Jaehaerys said and that was the last straw for Aegon who coughed out a harsh laugh making the occupants of the room turn their gaze to him, even Ser Duncan the Tall flinched.

"Your grace..."


"Oh please my son! Do continue with your jape it is the most interesting one I have heard all this years" Oh Betha you are right, Aegon wistfully thought of his dead wife when they did not respond to him he continued to rage on them "Duty? When was the last time all of you had done your duty to the realm? I can only be proud of brave Rhaelle who is in Storm's End, while you my sons decided to ignore all the duties and responsibilities I have given you and decided to spit and trample at what me and your poor mother had to sacrifice! Oh how I wish dear Betha could have seen you two now!" he cackled and coughed with Ser Duncan coming to his side.

"Father we only followed our-!"

"And did you not think Rhaella should not have followed her own heart as well?! I have had enough of your hypocrisy, arrogance, and foolishness, there will be no talks of war or plots to take back Rhaella! And that is final! Gods be good! Anarawd at the very least was more dutiful than you lot and he is just a wildling and a hostage!" Another bout of cough and Aegon leaned from his chair and Ser Duncan immediately went by his side holding him close, while his sons were dumbstruck at the rage he had just displayed, I never thought that letting out such anger felt good, Aegon thought as he smiled inwardly at that, forgive me Betha for shouting at our sons but they deserved it.

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