Plaga Mother of the Pest

Chapter 5: Strings of Future

Like an fading Dream the next Days rushed away before my Eyes. It was Something i never had experienced before. Maybe i was even curious how the Days will go. Plaga begun to visit me more and more, if i wanted or not. My Word, my Will doesnt mattered for her. Still at the same i kind mattered for her. Every Time i came back into my small Home there was always some of her twisted Fruits. I know it was wrong to eat them. Something inside me couldnt resist to eat them. Something inside me begun slowly to grave the taste of them.

Or was i slowly beginning to grave her Presence? I still prayed as usual, but my Prayers was different from now on. More like an mandatory Ritual. Something inside me was already Missing and i didnt even noticed it. But one Day everything was different. On my Tablet layed an Silver Shining Rose. This Rose looked so different then Real ones. At the same alive and dead. I stepped forward hold the Rose in my Hand. It felt warm and cold at once, the Skin of it had small Cracks in it. Something inside me hadeen drawed to it, like it was calling me.

Seconds after i touched it the whole Room around me dissapeared. All what was left was an Room of pure Darkness. My own Hands looked different like my Skin was gone. All what i saw was like strings Light. Then i felt an touch on my Face, from behind. "Hello Gerald i m glad you accepted my Gift. Don't wonder where you are Gerald. This let call it Realm is Something Special. Please take my Hand Gerald i want to show you Something." Something inside me, my fear resistet or atleast wanted to.

The Truth was my own Body Something inside me begun already to betray me, my Belives. My Heart didnt pounded fast anymore around her. No her presence was now calming me. I turned around and took Yplagas Hand. Second later we standed above Lotringen. It was like i was flying? Below us i only saw the Outer Wall. But it looked so different this Time. I saw everywhere her Roses blooming. Even in the darkest, most desteoyed Parts. There was no smell of Rotten Flesh anymore. Now there was an smell of sweetness, of Something living.

"Plaga what kind of Trick is that? Thats not Lotringen, atleast not mine." She turned around to me, her Hand on my Face. Her glowing pure white Eyes are looking deep into mine. "Of course its not your current Lotringen. Its the Future i have in Mind for Lotringen. You know Gerald Destruction is necessary when the Construct is rotten from inside. Thats what i offer Lotringen. An Future under my Guidance. An shining blooming Lotringen under my Guidance under my Ruling. But..." She suddenly stopped. There was no need for her to End what she wanted to say.

I already know the Answer. "But there will be Pain, blood on the Streets. Before we reach this, we need to go through the Darkness. This is what you wanted to say or? That in every Darkness is still always Light." She smiled softly, before her Hands begun to glow. Then we standed in the Middle of her Roses in the Streets. Silently she walked through them. Touching her odn Creation and as she did her Roses begun to grow and to bloom. "You see Gerald i offer Lotringen also an Future. Well i offer many Futures.

It all depends on the Wishes i get. Do you want to see what your King Desires?" I try to breathe but it was like my Breathe was Stuck. She didnt waited for my answer. Suddenly everything around us dissolved into an Black Mist. Then we saw Lotringen from Above again. This time everything was different. I saw the Priests, the Bischop the highest of Church. Also i saw the King and his Knights. How they was marching through the City with Torches. Doors got kicked in, people pulled out against there Will. Everyone who had Plagas Touch, got directly murdered.

They begun to burn the Houses while the People was alive. I heard their cries and i sinked down to my Knees. My Heart was like bursting, shattering into an Million of Pieces. But then i saw with Tears in my Eyes, how they even murdered People who didnt had her Curse her Mark. "It needs one Devil to fight an Devil. I can Protect what is mine Gerald." Her voice sounded for an Moment sad. She pressed her Face on my Chest while she whispered. "I cant protect what is yours, what is still Human Gerald. Even my Powers are Limited.

You see Gerald i cant reach the King or the Holy Church. They want to protect their Light at any Cost. But your Faith never hurted anyone. Thats why i came to you Gerald. I cant prevent this Future, but i can change it. But...not alone. I need your Help your Sacrifice for this." My Hand gone through her Hair, curling through it. "My Sacrifice?" My Voice was empty because of the upcoming Horrors i faced. "You would need to bound yourself fully to me Gerald.

Your Body, Your Mind, Your Heart, Your Soul."

Before i could answer everything begun to disolve into an black Mist. "That what you saw Gerald was the Strings of Destiny. Something what only a few Mortals every are able to see. I know it was painful to watch. So i will give you Time now to Think about it all. But the decision is not Mine. It's your only Gerald which Strings you want." I couldnt handle the Horror i saw. How could the church who always wanted to protect Lives do Something like this. I couldnt breathe, couldnt think. Everything in me was shaking and the Panic was trapping me. All i could say.

"Plaga please hold me, i...need to feel you." An evil grin appeared on her Cracking Face. Her Hand moved to my Back. Caressing my back softly and gently. Before She pressed me in her Neck. "Rest in my Embrace my Priest." Her warmth begun to spread through my Body. All my Fears begun to dissolve like the Shadows they was.

At the same i was dissolving myself, that Men i belived to be.

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