Plaga Mother of the Pest

Chapter 6: Bell of Doom

For the First Time since Plagas appearing, the Great Golden Bell of the Grand Cathredral rang through the Whispers of the Night. The Sign that nether the Holy Church or the King will bow before Plaga. Everywhere in the Military District was Torches to see. The Kimg begun to gather his Troops, followed by the Priests of the Church. Once the Bell stand for the Holy Light, the blessing the Lord himself. But this time it was purely different. An declaration of War.

An war? No this was not gping to be an War anymore. Now only one side should stand at the End. The King supported and legitimazed by the Church was ready to win this War for the Light. No matter how great the cost would. Afterall all of those under Plagas Touch was nothing more then unholy Maggots in their Eyes. The moment her Plague Touched them, they lost any right to live in their Eyes. In the Great Cathredalt the Bischop begun to gather his Priest with following words. "Brothers hear me out. Our Faith, our Light is in Hreat Danger.

The Devil himself sended his harbinger of Doom to our Land. Everyone and everything under their Touch is already corrupt. The only Thing we can do now, is to set their poor Trapped Souls free, of their Mortal Prisons. Its up to us to defend his Name his Will." The Priests applaused him. Before they begun their March to the Military District to combine their Forces.

From my small Home on the outer Parts of the Wall, i watched in Terror as Plagas Vision of Extermination begun to unfold. Like an bad Nightmare the Strings begun to get Reality.

The Priests in their Robes of Crimson and Gold stand Shoulder on Shoulder together with the Kings Soldiers. Their Soldiers Armor are all shimmering in the Light of the Night. The Silver Armors are looking even more inpressive then on Day. Banners raised high, like theyre trying to Touch the Sky itself. In the Past the Eagle on the Banner stood for Justice and Fairness. But this night it shall become an Symbol of Fear. An Symbol how far People eill go to Protect their Belives. The King himself adressed the crowd.

His voice was loud and strong. Full of pure Faith. "People of Lotringen. We Face an Enemy like never before. An Enemy who spits with disgust on us. That Devil Named Plaga the Brood of Hell itself has shown up our City. It holds our Brothers and Sisters trapped. Her curse, that Plaga of Wounds which eats the flesh away hold them Trapped. They only became Sick because they all stopped praying to the Light what protects us. Dont have Fear People of Lotringen. The Holy Church and I the King will protect you all. We are those Choosen from the Lord himself will defend his Light with our own Blood.

Those poor Trapped Souls are already Lost. They belong to the other Side. The only thing we can do now is to bring them the Salvation. Salvation through the Holy Cleaning Fire. Today Lotringen The Church and the King stands united. Side on Side we will cleanse us from this evil." The crowd begun to Applause. People throwed Roses before the Feet of the Soldiers, as they begun to move. Thousands of Torches Lighted up begun their unholy March to the Outer Wall. Quickly the Soldiers begun their March.

The whole Ground of Lotringen was shaking before their Might. Before the Terror they would bring uppon us. I walked upd down in my Room. My Heart pounding and my Thoughts racing. Until i begun to yell. "Please Plaga, you need to do Something. You need to save us." Seconds Later an ice Cold Shower runned Through my Room. Plaga appeared really before me. Her Eyes wasnt glowing anymore with white Light. They was glowing Red. On her Face runned down red Tears. I looked in pure Shock at her. Plaga was Ready to defend her Children with all her Might.

"Plaga please dont tell me you want to fight Fire with Fire. Blood woth Blood." She stepped closer to me and looked into my Eyes. Her Doll like Hand was covered already in blood. She touched my Skin and also putted some on mine. "Gerald i know you hate Fighting the Spoiling of Blood. But this will be soon the only Way. You can stand rather on my Side, or Vanish under my Wrath." With that she dissapeared again and left me shocked alone. I dropped down to my Knees and my Fist hitted the Ground. The Cries come closer. Quickly i stepped outside.

Then i saw it, Houses where burning. People where Murdered on the Streets by the Soldiers. Even those without Plagas Mark. The Priests standed behind the Soldiers, chanting their Prayers to the Sky and spraying Holy Water around in the Hope that they can witstand Plaga. The Soldiers came closer. I couldnt belive my own Eyes. An young boy runned to the Soldier. His eyes all lighted up in Hope. "Are you here to save us." The Soldiers Face was hiddender his Helmet. But i could see how he raised his Sword. Without an thought i runned to the Boy and Stand before the Soldier.

He hesitated for an moment but then his Sword begun to raise. "Run Boy, dont look back just run." Terrified the Boy runned away. But it was meaningsless if Plaga doesent helped us. Before me an Dark Shadow appeared. Plaga she was here to Protect me. Her claws civered in blood, she destroyed the Sword thdn she grapped me and we both dissapeared into the Shadows. We stand high above the Sky again. With Tears in my Eyes i spoke to her. "Plaga please you cant just watch you must do Something." Her voice was cold like never before.

"I will Priest, trust in me. But the time isnt right. The People of Lotringen they all need to see the Cruellity the Church and The King Brings. Dont worry my childen will be all save the Night. The King will find out herdered only his n People." I couldnt belive what she spoke. As we watched from above to the below i saw what she meant. Those who got murdered Didnt weared their Sign. It was the their own people Soldiers and Priests. Who only looked like Plagas Childs. Was she really that Powerful to trick our all eyes.

"My Childs are all gathered below in the Forgotten City under Lotringen." For an shhort moment she smiled. We watched as the Soldiers yelled: "Cleanse the City from all the unholy Ones." They burned every House marked with an X down. While the Priests chanted: "Be gone evil Spirits. O Lord bring back our Light, protect your Servants of Light." Now i understood why she had choosen me. I wasnt like them, i know my God would have never done this. In this Night also my Faith has died. Never i thought i will wpuld say this to Plaga.

"I see now clearer then eber Before. The Darkness is no End, because in the Darkness alone will find true Light alone. In the Light alone we find only True Darkness.

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