Proyect: Bland King - Ayanokouji Kiyotaka en Blue Lock

Chapter 41: Chapter 40: A Masterpiece Reborn

From his booth, Kiyotaka's father looked at the sight before him.

Atsuomi Ayanokouji: (This type of football is intense; I'll give you that. Regardless of the outcome, I'll have to throw away Yagami. If he can't perform against those defective products from Blue Lock, then he has no use in our organization. You've truly changed, my son. I approve of your new-found determination, but to put it all into a sport for leisure... is pathetic. You're meant for much more than to entertain these plebians. So, take this loss, end your dreams, and cease your revolution. It's over.)

Hirotoshi Buratsuta: How are you liking the match, Mr. Ayanokouji-san?

Atsuomi sighed, drinking another glass and glaring over to the JFU Chairman. 

Atsuomi: Your shenanigans were unbecoming and unprofessional but warranted. I'm pleased with the match before me. Aside from a capital investment perspective, I've had no interest in professional sports, but its chaotic nature has charm. I'll continue to supply more funds to the program as per our agreement. Only ten minutes are remaining. There better not be any deviations. 

Sweating profusely, Hirotoshi smiled nervously. 

Hirotoshi: Of course!  




Sae celebrated his 'explosion', sliding across the ground and holding out his arms to the ecstatic fans jumping up and down in cheers.

Shido: You're like a whole new you, I'm jealous~ 

The rest of the U-20 all joined Sae's celebration as they huddled all over him, screaming alongside him. 

As for the Blue Lock Eleven, desperation and bewilderment seeped through their psyche.

Kiyotaka stood there, taking in the atmosphere of the match. Despite his best efforts, despite the plays he constructed, and despite his resolve, the match still seemed to be out of reach. They needed two goals in less than ten minutes and with Aiku in flow alongside Itoshi Sae, the hopes for a turnaround were now completely grim. 

Droplets of sweat trickled down from each of these desolate players. Playing at such a high pace for 80 minutes would leave anyone utterly exhausted. It was taking their all to remain on their feet. And now their motivation was waning.

Nagi: Really? Are you serious?

Baro: This fucking prick. 

Rin: ...

Isagi: (No! This can't end with that bastard going into flow! This isn't how we go out!)

Karasu: How are we gonna get through their defense twice in ten minutes?

Arryu: (The stage for my shining light is... dwindling)

Reo: (Fuck, and after all that, I couldn't stop him.)

Chigiri: All that work and for what...

Bachira: This is ridiculous...

Gagamaru: I couldn't... react to it. 

They all looked at one another, looking for any grasp of hope. And sadly there was nothing to hold onto. Soon, they would lose this game, Blue Lock would close down, and the new aces of Japan, Sae and Shido, would take over this lukewarm nation. 

And there was no-

Kiyotaka: You can all quit it with the self-loathing. It's absolutely disgusting. 

Rin, Baro, Isagi, Nagi, Karasu, Niko, Arryu, Bachira, and Chigiri all looked in complete bewilderment.

Sae, Shido and the rest of the U-20 Japan looked on at the sight before them. 

After raising his voice, Kiyotaka cracked his neck and stretched. The sweat pouring down his face was wiped away and he glared at the pathetic sight in front of him. 

Kiyotaka: Why are we all here?

Everyone: ....

Kiyotaka: What are your aspirations? What are your desires? What are the dreams that have kept you all here? What has you killing yourselves every day in Blue Lock, all in the name of the lunatic we call a coach? 

They were all too stunned to speak. Lurking in the abyss of certain defeat, a dim light emerged. 

Kiyotaka: These goals we all have, embedded into our very souls, have not even scratched the surface of reality. They are locked away in a cage and we have yet to reach the flimsy key. It lurks in the far reaches of a mountain peak and we need to climb and scrape away at the edges.

Kiyotaka: I detest the past I knew before football. I have no plans of taking a step back and returning to that prison. This game is all I have left, that we all have left. What's the use for feelings of despair when we're still alive? We're still here today with ten minutes to change the world. Blue Lock is designed for a single striker to emerge as the ace of Japan, but there won't be an ace from our ranks if we lose here today. Now's the time where the game is at its most chaotic. Now is the time where the plays break down. Now is the time to break the mold and stand out. Now is the time for a hero to emerge. 

He pointed at the rest of Blue Lock. 

Kiyotaka: Anyone who doesn't share the same vision as me can exit the match. I don't care if I have to do it all myself. That's what it means... to be a man with ego. 

Turning around, he started heading back to his position.


From behind Kiyotaka, Rin held his shoulder with a strong grip. 

Rin: I didn't need your cringy speech to incite anything in me. I still haven't destroyed that fucking brother of mine. And I don't intend to lose my chance now. So don't act all high and mighty. You're nothing special. Just don't fuck up your defensive assignment again and pass to me. 

Isagi: Use me, Kiyotaka! I know we can turn this game around. 

Baro: Send me another pass like you did before, bland servant. 

Nagi: Look my way too. 

Karasu: I'll support you from the middle with Sae. Just because he's in flow doesn't mean he's invincible. 

Reo: I'll do better on my assignment too. I won't fuck up a second time. 

Arryu: I'll keep shining. 

Bachira: Hehe, our One-man army's right. We still have alot more fun in store~

Chigiri: They can't handle my speed. I'll support you, Kiyotaka. 

Gagamaru: Another shot isn't getting past me. 

Kiyotaka: Actions speak louder than words. The time for excuses is over. All that matters is the dopamine we get from an explosion. 






Kiyotaka and Rin, standing in the middle of the field, checked the ball, resuming the game. 

Immediately, Kiyotaka was met by Sae, Yagami, and Shido. 

Isagi: (It's no good. They're sticking to him like glue. They know he's the orchestrator of our attack so if they cut him off, our offense is dead.)


To the right of Kiyotaka, Chigiri dashed forward, taking the ball into the heart of the opposing team's midfield. 

Sae: Why pass? Are you going to stick to an orchestrator for the entire game? For all your shit-talk, you're the one playing like a midfielder now. 

Yagami: Just admit defeat, Ayanokouji-senpai. There's just not enough time. 

Shido looked on, understanding the look in Kiyotaka's eyes. 

Shido: (Come on, Kiyo~. I thought I wasn't gonna see your flow because you ascended past the rest of us in skill. Now you have a challenge. What's the hold up? Snag me away from Sae's clutches and win. Prove him wrong. Lemme see your explosion!)

Chigiri cut through and immediately got double-teamed by both Hayate and Sendo. Nagi, Baro, and Isagi cut through and forward, looking for their own goal.

Bachira met eyes with Chigiri who sent a dart pass in his direction. 

Bachira: Let's have a dance~

Yagami immediately pushed forward as Shido stayed locked to Kiyotaka. Sae, unknown to almost everyone, unstuck himself from Kiyotaka and charged forward to Rin's direction. 

Bachira cut across and completed multiple stepovers. Yagami, trying desperately to kill the attack at the source, slid across in a tackle only to notice the ball cleaving through the opposite side of his body. 

Bachira swiftly turned on the dime, using a cruyff turn. 

Bachira smirked. 

Bachira: You make a better skater with you aimlessly throwing yourself around. 


An incredibly quick pass forward to an open space had Kiyotaka swiftly control it. 

Kiyotaka: (Aren't I determined enough? Haven't I wanted this game enough? I've struggled and used every weapon at my disposal, yet I can't enter flow.)


From the middle of the pitch, Kiyotaka sent a fast-paced, beautifully placed pass that dropped in a circular arc. 

Rin, Isagi, and Baro all went to claim the ball. However, they all didn't react to the play at hand. Because you see, only those that have been gifted transcendent peripheral vision, could bypass the play, before it even materialized. 

And Sae was one of those greats. 


Sae killed the attack before it even had a chance at a shot. He was in flow and on the counterattack. 

Sae: Lukewarm. 

Isagi: Everyone back! Defend!!!!!!!

The multiple bodies in front of him paraded around, trying to form any semblance of a defense. Kiyotaka saw it all, from the vantagepoint of a midfielder. 

Kiyotaka: (What am I even thinking about? Flow isn't some power you can consistently use like a special attack in a game. This is real life. And in real life, things just aren't fair. Why else would the one time I get lucky happen to be the debut of Itoshi Sae's flow?)

Sae's evasive dribbling sliced through both Rin and Karasu as Blue Lock were getting completely diced through the middle. Kiyotaka attempted to push through and guard Sae, but he was found out instantly, and nutmegged. Sae had the initiative and took it. 

 Suddenly, the field of play began to narrow and dissolve at reality-breaking speeds. It all seemed to shift into slow-motion.

Shido, one foot away from Kiyotaka, smiled at him. 

Kiyotaka: (The first time I achieved flow, I did so by mistake. It just happened, like everything else in that fateful game. Rin had evolved into something malicious and cut through our formation. And had it not been for Raichi, that would have been the end. It was through my determination to play with you that I broke through and attained flow. It was the same case for the second time and then the most recent one as well. Each and every iteration of my flow was in response to you. This game, this stage, all of it was about you. Sure, I wanted to win all the same for my own reasons. I certainly had the incentive to do so. But, in the end, Ego was right. Ever since that fateful day, my ego has always been linked to you, Ryusei. So, it's pointless to dream about something I can't control.)

Sae bolted past Kiyotaka and stormed through, closer to the penalty box. With their attack being repelled so completely, Blue Lock didn't have the necessary time to reestablish their defensive line. So only Reo and Arryu remained alongside their acclaimed keeper, Gagamaru.

Reo and Arryu looked on and saw their challenge in front of them. It was Itoshi Sae, in complete flow, with a new prerogative. It was the destruction of Blue Lock through sheer dribbling hell. 

Sidestep after stepover, followed by a scissor cut and then a 360-degree turn, shook Arryu and Reo completely off. 

All that amounted from Kiyotaka's speech was just the same outcome as before: a demolition job brought to you by Itoshi Sae. 

Kiyotaka: (After all my talk, that's all that it amounted to. Just talk.)


Sae hit the ball perfectly through the middle, as it curved towards the goal. 


Despite his determination, Gagamaru had dived in the wrong direction, failing once again. 

Gagamaru: (I've let us down too many times in this game. I might be new to this, but it's no excuse. Come on, my instincts, let me be free. LET ME SAVE THIS SHOT! THEN WE MIGHT HAVE A CHANCE!)

Sae's eyes widened. His vision tried to make sense of the information that he attained from this exchange. The stance Gagamaru took seemed almost akin to a bear. 

Despite initially diving one way, Gagamaru acrobatically jumped again. 

Gagamaru: GAGAMARU PUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A hint of electricity reflected from Gagamaru's eyes. For just the tiniest of windows, he had placed his all into the play in front of him. He had utilized flow for 0.5 of a second. 


Sae: (This guy...)

Gagamaru: SECOND BALL!!!!! WE HAVE A CHANCE!!!!!

Kiyotaka's eyes widened. Throughout it all, Kiyotaka's words and skill as a leader permeated through his team. 

Gagamaru: Kiyotaka! I stand with you! Let's win!

Kiyotaka: (Win...)

Shido: Thank you for the leftovers, Sae-chan~

With his incredible spatial awareness, Shido reached the displaced ball. 


Hitting the direct shot immediately, it traveled closer and closer to the goal. Gagamaru, after his fantastic save, needed time to recover. 

Gagamaru: (Shit, I don't know if it's up or down. And even if I did, there's no time to react to it-) 

Reo and Nagi: AHHHHHHHHHH!!!



In the last moment, Reo hit the ball away with his head, saving the goal yet again. Nagi, coming from the depths of forgetfulness, covered the bottom of the goal in case it was a low shot. 



Both Kiyotaka and Sae moved at the same time, dashing towards the ball.

Sae: I guess that's as far as you go. I wanted you to be the one I can give my greatest pass too. But that's not necessary anymore. I've realized my dream so I will destroy you and continue on with becoming the world's best striker. 

Kiyotaka: (The whole point of Blue Lock is to find the best striker. I won't do that be playing this passive. I'm just reverting back to who I was before... just a naive boy with no set aspirations in mind. That's not who I wanted to be when I set it all aside, when I embraced my ego for the first time.)

The pair itched closer and closer to the ball. Whoever won this exchange would essentially win the entire match. It was all riding on this. 

Kiyotaka: (I didn't want to admit it, nor did I want to change it. I was thinking too narrow with my original flow. In that moment, I strived to play to simply play another match with Shido, my friend. A pathetic goal like that isn't in the cards for me now.)

Figuratively, Kiyotaka's entire body started to dissolve into numbers and code. 

Kiyotaka: (Everything I've gone through, everything I've learned, has been for this moment right now. Set aside the past. Set aside my emotions. Set aside my relationships. What saved me from the prison that awaited me in the past? What saved me from the sheer boredom of utter complacency? What saved me from the depths of mediocrity?)

He widened his eyes as his body started to act on instinct yet again. 

Kiyotaka: (It was football. The sport of football saved me. And in order to give it its proper respect, I'll become the best... and leave everyone else in the dust.)


80,000 fans quieted down in that moment, as they would soon be blessed, with a sight only witnessed in the mythos of folklore. 

Kiyotaka: I was wrong to use football as a means to attain something else entirely. It's time I stay true to the person I am now. 

He pushed forward, completely passing through Sae as a smile creeped onto his face. 

Kiyotaka: A striker. 

Casting it all away, forsaking it to the abyss of neglect, and understanding his true purpose, Kiyotaka opened the iron door to his goal with his flimsy key, finally accepting his throne as Blue Lock's Masterpiece. 

He had now joined Aiku and Itoshi Sae, with his very own... true flow. 





In the U-20's training camp locker room, the two were changing in silence until Shido broke it. 

Shido: Kiyo's the one you really want. The little vibe that you're giving off just isn't genuine. You really think I wouldn't know? My intuition is pretty good on anything Kiyo-related. 

Sae: His physical stats are near perfect; his intuition and soccer IQ are already at the world-level, and his individual talent and weapons seem to be endlessly vast. However, his mentality is the crux of it all, really. This is where you and he differ. You already have the right mentality. He doesn't. 

Shido: You wanna mold him into that mentality so you can use him in the future. 

Sae: More or less. If he were to adapt a striker's mentality, Japan wouldn't need to look for another solution. Making the world's greatest pass to the world's greatest striker, is something only possible through him. 

Shido scoffed, smiling. 

Shido: Look at you, throwing me and your little brother under the bus. I'm hurt. 

Sae: So, why bring this all up? It doesn't change a single aspect of my game plan. 

Shido: I wanna place a bet. 

Sae sighed. 

Sae: I already have one idiotic captain's bet to worry about. He's the reason you're on the bench. I don't need another annoyance-

Shido: It's for ownership of Kiyo. 

Sae: What nonsense are you spouting now, demon?

Shido: I've seen his flow now three times. You haven't faced him in person. The only thing you got is tapes of his flow. You probably were thinking about this too, facing him and relishing in this flow. So why not make it a game? Let's get him to enter flow. 

Sae: And then what?

Shido snickered. 

Shido: Then we fight to see which one of us can crush it. The first one to beat him at full power claims him in both our eyes... and his eyes. 

***End of Flashback***

From their own penalty box, Gagamaru, Reo, Nagi, and Arryu all widened their eyes at the sight in front of them. The aura emulating from Kiyotaka had changed drastically. A dull, golden color now became a bright, lively tint. His eyes, divulging countless information, and a genuine smile at the realization of his insurmountable potential, were apparent. 

Isagi: (No way... Kiyotaka's in flow. We need to take advantage of this.)

Sae and Shido, recovering from the initial change in gears, and charged after him. 


Before Sae and Shido could meet Kiyotaka's initial push, Yagami, the forgotten one, emerged. 

Yagami: The game's finished! Can't you see that? You've wasted your time! It's over-



Yagami: Huh...

Almost instantaneously, Yagami felt his legs give out and a tendon physically snapping from his right leg. The quick shift from 0 to 100 from Kiyotaka nutmegged him and bypassed his entire figure in 0.5 seconds. 

 Kiyotaka, smiling through it all, continued his solo escapade. 

Yagami, on the other hand, was left writhing at the ground, the only thing he could grasp from their brief exchange, is the pain of a torn ACL. 

Normally, the ref would stop play from such an injury, but just like his previous nature insinuated, his presence was completely forgotten from all parties. 

Reaching out with his hand, all he could see was Kiyotaka's back, the closest he'll ever reach to greatness. 

Shido: Wait for me, Kiyo~

Sae: (It's finally here. Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's true flow. Prove it was worth the wait.)

Isagi and the others, understanding the change in tempo, all scattered, going on their own knowing Kiyotaka would find them with one of his perfect passes. However, this ploy didn't work. 

This ominous aura wasn't just realized by his own teammates. It was very apparent to the U-20 team as a whole, that the presence before them had gone past their wildest of dreams. 

Bachira: (Let's see it again, one-man-army. Time to show everyone what ya got~)

Sae and Shido circled around the newly reborn Kiyotaka like a pack of wolves encircling their prey. 

Kiyotaka lunged forward and completed an array of stepovers followed by an inside, between the legs cut to the left known by fans as 'The Okocha'. 

A speed hovering on the likes of Loki, followed by the beauty and technical skill of Luna, cut through the duo with relative ease. 

Shido struggled forward to contain him while Sae shoulder blocked from behind. Sendo, now realizing the impending doom in front of them, pushed forward to go from the front. 

Sae: (You gravure-idol loving brat, he tricked you.)

With a fourth person added into the chaos, Kiyotaka glared at him with open eyes, almost like he was experiencing an enlightenment of sorts. 

Everything seemed to move into slow-motion yet again, as Kiyotaka performed a semi-rainbow. Before it flipped over his head, he tapped it to the side and performed Sae's cross elastico midair. 

Sendo, not even registering the ball moving at all, stood in bewilderment as his corpse blocked Sae and Shido for a split second. 

Shido: (Hehehe, un-fucking believable. I didn't even see it move.)

Sae: (Effortlessly dispatching us by using our own teammate, it's the same gameplan he had during his World Five match. His thinking process is a step ahead of mine, even now.)

This, however, was false. Kiyotaka's thinking process wasn't a step ahead of Itoshi Sae's. There was no process to it in the first place. Actions were brought forth without a shred of time wasted on trivial planning. 

All of it... was by sheer instinct. Cho, another completely forgotten player in the chaos of the match, dared to stand as an obstacle. 

The very same smile shined through, as Kiyotaka changed his pace and exploded, cutting through Cho as cleanly as a steak knife through a ribeye. 

Sae and Shido rushed back to defend Kiyotaka but the distance between them was growing by the second. 



Kiyotaka was rewarded with his breakthrough by the U-20's undivided attention. Karasu, Bachira and Chigiri cut in all different directions, only for Hayate to ignore it all alongside Sendo, Sae, and Shido who chased after him from behind. 

Bachira: (This guy, he's not planning on passing at all. Is he tryna make it through using only his individual play? How egoistic.)

Karasu: (He's livin up to his name, taking on the whole team by himself.)

Hayate: (What direction are you go-)

As Kiyotaka pushed through body after body, his eyes stopped registering players and only visualized one single thing: his goal. 

Hayate stuck out his foot only for Kiyotaka to spin, lift the ball forward from the ground, and completed a rainbow. All Hayate could comprehend was the ball appearing and disappearing as quickly as it arrived.

Now already past the midfield and inching closer and closer to the penalty box, Kiyotaka was enjoying himself. Releasing all forms of shackles allowed him to taste true freedom.

Baro: SERVANT!!!! I'M OPEN!!!!!

Rin: Right here, midfielder. Look only at me.

Using this situation to their advantage, Baro, Rin and Isagi all sprinted forward in different directions, all anticipating Kiyotaka's pass.

Isagi: (Good, this can work! With Kiyotaka's presence, they're bound to double-team him. But they can't ignore three strikers heading into the penalty box. We have them on the ropes-)

Unlike Isagi's insight, Aiku didn't care for the trivial aspects of planning. He led the charge, alongside the rest of the defensive line. 

As Kiyotaka arrived close to the penalty box, Aiku, Niou, Darai, and Teppei all surrounded him, completely ignoring the stray strikers who had the advantage. 


Hirata: There it is! They took the bait. Now he can just send an easy pass up and the score's tied!

Sato: Yeah!

Sudo: He doesn't look like he's passing. 

Horikita: He's right. Those eyes aren't looking at his teammates. They're just staring down the goalkeeper at this point. 

Hirata: They have three strikers going into the box free. It'd be foolish to not take advantage of this. 

Kei: Exactly. 


Aiku: You're not going anywhere, robber. I have you on lockdown. Try me. 

Kiyotaka didn't care to comment. His smile and crazily fanatical eyes did the rest. Sae, Shido, and Sendo inched closer to him from behind. 

Sae: (What are you going to do now that your first option has been cut off?)

Aiku, still in flow, pushed past the rest of his defensive line, and charged at Kiyotaka. 

Kiyotaka: (It's too late, captain. You had the right thought, but it means nothing if you don't have the body to stop my attack. Nobody does.)

Sae, Shido and Sendo inched closer, as Isagi looked on. 

Isagi: (Come on Kiyotaka! You said you'd find me and to trust in you. I'm open-)


Aiku's eyes widened as Kiyotaka stopped his dribble and pull the ball up inches off the ground. 

Aiku: (Right or left?)

It was neither. 

Kiyotaka saw a red carpet lining the ground in front of him, all the way to the goal. It wouldn't be a struggle, rather, a welcoming invitation. 

With the whole action taking a little under a second, Kiyotaka completed a series of step overs and showed the entire planet, an entirely unique dribbling move that had not yet been granted a name. Analyzing the footage after the fact, Soccer analysts came to a consensus that he used three elements for this masterpiece: a cross elastico, split turn, followed by a roulette. This, coupled with the instant acceleration, allowed Kiyotaka to cleanly materialize on the other side, right past the conglomerate of players.

Isagi: (Holy fucking shit!) 

Sae, and Shido's eyes widened as they saw Kiyotaka emerge from the Iron Wall, completely unscathed. Darai, Niou, and Teppei who unleashed sliding tackles moments prior, collided with one another. They couldn't even whiff the ball. 

Sae: (It's beautiful. The movements aren't sporadic, just instinctual. I was right to have my interest lie in you. I'll give this round to you, egoist.)

Kiyotaka broke through completely and plunged into the penalty box. His movements too quick for the normal fan to even comprehend, all that remained in his path was the goalkeeper. 


Struggling and running on pure fumes and instinct, Aiku didn't stagnate and clump with the rest of the Iron Wall and the U-20. Instead he pushed through and clashed shoulders with Kiyotaka. 

He wouldn't relent, not in his state. 

Kiyotaka: I have to give credit where credit's due. You're good. 

Dropping back and changing his speed from 100 to 0, it pulled Aiku off his side and almost made his legs split open wide. He struggled to maintain his balance. 


The ball moved to the left, in a lazy and sluggish manor. Aiku, seeing the play through, rushed forward. 


He stuck his leg out with immense speed. However, the ball merely vanished from his sight. 

Aiku: Wha...

Kiyotaka: But I'm better, Aiku. 


Replicating one of the most iconic moves in the history of the Champion's league, Kiyotaka changed directions from the left to the right at such a dazzling speed, that Aiku's vision failed him, and he contorted around, falling to the ground like a tumbling tree.

From a single sight of Messi's iconic dribbling sequence against Boateng in the 2015 Champion's League Semi Finals, Kiyotaka now added it as just another weapon. 

Fukaku, the final line of defense as the goalkeeper, felt a suffocating fear for the first time in his life. The Kiyotaka in front of him appeared like the grim reaper, and he was the unrulily soul that would be brought to the afterlife. 

Despite his great fear and wanting to vomit from the insurmountable pressure, Fukaku didn't relent. 

Fukaku: I HAVE YOU!!!!!!

Sliding and meeting Kiyotaka before he could shoot the ball, he was sure that despite his skill, the play was dead. 

Fukaku: (Wait! Where's the ball? It's not at his feet?! Where is it-)


The ball, leaving Kiyotaka's feet the moment Fukaku had rushed forward, cleaved through the middle of the unlucky goalkeeper's feet, rolling right into the net. 

Fukaku: Impossible...

Kiyotaka jumped over Fukaku who fell down to the ground, his face eating alot of grass after tripping when the ball went between his legs. 

Blue Lock Eleven [4] - U-20 Japan [4]



The Entire Iron Quartet, the prodigy and member of the New Gen 11, and the Hatrick Supersub, all stared back to Kiyotaka with their mouths wide open. 

Not skipping a beat, Kiyotaka leapt again and onto a row's flat railing. To his former classmate's surprise, it was the same railing of their seats.

They couldn't find the words to even scream. Right in front of her, Kei looked up to see her sweaty boyfriend, encompassed in the blinding lights of the stadium. 

However, Kiyotaka didn't land on this row to celebrate with his past classmates. No, it was for a completely different reason altogether. 

The rest of the Blue Lock Eleven charged forward to celebrate with Kiyotaka but noticed he was now in the bleachers and stared up to him from a sense of admiration for his super goal. 

Isagi smiled. 

Isagi: (I've never seen him this happy before. This is the real Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. Dismantling everything in his path and scoring all on his own. That's his true ego, his true flow.)

Standing up and holding out his hand in a gesture, Kiyotaka glared up at the VIP rows ahead, meeting eyes with his father. He looked completely taken aback from his behavior, now sitting up from his seat and dropping his glass of wine on the ground, shattering it. The JFU chairman gritted his teeth, sulking and holding it in like an angry infant. 

Kiyotaka: Thank you for all the lessons and experiences. They've served me well. But I'm not your clone. Stop trying to live your childhood dreams of perfection through me. It's pathetic. Unlike you, I won't be a failure. So, this will be the last thing I'll ever say to you. 

Holding out a thumbs down right to his father, Kiyotaka uttered his final words to the failure his father had become. 

Kiyotaka: Fuck off. 

From the Blue Lock Bench, all Anri and Ego could hear were the crowd's chants as people now flooded over to where Kiyotaka was celebrating, almost breaking apart the railings and seats through the sheer amount of people. 

Hirata and the others were almost squished at the weight of thousands of fans standing up from their seats and rushing towards the now celebrating Kiyotaka in a frenzy. 

???: KIYOTAKA!!!! 

???: LET'S GO!!!!! CRUSH THEM!!!!!

???: JAPAN'S ACE!!!!!

???: GOATTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!

Kei: Ah, there's too many people! 

Before Kiyotaka, were hundreds of hands, trying to grasp at his flesh. In a single attack, he had become their new hero. And in response to such praise, he didn't bat an eye. 

Ego stood from his seat on the bench, clenching his fist. 

Anri couldn't hold her excitement and threw her clipboard away as she celebrated Kiyotaka's goal. Jumping up and down vivaciously, she pumped her hands out and yelled out of the top of her lungs. 

Ego: Welcome to the world stage, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. 



Time: 85 min


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