Proyect: Bland King - Ayanokouji Kiyotaka en Blue Lock

Chapter 42: Chapter 41: Clash of Prodigies



I didn't want it all to go like this. 

Because my big brother... was the kindest person in the world... 

I swore that I'd be right there with you, as the best strikers in the world...

I swore that I'd catch up to you...

To be someone who can take on the world...

But it wasn't enough...

I lost and was abandoned by my big brother, like a disgusting pile of shit...

Football was pointless without him since I only wanted to stay by his side. Being thrown away as trash... after everything we've been through... I hated it. He ruined our dream. He ruined my dream. 

So, I wanted to ruin his. I played football... crush Itoshi Sae's dream. 

***End of Flashback***


Rin: (And after all my ambition, he goes and changes his dream, the dream he wanted enough to throw me away... just because of you...)

Rin looked on at the view in front of him, watching Kiyotaka stand in the midst of the crowd, like their messiah. 

The erupting sounds of the crowd didn't relent, as everywhere Kiyotaka looked, hundreds of hands from the jeering fans continued to pester his sight. However, something strange entered his range of sight. Koenji, gliding across the heads of numerous fans, greeted to new Kiyotaka. 

Koenji: Not bad, Ayanokouji-boy~! Don't you feel good letting go like that?

Jumping up and down, and waving her hands veraciously, Ichinose tried to get Kiyotaka's attention. Kanzaki had to calm her down. 

Arisu, calmly from her seat, couldn't hide a smile. She quietly cheered for this new Kiyotaka.

Ryuen celebrated in his own way, by screaming out about how much money he would make with another goal. 

Kei, on the other hand alongside Sato, finally recovered from the stampede of fans and screamed out his name. 

However, it did no good. Either he couldn't hear their voices, or he didn't really care to hear their input, Kiyotaka put down his hand and turned around, jumping back into the field of play.

The rest of the team joined in and huddled around Kiyotaka. 

Kiyotaka: Celebrations are over. We're still tied. Let's give these last five minutes our all.


A referee came by and lifted up a yellow card for excessive celebration interfering with the field of play. 



Kiyotaka walked past Rin, who looked over to him. 

Kiyotaka: What? Are you sulking just because I defeated your brother before you? Grow up. If that's all your dream entails, then you're better off just sitting on the sidelines. 

Rin: Fuck yo-

Kiyotaka: And if you can dream more than that, show the world. There's still five minutes left to leave your imprint on this game. 

On the other side of the field, The U-20 was left a mess. In the chaos of Kiyotaka's celebration, Yagami was brought out of the field on a stretcher, his ACL completely torn from trying to turn around and defend True Flow Kiyotaka. 

And despite this, not a single mention of his substitution for a random substitute was ever mentioned or acknowledged, not even from the commentators. 

Aiku was helped off the ground not by the rest of his Iron Quartet, but from Itoshi Sae. 

Sae: I take full blame. It won't happen again, captain. 

Aiku: Huh?

Sae: You did well to react to him even in that state. Take solace in that. 

Shido: Yeah, ya did much better than me. Couldn't even see him~ 

Sae: Then that has to change. You're being left in the dust. 

Shido: Heh, ya don't think I know that? But seeing how he fucked over both of us, looks like I'm not the only one. 

The rest of the U-20 team joined up as Aiku addressed all of them. 

Aiku: All his goal did was tie the game. We still have a chance. If we lose this match, our positions will be hijacked. Let's send these highschoolers back to class. 

Everyone: YEAH!!!

Shido, reliving the moments of Kiyotaka's brilliance from before, smiled somewhat sadly. 

Shido: Ya really are leaving me in the dust, huh? Throwing away it all, how egoistic. 

But despite that, it wasn't giving him any pleasure. Despite the incredible explosion he just witnessed, it didn't do anything for him. It was weird but it had an explanation. But it wasn't something even Shido wanted to acknowledge. 






Isagi, standing in the wing, continued to witness the events before him unfold.

Isagi: (I had two chances from Kiyotaka's passes and fucked up. The way he is right now, I don't think he'll pass to me. I believe we'll win, but I won't leave my mark in this game. I need to make him pass to me.)

Itoshi Sae checked the ball to Shido who immediately passed it back to Sae as he pushed forward. 

Immediately, Kiyotaka emerged in front of Itoshi Sae. With Aiku's emersion in flow terminated through Kiyotaka's world-class dribbling sequence, only Sae and Kiyotaka remained in True Flow. 

The two met eyes, but instead of casting insults, they smiled. 

Sae: Think you can stop me now? 

Kiyotaka: We'll just have to see, right?

Shido's eyes widened at the sight in front of him.

Immediately, the two monsters with their transcendent peripheral visions, and true flow, completely blitz through the unsettled Shido, leaving him standing and wondering what had happened. 

The events in front of him, opened up his mind like never before, allowing him to see deeper into his subconscious, like never before. 


Shido POV

Why was I the only one to feel ecstasy from football?

My coach kept nagging at me to pass to everyone else, but what did that serve? They were just gonna miss and fuck up because they're shit. I'll just score and they can join me on a ride to nationals-

Coach: Your playstyle is becoming too much for your fellow teammates. For our nationals, we're going to bring you in as a sub if need be. 

After solely bringing this useless team a game before nationals, they put me on the bench? Really? That's the funniest joke I've ever heard~. Ah, well good luck to ya all. 


I laughed my ass off. It was too funny. When the score got to 3-0, my coach was begging like a fucking whore for my release. Then I just told him to fuck off and let him ruin his own job like the fucking retard he was. 

And sure enough, those npc's came crawling out of hell to blame the whole thing on me. 

???: Why didn't you enter the game? We would have had a chance?

???: You couldn't even accept your role as a sub?

???: Guess you're not as good as you led on-


They pissed me off, so I beat them up, enough to get them in the hospital for excessive brain damage. Hehe, not like I made them even dumber than they already were. 

But it gave my coach the excuse to take me off the team completely and those loser's parents bitched me out to the police. It all was pretty fucking annoying. 

Sitting in my shitty room, alone like always, I get a letter in the mail. Something about a program or whatever. Might as well try it out before I get charges pressed on me. 

I walked in that facility and bumped into this lanky fuck I didn't really care much about. I glared at him, and he glared back at me, a face of no emotion whatsoever. It was a blank face, an innocent, white canvas. Seemed incredibly boring to me at first. 

Then I got a better look at him in the beginning of the second selection, and I could tell he got a couple of droplets of color on that canvas of his.

My curiosity got the better of me and I wanted to mold him with my explosions myself. I could tell he didn't really know a lot about football by his mentality. It was kinda half-baked for the sport when we teamed up, but it got... pretty exciting. 

I will never forget the electricity I felt when we connected on our very first chemical reaction. I almost climaxed from the foreplay prior to the explosion alone. 

And then we got to face that incest lover and almost lost to him. In that moment, a bucket of paint spilled all over the white canvas and turned it gold. 

His flow... was the best.... it was so intoxicating he made me reach that same high as well. We won and I got to see the first glimpse at an egoistic Kiyo. I couldn't get enough of it. 

The World Five, and then our two matches in that training selection shit... it was always the two of us and nothing else. 

Finally, ya tried to defend me against Sae, even going to beat him up before I laid down a blow on him. We really had a great run. 

I guess we really did, huh?

***End of Flashback***

Rin charged forward to guard against his brother, only to be nutmegged and left in his and Kiyotaka's dust. 

With his instantaneous adaptability, Kiyotaka shoulder blocked Sae and pushed him into a double team opportunity with Karasu. 

This was when the rest of the U-20 went into a full-field press. With the game winding down to the very last minutes, defense didn't matter. Their only objective was to win. 

Darai, Aiku, Teppei, and Niou abandoned their positions and charged forward joining Itoshi Sae, Sendo, and Shido. 

Arryu: They're throwing everything they have. Don't falter and reveal your dazzling genius, Reo. 

Reo: They won't get past me.

Sae, using the extra personnel, sent a quick pass through both Karasu and Kiyotaka towards Sendo who passed it along a line toward Aiku. 

Sae and Kiyotaka moved in unison, each of them knowing where the other was going. 

Aiku, looking towards Hayate, gently tapped it over as Bachira and Chigiri doubled him immediately. 

Without a way out, he sent a clumsy lob forward towards Shido. However, before he can trap it with his spatial awareness, Kiyotaka stormed through, his eyes beaming with an unshakable aura. 

Kiyotaka: Stand aside. 

All Shido could do was look on as Kiyotaka intercepted the pass and sprinted forward in a counterattack. 

Aiku: Everyone fall back!

Immediately, Isagi, Baro, and Rin bolted forward, all the while Bachira and Chigiri provided support to Kiyotaka on both sides. 

Itoshi Sae, however, was not going to relent. In this exact moment, he was searching for his goal. 

Sae: I won't be settling for a measly draw. The one who'll win this game, will be me. By killing you, I will become Japan's striker. 

Kiyotaka: Give it your best shot. 

A magical array of stepovers soon followed, as Sae's eyes were working overtime keeping up with the direction of the ball. 

Eventually, it stopped as Kiyotaka lunged forward. Sae met his advance and cut back, sliding through and almost taking the ball for himself. 

Instead, Kiyotaka completed a Cruyff turn and stepped aside from Sae's grasp before he could shoulder block him. 

A change in speed coupled with a roulette and an air elastico saw Kiyotaka secure a smidge of room through Sae as he grimaced and attempted to perform a slide tackle. 

This, however, was too late as Kiyotaka saw right through it and cleaved through with full acceleration through a kink in Sae's defense, he exploited using the aforementioned air elastico.

 Now clear of Itoshi Sae, Kiyotaka looked to increase the gap and pave the way for his hattrick. 

Shido: (You're incredible, Kiyotaka. You got that big bro asshole to reset his dream and become a striker again. You got him to go to flow. And you beat him at his own game. The more this game goes, the more the gap grows.)

Bachira: Kiyotaka!

Chigiri: Kiyotaka! 

Isagi: Kiyotaka! 

Shido: (After all our explosions, and chemical reactions, and releases... is this how it ends?)

Both Aiku and Niou arrived in front of Kiyotaka as Itoshi Sae loomed from behind. 

With a single whiff of his eyes, Kiyotaka broke down Aiku's defensive parameters and noticed he had lost flow. 

Cutting in between his legs, and kicking his leg out in a fake pass, Aiku brought his eyes off the ball for a split second. 

And in this split second, Kiyotaka accelerated to 100 percent and speed blitzed him cleanly.


However, the strange phenomenon occurred again. There's no bias when it comes or who it touches because it is there, deep inside all of us.

With every ounce of his soul, in the game's most dire of hours, Shido slide tackled and displaced the ball out of bounds. 

Kiyotaka smiled even wider. 

Kiyotaka: I wouldn't have it any other way. 

In the darkest of moments, clarity remains. 

Shido cackled and yelled. 


The art of his play resurfaced, along with his explosion coming in the wake of his release. 

Ryusei Shido, not wanting to be left behind by his dearest lover, welcomed at his doorstep, the phenomenon known as flow. 




Isagi: (Shido stopped Kiyotaka in his flow state? That means he's also reentered it then. FUCK! If Itoshi Sae and Shido are now in flow, then Kiyotaka and the rest of us are in trouble. I... I have to be the balancing factor here. If no one else is gonna step up, I need to. We can't score if it's 2v1.)

Isagi threw the ball to Kiyotaka as he controlled it perfectly. Immediately both Sae and Shido surrounded Kiyotaka. 

Sae: Let's commence this bet for real now that you grew a pair, Shido. 

Shido: Hehe, ya don't gotta tell me, ~Ni-san~. The one who defeats Kiyotaka right now... owns him!

Kiyotaka: Sorry, I'm not property. 

Taking the two on a trip to hell, Kiyotaka released all of his dribbling weapons at once, looking for different success rates and oriental patterns to bypass the pair. 

Isagi pushed through and got himself open.


Without looking at Isagi, Kiyotaka pushed the ball forward to him as he brought it down decently. 

Sae: A pass huh. 

Shido: A little passive, are we?

Kiyotaka: If I don't have my ideal partner, I'll settle for you Isagi. 

Isagi: (Ideal partner, who's he talking about?)

With the building blocks in play, the rest of the Blue Lock team understood what they needed to do. 

Reo, Arryu, and Karasu pushed forward to join the rest of the attackers as the entire midfield was clumped to the brim with players lunging at each other's throats. 

Rin: (Ideal partner? What the fuck are you spouting while looking right at my face, bastard.)

Moments prior, Kiyotaka stared intently at Rin, almost edging him on. 

The message he was delivering to him was a simple one: What the fuck are you doing?

Since the end of the first half, Rin didn't make much of a dent against his brother. Sure, he was one of Blue Lock's goal scorers, but at the rate the match was going, he was sadly an afterthought. 

An afterthought to the fans... and an afterthought to his own brother.

Isagi: Rin! push forward. We need to help Kiyotaka. 

Rin: Don't tell me what to fucking do, Isagi. I know that much! 


Rin received the ball and dribbled through, being met with both Teppei and Darai. 

On his left, Nagi, Baro, and Bachira pushed on. 

Bachira: Rin! 

Nagi: Rin! Over here! 

Baro: Pass it over here, loser!

Kiyotaka, Sae, and Shido all charged forward, beings of true flow and all.

Rin: (This is getting annoying.)


From outside the box, Rin smashed the ball with all his might as it glided throughout the air and to the right corner of the goal. 


Coming out of nowhere, Shido had cleared feet of space with a jump, heading the ball into the crossbar with his face, blood dripping down his nose. 

He cleaned it off with his finger and cackled. 


Rin: (Go fucking die.)

Isagi: Shit! Counterattack!

Itoshi Sae was the first person to react to the displaced ball as he controlled it prior to landing on the grass. 

Rin lunged forward. 

Rin: Why go for your dream as a striker now, asshole?! You gave up on it already. What right do you have to make things right now?

Sae: I'm not making anything right. Anyone who doesn't amount to my level of play, can go fuck off. Just like you, little brother. 

Multiple stepovers later and an air elastico, Rin widened his eyes as Sae, in true flow, left him in the dust yet again. 

Kiyotaka answered his advancement as he held his hands out. 

Kiyotaka: I'm here. 

Shido joined in on the fun as it was now a 2v1 situation again. No matter how much Isagi and the others wanted to help, it wouldn't work as long as Kiyotaka stood alone as the sole user of flow on Blue Lock.

Shido pushed forward as Sae and he put on a little show of ticky-tack. Kiyotaka's eyes kept peering through, understanding what their gameplay was. In a 1v1, they had no chance of scoring, but together, the needle would definitely be pushed. 

 The two didn't break through, however, as Kiyotaka was holding his own. Isagi introduced himself into the fray, trying to give a helping hand. 

Isagi: I stand by you, Kiyotaka! We will win! 

Shido received the ball from Sae as he cut through Isagi. 

Shido: You're not popping off enough to stop me, Isagi~

Isagi: Damn it!

Bachira and Chigiri: Then how about us?

Both of them emerged from Shido's shadow as his eyes widened. 

Shido: Not bad~


Kiyotaka covered the side where Sae received the pass and shoulder blocked him yet again. Seeing the play in slow-motion, Kiyotaka contorted his body, and stripped the ball away from Sae, much to his annoyance. 

The ball almost rolled out of bounds but was saved by Darai, who controlled it and sent a deep pass over to the penalty box, surprising everybody. 

Kiyotaka, Shido, Sae, and Isagi rushed over to the ball only for it to fall into the feet of the gravure-idol loving idiot. 

Sendo: (Forget getting an idol. That's so basic. I want a Hollywood babe with big tits and a big ass!)


From the border surrounding the penalty box, Sendo shot the ball straight towards the bottom corner in an effort to confuse Gagamaru. 

Reo: We're not losing over a flimsy shot!


Redirecting it into the side post, the ball traveled towards the direction of Kiyotaka, Sae, and Shido. 

Shido: Come on, Kiyo~, show us your speed. 

Kiyotaka: With pleasure. 

And just then. Kiyotaka sprinted forward, passing through both Sae and Shido, reclaiming the ball. 

Kiyotaka glared up at the clock. It was already creeping towards 90 minutes. Soon, they wouldn't have a chance at a goal. 

Kiyotaka: (It makes sense. With my emergence in flow, Shido didn't want to let me go so he met me on a similar level. I'm better than Itoshi Sae but handling two people in flow is a problem. If I had 45 minutes, I could break through but there's only minutes remaining in this game. I don't have time. If nothing changes, this match will end as a draw.)

Kiyotaka pushed the ball forward, now Blue Lock gearing for their counterattack.

Isagi: Come on! Let's go! 

Chigiri: I'll push forward! There's not much time!

Bachira: Let's go out in a bang! 

Karasu: I'm running up too! We need to make this attack work!

Reo: Let's go for the throat!

Arryu: Time for the last act!

Nagi: I'm going all out. 


Rin: ('Ideal Partner'... what was Kiyotaka's ideal partner? I thought this was reserved for someone like that Antenna fuck. So why did he stare at me? Does he think calling for me as his 'ideal partner' is gonna make me obedient to him? Fucking disgusting.)

Kiyotaka dribbled through both Sendo and Cho, glaring forward at Rin. This made his eyes widen. 

Rin: (Look at the rest of these fucks, groveling around and doing whatever they can to win. Calling for their hero to come and save them with their pathetic pleas. All of it, absolutely all of it, is fucking disgusting.)

Sae and Shido emerged again as Kiyotaka faced the pair yet again in the middle of the field. 

Rin: (I am fucking disgusting. What have I been doing? Am I just going to stand by and associate myself with these pathetic fucks? Am I just going to look over at that bland fuck to save our football careers? Am I just going to let that fuck beat me again?)

Kiyotaka completed stepover after stepover, sliding through and trying to confuse both Rin and Shido. 

Rin: (Wasn't I the one who achieved flow first? Didn't I kill him first? Why has he achieved that milestone not once, not twice, not even three times, but now four times? And why was he the one to change my brother? He didn't even care about his existence until he cucked him by taking that fucking antenna fuck.)

Kiyotaka: I'll need to wrap this up. 

Rin: (You're not the one that needs to wrap up shit. The job is all on me. Not Isagi or the rest of those fucks. Not you. Just mine. Winning doesn't mean shit if I didn't accomplish my goal. I've said again and again: I will ruin your life, brother. And I'll continue to strive toward it. I don't need the help of anyone. I am not going to be in debt to someone else. Just thinking about it is making me vomit.)

Kiyotaka dribbled through Shido and arranged his legs to perform a rainbow. 

Rin: (You're not the hero of this game, Kiyotaka. I'm also not your 'Ideal Partner.' I am...)

Before Sae and Kiyotaka could clash yet again, a figure stepped over the grass like a gazelle and slid through, taking the ball right from Kiyotaka. 

Rin: I AM ITOSHI RIN... THE 'EGOIST'!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kiyotaka: That's it. Finally, my backup. 

Sticking out his tongue, wielding eyes of malice, and an ego that could smother any flame, Itoshi Rin exploded onto the scene with his very own destructive flow.







Kiyotaka: (It took a while, but it looks like he finally got the memo. In order for an individual to achieve flow, three things come into play: a realization of their motivations and goal, a complete understanding of one's weapons, and an obstacle that's within reasonable difficulty. Rin achieved all of these parameters against me the first time he achieved flow. And all it took was a little meddling from my part to realize his potential. Now if only I could apply this to that other egoist.)

Sae: You're not that lukewarm anymore, Rin. You got your old look back when we were kids. But it's too late. I've already thrown that all away-

Rin: Kill...Kill...

Itoshi Sae and Shido charged forward to Rin as they attempted to take him down. However, Sae was easily peeled off from Rin by none other than Kiyotaka. 

Kiyotaka: He won't stand to reason the way he is now. So, I'll let him go nuts and make sense of it later. There's just no more time for anything else.

Rin rushed forward, dribbling the ball now in a more chaotic fashion. Throwing away all the fashion and slickness of his dribbles for a chaotic and frenzied playstyle, he was now making ground while never really losing Shido.

Going back to their positions and awaiting the awakened Itoshi Rin, the Iron Wall Quartet stood in opposition. 

Aiku: PRESS!!!!!

Led by their captain, the Iron Wall Quartet, surrounded Itoshi Rin while Shido kept creaping closer. 

Shido: Sorry, I'll only accept a loss if it's Kiyo. You're just an incest loving fuck who lost his brother to my buddy, hehe. 

Rin: KILL...

Shido: Huh? 

Spinning around and cutting through sharply, Shido had to catch himself as his balance was completely broken. Aiku, and Niou, alongside Teppei and Darai, pushed forward and tackled Itoshi Rin. 

Rin: KILL...

Elevating the ball off the ground and cutting through using fast, interchangeable, and chaotic dribbling sequences, the Iron Quartet was given their last dent, cracking open completely. 

In its wake, a gaping hole welcomed it. 

Rin: MY GOAL... 


Now with a pocket of open space, outside the box, he sent a shot faster than any he had ever taken before. The amount of curvature alongside ball placement far exceeded his established specs. He had truly evolved into what he set himself out to be. 

However, life is unfair. In moments prior to him taking the shot, Shido had lunged forward and put everything into his slide tackle, lightly tapping the ball on its side. 

So, when the shot got closer and closer to the left corner of the goal, Fukaku dove to block it only to be an inch short. 


And yet, it didn't matter. Shido's desperate attempt to block it worked out in his favor. It cleanly hit the crossbar and bounced back into play. 

Shido: So close and yet so far~

Sae: Completely lukewarm. 


It cleanly landed at the feet of Shido who controlled it using his transcendent spatial awareness. Pushing past Rin, Shido joined Sae who pulled back and remained on Shido's side.

Rin, only caring for the destruction of those standing in his way, joined Kiyotaka's side as the two were quick on the uptake. The two looked at one another. There was no need for meaningless words. They knew what they had to do. 

With the final minute of the entire match looming among their heads, all four players glared at one another. 

For the one who regained his dream, he looked on vehemently for his counterattack, now with the ball at his grasp...

For the one who realized his ego and cast aside his past, he stayed true to his conviction and pushed forward, already attaining complete freedom.

For the one who didn't want to be left behind, he maniacally chuckled away, striving for his own release against his best friend...

And for the one who embraced his original self, rejecting everyone and everything, he stuck out his tongue and pierced through the front line all for the sake of ruining his brother's life...

In that moment, each and every one of them released 120% of their potential through their true flow. 

The fate of this match... that will change the world of Japanese football forever... would be determined by these egoists!



Time: 90 +2 min


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