Chapter 43: Chapter 42: The Last Strike
***Flashback to Earlier in the Match***
'Now at peace with his thoughts, Kiyotaka looked up at Isagi who was surprised to see him like this.
Isagi: S-Sorry for bothering you. Take all the time that you-
Kiyotaka: No it's fine. I was just thinking about it all and I'm finished pondering on meaningless things.
Getting up from the bench, he dried his face.
Kiyotaka: Also, Isagi. One thing.
Isagi: Hm?
Kiyotaka: I might need to rely on your strength during the second half. So be ready this time.
Leaving Isagi with goosebumps, Kiyotaka walked back into the locker room for the remainder of the time, as Isagi stood there, now lost in thought at the words uttered by his rival.'
***End of Flashback***
These four egoists, blessed by the rewards of their ego, charged into ground zero.
On the outskirts of their four-way battle, another egoist stared intently. With the way the match had gone, it would have been a stretch to call it an ideal performance for him.
Sure, he was a starter and assisted in whatever facet of the game was necessary, but the fact remains: he still hadn't scored his goal.
Isagi: (Kiyotaka gave me two chances to score and I fucked up both of them. Because of that, he used Baro, got into flow, and coerced Rin to do the same. Everything has been going exactly as he'd planned it. The best players in Blue Lock are just another piece of information for those eyes of his to manipulate. And since he didn't find me useful after my botched attempts, he's throwing me aside. Well, that stops now. You said it yourself, Kiyotaka. There's still time to be a hero.)
Back to the matchup that caused the entire stadium to quiet down and stand up for, Kiyotaka, Itoshi Sae, Itoshi Rin, and Shido began their battle.
All around them, the field broke apart and turned dark, with spotlights shining onto the four stars of this match.
Itoshi Sae, in possession of the ball, dribbled up and completed an array of stepovers only for Rin to see through it and crash into his side, his tongue sticking out profusely.
Noticing this fluctuation, Shido charged up followed by Kiyotaka who heavily guarded his dominate side.
Giving a slight tap forward, Shido was in a better position to guard it as he pushed through.
However, both Kiyotaka and Rin emerged side-by-side to trap him completely. While one confronted him from the front, the other glided through and reached his feet from the back.
Already accounting for this, Shido chuckled as Sae crashed through and retrieved the ball from his feet, pulling off Kiyotaka while Rin remained with Shido.
No words were exchanged because they were unnecessary. With barely a minute remaining now, the first to break through the mold would out the other end victorious.
Kiyotaka's eyes scanned his entire surroundings, taking into account Shido, Rin, and Sae. An air elastico followed by a back heel towards Shido, dispatched Kiyotaka as Shido used his superior strength to thrust through an open gap and past Itoshi Rin.
Kiyotaka cut through this very gap and slide tackled Shido, displacing the ball from his feet only for Itoshi Sae to jump over Kiyotaka's sliding body to retrieve the ball.
Before Sae could even venture forward, Rin glided across the side and in front of Sae, his tongue sticking out and his eyes vehemently staring into his very soul.
Despite the rivalry Kiyotaka and Rin had for one another, their insistence for a goal allowed for the two to for an unlikely duo.
However, this wasn't a chemical reaction by any means. It invertedly defied the norms Ego taught in regard to such chemical connections. Instead, it divulged into territorial escapades.
To call it anything other than an 'anti-chemical reaction' would do it a disservice.
Rin and Sae clashed once again, the silence of the audience being enough to hear the grunts and determined roars of these four egoists.
Completing a roulette and dozens upon dozens of multiple stepovers, Itoshi Sae finally opened his mouth.
Sae: Your determination doesn't matter. None of it matters. You're standing in front of my goal. So fuck off.
Rin: KILL!
Turning counterclockwise, and cutting through with a scissor dribble, Itoshi Sae finally snatched an inch of space.
Sae: I've cut off ties from you. I've already determined my own ego. And it doesn't involve you. I'm a striker.
Shido, completely open with no one else in sight, passed through. However, due to his own ego, Itoshi Sae was long past his intentions for an assist.
Using his acclaimed move, utilizing a speed not experienced before by Itoshi Rin, he nutmegged him cleanly through his legs and passing right through him.
Itoshi Sae had broken through-
Kiyotaka: Congratulations on finding your ego. But it's a little too late for redemption. Had you acted like a midfielder, you would have seen Shido wide open for a pass. Too bad.
Right from Sae's feet, the ball furiously left his feet as Kiyotaka dashed right out of the four-way battle, earning the title of the victor.
Both the U-20 team and the Blue Lock Eleven looked on vehemently at the game's masterpiece. The outcome of this clash was impossible to predict by anyone...
...except for two...
With Rin and Sae dead from the sequence, Kiyotaka stormed through, now instigating the final counterattack of the match.
Now taking the whole U-20 defense by surprise, Kiyotaka broke through and nutmegged Darai, breaking his ankles and leaving him squandering amongst the grass.
It was a beautiful sight, the sight of his final goal to make it a Hatrick.
All he needed was another dribble-
Bull rushing Kiyotaka, true flow Shido crashed into him and caused his dribble to go to the right, now arriving at the corner of the penalty box.
During the four-way clash, Shido believed with all his soul and being that Kiyotaka would leave their battle the winner. Understanding the outcome before it even happened,
Kiyotaka's path to his goal was effectively shut down.
Kiyotaka sighed.
Kiyotaka: Has the alluding rush of defeating me gone through your head so much that you've lost your spatial awareness?
Shido: What?
His eyes desperately looked over to Kiyotaka's feet and noticed the ball was long gone. His position also changed. He was falling over from overextending his body, putting it all for his phantom kick.
Kiyotaka: You defeated me. The chance of an accurate shot is already small at 10 percent and a conversion is even smaller. You stole my final goal. That much is certain. However, you assumed that I was obsessed solely for a goal. Sadly, I'm still a rational egoist.
Just seconds before Shido had intercepted Kiyotaka's position, he was completely seen through, plan and all. The Masterpiece's eyes saw through it all instantly.
In that moment, Kiyotaka betrayed his true ego. Going against his true purpose to score, he tricked him at the end of the line. In many ways, it was his match against Isagi in the third selection that truly made him understand this mindset.
Being guided by solely his ego costed him that match at the end. This time, he accepted the loss of this battle, and instead, peered through to see the bigger picture: a decisive win to the war. With everyone's hopes and dreams riding on this final attack, he chose to utilize his last tool.
In flow, this pass was Kiyotaka's best yet. Nothing before ever came close to its speed, placement, and perfection. It was too perfect to even enter the field of Shido's vision.
He looked rather helplessly, searching for the target of this ball. Could it be Rin? Or Baro? Or maybe even Nagi?
...the spoils of this pass...
...and the release of this nuclear explosion...
...belonged to the unknown, lukewarm, egoist who placed his trust in Kiyotaka the moment the four-way clash begun, or maybe even before that...
Aiku's eyes widened, as a figure passed through him almost seamlessly. Taking them all by surprise, the figure emerged past the defensive line, using his ambiguity and anonymous nature to his advantage. Now, only the goalkeeper stood in front of him.
The pass, now transcendent in all its facets and unparalleled by anything else mankind could comprehend, appeared right in front of him, hovering off the ground.
The other egoist who saw through the entire play, entrusted it all to Blue Lock's masterpiece, and used his lack of presence to peer through the U-20's watchtower...
Shido, Rin, Sae, and Aiku widened their eyes at the sight before them.
In the final second of the match, and the last pass Kiyotaka would send his way for the entire game, Isagi wouldn't make a mockery over this genius again.
Scoffing at Shido, he left a final dagger through his words.
Kiyotaka: You aren't the only person I can form a chemical reaction with.
Isagi utilized his direct shot, now finally understanding the intricacies of Kiyotaka's pass. Having experienced it twice before, the third time wouldn't be in vain.
The goalkeeper stood firm, his brain still processing Kiyotaka's dribbling from the right side despite it ending so long ago. Standing at the goal, he was as rigid as a tree.
Into the top, right corner, Isagi's shot cleaved through the goal as the final moments of the match came to a close.
***Blue Lock [5] - U-20 Japan [4]***
Kiyotaka rolled over and fell across the grass as Shido's eyes met his.
The masterpiece now rested on the ground in an X shape with his limbs extending outwards.
He had no smile, nor did he feel any form of happiness at the final attack. Instead, he uttered a single phrase.
Kiyotaka: Bittersweet... really bittersweet.
The match was now officially over as the crowd ripped out in a cheer that almost brought down the entire stadium.
Isagi's parents jumped out in praise for their son. The VIP booth his father inhabited remained empty and hollow, almost like it was vacant the entire time.
Kiyotaka's classmates erupted in applause for the conclusion of the match.
From the bench, Anri broke down into tears of joy as she dropped her board on the ground.
Ego, on the other hand, sat down with his eyes widened, and pumped out his fist, relishing in his complete victory.
Jumping onto Nagi and pumping out his fist, Isagi stood at the top of the world, finally exalting in his very own explosion.
The entire team, aside from Rin and Kiyotaka, joined Isagi in his praise as they cheered alongside him.
Shido looked down at Blue Lock's masterpiece, resting on the luscious and vibrant grass, almost akin to a final resting place.
On the Bland King's face remained only one thing: absolute relief.
Kiyotaka: It's all over.
Isagi continued his celebration as he slid across the grass, Bachira looming over him as he relished in the release of dopamine. He scored the most decisive and important goal of Blue Lock's history.
The conclusion of the match was met with an incredible amount of applause for the victors.
Shido knelt down next to Kiyotaka and offered him a hand up, to which the annoyed but calm Kiyotaka took.
Shido: That was fun, wasn't it?
Kiyotaka: Yeah, it really was the best.
Putting his arm over Shido's shoulder, surprising him, Kiyotaka slightly smiled.
Kiyotaka: Good to see you now back on the right side.
Giving him a firm but friendly noogie, Kiyotaka and Shido set aside it all and were glad to be reunited once again.
Shido: Doesn't it burn tho? Ya gave off that pass when you should have gotten a hatrick like me?
Kiyotaka sighed, looking at Isagi still celebrating his super goal.
Kiyotaka: It is rather irritating. But there's nothing I would change. The outcome is what I wanted. It's given us a next time. And in that next time, I'll make sure the one who scores the final goal will be me.
Shido snickered.
Shido: You're a whole fucking painting now, aren't ya?
Kiyotaka: What does that even mean?
Shido: Hehe, forget I said anything.
In the stands, Kiyotaka's name kept chanting and reverberating amongst the entire stadium. Despite Isagi taking the title of Blue Lock's ace with his final goal, he was recognized by the fans as the game's breakout star.
Kei: Kiyo!!!! You did it!!!! You won!!!
Hirata: Nice going, Ayanokouji!!!!! What a great game!!!
Sudo: Ayanokouji!!!! I knew you could do it!!!!
Ryuen: Thanks for the fucking money, you monster!!!! I'm rich!!!
Koenji: Ahaha, Ayanokouji-boy, splendidly done. It was a sight to behold~
Next to them, Kamuro waived, as Arisu had a visible blush and a vibrant smile.
Ichinose: Kiyo!!!
Shido, putting the pieces together, understood.
Shido: They're your classmates or something, right? So, which one is your girlfriend then?
Kiyotaka: Why does it matter?
Shido: Just wanna meet her. She must have seen a more 'loving' side of ya, hehe.
Kiyotaka: Weird...
Across the field, where the four-way clash was brought to a close, Rin remained looking in sheer disdain at the entire situation. Despite giving it his all, it ended up with Isagi of all people scoring and winning the match.
Itoshi Sae, his older brother, walked over to him. The final play did a number on him, as his ego for a goal was vanquished by the one, he was most interested all along. It left him confused at his own feelings.
But one thing was for certain.
Sae: Rin, I was wrong.
Rin: Huh? Ni-san?
Sae: I thought that Japan wasn't able to produce strikers at the world level. I thought it's beliefs would crush the semblances of talent that sprung out from this nation and ruin them. Blue Lock proved me wrong.
Rin: Ni-san...
Sae: Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, and Isagi Yoichi. With those two, Japan might have a chance at the World Cup.
He smiled.
Sae: They can lead this desolate excuse of a country to the glory it has only been able to dream of till now.
Rin: Huh...
Rin's face, along with the many blood vessels inside his body, contracted and winced at the words his brother told him. An unspeakable amount of rage and anger built over and would eventually topple and explode.
The bench, alongside the rest of the subs, had already charged into the pitch to congratulate Isagi on his goal.
However, after his first wave of euphoria passed him, he realized how it was all possible because of another.
He ran over to Kiyotaka who was walking side-by-side with Shido.
Isagi: Kiyotaka! I'm.. sorry-
Before he could finish his answer, Kiyotaka used his fingers to flick his forehead, causing a slight red bump to appear.
Isagi: OW! What was that for?
Kiyotaka: That's for talking like a retard.
Isagi: Huh?
Kiyotaka: Why are you going to apologize? Are you insinuating I made a mistake placing my trust in your shot?
Isagi: No that's not what I meant-
Kiyotaka: If I wanted to, I could have shot it myself. You don't need to be sorry for me. I just decided to gift you a goal for your troubles. I'm satisfied enough with two.
But that was a lie.
Kiyotaka: You took advantage of the chaos I started, and you put yourself into the perfect position for a pass. Simple as that.
Putting his hand on Isagi's head, he ruffled up his hair.
Kiyotaka: However, don't think I'm going to let you take the spotlight again. You and me are rivals. Next time, I'll make sure to bury you in a grave, myself.
Isagi: Hehe, so you consider me a threat now? That's fantastic. So, watch your back. I'm going to surpass you soon, masterpiece.
Aiku, alongside the remainder of the U-20 team walked over to Isagi, Shido, and Kiyotaka.
Aiku: We lost fair and square. It doesn't get any better than that.
Holding out his hand to Kiyotaka, he shook it.
Kiyotaka: You were incredible. I hadn't gone up against an actual defender before. The information I collected from you was pretty useful.
Aiku: Hm?
Itoshi Sae, after his conversation with Rin, walked over to Kiyotaka as Aiku spoke with Isagi.
Sae: I lost. I'm not meant to be a striker. Our last matchup showed it. I will still act as a midfielder. At least I can say I gave it a second try and put everything for my goal. So, I don't regret a thing. However, more importantly, this match opened yourself up to the world's viewing.
Kiyotaka: What do you mean by that?
Sae: Let's just say you better get an agent soon. You're going to need it with all the bids that might come in.
He sighed and held out his hand.
Sae: So, are we good? No hard feelings?
Shido: Hm, whatcha think Kiyo~? You're still gonna hold a grudge?
Kiyotaka slightly smiled.
Kiyotaka: I leveled up a bit thanks to you so I can't find myself holding a grudge. I did win him back in the end. We can bury the hatchet.
Accepting his handshake, the two grew a resounding respect for one another.
Raichi ran over to Kiyotaka and Isagi.
Raichi: You guys! Those press fucks want you!
Isagi: Huh? Me?
Raichi: And you too, Kiyotaka. Get over there!
Kiyotaka sighed.
Kiyotaka: Seems about right. It's necessary to start building a brand right now.
Isagi: But what do I even say?
Kiyotaka: Just tell them what you basically told me. Grow a backbone. How are you going to tell me off and not a journalist?
As Kiyotaka was about to walk on his own, Shido went underneath him and lifted him up, giving him a piggyback ride.
Kiyotaka: Can you put me down? What do you think you're doing?
Shido: To the winner goes the spoils. Just think of me as your personal carriage~
From the crowd, Kiyotaka met eyes with Kei and the others who were surprised at the closeness he had been exhibiting with Shido. All the same, they were running down the bleachers and attempting to get into the field.
There was something else Kiyotaka noticed as well. Looking up at the VIP booth, there was no one inside. It was completely vacant.
Kiyotaka: (Strange, did he leave already?)
Atsuomi Ayanokouji looked on from his seat as his son, Kiyotaka, mocked him with a gesture of his own after his super goal. With the score tied, and the reveal of his true ego to his father, this was enough.
Shattering the entire bottle of wine on the ground, in slight irritation, Atsuomi fixed his suit and was heading for the exit.
Batistuta: H-Hey, Professor Ayanokouji. Where are you going?
Atsuomi: Consider my ongoing support of your union over. It's obvious my son is going to take back the lead and win at this rate. I don't need to see anymore.
Batistuta: But-
Leaving without uttering another word, Atsuomi called for his transport, informing that only he would be returning.
After a stroll through the back of the stadium, he looked over at the television screens posted, showing the final attack between his son, and three others.
Seeing his son, with all his determination, unearthed something deep in his psyche.
So, he decided to let his transport wait, and he stood there, watching the final minute of the match.
With Kiyotaka's pass and Isagi's goal, the match concluded in Kiyotaka's favor.
He sighed.
Atsuomi: That isn't my son anymore. Someone choosing to indulge in something so small-minded and niche given all their talent was never my son to begin with. He's shown me that much already with his last outburst.
Staring at his son, with his body now resting on the grass, Atsuomi did admit one thing.
Atsuomi: Maybe it's for the best that it happened. I'll just have to move on. You've already attracted too many eyes on you as is. At the very least, you're still wired to win. Not bad.
With the match ending, Atsuomi fixed himself and walked out of the stadium where an array of black cars was waiting for him.
One of the operatives provided some news to Professor Ayanokouji.
???: Sir, Yagami's injury was substantial, an ACL tear. It'll take close to 9 months before he can return to his feet.
Atsuomi: He's outlived his usefulness. I've already paid for his treatment. He won't be returning to the Whiteroom. Defective products like him and Kiyotaka will not desecrat our reputation anymore.
At the request of the media at large, both Kiyotaka and Isagi walked over to an array of reporters, cameras, and an entire set created on stage for their interviews. Shido dropped off Kiyotaka as he took a step away, giving the spotlight over to the pair.
Isagi: Um, I'm getting nervous...
Kiyotaka: Then I'll go first.
Stepping forward, Kiyotaka stood in front of the camera as the journalist put a mic to his face and began asking him questions regarding the match, for the millions upon millions of people around the world to better understand Blue Lock's masterpiece.
All the while, the JFU chairman himself, Batistuta walked forward and held a small, golden soccer ball for a trophy.
Incredibly red with rage, he tried his best to appear well for the cameras.
Batistuta: An... incredible performance. Here you are, your very first man of the match award-
Kiyotaka: Strange, why is Itoshi Sae's name engraved in the trophy? You really didn't have that much faith in us, did you chairman?
A vein almost popped open, but he held it all in, almost slurring his words from the rage.
Batistuta: An honest mistake-
Kiyotaka: And just pure stupidity as well. But what do I know? I'm not the one in charge of Japanese football.
The journalists and media alike were eating the whole situation up like vultures.
Isagi: (Eh? Tone it down, Kiyotaka.)
Journalist: So, you wouldn't mind answering a few questions for the millions of new fans that watched you play, do you, Kiyotaka?
Kiyotaka: Not at all. Fire away.
Journalist: When you celebrated your second goal, you gave a thumbs down gesture at the VIP booth. What did you mean to say through that celebration?
Kiyotaka: There's nothing to it. I just told the JFU union chairman and the sponsor he was sniveling to grab a bribe from, to fuck off.
Sweat profusely fell down the journalist's neck, nervous at the words coming out from Kiyotaka's mouth.
Journalist: Um... next question: You seemed to be very close to Ryusei Shido, the U-20 striker who scored a Hatrick. Was he also a part of Blue Lock?
Kiyotaka: Yes, he was. We faced each other many times. He's another of Blue Lock's gems. And this match was just evidence for that.
Journalist: And one final question: Your new fans want to hear your goals moving forward. What are they?
Kiyotaka: The Blue Lock program is sure to continue after this victory so I'm going to win it and become Japan's star striker. Although this match does allow us to join the ranks of the U-20, this is still too minor of a goal.
Journalist: Really?
Kiyotaka stared right at him.
Kiyotaka: I won't be relegated as a passer next time just to secure a win. I'll be scoring the game's most decisive goals from now on. Anything else is unacceptable.
Journalist: Oh... uh thank you Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. Congratulations on the victory and good luck for whatever your future brings you!
Walking right past Isagi with his reward, He glared at him.
Kiyotaka: You're up next, egoist.
Isagi: Right... (Of course, he'd secure Man of the Match. Aside from Rin's goal, he was directly involved in every other one either scoring or assisting. That's my rival for you.)
Taking a step forward, Isagi stared at the camera in front of him, all the while still getting jitters.
Journalist: Ah! Here he is! Isagi Yoichi, who scored the decisive goal for the Blue Lock Eleven. Please let us know your feelings on the match just now!
Isagi: Um... I'm very happy... yeah.
Jounalist: It appears your win today will allow you to enter the U-20 team. Do you want to share what your goals are from now on?
Isagi: (Goals... 'From now on?')
Audience: ISAGI!!! ISAGI YOICHI!!!!
Just like Kiyotaka before him, Isagi won the crowd with his final goal, allowing the world to hear his name.
Isagi: Blue Lock will win... the U-20 World Cup. We will... no that's not quite right...
With the interviews over, Kiyotaka and Isagi left the Journalist there.
Shido jumped in and wrapped Kiyotaka with his right arm across his shoulder.
Shido: Ah shucks Kiyo~. You didn't need to compliment me so much.
Kiyotaka: A Hatrick deserves flowers. You were incredible all the same.
Isagi: I'll go ahead. Also seems like you got a couple of more fans, Kiyotaka.
Kiyotaka: Hm?
Class 2-B(Previously Class D): AYANOKOUJI!!!!!
Shido: Eh?
Kei: Kiyo!
Coming through and hugging him, the rest of the class huddled up around Kiyotaka and bombarded him with an array of questions. They had ran down into the field amidst the chaotic ending, all to embrace this new Ayanokouji.
From behind the initial group, Kiyotaka met eyes with Arisu who smiled and waved.
Kei started slightly crying.
Kei: So, you were participating in a soccer program of all things? I know you told me about joining the soccer club, but this isn't the same. Ah, mou!
Shido: Eh, she's kinda clingy.
Hirata: That was an amazing match, Ayanokouji. I got literal chills. Had I known you were this good, I would have tried to recruit you, hehe.
Sato: Ayanokouji-kun. I know it isn't really the time or place but who's this person to you?
Shido: This person's got a name, shorty~. It's Ryusei Shido. Kiyo only really told me bout his girlfriend. I didn't know he was so beloved.
Kiyotaka: Kei, lift up your head.
Kei: Hm?
Kiyotaka: I Have something to tell you.
Taking her hands off his body, she looked confused.
Horikita, Sudo and the others only stared on as the situation turned slightly awkward.
Bowing down, Kiyotaka gave her a taste of reality.
Kiyotaka: Joining Blue Lock was something I did of my own volition after my expulsion. I didn't have any passion for the sport, nor did I care about its goal in the first place. I was able to contact you during the program, which was a bonus but aside from that, it was all for survival. But I changed. I decided to instead cast aside everything that held value from my past and to look forward to the future.
Raising his head, he smiled slightly.
Kiyotaka: So, our relationship is over. If I'm going to take it seriously, I don't need any distractions. I'm glad you all supported me through the match, but it doesn't do anything for me. I have much to improve on and it starts by cutting you all off. You're welcome to watch me in the future. I don't care.
Shocked and utterly betrayed, Kei slapped her ex-boyfriend across the face as tears of anger now went down her face.
His entire class soon turned against him, all of them ganking on him for hurting Kei's feelings and breaking up in the way he did.
Arisu couldn't stop herself from laughing as she chuckled to herself from the background. Ryuen couldn't care less as he was about to cash in on his jackpot of a bet.
Koenji took this time to show off his body in the distance, not caring for the theatrics.
Kiyotaka stood there and took the brunt of the attacks.
Rushing through and sweeping Kiyotaka off his feet and into Shido's arms, he dashed out of the chaos and towards the locker-room, holding his prize the bridal way.
Kiyotaka: Put me down. If I wanted to run away I would have. I was just ready to take the brunt of the consequence-
Shido: Fuck the consequences and fuck them bitches. We're leading a new and exciting life without them, hehehe. Let's dip!
Kiyotaka sighed.
Kiyotaka: This is very uncomfortable.
Kei, amongst the crowd, screamed out.
Shido grinned.
Shido: Hehehe~, I'm honored you think that, Ms. Ex. But sadly, he still hasn't accepted my release~
Kiyotaka: ...
Shido sprinted forward, leaving the rest in the dust, with Kiyotaka annoyingly in his arms.