Chapter 41: Make of the villain's weapon 6 (Ganja's Dream)
"Huh!?" Emma looked at her father in surprise. "No!" she muttered lowly, understanding what was going to happen.
She immediately rushed in front of Chiron's feet, "Please! Master Chiron, you can't take My father from me. Please! he is all I have left."
Emma pleaded while hugging Chiron's leg with tears in her eyes.
However, Chiron did not bother looking at her. He only turned his head to Ganja, and then he sighed melancholically, "Who ever said I was going to take your father from you?"
Emma heard this and froze. Now, she was even more confused about what was going on.
Seeing her confusion, Ganja stepped forward to explain, holding her hands tightly in his.
"The set of Runes that have been carved on this blade needs the Heart-Blood of the Blacksmith that made it. It is either that or a thousand human heart-blood to activate the sword."
"Then, are you saying that you are sacrificing yourself for other people?" Emma asked in confusion.
Ganja shook his head vigorously, "That's not it! I'm not so selfless as to sacrifice myself for others. I'm sure you know this too."
"Then...then..." she stammered, "then Why?" she asked holding back her sobs.
However, Ganja lifted her chin up. He had an incredible smile on his face, "because I want to."
"Huh!?" Ganja's reply left a surprised look on her face.
Ganja understood her confusion and explained.
"I'm a man. And like any ambitious man, I have dreams. Most men never have the privilege of seeing the accomplishment of their dreams till the day they die. But me, I not only dreamt, saw, but I finally accomplished it."
Ganja saw she did not understand, so he explained further, "I toiled for a long time until I lost everything just to create the Greatest forging technique and the greatest sword. The gods finally found me worthy and sent Master Chiron my way. I worked on the technique he provided, and now I have perfected it and even forged the greatest sword. I have witnessed the birth of a weapon that sits above the use of beast cores for its perfection. I'm...FULFILLED."
Those words sounded weird in Emma's ears, but she could actually see the look in her father's eyes. He really did feel fulfilled.
For the years she had known him, he had always been mostly grumpy and only ever smiled when he told stories about the Dwarf country or his dream of achieving the greatest forging technique.
However, she had to admit that these last seven days were probably the happiest she had ever seen her father in her entire life. and now, even in the face of death, he was still smiling.
"Do you understand now!?" He asked as he turned her cheek towards Chiron, "You and I just witnessed the start of a Great legend. Deep down, I have a feeling that master Chiron is far more capable of just using The Ancient language of Laws. Can't you see!? I have been given the opportunity to become part of his legend. One day, when people mention his name, they will call the name of the Blacksmith that forged his weapon. And that will be... GANJA!"
Ganja looked up, and slowly closed his eyes. His mind went back to his days in the Dwarf country. He was definitely not the best or the brightest.
In fact, he was usually far behind in his classes. He was below average and only barely made it through the cut-off mark for coming out a blacksmith or as it was called in the Dwarf land, a Forge master.
With all his hard work over the years, he would have been considered a somewhat above-average forge master at best in the dwarf country. This of course was a great improvement from what he used to be.
But in this land he moved to, he was considered the best. This was the reason he was never satisfied with any sword he created. In his eyes, it was all below standard. In a word, it was...TRASH.
He knew deep down that if he was to go back with any of the so-called swords he had ever made, he would at most be applauded for the effort, but that would not cut it for the ranks of being the best.
And so, more than anything, he wanted to achieve greatness. Be the best and show those ones that laughed at him back home. He wanted their praise and the adoration of the generations that would come after.
And now, Chiron had presented him with the opportunity for this. However, his job would not be finished if the sword was not activated.
And if the sword was not activated, that simply meant that he had not created the greatest sword of all time.
Of course, he was scared of death, but more than anything, he was scared of dying a nobody.
As the saying went: "To have a name without fame was like having Fire without Flame."
If anyone had told him many years ago that he would actively seek death, he would have said it was a lie, but here he was, very ready to die.
Then again, for some weird reason he could not explain, he was proud to do it. Although he would not be there to see it, he could still close his eyes and imagine the look on the faces of his kin back home, when Chiron moved around the world and this sword caused chaos.
Oh! the joy of knowing it was by his tireless working hands.
He already poured his sweat, family, and hope into this dream. At this point, putting his Heart-Blood was just Icing on the cake.
He looked once more at his daughter, "I envy you, Emma! My name will be on every lip, but your eyes will be privileged to see the legend in action. Just remember one thing. No matter what happens, never take your eyes off Master Chiron. If not, the next time you look, he might have become too bright. Always stay by his side."
Ganja stroked her hair softly like he always had. This was a touch she had missed for a long time. The same one he used to give her when he told his stories those many years ago.
Ganja stood up and turned his back to his daughter, "I'm ready Master Chiron. I only ask that you grant me two requests. The first is that My daughter continues to serve in my place and the second concerns my..."